5'2-5'3 girls!!!!



  • KristyJoy123
    KristyJoy123 Posts: 84 Member
    Height: 5'3"
    Age: 34
    SW: 217 (!)
    CW: 148 (I've been here for a whiiiiiilllllleee)
    GW: 130-135

    I'm pretty muscular, so even though I'm close to 150, I wear a size 6-8. I don't think I could go much below 130, even if I tried. I'm doubting I can get below 145 at this point --- my lowest weight was 141, last summer, but I floated back to 148 and have been stuck there since. Sigh. I do weight watchers (on my own. I got all the materials and just track on my own), but I also track here. I find the points system easier to handle than calories, but even when I track here, I'm between 1200-1300 a day. I eat back my exercise calories (activity points, in WW).

    I work out 5-6 days a week. Usually running and weight training.
  • mmildice
    mmildice Posts: 63
    Height 5'3"
    Age: 30 (almost 31)

    GW: 120s
    SW: 182
    CW: 128

    I eat anywhere from 1200-1500 calories a day and eat back half of my exercise calories. My body is pretty much stuck at 128 and I'm happy.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Height: 5'3"
    Age: 34
    CW Range:130-133 depending on the day
    GW Range:120-124

    I'm a pretty clean eater but going out to eat or the weekends can be challenging at times.

    I work out 5-6xs a week w/ 1-2 unplanned rest days. I started heavy lifting 4 weeks ago so try to get that in at least 3xs a week. This week I'm doing double workouts for a few challenges. I have completed many workout plans and still incorporate those workouts today. JM 30-day Shred, JM Ripped in 30, Insanity, Asylum, p90x ab ripper.

    Cardio related other exercises: interval/incline running/jogging, stepmill, arc trainer, spin, other classes that are fun like cardio kickboxing/zumba/etc.
  • alli4350
    alli4350 Posts: 38
    I'm 5'3" and have a small build.

    SW: 145
    CW: 127.5
    GW: 115

    I eat 1200 calories but I exercise almost daily and eat back the majority of my exercise calories.
  • bump
  • Ok, I'm only 4'11.5" lol.

    SW 150
    CW 114
    GW 110

    I eat 1300 a day, net at 1100 after exercising. I do different exercises 4-5 days a week burning 300-450 cals a day. One day I might run 3 miles @ 6.0 mph and do the strength training and abs reps from 30 Day Shred (not the cardio) and some days I walk the whole 3 miles at 4.6 moh, 15 incline, sometimes I walk and run & strength. Depends on how I am feeling that day. I've tried to increase my calories and I only gained weight back. 1100 net has worked for me wonderfully.
  • strunkm4
    strunkm4 Posts: 265 Member
    Height - 5'3''
    Age - 24
    SW (before MFP) - 152
    SW (when I started MFP) - 134
    CW - 120
    GW - 120

    I eat 1500-2000 cals a day. I do 5 days of cardio / 4 days heavy lifting (2 days legs / 2 days upper body) When I started MFP, I was only set at 1200 cals a day. I hit my goal weight following that, but I also ate back my exercise calories (as MFP already factors in a defecit). Since I started lifting heavier, I increased my caloric intake as well as changed up my macros to fit my lifting regimine. I fluctuate from 118-120 now, depending on the day.
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    19 years old
    Had 2 children
    1,825 cals
    5-6days weight training
    4 days cardio
    I eat most of my my exercise calories.
    I also eat 'clean' for the most part. I am on cleaning eating/eating what I want if I feel like it 'diet' as of right now.
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    SW 174
    CW 170
    GW 120

    I have been on here for 2 weeks now and have found that I do eat back most but usually not all of my exercise calories. It feels like I am always eating (healthy) but can never eat back all of my calories.
  • millers617
    millers617 Posts: 21 Member
    I just turned 30 y/o, 5'3 and had twins 16 months ago!

    SW: After twins were born ~145/150
    CW: 130
    GW: 122

    I eat 1400 calories/day and eat back some calories if I am hungry. Run 3X week, 30 Day Shred 2X week, Heavy weights 3X week with one day off. I have been stuck at 130 for weeks and it is ticking me off!
  • krose21987
    krose21987 Posts: 9 Member
    25 Years old 5 3"

    SW: 153
    CW: 147
    GW: 120

    I exercise a minimum of 60 minutes - running, workout dvd's and yoga. My weight loss is tricky and due to some health issues it's caused some weight gain and now it's hard to lose it. But I'm motivated and really pushing to get lose it for my wedding, My calorie intake is set for 1200 a day, and I'm normally under that (as in I don't eat my calories I work off)...

  • Just started 3 wks ago!


    SW: 255
    CW: 254
    GW: 160

    Just lost my first "net" lb but I shed a qtr inch the first 2 weeks.

    I eat 1550 calories a day and burn about 900-1200, Mon-Thur, in aerobics. I try not to touch my workout calories but if I do, the limit it 200.

    Tired of being fat!!!
  • Age: 28
    Height: 5'3.5"
    Starting Weight: 144 (January 2012)
    Current Weight: 133.8
    Goal Weight: 125
    Calories: 1200/day
    Exercise: I have been going to the gym and doing short bursts of cardio and strength/weight training. I probably go about 3x a week. Other than that I have a Jack Russell Terrier that I walk and I do numerous other things like clean the house, vacuum the car, anything to burn a few extra calories. Oh and I allow myself to eat for the calories I burn if I am hungry because I have hypoglycemia and taking care of that comes first.

    I'm looking for extra MFP friends if you want to add me :-)
  • bzmommy34
    bzmommy34 Posts: 229 Member
    5'1 medium build - exact height is 5'1 3/4" - close enough to 5'2? ;)

    age 34

    SW 174.4
    CW 170.8
    "happy" GW 125
    "ecstatic" GW 110

    MFP recommended 1200 cals and that is what I went with (in second week). I DO eat back my exercise calories. I also zigzag and Wednesday and Saturday are my high days. I have always been a huge water drinker and have started to implement a more "clean" approach to my food choices in the last two weeks. I'd say I'm about 60% clean now.

    Mon, Wed and Fri - 1/2 hour Total Gym workout and 1/2 hour spin video
    Tues, Thurs and Sat - C25K program (on week 2) and 1/2 hour iFit treadmill workout

    Since my last post.........

    SW 174.4
    CW 164.2
    "happy" GW 125
    "ecstatic" GW 110

    MFP recommends 1230 cals (in 9th week) instead of the previous 1200 cals as I have changed my settings from 2 lb loss per week to 1 lb loss per week. I DO eat back most of my exercise cals but generally do have 100-200 cals left over. I no longer zigzag but I do allow a spike day which is generally on day 3 or 4 of my week (weigh-in Tuesday's so my weeks run Tuesday through Monday).On my spike day I try to keep my choices healthier but if I have been having a major craving I will indulge that day. I still drink a ton of water. My food choices continue to hover around 60% clean.

    Mon, Wed and Fri - 15 minute Total Gym workout and 1.5 mile run
    Tues, Thurs and Sat - C25K program (on week 7) and 15 minute Total Gym workout
  • Natalie182
    Natalie182 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi, im 23 and 5'2

    Pre pregnancy 120lbs (my smallest ever)

    9 months pregnant around 147 lbs

    Current weight 9 months later 126lbs - been this weight for around 6 months now, although not weighed for over a week!

    Goal weight 120/121 or just more toned and hopefully lose my belly!

    Just started the 30 day shred, 1st real exercise ive ever stuck to, im on day 6 so far!
    I have Zumba for the Wii which i do occasionaly but thats about it!
    Im currently eating 1350 calories, i also sometimes eat my exercise calories, im not cutting out all rubbish but have increassed my exercise and am more aware of my calories since joining MFP, i know im eating alot less now!
    Feel free to add if your similar!=]
  • RunnerBlonde808
    RunnerBlonde808 Posts: 257 Member
    I am right at 5'3".

    Highest weight: 202
    Current Weight: 138
    Goal Weight: 124

    I work out 6 days per week. I run (average of 20miles per week, sometimes more sometimes less) and I lift 3-4 days per week. I eat 1800 calories per day and sometimes will eat back my exercise calories. I am currently doing a cyclical keto diet (20 net carbs per day). I have found if I eat less calories my weight loss stalls or stops completely.
  • agbaeb
    agbaeb Posts: 179 Member
    Add me if you're my "twin". :)

    I'm around 5'2 1/2 to 5'3 (somewhere in there...)

    Heaviest weight: 136
    Starting weight loss: 125
    Current weight (hmm... this is about 4 weeks old...time to weigh myself): 118
    Goal weight: 105

    Oops... I eat 1320 on days I don't exercise but def eat back my exercise calories. :)
    I am training for a 1/2-marathon (far from ready), so this is my schedule:
    Mon, Tues, Wed - run
    Thursday - cross train (currently using Insanity but I'll be starting swimming soon too)
    Friday - cross train/rest (depending)
    Sat - long run
    Sunday - rest
  • Hi. I'm 24, 5,3 and 127lbs.

    I have been losing and gaining around 5lbs since Christmas now! I was exercising 5-6 times a week until I got a full time job in January and now I am struggling not to snack at work and find the time to exercise.

    I have recently found cutting down on carbs has helped a lot

    My goal weight is 115-118
  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    I'm 5'3" and 21 years old
    SW: 195.2 lbs
    CW: 157 lbs
    GW: 125 (Once I get to this weight I'm going to reevaluate to see if I need to lose any more)
    UGW: 115 (we'll see)

    I keep switching how many calories I eat a day. I started at 1200 and then increased to 1300 and now I'm going back to 1200. I exercise everyday with a few rest days here and there. I'm training for a half marathon so I'm currently mostly running and every now and then cross training with Jillian Michaels DVD (which is what I used to lose most of the weight up until I started training). Hope this helps :-D
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