Vegetarians (?) & Venting



  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    When I was first a vegetarian I ate just like that. I didn't like veggies at the time and no one was forcing me to eat them. When I became a vegetarian no one b!tched at me because I didn't eat my veggies since It is none of their business :huh:

    Ditto to the first part and WORD to the second! It's nice to care about your loved ones and want to see them be healthy and well - but if they're not, they're not.
  • nvanhar
    nvanhar Posts: 3 Member
    Convince her to watch the food documentary "Forks Over Knives" and see what she thinks then...
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Unfortunately it sounds like she thinks she's healthy and it's unlikely she'll change, especially because you want her to. It's great to be there for her but if you push too hard, she may become even more resistant. Perhaps you could cook up some yummy vegetarian meal the next time she comes for dinner, that is balanced and healthy? Maybe it will help show her to incorporate more healthy foods into her diet.
  • I am a vegetarian also, and I am on MFP trying to lose weight. I don't eat meat because I cannot eat an animal. I agree that being vegetarian does not mean "healthy". I do eat fruits and vegetables on a daily basis but I also eat pie, cookies, chocolate and a whole slew of other things that are not healthy. Maybe in her mind she really is doing the "right thing" for her body. I think you can only hope that she will eventually see that her habits are not healthy after, all and make some adjustments. Otherwise, there really isn't anything you can do about it.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you ask her what she wants to eat, she'll tell you. I would have probably said beans too if you were making chicken tacos. If you want to treat her to healthy foods, cook a meal you know is vegetarian without asking her what she wants. If she won't eat it because it is healthy, not your problem. As long as you cook it vegetarian, you are respecting her.

    *This is coming from a vegan. I never expect food that I can eat so I bring my own. When someone goes to the trouble to find me vegan food that is gluten free, it is exciting and special and I happily try it.

    **She may have also been trying to make things easy for you. Asking for beans and then other ingredients that you would already be using could have been a way to try to avoid a PITA vegetarian reaction. Which is why a lot of vegetarians are quick to get offended, btw. People feel free to question our choices but would get very, very, very uppity should we do the same back.
  • This is definitely not just a vegetarian issue. I think we need to stop picking on the "junk-food eating" vegetarians. Just because you don't eat meat, doesn't mean you are healthy. There are many different reasons to be a vegetarian. Some people don't eat meat simply because it doesn't taste good to them and it has nothing to do with overall health.

    It seems like your family member chose to rule out meat because it caused a death in her family. People tend to choose one evil to focus on and avoid that thing like the plague. It used to be fat, now its carbs. Since when are carbs the devil? Fruits and veggies have lots of carbs. A Wendy's double bacon cheeseburger without the bun is still unhealthy. Just because something has protein in it, does not automatically make it good for you. I've seen so many "omnivore" food diaries on here that consist solely of garbage food but consider themselves to be "dieting". Everyone needs a well rounded, diverse diet in order to get enough nutrients. I agree, vegetarians should incorporate vegetables into their diets but so should everyone. I don't think you would have anything to say about her if she ate meat.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Ok. So I've got a family member that SWEARS she is a vegetarian now.... Only problem is... She doesn't even eat vegetables!?!?!

    Seriously? I told her I was making chicken tacos for the rest of the family (they are coming for a visit) and what would she like to have on hand for HER to eat? She says "Buy a can of beans. I'm going to have beans, cheese, and some lettuce as a taco."
    Is this even a meal? I'm NOT a vegetarian. I'm a meat eater, so I honestly have no clue.

    While my cupboards are full of dried beans, rice, oatmeal, whole wheat pastas, etc. My fridge is stocked with fresh fruits, veggies, dairy, eggs, and the like & yes. My freezer has meats and frozen veggies.
    I know that HER cupboards are full of hostess snack cakes, High sugar cereals (think Fruit Loops, & Captain Crunch) & white bread. Her blender is full of snack size candy bars. The freezer has tater tots, hash browns, toaster waffles, & 4 different half gallon flavors of Ice Cream. The fridge is cheese, corn tortillas, 4 things of mayo, chocolate milk, and Sunny-D.
    Now, I already said I'm not vegetarian, but I'm also not completely stupid. She's been eating this way (what she calls her "Healthy Diet") since 2008 when a family member died from heart disease she swears was caused by consumption of meats.
    I've TRIED talking to her (this isn't healthy for you. Just LOOK at all the chemicals!!). I've tried setting a good example of things she might like to try (took her to a vegan restaurant- which I thought was actually pretty yummy) she refused to try ANYTHING! At "normal" restaurants ordering something colorful that has one of every food group, taking her shopping with me and reading the labels....
    I'm at a loss as to what to DO with her. I'm afraid for her health (she has been sick more in the last 4 years than the rest of the 11 years I've known her), her cholesterol is through the ROOF (and she can't figure out why) and the Dr. is threatening drug therapy, she's gained just shy of 20lbs from the beginning of last summer to now.
    I can't approach her eating habits directly (I've tried). She gets defensive and says that I'm "Picking on her because I don't like vegetarians" <-- NOT true.
    I try to buy good food for her house(telling her it's for me & my kids, but making sure there will be "left overs") & she gives it away when we leave. Even the KIDS have tried talking to her (Hey, can we have veggies today instead of chocolates?) and she acts like they don't know what they're talking about. Her brother (my husband & her favorite sibling) has tried talking to her about it. Her sisters. Her mother. Her friends.
    I am afraid that I may just scream at her the next time she says she's a vegetarian now. HOW can you be a vegetarian if you REFUSE to even EAT Vegetables?!?!?!?!?!

    Ok. My rant is done. Thanks for "listening". Any helpful suggestions?

    Even though shes is vegetarian she has unhealthy eating habits. Vegetarian is just a way of eating but doesn't necessarily mean its healthy, you still got to eat balance and eat things right for you. All it means is she isn't eating meat but still eating loads of food that are unhealthy in big quantities. Maybe you can show her MFP where she can keep track of some components that she feels would help her becoming healthier and then she can see what she is eating isn't necessarily the better route. BTW, the beans, cheese and lettuce can be a nice meal. I'm not a vegetarian and I would eat that as a meal. Beans are a good item as a main dish which is why many vegetarians eat them.