why are female teachers going after young male students?



  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Not that I am for it, I'd flip my *kitten* if someone did that to my kid.

    But what I want to know how they're getting caught? I was a teenage male once full of hormones with a boner, and if I had a hot teacher that wanted to *kitten* I would have banged her until the cows came home and never said a word.


    Well, not "until the cows came home," more like "during that commercial break."
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    Not that I am for it, I'd flip my *kitten* if someone did that to my kid.

    But what I want to know how they're getting caught? I was a teenage male once full of hormones with a boner, and if I had a hot teacher that wanted to *kitten* I would have banged her until the cows came home and never said a word.


    Well, not "until the cows came home," more like "during that commercial break."

    True, can't miss reading rainbow.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I imagine it's the same reason why male teachers go after younger female students.

    Sometimes, when one gets older, being with younger people makes them feel young again.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    Not that I am for it, I'd flip my *kitten* if someone did that to my kid.

    But what I want to know how they're getting caught? I was a teenage male once full of hormones with boner, and if I had a hot teacher that wanted to *kitten* I would have banged her until the cows came home and never said a word.

    LIES! Boys need to brag.

    doesn't matter had sex
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    Cause ED(erectile) in men who are 40+ and overweight is higher................................

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    it's unfortunate the media often mistakes these two, because sex with a 17 yr old is not the same as sex with a 7 year old, and to call someone a pedophile for sex with a 17 year old is not fair to the person.

    I agree 100%! Not even close to being the same thing.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I'm wildly speculating here:

    perhaps these women have something in common: poor self-esteem.
    perhaps when a teen boy gets enthralled with someone, they are relentlessly in pursuit of their object of love.
    perhaps when a woman who has poor self esteem meets a teenager who looks at them with stars in their eyes, and who has the enthsiasm and sex drive teens have....it's irresistable?

    I have no real idea. Whenever I have had male students try to flirt, I slam the door shut on that so fast, it's not even funny. I'm married, and actions like that cost not just your current job, but your entire career in education.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Nothing is different now. Guys have always been incapable of shutting the hell up. Seriously, we're all idiots. It starts at birth. We come out yelling and it doesn't ever stop.

    But what has changed is technology. We have new and wondrous ways to INSTANTLY tell everyone what fire we happen to be playing with *this very minute*.

    20 years ago, if Timmy was getting some tutoring from Mrs. Johanssen, he would likely tell all of his buddies and they'd either believe him or not. But it would end there.

    Now, Timmy's posting pics of Mrs. Johanssen's nibbly bits to his photobucket account, sending links to it all over his twitter feed to his buds, and pretty soon everyone is practicing amateur gynecology on this teacher.

    Uhm, but as to why? Dunno. Mrs. Johanssen didn't want anything to do with me so I can't help you.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Male teachers do the same thing, its being a paedophile just the same, but people don't seem to feel the same way about a woman who is attractive doing it as they do when its a man. People get titivated reading it because it buys into fantasy territory, it is the same crime, just public perceive it differently

    No. Paedophile (or pedophilia) is sex with prepubescent children under 13. Ephebophilia is sex with 14 to 19

    it's unfortunate the media often mistakes these two, because sex with a 17 yr old is not the same as sex with a 7 year old, and to call someone a pedophile for sex with a 17 year old is not fair to the person.

    Exactly. I find it ridiculous that in some states, the age of consent is 16, but if the adult is a teacher and sleeps with a 17 year old, suddenly they are a pedophile and its illegal. Its absurd. It doesn't make sense that you are a sexual predator in one state, but in another state you are committing a legal act. It also doesn't make sense that your job title determines whether you are a sexual predator or not. Ethics is one thing, but criminality should be another.

    That being said, I don't know the appropriate age for saying that an adult sleeping with a minor is a pedophile, but I do think that a 15 year old guy sleeping with an adult female is not as big of a deal as they make it out to be.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Male teachers do the same thing, its being a paedophile just the same, but people don't seem to feel the same way about a woman who is attractive doing it as they do when its a man. People get titivated reading it because it buys into fantasy territory, it is the same crime, just public perceive it differently

    No. Paedophile (or pedophilia) is sex with prepubescent children under 13. Ephebophilia is sex with 14 to 19

    it's unfortunate the media often mistakes these two, because sex with a 17 yr old is not the same as sex with a 7 year old, and to call someone a pedophile for sex with a 17 year old is not fair to the person.

    That is true James. At 17 there wasn't much difference in me as a person than when I was 19. But if a 27 year old man had slept with me at 17, he'd be a criminal (ok, actually not in Texas, 17 is legal for that, but I'm making a point here) whereas if a 27 year old man sleeps with a 19 year old, it might be a lil creepy, depending on the person, but nothing is actually wrong with it.

    With high schoolers it is such a grey area to me. When I was in school we had this one teacher who hooked up with a male student, and she was fired for it, but nobody ever pressed charges because the male student was 17 and wanted the sexual encounter. I actually know a girl who hooked up with one of her male teachers while she was in high school (she was 16, I believe he was a young recent college grad, so maybe 23ish) and he got fired, but charges were never pressed because she chose not to...this was 7 years ago and they are actually still in a relationship, so clearly, his advances were not unwanted (however irresponsible).

    Tough to say why these people go for high schoolers. I wouldn't necessarily refer to a 30 year old woman going after a 17 year old boy a pedophile or whatever, because I'd be totally lying if I said I never checked out Zac Efron when he was in High School Musical, but it's up to the adult in the situation to be the responsible party.
  • Lifting_chick
    Lifting_chick Posts: 275 Member
    I know a woman that is in prison for this right now....always knew she was a crazy B, but when this happened then everyone knew it....
  • rebawagner
    rebawagner Posts: 199 Member
    I know it happened when I was in high school (15 years ago) but no one said anything! They fired the teacher and not another word was spoken... She was married and pretty and he was the star soccer player. I think it may have always been around but now the media RUNS with these stories.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Here's an additional thought (besides they are screwed up, and the fact that it probably happened in the past too and we didn't know about it).

    Pheromones - I KNOW they exist and cause chemical changes in your brain and sex drive. Not only the studies out there; I've experienced it personally. Think about it, an adult in a classroom with 30 teenagers that excrete copious amounts of pheromones for 8 hours a day. It would be enough to drive just about any person that is within their sexual peak sex crazy. They then focus on a couple of guys that meet their definition of 'desireable' and give in to stupid temptations. I'd love to see a sexual study on the amount of (appropriate) sex younger teachers have outside classrooms. I bet they would tilt the tables.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I'm wildly speculating here:

    perhaps these women have something in common: poor self-esteem.
    perhaps when a teen boy gets enthralled with someone, they are relentlessly in pursuit of their object of love.
    perhaps when a woman who has poor self esteem meets a teenager who looks at them with stars in their eyes, and who has the enthsiasm and sex drive teens have....it's irresistable?

    I have no real idea. Whenever I have had male students try to flirt, I slam the door shut on that so fast, it's not even funny. I'm married, and actions like that cost not just your current job, but your entire career in education.

    I do think that the "instant news" that we have now, just makes it seem like this is happening more often. I don't think it happens more often, it's just reported more often.
  • DQMD
    DQMD Posts: 193
    I think that it has always been there but now with the social media (Facebook, twitter, etc). Also teenaged boys can get turned on with anything. Also the women have never really matured emotionally past the high school age. They are looking for the thrill of sneaking around etc. Men have been doing it for eons. At the school I went to the English teacher left his wife for an old student. Mind you the student had graduated from college and was old enough. It was still a big deal because of that.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    mfp has more female members than any forum I'm a member of so I figure I would ask on here: why are there so many news reports over the last few years of usually attractive female teachers having sex with young male students?

    has it always been happening and it just being reported more often now? are the males going after the teachers more now? is it because of more sex ed in school? is it the media encouraging early sex?

    what do these attractive 20 and 30-something year old teachers see in 15 year olds they do not get from 30 year old men? I thought women didn't like guys that "act like children", yet they're sleeping with young men that are almost children

    in case you don't know what i'm talking about, here's a list of 50 of them, and I know there's some names not on that list:

    As a normal, functioning, non-pedophile woman, I can't even begin to explain what a woman who is a pedophile sees in little boys.

    Since you're a man, maybe you can tell me why some adult men want to have sex with 5-year-olds.

    I can understand a 20-something teacher with a junior or senior, but beyond that ...
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    Male teachers do the same thing, its being a paedophile just the same, but people don't seem to feel the same way about a woman who is attractive doing it as they do when its a man. People get titivated reading it because it buys into fantasy territory, it is the same crime, just public perceive it differently

    No. Paedophile (or pedophilia) is sex with prepubescent children under 13. Ephebophilia is sex with 14 to 19

    it's unfortunate the media often mistakes these two, because sex with a 17 yr old is not the same as sex with a 7 year old, and to call someone a pedophile for sex with a 17 year old is not fair to the person.

    but it is still a person in a position of authority abusing that authority. it's still wrong, even if it's not a crime in a lot of places. are most teens in that age bracket sexually active? yes, they are. but that doesn't make it ok - regardless of the gender - for a person in authority - teacher, principal, boss, coach, family friend, scout leader, religious leader, whoever - to make sexual advances on a minor. i don't think it's ok when they're 18, as long as that power differential exists. i think it's still predatory behaviour.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    because I'd be totally lying if I said I never checked out Zac Efron when he was in High School Musical, but it's up to the adult in the situation to be the responsible party.

    OMG I was going to blame these encounters on him! :laugh:

    I have a 40+ co-worker that is so hot for him.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679

    As a normal, functioning, non-pedophile woman, I can't even begin to explain what a woman who is a pedophile sees in little boys.

    Since you're a man, maybe you can tell me why some adult men want to have sex with 5-year-olds.

    I can understand a 20-something teacher with a junior or senior, but beyond that ...

    I doubt its because they are evil and take pride in hurting children. I'm sure a lot of them were molested themselves and just acting out the same behaviors as some kind of coping mechanism. But beyond that, I'm sure its a very complicated psychological process that can't be understood by a normal person.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member