worst comment ever made about your weight



  • Jnt1979
    Jnt1979 Posts: 80 Member
    My ex husband said (I was eating sunflower seeds) you know that those dont help your weight fluctuation..ugh.. Well since then i have lost 23lbs and he hasnt said a damn word!
  • nikki_1979
    "You have such a pretty face."

    ^^^This one. Is the worst overall because everyone thinks it's okay to say it. I had a lady in a store over Christmas say: "You should smile. It's not that bad! At least you have a pretty face." (said in the tone of the best compliment she had given in awhile)

    My personal worst were:
    1. I was in college and walking every night with a friend from work trying to lose some weight and some drunk frat guys in a truck came by yelling "What a fat a**" and "Fat b****" and "you need to try harder it's not working" And other really hurtful things.I stopped exercising that night and internalized it and I ended up with a social phobia that ended up in me losing my dream career. I can't believe I let those jerks affect me like that!
    2. When I was 12, my aunt told me: "Fat people don't get to go to college"
  • elizalb1
    elizalb1 Posts: 7
    I'd say the worst was when a girls aid my thighs looked like they were carrying babies in them lol
    the funniest comment ever made (happened this spring break) is when a sales associate asked me what size I am, I said large, and he said," No you? YOU extra-large" lol that's NYC for ya :D
  • jeardawg
    jeardawg Posts: 110 Member
    Only because it was said by someone in the world who I hold in the highest esteem, and she is usually the most tactful person I know. But my grandmother once told me, "you know not everyone in the world is meant to be thin."
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    My ex walked in the room while I was changing... his exact words, "Could you PLEASE put some clothes on!" We talked about it after the initial shock (and me being dressed) and he told me that he just didn't find me sexually attractive anymore.

    It's all good though! I got my revenge! :)
  • Biggusburdus
    Biggusburdus Posts: 22 Member
    A few people asked me if I was pregnant?
    Growing up I was soo skinny, I used to get tormented for that which is just as bad as growing up fat. Kids pick on all sorts, anything out the normal, big ears, big nose, speech impediment, not stylish clothes, lack of cool stuff..
    It's a tough learning curve but those that were bullies at school will always be bullies, we just have to ignore them just as much now as then.
    One thing I have noticed is people don't like to be fronted with their behaviour so make the effort to chanllenge them, as you help the next person that these idiots come accross!
  • jennifeffer
    jennifeffer Posts: 98 Member
    "You have such a pretty face."

    I HATE the 'you have such a pretty face'!!!!!!!!

    A five year old girl recently told me......'your tummy is big'. Awesome...............
  • tamjohn3858
    My boyfriend's mother said "oink oink!" to me after we had dinner together. She waited until she was out of hearing distance from my boyfriend.
  • nicholettebell
    "You have such a pretty face."

  • aquarianpixi
    aquarianpixi Posts: 131 Member
    When I was in elementary one of my classmates told me that the only way anyone would like a fat girl was if they were pregnant.
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    "You have such a pretty face."

    I agree that is hurtful;
  • shamrck44
    shamrck44 Posts: 91
    Well this thread depressed the hell out of me, and brought back some painful memories.

    I think the meanest comments came from those closest to me. When my niece started college my sisters both helped her move in. Oldest sis (OS) was telling me how it went. She was telling me about niece's roommate. She kept going on and on about how fat roommmate was (as if it were pertinent) and she just couldn't stop until I had a full understanding of the enormousness of this poor girl. She then says "how can I say this, but no offense she was your size" WTF? It was labor day and I was supposed to go hang out at her pool. Um, not putting on my suit in front of your judgemental *kitten*. Mind you OS has been pretty heavy herself, she at one point would only buy elastic waist pants so she wouldn't know her real size.

    After a long time I finally got past this and I was going into the city with her one day because she asked me to go. I took the day off from work to accompany her. She pulls up and had stopped at dunkin donuts but only got herself a coffee...again WTF. So I asked her to stop so I could get a coffee. She for some reason would not stop until we had gone past at least 5 more Dunkins. So when she finally stopped she was telling me about some of her marital problems and I gave her some advice. She says "you know, if husband could get past your looks, I could see him falling for you." (Get past my looks??). She makes all these hurtful comments and little does she know that her husband has actually told me he wished he married me. I would never tell her because I wouldn't want to hurt her, I just make it a point never to be around her husband.
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    I was standing at a bus stop one day, a young guy walked passed me and said "frigging hippo !"

    See, that's when you follow at a safe distance shrieking, "The paternity test says it's yours! Stop walking away from me! And when are you going to pay the hospital bill from breaking my jaw?"

    He will never say anything rude to anyone in public again.

    HA! Good one!

    I would say it would be my sister telling me I'm "fat but it looks good on me."
  • LUVNME94
    LUVNME94 Posts: 34
    OH WOW! I don't believe I have been insulted like that even at my highest weight. I am so sorry that you had to hear that. People who say and do things like that are themselves suffering from low self-esteem and the only way they can feel better about themselves is to try and put someone else down. Know who you are and stay strong.
  • nicholettebell
    A relative told me when I was around 12 or 13, "Men don't want to marry fat girls". It still bugs me.
  • LUVNME94
    LUVNME94 Posts: 34
    I was standing at a bus stop one day, a young guy walked passed me and said "frigging hippo !"

    See, that's when you follow at a safe distance shrieking, "The paternity test says it's yours! Stop walking away from me! And when are you going to pay the hospital bill from breaking my jaw?"

    He will never say anything rude to anyone in public again.

    HA! Good one!

    I would say it would be my sister telling me I'm "fat but it looks good on me."

    LOL now that is a good one!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I was shopping at Target one day. I was standing, going through some clothes on a rack. One of the sales people came over and said, "The Plus size clothes are over there," and pointed to a different section. I smiled and said, "Thank you," but I was mortified inside.

    I would have told her and my money is in here, where it's staying. Get me your manager.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I was shopping at Target one day. I was standing, going through some clothes on a rack. One of the sales people came over and said, "The Plus size clothes are over there," and pointed to a different section. I smiled and said, "Thank you," but I was mortified inside.

    Wow, that's terrible. It deserves a complaint letter. How incredibly rude and stupid from a customer service point of view.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    I was standing at a bus stop one day, a young guy walked passed me and said "frigging hippo !"

    See, that's when you follow at a safe distance shrieking, "The paternity test says it's yours! Stop walking away from me! And when are you going to pay the hospital bill from breaking my jaw?"

    He will never say anything rude to anyone in public again.
    OMG I wish I could think of things like that when people say something rude!!! I always come up with the perfect line 3 hours later!
  • alliejoberry
    Probably when my mom told me I looked pregnant. Which wasn't very nice, but my mom can be brusque, and I felt like maybe she was right. I'm still struggling to go down in weight, but so far have lost 15 pounds so I lost a couple inches off my waist. (My mom says I don't look pregnant any more.)