


  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Me! :) I try and blog about my dinner ideas on here, too.
  • Mera_Mera
    Mera_Mera Posts: 153
    Vegetarian here. You can add me if you want!
  • EveS2012
    EveS2012 Posts: 6
    I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian. Anyone can add me as long as you keep your diaries open :)
  • damnedlady
    damnedlady Posts: 32 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for 7-ish years. Trying to eat more vegan meals and ridding my diet of a huge amount of sugar and cheese. My diary is open to friends (just opened it) and I hope this will give me the extra motivation now as my goal is to be healthy :) Feel free to add me, any vegetarian, vegan or veg-curious!
  • snowangl317
    snowangl317 Posts: 9 Member
    I guess technically I am a pescatarian, I eat seafood and dairy. But I have been meatless (besides seafood) for about 4 years. I am looking for friends that are living similar lifestyles and trying to lose a little bit of extra weight. So add me if that is you!
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I eat no meat, chicken, fish.

    I do not drink milk, but if I eat something that has milk in it, I will eat it. I just don't like the taste of milk (never have), so it was easy to give up. I keep powdered dry milk on hand if I need to cook something that requires milk.

    I do not use eggs. When I bake, I use egg replacement (Ener-G Powder). Along with milk, if something has eggs in it, I will eat it, but I do NOT keep eggs in my house.

    I eat cheese. I have yet to meet a cheese I didn't like.

    I try to consume as little animal product as possible, but I will NEVER go vegan.

    I will eat sushi if I am able to because that's a specialty and something I don't eat very often anyway.

    On a side note, I went grocery shopping and was about to buy some sour cream. I read the ingredients, and one of them was gelatin. Gelatin - in sour cream? Yuck. Gelatin is on the forbidden list for me.
  • brandylina
    brandylina Posts: 23 Member
    I'm a vegetarian but struggle with figuring out good (healthy) meals. Would love some friends :)
  • Bunnybeesweet
    Bunnybeesweet Posts: 165 Member
    Vegan diary open to friends...but fair warning, I like to cook :)
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    im veggie,have been my entire life and happy to accept any Friends requests from veggies/vegans :-)
  • paintingstella
    I've been a vegetarian for 3 months. I eat dairy and eggs still. But am strict against all other meat products. All people around me are meat closest coworker is even doing a paleo diet, so it would be great to have some veggie friendly friends on here! Feel free to add!
  • 140Aimee
    140Aimee Posts: 77 Member
    Im a veggie, have been for 9 years now. :)
  • Cheri_Alexander
    Cheri_Alexander Posts: 18 Member
    Vegetarian for three years, only animal product we eat is unprocessed cheese and butter. My daughter is 2.5 years old and has never had meat or eggs. Add me! I'd like some veg friends!
  • Vegetablearian
    Vegetablearian Posts: 148 Member

    I am a vegetarian :-)
  • buppie21
    buppie21 Posts: 2 Member
    I am a pesco-ovo vegetarian and have been so for six years now... please feel free to add me as a friend....
  • therealkatarr
    I've been flirting with veganism for a while but I think vegetarian is probably a safer bet. I'm working on moving back, but it's hard on a tight budget. (Yay for college student budgets.)

    Feel free to add me, any vegetarian/vegan people. I'm always up for swapping recipes (or recipe resources.)
  • monjero
    monjero Posts: 15
    hello i have been a vegetarian for 8 months now, but i have been thinking of going back to chicken, fish and turkey because i want to put on more muscle and i dont think im getting enough protein in my diet.
  • TamaBunny
    TamaBunny Posts: 14 Member
    Been one for 9 years this May =)

    Lots of us out there =)
  • strongandhealthy78
    strongandhealthy78 Posts: 90 Member
    Pick Me!!
    I'd love to have more vegetarian friends. I've been a lacto-ovo vegetarian since 1996. I'm pretty new to this site. Others, pls add me and put veggie in your request, if you'd be so kind. :-) Can't wait to tofu ( no meat for me - even if it IS spelled differently) you! Best. :happy:
  • DaBaroness
    I was a vegetarian for six months and then due to quite a few family feuds i converted to meat eating! Ewww any how I recently fell prey to my old weakness......Prime griller veggie burger!!! Lol so Im back to my old happy ways! My badly thanks me for being a veggie! I occasionally eat seafood, eggs, dairy...... but I would love to add you! Yay for veggie buddies!
  • Suzanne1307
    Suzanne1307 Posts: 3 Member
    I been a veggie for 32yrs and never gone back to eat meat or fish I also try and eat organic fruit and Veg although I grow most of what I eat in my garden, However I can admit The one thing I miss is a bacon sandwich with branston sauce so to feed my temptation I use Quorn Bacon style the product you can get today has a lot more variety than when I first started back in the 80s The thing we have to consider is that processed food carry sugar and salt to take in consideration when dieting, but there also a big advantage especially using the Quorn Mince low in Fat and high in protein....Cakes are my biggest temptation