Calling all Geeky Weridos



  • blen85
    blen85 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm definitely a nerd.

    I love star wars, harry potter, twilight, and i like watching weird shows like my crazy obsession and my strange addiction haha.

    I also loveeeee zombie shows like the walking dead!!

    Please add me if you'd like (:
  • lulu_1
    lulu_1 Posts: 100
    Hello, i am the devil
  • Ohjeezitskim
    Ohjeezitskim Posts: 129 Member
    I been called weird but I don't know how to describe i... I know I'm geeky, somewhat. I love computers and video games..and super heros! I'm a paranoid everyone and Bigfoot is put to get me! I'm not a twi-tard but I do like twilight. I love hunger games and cats and dogs... I laugh at just about anything unless I'm pmsing and I just get annoyed At everything. Lol yeah I don't know :P
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    I suck at computer things (not a nerd in that respect?) so I don't know how to respond to some of you individually.

    As far as the nerdmetal goes, I do have some Tyr albums (Tyr being the Norse god of war) and they are a little slow and grindy for me, but I do enjoy listening. Amon Amarth (Mount Doom in Tolkien-speak) is pretty awesome, but the singer does the cookie monster growling thing so much that I can't listen for too long (like I said, I'm not THAT into metal). I'm listening to Skyclad right now, which I think just about everyone in this forum could get into. They are classified as Folk Metal, but are way more folk than metal (a lot of fiddle and keyboard). Broca's Helm is also awesomeness and they've been around since the 80s. I suppose I could also recommend Symphony X for their concept album The Odyssey, if you're a nerd for Greek mythology and have ever pictured yourself clutching a spear to shortly be hurled at some ridiculous enemy.

    But for my money, The Lord Weird Slough Feg is absolutely WHERE IT'S AT! They have typical heavy metal sensibilities in terms of their instrumentation (think Queensryche or Iron Maiden). They aren't way guitar-solo-heavy, which I like. They're very rhythmic. And, in my opinion, I've never heard a singer like Mike Scalzi (used to also sing for Hammers of Misfortunte). His writing and lyrics are just amazing. His vocals are seriously cool and even operatic / dramatic at times (insane laughter, screaming in agony)

    Check these album titles:

    Down Among the Deadmen, The Slay Stack Grows and Twilight of the Idols (all references to the Slaine comic series, as is the band name itself...such notable tracks as Brave Connor Mac, Sky Chariots, Warriors Dawn, Troll Pack, Psionic Illumination, Gunboats and Traders, Heavy Metal Monk...the list goes on).

    Ape Uprising (just awesome in itself)

    Traveler (a reference to, and storyline built within, the Traveler universe, a tabletop roleplaying game set in outer space...sort of like D&D...but in outer space)

    Atavism (which has the songs Eumaeus the Swineherd and Curse of Athena, both depictions of scenes from The Odyssey; as well as Starport Blues, which is just so groovy)

    I highly, highly recommend anyone listening to them, even those of you who don't like heavy metal, but can enjoy some rocking music. Great times and a great inspiration to read the Slaine series. Their songs are all about crazy warriors and battles in space. Truly nerdy for something as masculine as heavy metal.

    Sorry for this long post.

    P.S. Anyone who is already into Slough Feg, please just go ahead and friend me.
  • TeamEdwardJenn
    TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
    I sometimes like to fall asleep to " Conan the Barbarian" lol i dunno its comforting..

    I love Super Heros!! My favs Batman , Superman and Han Solo :)

    I also like to talk in different accents my faviorte is Brittish & grannie
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Steam addict, add me! confusedtruffle
    Love D&D.. Shamans all day!


    What version do you play?

    I always gravitated toward Bards. In fact, I'm struggling to come up with the last D&D character I had that wasn't a bard... Though, I must admit I have been playing more Shadowrun and Exalted of late.
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    Steam addict, add me! confusedtruffle
    Love D&D.. Shamans all day!


    What version do you play?

    I always gravitated toward Bards. In fact, I'm struggling to come up with the last D&D character I had that wasn't a bard... Though, I must admit I have been playing more Shadowrun and Exalted of late.

    I play Forgotten Realms. I used to play an Elven Ranger Rogue until I got hit with a level 30 vampire curse. Now I'm stuck with the damn thing. T__T My group also hasn't played since before Christmas, which is a little sad.
  • TeamEdwardJenn
    TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
    Ive always wanted to D&d I even have rolled up charcters and my hubby is a DM but im to scared being so tubbby i know ppl would be like " Fat Newb" its the same with Larping i dont want to be judged soley on my chubbyness , even though my hubb says the chubby girls show their chest more so i should def do it , But its just a hang up of mine

    Im also a beginer magic player
  • Aureilie
    Aureilie Posts: 213 Member
    I suppose I should list some of my qualifications? I'm an IT Manager and am marrying marrying a Systems Engineer/Programmer/Forensic Computer Examiner. I have a Horde tattoo (I played WoW seriously for almost 7 years). My cats names are Kilo, Echo, Tango and Zulu because I like the phonetic alphabet. In high school I passed notes- in binary. I taught myself various web based languages when I was 11 because I wanted my own Sailor Moon website. In college Friday nights were spent drinking and playing d20 Modern. I love to read and I know more about Napoleon Bonaparte (and his horse, Marengo) than any sane person ever should. Everyone has a favourite dictator, right?
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Falling asleep to Conan the Barbarian! Ha! I guess I'm guilty there, too. My fiancee will attest to the fact that I used to fall asleep to Conan, the LOTR trilogy and the original Star Wars trilogy. You can probably also add Willow and a few other random ones. Good times, people!
  • defeatmylazyself
    defeatmylazyself Posts: 17 Member

    star wars, reading, computer games, work in a comic shop, wore socks that look like the Portal 2 boots yesterday. ^^
  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 140 Member
    Xbox gamer tag is RckPaperShotgun. I'm a HUGE L4D, Bioshock (I can't wait till september) and Diablo freak. My husband was a computer programmer and we held a 'reception' on Sony online for our gamer friends during our wedding. I love LOTR and have read the books and watched the movies at least a dozen times. (I still want them to make 'the hobbit'!!!) I love Dr. Who and got my husband a sonic screwdriver for Christmas. *Love you thinkgeek* :) I've been kicked out of Walmart for dressing up like the Easter bunny. I'm addicted to the show Supernatural (I'd totally bone Dean if my hubby would let me) I was captain of Academic Quiz Bowl and Odyssey of the Mind where we built a working robot that walked, talked, and popped pills while we did a skit involving someone who only spoke through sporadic leg movements. Need I say more?

    Oh and did I mention that reddit and Fark are my other favorite websites.
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    Ive always wanted to D&d I even have rolled up charcters and my hubby is a DM but im to scared being so tubbby i know ppl would be like " Fat Newb" its the same with Larping i dont want to be judged soley on my chubbyness , even though my hubb says the chubby girls show their chest more so i should def do it , But its just a hang up of mine

    Im also a beginer magic player

    You just gotta find the right group. And if they want to be like that, have a backup character who is a cleric and just don't heal them when they need it. That's typically the best way to get back at a player. Lmao.

    Either that, or take on the feat of Poison Mastery (I think that's what it was) and dump something nasty in someone's drink. Doesn't have to kill them, but it could have some nasty side effects. ;) Worked in my group.
  • wolfehound22
    Hells ya,

    Love video games, wrote for a video game website for a few years. Currently obsessed with Doctor Who, and anything with superheros, hoping to make it to Comic Con in Pittsburgh this year.

    Also love pretty much anything scifi or fantasy, not really into MMO though, I have to many other games I have to play. Also spend all day working on a computer, so theres that :), add me
  • jppd47
    jppd47 Posts: 737 Member
    Neverwinter nights, elder scrolls, read forgotten realms books almost inclusively.

    No Xena fans?

    For tv if I'm not watching cartoons with my daughter, its mostly History or science documentaries
    Love the universe.
  • wolfehound22
    Also forgot to mention, I'm super into comic books now, as well as the Walking Dead. I've watched every ep, read every comic, read the novel, pretty much if it has Walking Dead on it I buy it :)
  • defeatmylazyself
    defeatmylazyself Posts: 17 Member
    Xena rocks! Also Elder Scrolls ^^ my tank in Skyrim got drunk the other night when Lydia was killed while we were freeing Thorvald Greymane and hijinks ensued :D
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Yeah I fall into that geeky category with a little nerd on the side and a sprinkling of dork too.

    I have those cape socks also - I wear one of the Batman and one of the Robin - they are the dynamic duo!

    I also wear my Superman with my Wonderwoman :-)

    Dude, I didn't even THINK about mix and match! That's awesome!
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    .... i married a man with an engineering degree and the majority of our "arguments" regularly contain the word "technically..." with an explanation.
    I'm the one with the engineering degree(s); my BF is the one who dresses up as a Klingon. We never really argue much - we usually either agree with each other to start with or quickly agree to differ.

    However, there is one subject that we have agreed is untouchable, on the grounds that our emotions on the subject just run way too high and neither of us ever wants to get into that sort of highly charged conflict again. It's not sex, not money, not even my weight...

    It's the utility and appropriateness of the gold standard for backing currency.

    Welcome to Nerdville. :)