I'm the only person who knows....



  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    That after spending thousands of dollars to build bicylce trails we still have the SHARE the road and they dont!!! GRRRRRRR!!! You are a vehicle! Learn the rules of the road!!!!
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    That cyclists are supposed to obey traffic laws...cuz the people riding them sure as *kitten* don't think so...

    Ooh ooh, I know this one too!
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    that writing checks in the grocery store lines takes too much time and your slowing the whole process down. I want to break your f**in kneecaps....

    Hey I know this one too!! I think it is always the same sweet little old lady everywhere I go. I wish she would learn some technology or at least have the dang checkbook out of her purse already!
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Oh and I seem to be the only one who doesnt know that the sign above the express lane saying "less than 20 items" really means at least 30.
  • timmy2strikes
    timmy2strikes Posts: 99 Member
    When the light is green, you can move forward.

    A large percentage of people in my town slow or even come to a complete stop at green lights. When I first moved here, I thought it might be some strange city law, but no, it's just a weird quirk of the drivers here. How did this get started? Did one or two people start regularly treating green lights like stop signs and it just caught on?

    Maybe they think it is really ripe and getting ready to change???
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    When the light is green, you can move forward.

    A large percentage of people in my town slow or even come to a complete stop at green lights. When I first moved here, I thought it might be some strange city law, but no, it's just a weird quirk of the drivers here. How did this get started? Did one or two people start regularly treating green lights like stop signs and it just caught on?

    Maybe they think it is really ripe and getting ready to change???

    next time it happens in front of me, I will just take a deep breath, and forgive the jerk for over-estimating the ripeness of the green light.
  • shawnp80134
    That if your having computer and/or printer problems at home, rebooting it will fix most of the problems instead of calling me at work!!!
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    I know a few things:

    2) If on said three lane highway in the far left lane and a car approaches from behind at a higher rate of speed, it is customary to move over into the middle or far right lane so that they may pass. When they flash their ligths at you, it is a signal that you are being asked to do so. Should you choose not to do so, the next flashes you see may very well be muzzle flashes.

    I better stop...

    I don't agree with this. You are saying that we should allow every jerk that races up behind us and drives obnoxiously (tailing, flashing lights) to pressure us into getting over so he/she can be on their precious way. I understand getting out of the left lane if you aren't in the process of passing someone, but if I am passing someone at my desired speed and someone comes up behind me and does as you described, why should I hurry up and quickly get over for that obnoxious jerk? I have people do that to me when I'm already doing 80 in a 70. It's never fast enough for someone. People forget the roads are to be shared. It's not THEIR road to drive as THEY please.

    You have no right to flash your lights at anybody on the road unless you are law enforcement, or you are telling someone coming the other direction to turn their brights off!
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    I can expand on the merging complaints here. In MI, the thing that everyone does is cut people off on the freeway to ALLOW the mergers in. So if I am on a three-lane freeway in the middle lane and am driving past a line of cars in the right lane, and up ahead is a car or two getting ready to merge onto the freeway and into that right lane, I can be sure that I will be cut off by someone already in the right lane coming over into the middle lane to make room for the merger. It is ridiculous. Nobody knows what merging means around here.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Sometimes I feel like I am the only person double-timing, while the rest of the world is half-stepping
  • newnormal2010
    Stop signs won't turn green.

    I've had to sit behind people who were unaware that they were at a STOP sign, not a traffic light, and just sit there until I honk the horn.

    LOL In the town where I grew up, there was one intersection where the stop sign was hung from a wire overhead -- just like traffic lights normally are. I didn't drive down that street often, but almost every time I did, I sat there waiting for that stop sign to turn green! :laugh:
  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    that you're supposed to merge onto a highway matching the speed of traffic.

    Everyone else in Colorado believes you're supposed to go 10-20 mph slower. :explode:

    What's your secret knowledge??? :smokin:

    My friend and I are both recent transplants to Colorado and were talking about this the other day. We decided that people around here just drive funny.

    And I swear I'm one of the only people that knows how to use their turn signal on a regular basis and BEFORE you change lanes.
  • teripendleton
    That if you have toddlers, you should not have them out late at night and then yell at them in the store for being cranky. Get a babysitter or stay home and put them to bed yourself. Little ones need their sleep.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    when you take off your shoes at a party, you should always pair them up in a place you'll remember...

    yeah, right!!!! like no one's gonna mess up the line up!!!
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    that just because you put your turn signal on it doesn't mean you can change lanes without looking and if I am walking and you are in a car at the corner you can proceed through the intersection way faster than you can wait for me to walk through it!
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    That if you have toddlers, you should not have them out late at night and then yell at them in the store for being cranky. Get a babysitter or stay home and put them to bed yourself. Little ones need their sleep.

    that should be posted in every store and place of eating!!!!

    Some of these mom's don't realize their baby is tired not hungry!!!! Hello?!?!?!? It's called read and learn!!!
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    that if you use a cell phone in a movie theater I am in, you have a strong possibility of getting kicked out. .... Oh wait, there are at least six people who have learned that over the past few years. :devil: :devil:
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    If you suddenly jam on your brakes at a Yield sign with no cars in sight you will probably surprise the person behind you and cause an accident

    The sign on the indoor track that says not to walk side by side and block both lanes applies to people on the track

    The signs on the glass windows on the portion of the indoor track overlooking the pool that say "Do not stand on the track to watch your children swim" should not be torn down because they are blocking your view of the pool.
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 364 Member
    I know a few things:

    2) If on said three lane highway in the far left lane and a car approaches from behind at a higher rate of speed, it is customary to move over into the middle or far right lane so that they may pass. When they flash their ligths at you, it is a signal that you are being asked to do so. Should you choose not to do so, the next flashes you see may very well be muzzle flashes.

    I better stop...

    I don't agree with this. You are saying that we should allow every jerk that races up behind us and drives obnoxiously (tailing, flashing lights) to pressure us into getting over so he/she can be on their precious way. I understand getting out of the left lane if you aren't in the process of passing someone, but if I am passing someone at my desired speed and someone comes up behind me and does as you described, why should I hurry up and quickly get over for that obnoxious jerk? I have people do that to me when I'm already doing 80 in a 70. It's never fast enough for someone. People forget the roads are to be shared. It's not THEIR road to drive as THEY please.

    You have no right to flash your lights at anybody on the road unless you are law enforcement, or you are telling someone coming the other direction to turn their brights off!

    Actually in CA, what the original poster said was true. If they are coming up behind you and wanting to go faster, you should move out of their way.

    It REALLY pisses me off when people don't move. I don't care that your terrified of driving faster, get the eff outta my way so I can go!
  • ConcordPhil
    ConcordPhil Posts: 118 Member
    I'm the only person that knows... that 'loose' means 'easy' and 'lose' means 'once having had something but now it is missing'. I can even use both in the same sentence... thusly: "I am going to 'lose' my sanity if I don't find a 'loose' woman pretty damn soon".