Does it help having friends on here?



  • Oh is invaluable.
  • Friends on here is awesome and a great support system. If you like you may add me.
  • abcdever
    abcdever Posts: 24
    Having friends has helped me a great deal! I've done pretty well losing weight in the past, but I gained weight after having my baby and have had difficulty keeping any weight loss off. I initially got on MFP so I could track my calories to make sure I'm where I need to be for weight loss, but once I started making friends I found I stayed motivated to stay on track with my workouts and diet. The friends I've found have helped keep me accountable when I get off track and they've been very supportive when I'm doing well. I feel the friends are exactly what I needed to get over the last hurdle in my weight loss efforts.
  • vickijay
    vickijay Posts: 49 Member
    Just woke up to loads of new friends!!! It's a little daunting!!! But I'm really happy I did it!

    Carry on adding me if you want!! I'll try and be good!!!!
  • sexycute
    sexycute Posts: 74 Member
    It has helped me a lot! Like you, I was using MFP for several weeks before I took part in the forums. It's really nice to have support from people who have similar goals. For me, it keeps me accountable. Maybe this is silly, but I want to make my MFP friends proud, so logging my food and exercise and getting comments from my friends makes me feel even better about making healthy choices. :wink:

    Ditto! :happy:
  • sexycute
    sexycute Posts: 74 Member
    I wished they had a "LIKE" button on many great responses!!!!

    "LIKE"! :happy:
  • sexycute
    sexycute Posts: 74 Member
    you lose 1 extra lb a week for every 10 friends you have
    this has been proven add me 8)

    Love this!!! Might have to make some more friends!!! lol!

    Ditto! :happy:
  • VegGoddess
    VegGoddess Posts: 81 Member
    i definitely think having friends on here helps. they help encourage you to stay focused and are a great motivation! it also really helps to look at peoples diaries that are on track. just like in real life, you'd rather have a work out buddy at the gym than just doing situps at home alone! (okay bad example, but you get the picture.) :) feel free to be my friend if you want!
  • Chaseyk
    Chaseyk Posts: 40 Member
    I had to search a bit but I found a couple of very knowledgeable people on here that actually take the time to look at my food and exercise diary and point out what I could be doing better. Their help is very much appreciated. Having friends on here is a must :)
  • ansley341
    ansley341 Posts: 37 Member
    I am new to this site (well i signed up AGES ago... But, only actually started to use it two days ago. Yet to be friended, or friend anyone on here. Though I am sure it helps for the support esp if you are having an off day-- a few encouraging words might be all you need to stay on track and its easier when its from someone who is going through the same journey you are and so is able to understand the struggle.
  • Yes it does! There's so many nice people on here and I recently started going on the message boards too. It's nice to talk to people who care about fitness and who are so positive! ^___^
  • I think it's just nice to have a bit of encouragement and support from other people with similar goals. Strength in numbers as they say.