

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :bigsmile: We had lunch at the home of friends today…..chicken enchilada with Spanish rice and beans and salad and a corn muffin. She served modest portions and didn’t urge seconds. She offered a small serving of ice cream for dessert but didn’t push it when we declined……that is the kind of friend to have. The husbands talked about golf places they had lived and my friend and I talked about her children and my exercise and I told her about SWSY and a beginner line dance class.

    :flowerforyou: After lunch we visited the new eye doctor and picked out new glasses…..the new doctor was great….the best one we’ve ever had and the new glasses were very expensive but good quality. I had vision insurance with my job until I turned 65 so this was a huge shock.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, I don’t drink water first thing in the morning because I walk the dogs for two hours. I don’t drink anything until I get home…..then I have one cup of tea with Jake and drink water the rest of the day. Your adventures at the park with your dogs sound like so much fun. We used to go to the off leash park every day but now that we’re in this new neighborhood they like walking the trails with me more than going to the dog park.

    :flowerforyou: Suendale, the best exercise is the one you’ll do, so if walking or gardening works for you, keep doing it and doing worry about the other stuff right now

    :flowerforyou: Cathy, welcome home………your cruise sounds perfect……..packing can be very satisfying and spiritual…..enjoy the process and you’ll love the results.

    :flowerforyou: AFabulous50, it is never too late to make goals for April. Yours sound positive and healthy.

    :bigsmile: Nancy, you are amazing writing such thoughtful posts early in the morning, doing such an amazing job at work, fixing great meals for your family, and working out regularly.

    :flowerforyou: Leahhelene, My tip to all of us is never, never, never give up

    :flowerforyou: Eileen, walking 8000 steps for someone whose foot is still healing is an awesome accomplishment.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: JipsyJudy, I’d love to you and your poodles here with Brandy and Sasha and me.

    :flowerforyou: Sarah, I have used some ideas from New Rules of Lifting for Women to supplement my SWSY workout………what attracted me to SWSY is the easy to follow weight training workout that can be done at home……thanks for the great recipes.

    :flowerforyou: Jellyfishjen, I’ve had pneumonia and it was so hard to take the time to rest and regain my health……maybe you can use the time to read more about nutrition and exercise so you’ll be armed with new ideas when your health is back on track.

    :flowerforyou: Sharon, welcome, keep reading and posting and this will help you stay focused.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Barb, I am so glad to hear from you again and hear that Pepper and Mai Li are well. I hope you will continue to post from time to time even if you don’t read everything. I’ve missed you.

    :flowerforyou: essi, if you have a DVD player in the house, try some exercise DVDs like Leslie Sansone, “Walk at Home” or Rodney Yee “Yoga for Beginners”.

    :yawn: :yawn: My friend who was supposed to come over tonight just called and cancelled so I’m off to bed early so I can be rested when I wake up early. Tomorrow is the day I teach the new line dance and I’m very excited.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington state where it was cold and frosty this morning

    My life today is so great today it should have background music
    April goals:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    * Yoga three days a week
    *100 lunges a day
    *strength training three days a week
    *17,000 steps a day

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hi!Had a good time,filling plastic Easter eggs for our church`s Easter egg hunt.I`m sure I`ll be dreaming of eggs.
    Didn`t eat any of the candy or the donuts for the workers.
    Had a good report form the ortho dr yesterday.Should finish therapy in 1 month if all goes ok.
    Have a great night!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,382 Member
    I have to tell you all this. In July of 06 my body fat percentage was 23.16. In April of 07 it was 21%, in March of 2010 it was 16.80%. Last year it was 12.78%. I just had it taken and I seem to recall it was something like 11.something -- I need to get a printout so I can input the figures for my knowledge. Now I haven't lost any weight. Weight is just a number on a scale. So if you don't see that number go down, don't get discouraged.

    Vince got my Charter DVR today and hooked it up. It's an upgrade to the one he has, it has whole-house capability. Charter doesn't have that, but when they do, I can utilize it. There have been times when I can't get to sleep and really wished that I could have watched what was on the DVR in the living room so I wouldn't wake Vince up. Maybe someday......

    Did an hour of deep water today, then food shopping, then the one bowling alley by us had a free bowl for seniors. I knew that they were going to try to get us to join their senior league, and they did. Honestly, I don't think I will. Bowled 5 or 6 games, all of them over my average (but that's not very hard to do since my average is so low) Tomorrow I'll do a Bob Harper total Body workout DVD

    I have some whole ginger in the freezer, so I'm going to see how it is on the sweet potato I'm having. Guess it can't hurt! Update: fresh ginger is quite intense. Not bad at all -- just intense.

    Cathy - sounds like you had a great time! Now with all that packing, you probably won't even have time to eat!

    Nancy - I like your idea of plugging in your iPod when you can't sleep. Never thought of that. To me, the reason I walk backwards on the treadmill is that it gives my calves a real workout. Also, in true Michele-form, it is just one more thing that prevents me from getting bored. Always wanting to change things, that's me. It also works your glutes but I don't feel it that much. But I do feel it in my calves.

    Faye - how lovely of you to give your friend and her hubby some "me" time. You are one in a million

    leahhelen - you aren't one of the smallest losers. I honestly don't feel like I'm losing ANY weight, but then again, my clothes fit, I feel fine (that is, as long as I'm eating decently), so to me that's what matters most. I do the Wii body test daily, and that tells me if I'm up or down on the weight. I have been at about the same level for so long that it's getting somewhat boring. I do an "official" weigh-in once/week and I can honestly say that my weight doesn't fluctuate too much from week to week.

    Eileen - welcome Sophie Elizabeth. I bet I know what the wallpaper on your computer is.....:)

    One of the reasons we moved to NC was because it has a change of seasons and it may get hot, but very seldom does it get really humid.

    Welcome Sharon! Good for you, not giving up!

    Welcome back Barb!

    Welcome to everyone else new. You've joined a wonderful group!

    Tessi - I was about to suggest walking videos. Maybe even on a rebounder (very little impact). My next suggestion would be yoga, but I see Barbie already suggested them!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member

    Those of you who have been on this thread for a while will remember me. I just thought I would stop and say hello. I can see there are lots of new faces, even though I only browsed the last couple of pages.

    Due to my cognitive limitations (head injury, Jan, 2010, for those who didn't remember or didn't know), I won't be trying to keep up with posts, I just wanted to say hello, and let anyone who was interested know that I am still breathing.

    I no longer expect that I will ever return to work. It was two years last month since I stopped working at the bank. I am still trying to to get social security disability, but it is taking forever.

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    Barb (from SW Washington)

    Barb.....Of course I remember you.....I am so sorry your troubles have not been resolved. My heart is going out to you. So glad you said hello! Love you muchly :heart:

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    First - I am so glad to hear from you Barb (weaklink)! I think of you and your little mischief makers often and wonder how you are. Post once in a while to keep us updated.

    Next - Happy Birthday, frogmama!

    And finally (drum roll please) the birthday list! If you aren't on here and want to be when it is posted next month, send me a message with your birthday. Mary

    50+ thread Birthdays
    5 – csally01
    6 – barmbord
    13 - Qpeace
    17 – grabbit97
    22 - celticmuse
    25 – zuback55
    28 - genealace
    29 - ritamerlot

    2 – doobiedoo
    7 – 2youngatheart
    7 – jeqrosen
    9 – AHealthierSuzyQ
    15 - anotheryearolder

    1 – auntiebk
    3 - arborsong
    4 - heartrw
    6 – jeanne3651
    7 – DebKRN
    7 - vypeters
    8 – pmjsmom
    8 - deb_rn
    8 – Cando055
    12 – glendaaus
    14 – cj1234cj23
    15 – joylaut
    20 - spaniel60
    21 – cjwil01
    25 – barbiecat
    29 - deluda
    30 – BirdieM
    30 - Blissfuldrake
    31 – wizzywig

    4 – Lyn54
    4 - frogmama
    8 – grandee47
    11 – smelliott
    11 – kel7298
    14 - ildi59
    17 - Cindyw7
    22 – sceck

    2 – gracete
    2 – janemartin02
    4 – chicletgirl21
    5 – Debma1010
    6 - smwert
    13 – lovediets
    13 - jberberian
    20 – mimi7grands
    23 - debieanne
    25 – jam0525
    25 – wehavethestars
    25 - sissygok
    26 – vickim26
    27 - rjadams
    30 – msh0530

    3 - eotrg
    4 - Caminogirl
    4 - Shirley61
    12 – Ldspill
    13- tiarapants
    20 - fibrogirl
    23 - goldwingrider
    27 - Donna56
    30 - RebelRenny

    3 - Iojoi
    7 – Lindaj07
    8 – BarbieCat1
    9 - yvonnemfp
    20 - TeresaSavage
    27 – mynyddisamrs
    31 - randylevy

    7 – MacMadame
    15 - CathiAnne
    18 – bkrbabe57
    24 – cherubcrnp
    24 - Kckramp
    27 - corqueen

    2 – Laura80111
    14 – ItsTerriC
    22 - gloriaandison

    3 – shiddelson
    8 - djdreger
    15 – Jolandolfo
    21 - peepocheck
    23 – rjnandjosh

    11 – kackie
    15 - brunsda
    19 - Benson
    30 – SallyCC
    30 – topaz2986

    6 – cucoyannie
    24 – frogmama
    30 – caharleygirl
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member

    Happy Birthday, frogmama,,,,,,,hope it was great
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    been on MFP for one month - lost 8 lbs. Thought my MD was crazy when she said 1100 - 1200 calories for someone my age. MFP has made it not nearly as hard as I thought. Travel for work so April goals are to lose at least 5 pounds, make time for exercise on the road, be aware of calories when eating on the road (look up stuff before you eat) - make better choices and don't beat myself up when I discover I should have chosen differently. Travelling for work definitely provides a challenge but I can do it!! Would love tips from women over 50 who travel for work!

    Welcome. I'm turning 66 this summer. I seem to have spent my whole life traveling, which is why my online handle is jipsyjudy. I was a corporate trainer for nearly 30 years. Now I handle the back office functions for my husband's law practice, but he goes to a half dozen conferences a year, and I tag along with my office-in-a-carry-on-bag.

    I think the most important thing to focus on when traveling is to eat enough protein at every meal to keep your blood sugar up and your appetite down between meals. Most snack food, reception food, coffee break food, and airline food is overloaded with carbs, fat, and sugar. It will spike your blood sugar within ten minutes and then crash it, leaving you hungry and craving more nibbles. Whenever I can when traveling, I try to eat eggs for breakfast, for the protein.

    At lunch, I look for salads with protein, but when I can't get that, I order a sandwich with a side salad and throw away the bread. Sandwich fillings on top of a salad are quite delicious! At dinner I try to stay away from Italian, Mexican, and Chinese restaurants. All those yummy, carb-laden dishes are three times as tempting at the end of the day when I'm over tired and craving comfort food.

    Also I eat a lot of fish (but not fried). Ounce for ounce, it's lower in calories than meat, and I don't think food scientists have yet figured out a way to give fish growth hormones or force feed them, so it's probably healthier and kinder to animals to eat fish . I know, I know, mercury is a concern. I ask my doc to test my mercury levels whenever I get a blood test, and so far, no problems. I always ask about local fish wherever I go, and if I can get it, I'll order the local fish broiled or grilled.

    When you go out with co-workers or friends for drinks, order light beers and dry wines. Never mind if they tease you. It's your body, and you want to treat it right.

    Finally, if you have to go to a lot of business reception-followed-by dinner thingies as I do, show up late for the reception and figure out a way to be absent during the dessert course. You can pretend to need to go out and take a phone call or use the Ladies room, and tell the person next to you that you don't want dessert.
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Had date tonite I ate light lunch so i had calories for dinner, tomorrow nite meeting a gf at the local winery to catch up no wonder I have been here 90 days and keep losing the same 2 lbs.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Yesterday the scale finally showed a number below the ticker:happy: ... so if course I blew it! :explode: No mat work, no dancing not even a lunch walk, didn't log til just now and 3 count 'em 3 glasses of wine.:tongue: Today I must get in a lunch walk to offset the glass of wine I'll have dropping in at a birthday party on my way to Maundy Thursday footwashing. ALMOST :noway: looking forward to Friday's SWSY, naaah.

    Barbie, is choreography next on your list? My teacher choreographs some. Why don't we just dance is easy, Club Can't Handle This, not so much :wink: http://www.youtube.com/user/ceferdjr?feature=g-all-u
    Cathy sounds like you may have to go back to work to get some rest :laugh:
    Nancy, never thought of shopping as a justification for international travel, thanks!:love:
    Faye a tomato in April? I'm jealous!:glasses:
    Laura we had an ottoman to help Robby:heart: off and on our bed, but he rolled off a time or two so we moved the mattresses to the floor. Sometimes I really struggle to get UP!
    Leahhelene, ladyluch99 and all newbies, Welcome! Thanks for the "Smallest losers" tips!:love:
    Judy let me know when you take poodles to visit Barbie, I'll bring my wheaten :bigsmile:
    Sarah thanks for the chicken curry recipe! (Not ready for eggplant:sick: but will keep just in case I change)
    Joan speaking of recipes, willing to share your jb's yummus and jb nuts recipes?:huh:
    Jen took me a Loooong time to recover from pneumonia (8 days in hospital, 3 weeks on oxygen, 5 weeks out of work then weak as a kitten for another month), but it sure cured me of smoking :smile: . Take all the time you need, relapses stink.:angry:
    Barb welcome back!:love::love: :love: Was so happy to see your profile pic again! Hang in there with Soc Sec and hug the piggies:heart::smooched: :heart: for me.
    Tessi1958 when my DH and I worked different shifts I started taking dance classes in the evening. Great fun, great people and I can't boredom-eat while I'm dancing :> My knees are tricksy too, but when I do my knee stretches (from Physical Therapist and Chiropractor) they feel better. Ice and a nightly aspirin help. Started SWSY recently and the knees now even feel more reliable when dancing and haven't hurt for days.
    Jane that's great news!
    Michelle, omg what an accomplishment! What method are they using to take your body fat percentage?
    Sherry LOL! With me its the same 5!

    and now you all know what I do when I can't sleep but forgot to leave a dirty dish in the sink!

    Hugs to ALL,
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    April: get down on that mat EVERY day. Average 10K steps/day. Let it be. Really.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Barb: It was so good to hear from you here and I am so sorry about your health struggles. Glad to hear the Piglets are doing well! Please drop in and say hello more often...you are missed here!

    frogmama: Happy Birthday!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Michele: Your numbers are awesome...don't think I was born that lean!

    Will try to get a bit of a run in this morning. It is a beautiful, calm sparkly morning. No humidity and can't wait to get outsdie!

    Have a great day, All:heart: Kackie
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm having a bit of a mental meltdown at present - won't go into it right now, because I'm at work and I'd just end up in a puddle of tears - not a good look. I will possibly write it all down to get it out of my system later on.

    At least I'm not self-medicating with booze or food as I would have done a couple of years ago!

    Love to you all.
    Amanda x
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Happy Thursday – and the end of the week for those of us who live in places where Good Friday is observed as a day off work.

    The "Siege of Troy" was a hit, kindergarten students especially loved the scene when Hector fell dead at their feet, and were doubly thrilled when, a couple of minutes later, Achilles joined him (her). My more difficult students were challenging me all day, though.

    Mrs. C, "Sit with your own class please, this is not a time to socialize." Student: "What will you do if I don't?" Sheesh. :angry: That kept up all day and lead to one in-school suspension and I must say I'd be perfectly happy if the little miscreant just stayed home and left me alone for a day.

    Faye – you must live in a southerly place, strawberries already! :smile:

    Laura, I hope you parents’ house sells quickly. Speaking of drinking water – I try to get 2L a day – and I know I feel better when I do. I often put a de-caf mint tea bag in my water glass.

    Suz, I hope you are feeling better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Good to meet you, Bookchick Eileen,

    Sarah, I can’t agree more about choosing a “balanced” diet over a “specific” plan. :drinker: I was raised by a dietician, maybe that’s why I get so worked up about it. In my single years she used to send me a copy of the Canada Food Guide each time I moved to a new apartment! Your description of your bike ride was poetry. Your recipes are on my weekend menu. My parents saw Warhorse in London and loved it. Let me know what you think. Wish I lived near TO so we could go together!

    Ha Ha, Jen, “time in the zone” when you are “short on time”. :laugh: Never thought of it that way.

    Barbie – new glasses are great! And shockingly expensive! My plan gives me $200 every second year, but my glasses cost closer to $700 – and that’s with ordinary frames. Still better than where I’d be if I didn’t have glasses, must look on the bright side! :wink:

    Michelle, body fat of 11.something! Congratulations you! :flowerforyou: I know what you mean about getting bored on the treadmill – that’s why I do intervals. Think I’ll try backwards next time I’m at the gym.

    JipsyJudy – Your travel strategies are brilliant! I don’t travel much now that I’m out of the administration side of education, but I sure could have used that advice five years ago.

    Barbara, I heard a snippet of an interview on the radio the other day about our (humans) inclination to a “reward mentality”. That is, when we accomplish something we feel we deserve a reward, so we give ourselves a present. That is, I think, why I “blow it” so often after a weight loss – I reward myself with all the things that caused the problem in the first place.:noway: You’ve made me think about it, and perhaps I need to consciously reward myself with something non-food related so I can avoid unconsciously rewarding myself with food.

    Amanda, take care of yourself. :love: My 2 bits worth - you need a day off right now and a long vacation in the sun to look forward to.

    Hasta pronto,

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Amanda sending you a big Aussie hug, hold in there.

    There is always so much to read when I log on I don't think I will ever get my novels read now. I always have a couple on the go to suit my mood.

    Yes good idea I will try and use the rest time to do some research and planning on healthier food choices and different exercises. Having pneumonia really sucks. I am really tempted to do a little walk on my better days. Wouldn't that be ok. I am worried as I don't want to do the wrong thing and delay my progress.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Amanda please accept a TransAtlantic hug. Can you step out of the office for a quick stroll to the park?:brokenheart:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Another lovely day in paradise. The sky is still crying but now I'm thinking those must be tears of joy! Winter is truly over and warmer days are ahead. Yup. Stay positive. :wink:

    :flowerforyou: I don't have lots of time to write this morning but just wanted to say how impressed I am with all of you who diligently reply to each and every one of us who post here! It's just wonderful how much kind concern you show. Please know you're all very much appreciated. :flowerforyou:

    I actually jogged a full mile without stopping yesterday, amazing my own self! :noway: Not a fast jog, but still. I would have been lucky to jog a distance of 10 feet a year ago. Not that I want to become a jogger per se, but it just feels good. This morning I'll be doing my 6th session of SWSY strength training. :bigsmile:

    My scale does not want to cooperate. I said to it this morning, "Back in the sea, Crab!" :laugh:

    Good day everyone, :drinker:
    jb (I'm Joanie - JB is what my dad called me, it just sort of stuck)
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Still tired, but no tummy problems in over 24 hours. Hoping that is the end of that. Ignored all that needs doing and just had a pajama day yesterday. Gonna stick with the BRAT diet for a few more days before easing back into my usual meals. Really missing chocolate, nuts, spices and leafy greens! I didn't realize how much onion and garlic I used until I had to NOT. Just for good measure, I have a physical scheduled for April 19th.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sunshine is back, going to be 70 on this Thursday,

    jb- WOW running a mile:drinker: , don't think my body would make it:cry:

    Nancy- sure do wish I'd had a teacher that had been as creative as you, your students are sure fortunate to have you for their teacher:heart:

    Amanda-:flowerforyou: Huggs to you. Hang in there:flowerforyou:

    Michele- :drinker: to have body fat of 11 something that is awesome!

    Jane- Good for you not eating that candy you were putting in the eggs, just goes to show how much will power you have.:love:

    Barb- so glad to see you back here,:flowerforyou: I guess I wasn't on here when you lost Bradley:cry: so sorry to hear that. Glad you were able to get your Dad's car sold. I know it's so hard on them when they can no longer drive and I went through that with bothf of my parents.

    Sarah- I didn't know that Warhorse was a play. I've seen the movie and we loved it, I'll be curious how they do the play:ohwell: Drinking a glass of water in the middle of the night:noway: I keep water by my bedside but only take a sip if I get up to use the bathroom...there is no way I'd be able to drink a whole glass.

    Jen- Where did you get your Kettleworx DVD? Was it something you ordered on line?:huh: I do a kettlebell workout but am using the DVD that came with it but know that I'm going to need to mix it up pretty soon.

    Jellyfishjen-Get well soon:flowerforyou: When so many of us are looking forward to Spring and Summer it seems strange to see you talking about Autumn...that's the reminder that we are from ALL over the world here on MFP.:bigsmile:

    tessi- I know that Barbie mentioned DVD's that you could get, there are a lot of choices for getting exercise at home with little or no equipment. Also if you have cable there are fitness channels that have a variety of exercise shows that you can do at home too:happy:

    I'm just shy of my 1/2 way point on this weight loss journey and that's the good thing, the bad thing is that Sunday is Easter:sad: and all those chocolate bunny's just call to me. I have volunteered to have Easter at our house and have decided to do a brunch instead of a lunch or dinner. With it being at our place I'm hoping that will make it easier for me to keep the eating under control. I've asked DIL#2 to bring Cinnamon Rolls...she makes the BEST ones (although she claims it's my receipe...maybe they're better because someone else makes them:wink: )

    Last night I made the Cola Cake, it came out GREAT and hubby loved it I was going to make it last weekend but with being in bed on Sunday it didn't happen. It was so moist that just a dollup of Cool Whip and it's good to go:love: For those of you that are new I've put the receipe below.

    :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: Soda Cake:tongue::tongue: :tongue:

    1 (18 ounce) box dry cake mix (any flavor) I use the sugar free
    10 ounces diet soda (any flavor)
    1-2 egg white (slightly beaten, optional but cake stays together better and is fluffier) I used the Egg Beater Egg Whites

    1. Mix the dry cake mix, the diet soda, and the egg white(s) until well blended.
    2. Pour into a 9 X 13 sprayed pan or prepared cupcake tins.
    3. Cook according to the directions on cake mix box.
    4. Slice into 12 pieces - 4 points per slice.

    Using A Zero Calorie Soda Pop / Egg Beater Egg Whites / Sugar Free Cake mix is 124 Calories per piece.

    Suggested Combinations: * yellow cake mix / diet lemon-lime soda (with a dollop of Cool Whip -- tastes like a "Twinkie") * orange cake / diet Mountain Dew * cherry chip cake / diet cream soda * diet lemon-lime soda / lemon cake * angel or yellow cake / diet orange * white cake / diet peach soda * spice cake / diet lemon-lime * diet ginger ale / white cake * diet cherry soda / chocolate cake * Diet cola / devils food or chocolate mix * diet vanilla coke / chocolate cake * devils food cake / diet Vanilla coke * diet root beer / chocolate cake * diet cherry coke / chocolate cake * marble cake / diet cream soda * lemon cake / tangerine Diet Rite *.

    I have also made a spice cake and used a can of pumpkin. Nothing else, just a can of pumpkin. It is yummy. If you make the coke cake and put it in muffin cups you really don't need any frosting. My grandsons love the cupcakes

    Canned peaches, white cake and sprite. But, you do not mix all together. Put peached on bottom. Sprinkle on cake mix. Pour sprite on top and bake. Not mixing it causes some of the cake mix to stay on top and get crunchy like a crumble.

    Everyone have a GREAT day, let's get that food logged, Drink plenty of water:drinker: and get up and get moving.

  • Bookchick887
    Bookchick887 Posts: 126 Member
    Learned a lot at the crochet session yesterday, too bad I didn't burn any calories, but it was good for my brain. Usually we walk 3-5 miles together- oh how valuable to have a walking partner. We should be out there again soon!
    It's a grandma's job to crochet a blanket, so I'm fulfilling my duty :)
    Love getting to know you all from your posts!
    Have a great Maundy Thursday.
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Amanda, I don't know who you are or what it is, but I'm sending hugs with this message. You can get through it. In my life, four times I found myself dealing with what felt like unbearable hurt, and sometimes fear, and having to keep working. When my mother died, I was in an instructor training program that I HAD to finish for a license. I drew myself a picture of the most calming place/scene I could remember, and whenever i felt like it was going to overwhelm me, I started at the picture and breathed slow hand deep until I was under control again.

    I'm writing (well tapping with my finger) on a tablet and can't see who posted the comment about rewards and how rewarding yourself with food derailed you in the past. I've lost and regained 50 pounds three times in my life. This time, what I've done with my diet is forever, because of diabetes. I now have my blood sugar completely under control, but I know that if i go off my carb-controlled diet, I'm risking a lot more than a little weight gain, so there is no dessert for me at the end of this project. So what do I do for a reward? Shortly after I joined MFP, I connected with a young woman who had more than 100 pounds to lose. (By the way, she has now lost it!) She had joined a gym, and her trainer asked her to set goals to reward herself at intervals. She did that, and she posted all her goals, and comments about each, here. I thought her goals were brilliant! One of her goals along the way was to go horseback riding. There was a maximum weight for riders at some stable she knew about, so her reward, for when she dropped below that maximum, was a morning of horseback riding. She had a few goals that involved buying clothes, or indulgences such as spa days, but most of her rewards were to engage in activities she couldn't do until she lost weight.

    I created a list of rewards for myself, and it's worked pretty well. The only glitch I encountered was that I guessed wrong about when i would need new clothes! I intended to reward myself with new items of clothing, such as a swimsuit or a cocktail party dress, when I reached specific weights, but I wound up needing both those items (for events) before I reached my goal.

    Finally, on the subject of rewards, yes, it's Easter this weekend. For me now, and from now on, holidays will have NOTHING at all to do with eating food I don't usually eat. I think it was Barbie at who posted here a while ago, "Focus on the people with you, not the food!" My kids are all visiting us on Saturday, when our swim-and-tennis club has a brunch and an Easter egg hunt in which my granddaughter will participate. I've already made my (healthy) brunch selections from the posted menu, and I plan to take lots of photos, but there will be no sweets for me!

    For any other 50+ folks out there who share my goals of dieting right through the holiday weekend, "We can do this!"
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    A quick hello from the beach. It's cold and rainy today. We went to see the Wright Brothers Memorial and walked for hours around the site. I love the ocean! Yesterday there was an amazing rainbow after the rain. Something about being here restores my soul.

    Reading a great book "The Insulin Resistance Diet". Thank you Judy for the recommendation. It's a great read! I am finding it much easier to follow than anything my drs. have advised. I have been dealing with steadily increasing fasting blood sugar and weight gain for the last few years. I know I'm not loosing yet, but I'm finding it much eaiser to not be tempted by wine or sugar. We will be spending Easter on the beach and then heading home. I like the idea of making holidays "being with people". Our children are young, so sweets and treats are usually around. It has been eaiser most days to say no, as I'm feeling less tired and more satistifed. I indulged last night and felt so tired afterwards. I know it is the only way for me from now on. My body just doesn't do well with any simple carbs or sugar.

    Miss everyone. Trying to keep up. Wishing all a great weekend.