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I miss the way I used to eat....And I feel worse now then I



  • ByrdMessy
    ByrdMessy Posts: 94
    I always go over my sugar limit as to what MFP tells me. So that in turn makes me feel as though I should stop eating for the day.

    Everyone's body is different, though. It might be perfectly OK for you to eat more natural sugars than MFP suggests--don't let a machine dictate your happiness. You can talk to a Dr. and discuss changing the goals you have set for daily nutrition. Staying under 16g of fiber seems impossible, but I wouldn't dare stop eating because of it. Some sites recommend more than twice that anyway, so I'm OK with too much fiber! If it's an ongoing problem, then you'll want to pre-plan and focus on whichever bothers you most, maybe sugar.

    Don't forget! Your body has changed a lot already--have you tried going back and resubmitting your weight and goals? Your net calorie intake might have altered in order to keep losing, but more importantly, your goals will be different now.
  • GoalSixPack
    GoalSixPack Posts: 60 Member
    Should open your food diary, so we can help you and see what your eating. Sounds like your just starving yourself and not eating.

    I my self was at 220 as of may 23 2011. I am at 179 and almost took me a year to drop about the same weight as you. Lost very little muscle. Guessing a lot of your weight loss might be muscle due to lack of food.
  • DogsK
    DogsK Posts: 94
    Perhaps you need to seek more professional help like a dietician or personal trainer.
  • ByrdMessy
    ByrdMessy Posts: 94
    I don't mean to post three in a row, but one last suggestion (and I hope I'm being helpful) is to expand your food repertoire. I went grocery shopping today after work and was able to come home to a meal of cottage cheese with strawberries and blackberries in a multigrain tortilla. Yuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmm. If that doesn't work for you, the other wrap I had today was a multigrain tortilla with spinach and artichoke hommus, carrots and avocado. Both were exciting and if you get the portions right, filling and healthy. Instead of fish, try cooking tofu in a little buffalo sauce. Another recent favorite was making a deviled egg with laughing cow cheese and spices. Mushrooms sauteed in lemon are AWESOME. Try different kinds of nuts and beans, greek yogurt, and don't forget salsa--so few calories, such big taste. Find a way to make food something you look forward to and make your entire family jealous of what you're eating.
  • Some of you are missing the point. I miss eating things I ate before I lost the weight. For example (and since it's Easter and I'm missing out on all of my favorite things) jelly beans,marshmallow peeps, cookies, brownies, Pizza, wings, hamburgers ect. Yes it's ok it eat in moderation but, for example, a moderation for peeps is like 1 peep. That would make me miss them even more. And I already do plan ahead. Sometimes I plan up to a week ahead and follow that plan verbatim.
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    One word comes to mind: therapy. ((hugs)) Don't be so hard on yourself! :flowerforyou:
  • Heartpath
    Heartpath Posts: 33
    Food can have emotional meaning, too, such as the tradition of Easter or feeling included by your family in what they eat. I'm sorry they aren't supportive. When you take away the "friend" that food is, but you don't substitute in something else, then it makes sense that you feel lonely and sad. Here was this thing that was always available and made you feel better, just because it tastes good and fills your stomach and maybe is tied to situations that feel good. What are you doing, other than food, that makes you happy? You lost the weight, thinking that it would make things better, but what does "better" mean for you, in practical terms? And what can you do to get there? What can you add into your life?
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    I was a very depressed person BEFORE I started dieting. I thought that if I looked good I would magically feel better about myself, and to tell you all the truth I feel worse now then I ever have. I'm so stressed, and my body always acts negitively when junk food enters my system. My family and friends all sit around eating whatever they want and I'm stuck eating a 4oz peice of fish and a salad. It's killing me. And no they won't join me on this diet, I don't have that kind of family. And now I'm stuck with feeling like this because if I start eating like I did I will feel so guilty and feel even worse.

    I think thats what the other MFP member was talking about. You may have emotional issues that need to be addressed, losing weight isn't going to matter if you haven't addressed the real issues. If you feel very deprived with your eating do what some do on here and have a cheat day where you don't log, sort of like a vacation from your dieting.
  • CrazyMidget611
    CrazyMidget611 Posts: 102 Member
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Some of you are missing the point. I miss eating things I ate before I lost the weight. For example (and since it's Easter and I'm missing out on all of my favorite things) jelly beans,marshmallow peeps, cookies, brownies, Pizza, wings, hamburgers ect. Yes it's ok it eat in moderation but, for example, a moderation for peeps is like 1 peep. That would make me miss them even more. And I already do plan ahead. Sometimes I plan up to a week ahead and follow that plan verbatim.

    Maybe experiment and try to make some of the foods you like but in a healthier way. I have found some recipes that I'm enjoying of foods I liked and actually finding them better then the original. One is homemade chicken nuggets, I loved chicken nuggets but I've learned how to make them homemade and healthier and they are great since I don't feel like im depriving myself. Try some of the stuff at Skinnytaste.com, the food is awesome on there.
  • bemott
    bemott Posts: 180
    therapy. please try it. I know it's harder for men. If you find the right person, your mind will start matching your body in feeling better, more fit, more functioning and well. really!
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Don't treat it as a diet, because its not. Its a lifestyle change. I have lost a good amount of weight (72lbs in total) before MFP(35) and with MFP(37).

    I treat myself to pizza, the odd ice cream and so on. Don't deprive yourself. Moderation is key and it can be done.
  • shesajoy
    shesajoy Posts: 11 Member
    I was a very depressed person BEFORE I started dieting. I thought that if I looked good I would magically feel better about myself, and to tell you all the truth I feel worse now then I ever have. I'm so stressed, and my body always acts negitively when junk food enters my system. My family and friends all sit around eating whatever they want and I'm stuck eating a 4oz peice of fish and a salad. It's killing me. And no they won't join me on this diet, I don't have that kind of family. And now I'm stuck with feeling like this because if I start eating like I did I will feel so guilty and feel even worse.

    Sweetheart, you need to see a counselor. Your body is healthy now, and your mind needs to be healthy7 as well. "I don't have that kind of family" speaks volumes. I have suffered from depression my entire life, as has my son, who is now 22. He lost over 80 lbs to join the Air Force, and I know that his losing weight did NOT magically transform his inner feelings about himself or eliminate depression. You have made SUCH great strides - find a counselor who specializes in overeating as a form of emotional issues. Your body is reacting negatively to the junk food because it now knows what it feels like to be healthy.

    Good luck to you!!
  • shesajoy
    shesajoy Posts: 11 Member
    Some of you are missing the point. I miss eating things I ate before I lost the weight. For example (and since it's Easter and I'm missing out on all of my favorite things) jelly beans,marshmallow peeps, cookies, brownies, Pizza, wings, hamburgers ect. Yes it's ok it eat in moderation but, for example, a moderation for peeps is like 1 peep. That would make me miss them even more. And I already do plan ahead. Sometimes I plan up to a week ahead and follow that plan verbatim.

    Maybe experiment and try to make some of the foods you like but in a healthier way. I have found some recipes that I'm enjoying of foods I liked and actually finding them better then the original. One is homemade chicken nuggets, I loved chicken nuggets but I've learned how to make them homemade and healthier and they are great since I don't feel like im depriving myself. Try some of the stuff at Skinnytaste.com, the food is awesome on there.

    Again - you are missing these foods because of some other issue. Otherwise, a couple of peeps or two slices of pizza or whatever would BE enough, do you see? Don't give up. You can do this, and you can feel good inside and out, and live a happy healthy life, I promise. (Can you tell I am a mom?? ;) )
  • Hi.. Your problem isn't the food. You can diet all you want but if you do not have your emotions in check nothing is going to make you feel better. You need professional help to treat the underlying problems that exist. Don't be hard on yourself about this! Eating the way you use to or changing your eating habits are NOT going to help you. You need to get treatment for your depression and find out what is actually causing it. It's not what's on the outside that is the problem, it's what is on the inside. Please get some help...
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    I started dieting and working out vigoriously about 3 months ago. I lost about 60 pounds and I went from a size 38 waist to a size 32. I went from somewhere around 220lbs to weighing about 171lbs. At first I was all gung-ho about making this lifestyle change. I was confident and loved getting complimented. Now...I just miss the way I used to eat. I miss all my favorite candy, and I know the response will be, "it's ok in moderation once every two weeks" or something like that, but that...that will just make me feel worse. I miss not having to worry about my calorie intake. I miss being able to be like, "yeah sure I'll have a burger," or "yes I would love some pizza." I figured by this time I would love the way I look, and I do, but is it really worth it? Nothing has changed in my personal life and it's making me so depressed and confused. I feel worse now, than I did when I was fat. What should I do?

    I eat what I want and when I have to many calories I work out more. I love food and am depressed when I cut foods I like as well
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Baby, just eat some pizza, or chocolate, haha ALL WILL BE RIGHT WITH THE WORLD haha

    just ask yourself why you're losing weight. I've always been fat, I'm losing weight for myself, for my future aspirations (sports, etc)

    the weight loss makes me happy. I don't starve myself, sometimes I go overboard, but it's a learning process. 70pounds later, and I have some pretty good set in stone habits, and it's a good feeling.

    i am not on a diet, it's a life change.
  • ckish
    ckish Posts: 341 Member
    Decades ago I lost alot of weight and I understand what you are feeling. Maybe I am projecting my experience into your situation but in my case those feeling you expressed stemmed from all of the emotional things that came up as a thinner person that did not exist when I was heavier. I did not realize until I lost the weight how I had used it as a crutch to protect me. If someone didn't like me it was because they didn't like fat people - not because they didn't like the real me. If anything went wrong in my life or relationships I always had a solid built in excuse to explain it away. I enjoyed eating and I was worth splurging on myself. Losing weight stripped that away and I had to face the uncomfortable fact that maybe I had contributed to some of my own problems. As a fit trim and attractive woman I realized if someone didn't like me or I didn't get a job my appearance was not the reason. It made me want to run back to the fat me. Instead I slowly faced my fears and then I saw my life change. Losing weight turned out to be the easy part. Changing my life was far more difficult. I have no idea what your situation is but I can tell you that life is wonderful on the otherside. In closing, the definition of insanity is sometimes described as doing the same things repeatedly and expecting different results. If you are unhappy with your life - regaining 60 pounds willl not make you magically enjoy it. It will just put you into an earlier grave. No matter how destructive the people are who surround you the world will be diminished by your early departure and I sure that there are people who would be devasted by your absence. Don't be afraid to face your fears and claim the wonderful life that is waitng for you.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm sorry I can't offer any useful advice.
    I have not cut anything out of my diet. I allow myself to have the things I've always enjoyed.
    Yes, a part of it is moderation... BUT... If I am feeling greedy, I'll plan ahead and make other meals smaller, or workout extra hard to make up for it.

    ^^This. I still eat pizza, cake, cookies, occasional fast food, etc.
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    I will NEVER miss the way I use to eat...because now that I'm seeing positive changes in my body..I will NEVER miss the way I use to look.

    Eat junk= look like junk
    Eat good=feel and look good