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Turbo Jammers 8/10-8/16



  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Hump Day!!! I got my butt out of bed and did Lean #2 plus 20 minute TJ. I am fighting a nasty cold that has me in bed by 8 each night, but I'm forcing myself to get out of bed and workout, so that I can sweat this cold right outta me. I figure I'm getting extra rest by going to bed early, so no reason to not get up and keep up with the workouts! Hopefully I feel better by this weekend so I can get back to running...it's just too hard to do when you're all plugged up!

    Welcome Ellie, this is a great group!!!

    Here's to great workouts today!!!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Welcome Ellie and Mandi!

    Erika-I hope you feel better soon!!

    I got my workout in last night. I was a bit sad yesterday about a few things. I decided to do DVD's that I hadn't worked out to before. My hopes were to distract myself by concentrating on new things. It worked. I did 60 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of abs. I felt much better when I finished. Gotta love exercise endorphins.

    Tonight's goal is a nice long Turbo Jam cardio dvd and then 3T or Turbo Sculpt.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • BioGrimm
    BioGrimm Posts: 15
    Hi everyone! I am new to MyFitnessPal, but not new to Turbo Jam! I used TJ before my pregnancy in 2007 and started back again 2 months ago. I can feel my muscles getting tighter and people keep remarking I look like I have lost weight, but I haven't dropped a single pound! I think it has been my hit-and-miss eating. I really would like to join your group and plan to order Chalean Extreme next month and hopefully start it the middle of the month.
  • Good morning all!
    I noticed this am that my body is slowly returning to normal..it's just been off lately! I felt good when I got up..gotta love those mornings :bigsmile:
    I did my ChaLEAN Extreme Push 2 last night..man it is such a good workout and I feel AWESOME when I get done. Did it later in the evening than normal as my mom and sister were in town
    This am I did my ChaLEAN Burn Intervals..mix of cardio circuits and strength. I'll do some P90X yoga over lunch..so relaxing..I LOVE it! I think I might work on my core a little after work..and maybe a short relaxing walk in this nice sun! :glasses:

    Ellie: Of course you can girl..and you can do it too..YOU need to believe in yourself..and we are here to help!:wink:

    Erika: I do the same thing when I have a cold..it almost kind of clears you out for a bit afterwards:noway: I oftentimes will just walk intsead of running when really sick...like when I had the respiratory flu..YUCK! Get better my dear..lots of fluids too!:wink:

    Spiralgirl: Oh no that sucks you were sad:frown: ..but you turned it around..that is AWESOME! It is so hard to do..so kudos to you girl:flowerforyou: See you are a regular ol rockstar already!:bigsmile:

    Biogrimm: Welcome my dear! Sometimes you have to look at inches and clothes rather than weight. Do you feel better? That's really all that matters! If you need any advice just let us know!

    Have a happy and healthy day all!:bigsmile:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! I am on lunch break still and thought I would make a quick post!:tongue:
    Welcome newbies! It's great to have ya!
    Casey- I am very glad to hear you are feeling better girlie! It always makes me feel better to keep pushing through! Good job!
    Spiralgirl- Hope today is going better! Great job with the workouts!
    Erika-Hope you feel better as well! I know- it IS a pain trying to workout when you're all stuffy- haha:laugh:
    So today is supposed to be my rest day- but we are kind of slow at work and I don't know if I can just go home and do nothing!- haha I might just throw in a 20-minute TJ and I am definitely doing AbJam tonight:happy:
    OH! I absolutely LOVED my CE Burn Intervals..was tough but oh my goodness I felt GREAT afterwards! LOVING CE!!!! Finished off the evening with the Ab Burner session:smile:
    Have a good one all! I'll check back tonight get all the updates!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Welcome new people! It's great to see our group growing.

    Burn 2 is done for the day and I really love these resistance workouts! Hubby is also still with me and he's enjoying how it makes him feel, much more encouraging than all the competitiveness found in the P90X videos.
  • LEllie
    LEllie Posts: 4
    Hey Everyone thanks for being so Welcoming!
    I started the day off with eating right and it feels good! Just doing some post's and then off to a cardio party and booty sculpt and some swimming!
    Wow casey you go! You workout a lot thats inspiring!
    Ericka I hope you feel better!
    You all are very inspiring glad to have found ya!!!! :love:
    Have to go workout while still have time!!!
    <3 Ellie
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    :heart: Hi Everyone!
    It's so great to see all the new faces...Welcome to all!! :flowerforyou:

    Today was Burn 3, 20 min TJ and I've Got Abs...

    Keep up the great work everyone, you're all such an inspiration to me!

    Casey, glad to hear you're feeling better!

    Erika, hope you're feeling better soon!

  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey all! I hope you all had a GREAT day! I know I did!
    Like I said before, I knew after having a pretty lax afternoon I didn't want to sit when I got home..so, I kicked it up and did a 20 minute TJ. I am going to do my AbJam tonight as well!:happy: I can't wait to do more of a workout tomorrow--but tonight was SUPPOSED to be my "day off" haha--:laugh: so much for that:tongue: Anyways, I just finished my dinner-tried the CE Chicken Marsala--omg was that GOOD! I recommend! haha!
    GREAT jobs Ghanie and Megan! I'm glad we're in this together!:flowerforyou:
    Have a good night everyone!
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Hi Everyone- and welcome all the newcomers!:wink:

    Had a crazy day at work, didn't get to eat lunch. I wound up eating quite a bit when I got home so I need to work off those extra 400 calories tonight. I normally don't like working out so late, but I didn't have a choice today.

    Thanks for the suggestions about trying to find a rhythm. How do you all get yourself out of bed early enough to get in a good workout before work? Any good suggestions?

    I think I'm going to get sent home early tomorrow because of how many hours I've been putting in- then time for my 3 day weekend- hurrah:drinker:

    Ericka and Casey- good job maintaining a healthy lifestyle even though you don't feel well!

    Angel, Ghanie and Megan- sounds like you're having a great time in CE! I'll have to try that next!

    Off to CardioParty and AbJam- maybe some sculpting with Jillian too...

  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    Howdy ladies! I've been slammed at work and busy at night so its been a few days. I fell into the old cycle of having no energy - because I wasn't working out enough. Well tonight I started the couch to 5 k running plan and it felt pretty darn good. I live in Minnesota and I want to get some outdoor time in while I still can. Since I'll run 3 days a week I think I'll do the TJ abs the opposite days with some strength training. I'll get back on all the cardio videos when the weather sucks again. :happy:

    Welcome newcomers (or people newer than me) :flowerforyou:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Since I'll run 3 days a week I think I'll do the TJ abs the opposite days with some strength training.

    That sounds good. I think Turbo Sculpt was my favorite TJ workout.
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78

    Just checking in before I hit the hay- I did 10 minutes of circuit training (10 minute solutions boot camp) and then cardio party- burned off my extra 400 calories:smile:

    Jules- I heard that couch to 5k is amazing! let me know how you like it!

    I decided next week (on Monday) I'm going to start the advanced month of TJ- I mixed it up a little bit by adding in Turbosculpt the first week instead of one of the Cardioparties. I'm also going to try to jog/walk for 30 minutes 3 days a week.

    Have a great one!
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Good morning!:flowerforyou:

    I weighed myself today and those lbs are still not moving. I'm going to take it in stride- realizing I've been dieting for 7 weeks so losing 8 lbs is still ahead of the gain- still a bit frustrated because "11" sounds better than "8"! :grumble: Do you think it's muscle or water weight?

    Hope you all have a great day- going to try to do TurboSculpt today and 20 minute (if my shoulder feels up to it after work).

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning All! I was up bright and early and decided I needed to really get my sweat on so I popped in Hip Hop Abs 2...WOW! I have NEVER sweated that bad in all my life! It was GREAT! I love hip hop dancing, so I really put everything into it. I followed up with Tamilee Webb's I Want Those Buns...Ooh, that hurts...but good hurt! I'm ready to start the day strong!

    Erica- Way to go girl! You amaze me with your strength throughout the whole sore shoulder deal. I had a sore foot a few weeks ago from a Yoga injury (yeah, my balance isn't so good) and I really had to force myself to want to do anything. It's hard when you're in pain! Congrats on teh 8 pounds. I know how you feel...I've been working out 6 days/week and watching what I eat and have only dropped 3 pounds in almost 5 months. All I keep telling myself is that I look better than I did and my clothes fit better, so I've got to be happy with that. There are so many things that can affect the weight on the scale...water weight being one of them. I have always retained a ton of water! Keep up with what you're doing...eventually it will come off!

    Jules-A fellow Minnesotan, so excited to see you on here. Where do you live? I'm on the Farmington/Lakeville/Apple Valley/Rosemount border. I just got into running a couple months ago and love it. But, I'm waiting for this darn humid/hot weather to pass so I can run outside again. I'd pass out if I went out in this stuff!

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member

    Last night I did CP2 and 3T workouts. I also had a 30 minute walk on my lunch. Today is supposed to be my rest day. I will probably walk at lunch and want to do a bit of ab work tonight.

    Erika- I love Tamilee Webb workouts. I have one right now that has a great arm workout on it. It's been awhile since I did that one but I think I need to revisit it.

    Sounds like everyone had a fantastic Wednesday. Keep up the great work and thank you all for inspiring me!
  • Good morning all!
    Is anyone else ready for the weekend?:wink: I did some yoga over lunch yesterday and then CE Extreme Abs (hold crap-she is NOT messing around on that workout!) and then a 20 min walk..little toasty out there!
    This am was my morning run..my calorie burn is off the charts today with the heat. I guess that's ok..then I can eat more:wink: I still have to get Extreme yet!

    Lilangel: I usually have my off day set as a day that I am busy or active anyway (like cleaning house, etc) then I don't think much of not working out! I do sometimes do lighter stuf on "off" day too..as long as your body feels good it's ok..but if it's hurting give er a rest...you are doing great!
    Ghanie: Glad you are liking CE..and awesome the hubby is joining in! I can't get Jason to do it...he hasn't even seen it..just being a stubborn man..heavin forbid we listen to me (you know the personal trainer!).
    Ellie: I work out a lot..but in shorter duration. My schedule doesn't allow for much longer than 45 min at at a time..so I usually do cardio in am and then shorter strength or flexibility later! Keep rockin it out girl...we'll be here for ya! :flowerforyou:
    Erica: You do so well at dealing with changes etc! As far as getting up in the am..it just takes consistency...it's hard at first but you get used to it to a point where your body craves it..mine feels off if I don't get up now! I won't lie..it isn't easy right out the shoot-but if you stick with it it's worth it! Get it done and then you don't have to worry something will come up later-and your metabolism is all REVVED up! Are you a morning person? On the weight-I too have been up a few pounds this week and it's not due to diet or fitness-mine I think is due to heat/retaining water. Are you in the heat a lot?
    Jules: Way to go girl...you hit the head on the nail..to get more energy be active! I started running 5 years ago..it takes time to build up and get used to it..but I love it now! Way to rock it out!
    Megan: Hello my dear-how was your trip?
    Erika: Way to rock it out girl! You can always do early am for running in the heat..your body adjusts to it eventually! Mine slowly adapts in the spring and fall to the changing weather..as long as there are not drastic temp shifts!:laugh:
    Spiralgirl: Glad to see you keepin it real and rockin it out each day...see you are a regular now!

    Have a happy and healty day all!
  • lose100
    lose100 Posts: 54
    Hey there all! Today I finally got back on the wagon, and just finished Total Body Blast. OMG! I forgot what a workout that one is, but I do love it! I feel so ashamed of myself lately. In 2006 I lost 52 pounds and have since gained back all but 12 of them! So embarrassing! I can really feel what gaining it back is doing to my body as well. More tired, back pain, foot pain, etc......... So, I don't know what it's going to take to stick to this, but I really need to. Anyway, hope you are all having a good day, and keep up the great work!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey there all! Today I finally got back on the wagon, and just finished Total Body Blast. OMG! I forgot what a workout that one is, but I do love it! I feel so ashamed of myself lately. In 2006 I lost 52 pounds and have since gained back all but 12 of them! So embarrassing! I can really feel what gaining it back is doing to my body as well. More tired, back pain, foot pain, etc......... So, I don't know what it's going to take to stick to this, but I really need to. Anyway, hope you are all having a good day, and keep up the great work!


    Mandi, we are all here to help you stay on track! We all login here daily to report our workout for the day, to hold us accountable. Feel free to join in!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    :heart: Hey Family,
    I haven't left the planet!! Still here and doin work just haven't checked in. Am committed to adding my strength training and still working my 10lb dumbells. I've gained about 2lbs:grumble: but then my eating hasn't been as restricted as it normally is either. My coworkers say I look leaner but I don't know...... Seeing that scale move in the opposite direction is not a motivator. So i'm telling my head to shut up, trusting what you guys say and what I've read about the positives of strength training and reeling the food in a little. Not that i've been waaaay off ; i just don't want my diet to become less of a priority. So easy for me to get stuck with the food thing..
    I took a rest day yesterday , which is still so hard for me to do but I really enjoyed just chilling out after work... who'd have guessed :laugh:
    Glad to see everyone still rocking it out and all the new faces!!

    Have a fantastic day,
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