Any short ladies(under 5ft4in) under or goal is under 130lbs



  • kristensuz
    kristensuz Posts: 21 Member
    I am 5ft even...but my goal is not a weight, since my trainer keeps telling me that muscle weighs more than fat...our goal is by dress size. I would like to be single digits by July and a size 4 by end of year!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I'm 5'4 and I weight currently 149lbs I want to be about 130-135...I started at 184
  • Shayyy01
    Shayyy01 Posts: 290 Member
    I'm 5'3 and currently at 115, i started at 150+ hoping to be down to 112 by the time i say " i do" in august.
  • I am 5ft tall and looking for 125 on the scale....right now it is 174. I really love MFP and trying to get others to use it instead of spending money on the fad diets....

    Do any of you use protein powder?? I simply cannot drink it but wondering if you get the same benefit is you sprinkle in yogurt or sugar free pudding??
  • DorisR184
    DorisR184 Posts: 471 Member
    I'm 5'1" and although my original goal weight was 132, my ultimate goal weight is 125(ish).. I'm stuck at 131 right now :mad:
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I am 5ft tall and looking for 125 on the scale....right now it is 174. I really love MFP and trying to get others to use it instead of spending money on the fad diets....

    Do any of you use protein powder?? I simply cannot drink it but wondering if you get the same benefit is you sprinkle in yogurt or sugar free pudding??

    I use protein powder almost daily, although I don't drink it.

    For my lunch today (it was a strange lunch, I know), I had oatmeal with 1/2 scoop of vanilla protein powder added to it after I cooked the oatmeal. Then I had a cup of Dannon Oikos vanilla Greek Yogurt with 1/2 scoop of chocolate protein powder mixed in. These are the 2 things I mainly mix my protein powder in. I have mixed it in fat free/sugar free pudding mix along with skim milk too.
  • Hi! Im 5ft1in with a goal of 125lbs by August and 115lbs by the end of the year. I currently weigh 166lbs. I was 176lbs on Jan 1st so 10lbs off in a month's time! Hopefully the rest comes off pretty quickly too!
    Can anyone who has reached success post pics with your stats for me? I am not sure what my ideal weight is for my height and would like to see some examples! I am looking somewhere between 100-130lbs.
    Thank you and good luck on all your health goals in 2012!!!!!!!

    I am 5'2, and would LOVE to lose at least 15-20 pounds by july!!! I am not sure if that will happen........BUT I am willing to try my best!
  • blynn2708
    blynn2708 Posts: 262 Member
    I'm 5'2" and weigh 124lbs, my goal is 115-120lbs:flowerforyou: Feel free to add me:bigsmile:
  • mbrou28
    mbrou28 Posts: 132 Member
    Oh this is a good one...I'd like to see as well! I'm about 5'3", 166lbs and my goal is to get down to 120-125lbs. Please be sure to include all that you did to help lose the weight! Thanks for starting this post!

    I'm 5'3" and 163 at my last weigh-in. I'm trying for 145 - I'll see if I'm happy with the way I look once I get there..
  • kimiec
    kimiec Posts: 62
    I am just 5'2 and I was not to long ago at 120 and I though at the time I was still fat but when I look at the pics I took back then I can now see it was the right size for me and to be honest I fought all the time to keep it there, my body just won't let me get any lower and I was into cardio and weight training. I think our bodies know when to say it's at the point of where it wants to be. I would be happy to see 125 so at this point thats what I am aiming for. Now if I could just get the scale to budge I would be on my way.
  • mhaynes96
    mhaynes96 Posts: 12 Member
    I am 5'2" and at my heaviest, I was at 155lbs (January 2011). I was about a size 12. In October 2011, I reached 127lbs and was down to a size 6. Since the holidays, I've fluctuated between 128 and 131. My main goal right now is to lower my body fat percentage. At my heaviest, I was too scared to check myself, but in May 2011, I was 31%. I had gotten down to 26.5% in October, but I've gone up a percentage with the holidays (January 2011).

    I cleaned up my diet, cooked more at home, although we still go out once or twice a week. I work out 4-6 days a week, with a combination of cardio and resistance training. I'd like to strengthen my core, and maybe one day even see my abs. Although my primary goal is not to lose weight, I imagine that working towards losing body fat % will contribute to further weight loss. It would consider it an amazing achievement if I could get down to 125 (my high school weight) and MAINTAIN, but I think my frame could probably get down to 120 without looking too skinny. I like having curves and I like having a strong body.
  • poshtigress
    poshtigress Posts: 8 Member
    I am 5'3 and need to lose about 90lbs, just started on my journey. Feel free to add! :)
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Hi I'm 5'3" and 108lb. Currently maintaining (have been for about four months) and happy with my size! : )
  • I'm about 5'3 I started at 167lbs and in the last 3-4 weeks I lost 9lbs!! putting me at 158. I'd like to get down to 140 by May 3rd (which is my 16th birthday) and then 135 by the time school gets out which I think is june 8th. Then from there I'm hoping to get down to the low 20's during the summer and toning up my body!!!! so excited(: feel free to add.
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" (You know that .5" is important lol). I started out at 149lb and am currently 127, working on getting down to 120.
  • sparkly96
    sparkly96 Posts: 120
    I'm 4 '11 and 3/4 and my goal is 125lbs. I started at 158 in February and lost 9lbs so far. For me anything lower than 119lbs and i dont feel well so im sticking to 125.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    trying to stay around 122-125 at 5'4" mainly i just have a body fat goal now
  • 5'0 wanna get down to 100-105 (:
    Its mighty difficult though!
  • mandyP79
    mandyP79 Posts: 84 Member
    4'10 I want to get to 95-110lb...I have alot of work ahead of me! I need to loose at least 65lbs!! :embarassed:
  • aodc909297
    aodc909297 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm 5' 3-1/2". Started Jan 3, 2012 at 151. Currently at 134. Original goal was 135 but after reaching it, felt I should go on and continue my weight loss. My goal weight (at this point) is open-ended... I'll know it when I feel it. I'm assuming it's going to be around 122-125. At 48 years old, it's not just a matter of how I look, it's a matter of how my body feels. I was getting tired of the stress on my knees/ankles from carrying the extra pounds!
  • lindalou0703
    lindalou0703 Posts: 226 Member
    I am 5' I weigh 120 and am happy with it.
  • I'm 5ft2 and my goal weight is 129 or 126. My profile pic was taken today as a "before" pic for starting the 30 day shred. I'm 145lbs:)
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    I'm 5'4, goal is 110-115 tops, I'm currently 138-140.
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    I am 5' 3". Started this in Sept. 2011 weighing 150. My first goal was 125 pounds, which I planned to reach in early March through a minus one pound a week plan. I'm thrilled to say I did it on schedule! I had a 1200 calorie limit and I also ate my exercise calories. Exercise at first consisted of mostly treadmill and walking and jogging. I also did the 30 day shred in there too.
    After having reached my goal I've now decided to go for 115. I don't think I've ever seen that since high school maybe?! I am targeting a half pound a week so should get there in August. Consistency and Discipline for me were key. I don't see it as a diet, isee it as a lifestyle change. Good luck to you, and feel free to add me if you would like some motivation along your journey!!
  • LauraJWStevenson
    LauraJWStevenson Posts: 55 Member
    I'm 5'2'....starting weight was 190!! After I got over that shock...that I wasn't taking care of myself..(taking care of elderly MIL got me down.) Now I'm down to 175 so far. I just really started in Febuary. I set my goal weight at 150. Until I see if I want to go to 130. I'm 52 so I'm not real sure how easy that last 20 will be. But as long as I'm healthy, I'm not tooo concerned about it. I've always been active and delveope muscle tone easy so being fit is good for me. I'm coming back to life!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • iloveflipflops1
    iloveflipflops1 Posts: 16 Member
    There is alot of "us" out there!! I am 5'1". Currently at 153 but at my highest I was 162. I've lost -9 since Jan 2nd. Its slow but my size has gone down from a 16 to a 12 so I'm very happy with that. I am 48 yo and I do see its harder to take off more than ever. I usually walk for my exercise and I try and eat my exercise calories. Its just going soooo slow and I am eating all the right things. No more fast food, no more sodas, no more sweet tea (which I miss the most!), more veggies, more fruits, ....
  • lsirelan
    lsirelan Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 5'2" and weigh 126. Started MFP in January at 15-lb. My goal is 122. I have been at a plateau for weeks despite exercise and changing calories. I think my body like this weight :) I do too - it is a vast improvement!
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    I'm 5' 2" and my goal is 120, started out at 160, now 149 and hopefully reach my goal by August!:smile:
  • I'm 5ft25 and currently at 214 lbs my goal is to be around 108-120 but I'll see how I feel (:
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    It always fascinating to see the different goals for us short gals. Frame size is so important and can drastically change your goal weight. I am 5ft 1 and have a larger frame for a shortie. Anything under 122lbs. for me and people ask if I've been sick. :smile:
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