


  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    Love avacado in a tortilla wrap with my Mexican chicken! I eat them at least once or twice a week. I don't know that I would ever get enough good fat without them. Have NO problem getting the bad fat...lol.
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
    I would eat them everyday if I could. I started buying the Wholly Guacamole 100 calorie packs to keep my portions in check.
  • Fabulous Idea how come I never thought of this. Thank you
  • mrsred79
    mrsred79 Posts: 79
    I am SO going to make deconstructed sushi soon. Thanks for all the great ideas, guys! Looooove me some avocado.
  • rcillo219
    rcillo219 Posts: 76 Member
    Alright all you avocado experts help me out!!! First off, I like avocado, second off I cannot buy one correctly worth a darn, too soft or too hard, never the right texture, and how do I store them?? Today I threw two out that seemed perfectly fine when I bought them yesterday and soft and mushy today, what the heck???

    I buy mine when they are greenish brown so they are hard but just about to turn. I store mine in the fridge because they seem to last longer and I enjoy them much better cold. I use them on sandwiches for lunch and breakfast, in salads, by themselves as a snack. My boyfriends fav dinner I make is grilled chicken topped with a bit of melted cheddar cheese and avocado slices. So good! Good luck on buying them it took me a couple trys to get it just right, but you will get used to picking them out :smile:
  • kimdt74
    kimdt74 Posts: 22 Member
    Avocados are something I have recently added to my diet. I tried them before they got soft and I didn't care for them, but love them after they soften up. If you are not going to eat a whole one at once, leave the seed in it and seal in a bag in the refrigerator, it will keep for the next day. I got a large bag at Sam's and had to wait for mine to ripen, but after they got soft to touch I put int the refrigerator and they have kept for almost a week. I don't care for eggs, but I can get them down covered in salsa and avocados. I love to mash 1/4 a avocado with one wedge of laughing cow garlic and herb to make a dip for baked chips or wheat crackers.
  • avocados are my fav thing to eat when i need some cals, I like to dice them and put them in wraps with hummus and turkey deli, or make some rice and put crab-meat and cucumber and avocados and have deconstructed sushi :)

    The "deconstructed sushi" sounds YUM!! : ))
  • Wen37
    Wen37 Posts: 218 Member
    Great ideas. Bump for later.
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    Avocados are something I have recently added to my diet. I tried them before they got soft and I didn't care for them, but love them after they soften up. If you are not going to eat a whole one at once, leave the seed in it and seal in a bag in the refrigerator, it will keep for the next day. I got a large bag at Sam's and had to wait for mine to ripen, but after they got soft to touch I put int the refrigerator and they have kept for almost a week. I don't care for eggs, but I can get them down covered in salsa and avocados. I love to mash 1/4 a avocado with one wedge of laughing cow garlic and herb to make a dip for baked chips or wheat crackers.

    Will certainly try this, sounds yummy.

    Thanks for all the ideas folks, I so love me some avocados. I gave them up for about 2 years when I realized how many calories they have, but I need to add them back in due to the GOOD fat.

    Thanks again
  • miskrys
    miskrys Posts: 6
    They taste the best when they're soft and mushy! If you find you have too many to use up, you can actually freeze them. Wait till ripe, cut in half and remove pit. Squirt a little bit of lime juice on one half and saran wrap. Do that to each half then put in zip lock, they will stay for a couple months in the freezer. Still taste great and they won't turn brown.
  • Krisgren
    Krisgren Posts: 93 Member
    I am totally going to try this chicken breast with avocado and cheese, sounds fantastic :)
  • Avocado is my reason for being!
  • THEErikaR
    THEErikaR Posts: 160 Member
    Moderation, schmoderation. I ate a whole one yesterday. If it fits in your calories and macros, go for it.

    HA!! I totally agree!!! :drinker: