Anti-Depressants- How I Gained My Weight



  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    I hear you girl! Good for you for getting off of them!

    I was on Seasonique birth control and it was making me very depressed.... which I'm sure influenced my emotional eating. I didn't want to go out or do anything. Now that I'm off it I have so much better control of my emotions.

    And I'm addicted to endorphins! Which means I love working out :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • simplyblessed5
    simplyblessed5 Posts: 130 Member
    Anti-depressants do make you gain weight. They mess with your hypothalamus that controls your hunger/thirst cycles. I was on paxil and gained 40 lbs in three months once. Unfortunately, weight gain is one of the side effects from certain medicines. You just have to weigh the benefits versus the side effects and see if it's worth it. For me, it wasn't!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Are you implying that the antidepressant directly caused weight gain? Or it caused you to overeat? From my understanding, antidepressants do not directly contribute to weight gain but only the possibility of overeating.

    That's bull****. You can lower metabolisms whilst playing around with the hormones in the body.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Any hormone therapy change can cause weight gain or weight loss. I suggest talking to your doctor, and seeing if possibly you can switch to a different type, brand, or w/e for your condition. The most dangerous thing you can do though is take yourself off the medication without getting approval from your doctor or pharmacist. There is a potential that when you stop taking the medication, that you will gain weight, and then gain even more when you start a new kind, as opposed to maintaining or losing with starting a new medication. I work in a pharmacy, and we see this problem a lot. Please contact your doctor, or even your pharmacist, and see what they recommend
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    Certain medicine CAN and DO affect different people in different ways.

    Like I posted a while ago: I started on a certain med and I gained LOTS of weight.
    When I slowly came off this med, I lost the wieght.
    My husband, on the other hand, was on the exact same med and he did not gain an ounce. He may have even lost lbs.

    Before I began talking this medication I didn't much exercise and never, ever had to diet. I was always slim, no problem. Even after I had my kids. I could eat 9 peices of pizza with no worry. I have no reason to lie either, it's the truth.
    The ONLY time I gained weight was when I took this med.
    I gained over 50 lbs while taking it.
    I started exercising and eating more healthy and now I am starting to lose the lbs. (I had to go back on this med for health reasons).

    I don't know why, or all the scientific explanations on how our bodies work; I don't think anybody does! All I know for sure is what I have experienced. And I have experienced much weight gain when taking a certain medication. The End.
  • MaryPhillips90
    MaryPhillips90 Posts: 236 Member
    You better watch out. Someone is going to quote you saying it was your fault and not the medication.
  • JDavid007
    JDavid007 Posts: 331 Member
    I have taken Lexapro for more than 10 years...I did gain much weight during those years but alot of that was my eating habits...I hit rock bottom late last year. I had no energy and my depression seem so much worse...I saw a new doctor and had blood test done to find I was deficient in Vitamin D.,(I know lots of people are), and my testosterone was very low...She added me to Wellbutrin which seemed to help....I also decided it was time to make life changes so I came here and so far I eat better workout almost daily and feel so much better...I was also added to a mood stabilizer called Lamotrigine...And started hormone treatments...I have lost 36 pounds in 100 days...I think for me the medications have suppressed my appetite and of course the testosterone has also helped a lot...

    Just sharing my experiences...
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 339 Member
    My advice, you don't have to take it or agree with it, try to change your life without taking these drugs unless you absolutely have to. This is one of those cure is worse than the disease situations.

    ^^ That may be true if you just need some therapy to deal with a difficult life situation, but it sounds like you've never had severe depression caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Otherwise, I don't think you'd say the cure is worse than the disease.

    Situational or clinical, real or imagined, what's the difference? Either way, it still doesn't just go away. It's something that you have to deal with for the rest of your life.

    ^^ I don't understand what you mean. With proper treatment, depression can and does go into remission. I guess the cure could be worse than the disease if your disease is mild and your treatment side effects are bad. In that case, I wouldn't want the drugs either. But if your disease is extreme and severely restricts or threatens your life, and you don't suffer any noticeable side effects, or if the side effects are manageable, then how could the cure be worse than the disease?

    I mean: how is clinical depression any worse than situational depression or vice versa?

    ^^ One is NOT worse than the other. There are different treatments for different kinds of problems. Situational depression generally has an identifiable trigger or underlying cause. Sometimes it's reassuring to know that there's a reason for your feelings and it helps to work through it. Chemical imbalance can happen seemingly randomly and for no reason. It's scary to experience emotions that are out of control and have no reason for why it's happening. Both types of people suffer, yes. Medication may or may not be the appropriate treatment for situational depression. Talk therapy alone may do nothing for a chemical imbalance. Please don't say that the cure is worse than the disease if you don't know what other people are going through.

    A situation is an event, usually traumatic. Therapy alone doesn't cure situational depression if the depression is exasperated by post traumatic stress disorder.

    This is a generalisation. It may be true for one person, but not everybody who is depressed has PTSD...these are two separate diagnoses.
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 339 Member
    I'm just wondering about the natural anti-depressant drug known as exercise. Does that at all help? have any of you experienced feeling better through exercising?

    I've never been chronically depressed but I imagine that getting up to exercise would be virtually impossible in the really chronic phases. But I'm just wondering about the effects of it when one isn't as depressed anymore. Is it a good way to start weening oneself off the drugs?

    Speaking from experience and professionally, exercise is a HUGE antidepressant.

    You are correct though, for somepeople who can't even get out of bed, speak, eat, or function in any way...exercise isn't going to happen.

    The caveat is that depression largely affects motivation, so to get motivated enough to exercise is a huge hurdle for most.

    Exercise inevitably helps someone with depression feel better because it increases the "feel-good" chemicals in the brain/bloodstream.

    However, the medication issue is separate from the exercise. It doesn't work that don't exercise, feel great, and then wean yourself off meds. It's much more complicated and individual than that. As I've stated before, medication is often needed long-term, even when someone is feeling well. They often feel well because of the medication, as well as other factors, such as therapy, diet, exercise...the list is different for each person.

    Thanks for your reply!

    This sounds really dire. Can people ever fully go off the meds?

    Would you think a diabetic's situation is "dire" because they had to take insulin everyday?
    It's really no different.
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 339 Member
    Which anti-depressants are "weight neutral"?? I started on Lexapro for depression and anxiety about 5 years ago and gained about 50 lbs. Lexapro works pretty well for me, though, and I'm reluctant to try anything else...

    You have to consult your doc, as what is "weight-neutral" for you may not be for everyone...There is likely a med out there that will treat your depression and not make you gain weight.
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 339 Member
    Are you implying that the antidepressant directly caused weight gain? Or it caused you to overeat? From my understanding, antidepressants do not directly contribute to weight gain but only the possibility of overeating.

    Everyone really needs to read ALL the posts before they respond!

    To state again:
    Antidepressants CAN, but don't necessarily, cause:
    Weight gain.
    Cravings for sugary foods.
    Cravings for more food.
    Weight to hold on and not let go easily.

    A lot of this is trial aand error; the doc doesn't know which antidepressant will not cause you to experience all the above. Hopefully, they can *kitten* your situation and make an educated guess...

    The very first depressive episode I had, I was put on antidepressants that made me feel WORSE...I just wanted to die to end the suffering...It was nearly unbearable...So when I was put on the correct meds, it was like a huge weight was lifted off my chest...It helped me to function somewhat, so that I could get out of bed, go to school, and go to therapy, which really was key in my recovery.
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 339 Member
    I don't understand why you're getting your panties in a bunch. Some of us are simply explaining that there is no known mechanism by which the antidepressant would alter you physically to cause direct weight gain. Weight gain occur when one takes in more calories than they are expending. The only reason any of you gain weight is because you end up overeating. Now, obviously, that's a side effect of going on antidepressants. It's difficult to avoid overeating when you're chemically altered. You can easily do this research yourself. It's the explanation for why most of you are gaining weight. Now, I'm not saying you'll be able to control it but rather I was just mentioning it. No need to get offended. This is the internet. It isn't serious business.

    Also, @Apa93: a healthy diet does not mean you won't gain weight. What an absurd notion. I couldn't care less if you eat like Michael Phelps or Lustig. Healthy eating =/= no weight gain.

    You are another example of why I'm getting frustrated. You're obviously not reading anyone else's reply. I lead a healthy lifestyle food and exercise and still gained weight and could NEVER lose it. I didn't overeat. I wasn't lazy. This medication made me gain the most weight I've ever weighed. If it was fault of my own, I would admit. Let alone not post on the forum. You all just need to pay attention and read before you open your mouth

  • MaryPhillips90
    MaryPhillips90 Posts: 236 Member
    Thank you!
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    That's bull****. You can lower metabolisms whilst playing around with the hormones in the body.

    Let's say that happens, okay? How do you propose that causes weight gain unless a caloric surplus is present? The medication indirectly causes weight gain but, in the end, a caloric surplus (overeating) is the direct cause for the weight gain. I don't understand why that is so complicated to understand. Google is your friend. You can find this stuff out easily.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member

    You are another example of why I'm getting frustrated. You're obviously not reading anyone else's reply. I lead a healthy lifestyle food and exercise and still gained weight and could NEVER lose it. I didn't overeat. I wasn't lazy. This medication made me gain the most weight I've ever weighed. If it was fault of my own, I would admit. Let alone not post on the forum. You all just need to pay attention and read before you open your mouth

    I'm not saying it's entirely your fault. Again, you are getting your panties in a bunch. You have to realize that the medication itself cannot directly cause weight gain. You cannot take a pill that will cause you to gain 20lbs. It's obscene to suggest something like this. It's like the people who suggest that they're addicted to food like cocaine and thus cannot prevent binge eating. Honestly, very few people on here understand the science behind the things they discuss.

    Let me reiterate for a way that won't offend you: the medication does cause weight gain BUT NOT DIRECTLY. If it was direct then simply taking the pill would result in weight gain regardless of caloric intake yet this is absurd notion. Yes, the pill could decrease your metabolism (I haven't seen evidence that it does but let's say it does). If it does then eating more than you're expending will cause the gain.

    And, one more time: healthy lifestyle means jack **** when you're trying to gain or lose weight, so please stop bringing up your "healthy" lifestyle, whatever that means.

    Look, I know it's not your fault you gained weight. I'm not trying to suggest that it is.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    My advice, you don't have to take it or agree with it, try to change your life without taking these drugs unless you absolutely have to. This is one of those cure is worse than the disease situations.

    ^^ That may be true if you just need some therapy to deal with a difficult life situation, but it sounds like you've never had severe depression caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Otherwise, I don't think you'd say the cure is worse than the disease.

    Situational or clinical, real or imagined, what's the difference? Either way, it still doesn't just go away. It's something that you have to deal with for the rest of your life.

    ^^ I don't understand what you mean. With proper treatment, depression can and does go into remission. I guess the cure could be worse than the disease if your disease is mild and your treatment side effects are bad. In that case, I wouldn't want the drugs either. But if your disease is extreme and severely restricts or threatens your life, and you don't suffer any noticeable side effects, or if the side effects are manageable, then how could the cure be worse than the disease?

    I mean: how is clinical depression any worse than situational depression or vice versa?

    ^^ One is NOT worse than the other. There are different treatments for different kinds of problems. Situational depression generally has an identifiable trigger or underlying cause. Sometimes it's reassuring to know that there's a reason for your feelings and it helps to work through it. Chemical imbalance can happen seemingly randomly and for no reason. It's scary to experience emotions that are out of control and have no reason for why it's happening. Both types of people suffer, yes. Medication may or may not be the appropriate treatment for situational depression. Talk therapy alone may do nothing for a chemical imbalance. Please don't say that the cure is worse than the disease if you don't know what other people are going through.

    A situation is an event, usually traumatic. Therapy alone doesn't cure situational depression if the depression is exasperated by post traumatic stress disorder.

    This is a generalisation. It may be true for one person, but not everybody who is depressed has PTSD...these are two separate diagnoses.

    Actually it was more of a specific case I was referring to.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    I have read this thread with interest and in part amazement by how many people,and what appears to be particularly young women are taking anti depressants. In a generic and non judgmental view, it appears we are over prescribed. I had experience with a son that took anti depressants for a time and it was not a positive thing. He eventually no longer took them and the story had a happy ending. Maybe that is the way to look at these medications. We break a bone, use crutches for a while, it heals and we no longer need the crutches. I hope it can be that way for all who are taking these medications. The medications cause various side effects, that is known and unknown in complete scope. And it is never good, like "on this medication you will lose weight". For young women, what can be more depressing than gaining 20 pounds while taking a medication that is supposed to help with depression. It seems like a pharmalogical trap to me. I know that anyone that may be taking these meds may have looked at natural solutions, but maybe not. Just in case someone doesn't know, fish oil is indicated to help alot with depression. So if you have not looked at natural meds, please do. Good luck and best wishes with all these challenges.

    I totally agree with you, antidepressants and ALL medications are way over prescribed. I am glad your son has a happy ending.....some do not. I work in the field of mental health and have heard horror stories about medications. I too am VERY cautious with what I put in my body and use natural products as much as possible. I hope everyone here proceeds with caution and understands that the pharmaceutical companies are BIG business and want to keep it that way! I also wish NO ONE used drugs for depression/anxiety etc UNLESS they were also doing counseling along with it. We must get to the root of the issues to heal and while drugs may be necessary for a period of time, or to do the hard emotional work, we will never heal unless we face and feel our sadness, hurt, etc. Please know I care and I am NOT judging anyone here for what you are doing. You are doing the best you can with what you know and you are hurting or you would not be medicating. Just be very very careful. Hugs, Dyanna
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Whether or not I'm depressed enough to have an opinion isn't for anyone here to decide. All I'm saying is this: before you ask your doctor about SSRI's, make sure you've exausted every other option first. If one possible side effect is DEATH, then you could end up worse off than you were before.

    The UK has already started to ban SSRI's.

    Now I'm going to quote Keith Hodge here, but this is just my opinion. That's all it is. You don't have to agree with it or even like it. It's just an opinion. There's no need to get all butthurt and rectal bleeding and spotting on the toilet paper. You can do whatever THE F YOU WANNA DO!
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    AND we also live in a world that expects us to be up and happy all the time. We are given two weeks to be depressed before it is called clinical depression and then we need to medicate!!?? I remember when my husband was diagnosed with cancer, the FIRST thing they wanted to do was put him on antidepressants. SEVERAL medical staff talked with him and finally he said, "I was just diagnosed with cancer, am I supposed to be happy about it"!! They finally let him be. Sometimes life is VERY very difficult and few of us have others we can talk to about the TRUTH and we end up depressed.......I wish you well and I wish you someone in your world who truly cares enough to listen with out judgement!.....Dyanna
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 339 Member
    AND we also live in a world that expects us to be up and happy all the time. We are given two weeks to be depressed before it is called clinical depression and then we need to medicate!!?? I remember when my husband was diagnosed with cancer, the FIRST thing they wanted to do was put him on antidepressants. SEVERAL medical staff talked with him and finally he said, "I was just diagnosed with cancer, am I supposed to be happy about it"!! They finally let him be. Sometimes life is VERY very difficult and few of us have others we can talk to about the TRUTH and we end up depressed.......I wish you well and I wish you someone in your world who truly cares enough to listen with out judgement!.....Dyanna

    You are absolutely right.
    As has been already stated in the posts, antidepressants are oversprescribed and yes, pharmaceutical companies are big business...we've already covered that ground, if you read the previous posts.
    You husband's experience is an example of the quickness that exists in the medical field to instantly want to put a pill into someone who is ailing.
    However, when you mentioned that someone only needs to feel "depressed" for two weeks and then they're put on a pill...This isn't exactly accurate.
    The diagnosis for Clinical Depression is based on the DSM-IV, a the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. It's what all mental health professionals, myself included, base diagnoses on.
    The depression has to be experienced for two weeks, yes, but a host of other symptoms must ALSO be present, not just the downer feelings...
    There are actually several criteria that have to be met in order for a clinical diagnosis to be made. This includes but isn't limited to:
    Loss of interest in usual activities.
    Increase/decrease in appetite.
    Increase/decrease in sleep.
    Feelings of hoplessness.
    Lack of ability to function "normally".
    Thoughts/feelings of suicide.

    Short of whipping out my DSM, this is a short list. It's not just "Oh, I feel depressed, and it's been about two weeks now" and the doctor responds "OK let's put you on an antidepressant". If the doctor is practising like this, then run away,. and run away fast and find a doctor who will ask more questions and spend more time getting to know your problem. Ideally, this should be done by a psychiatrist, who is someone who specialises in mental illness and is the most familiar with current pharmaceutical options.