Anybody over indulge today?



  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 486 Member
    I did GREAT today! However, not so much yesterday!!! Dangit! I JUST LOVE HAM!!!!!!!
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Yep.. And I even went for a 9 mile run this morning. And I'm still about 100 calories over my goal... Had a Reese's Peanut Butter Egg, a couple of Cadbury mini eggs, and part of a Nanaimi bar.

    But I was relatively good at lunch, went to Chili's and got the ligher version of the grilled chicken sandwich and shared fries with my hubby. :happy:
  • kjerstenkipp
    kjerstenkipp Posts: 139 Member
    It all went down hill at dinner...actually the meal was fine...I planned for that so I had a very light lunch...just a protein shake and some fruit...but after dinner...well today is also my husband's birthday. There was a very tasty chocolate cake with butter cream frosting (and who can resist butter cream)...apparently that was ~750 calories. YIKES! But it was so tasty...I can still taste it. Eh, tomorrow is another day.
  • geezer99
    geezer99 Posts: 92
    I'm over the top and haven't had dinner yet -- it will be salad with VERY little dressing. The gym closed at 6 so we didn't get there. But hey, I was careful all day -- more so than I have been in many years. That is something to be proud of.
  • wd773
    wd773 Posts: 122 Member
    not to bad about 400 calories over. paula deens " not yo mama's banana pudding" and the three dinner rolls did it. its cool though i inteded to have an elaborate dinner today with the family. it was awesome dont feel bad at all we were celebrating. my 13 year old was baptized today! back to the grind in the morning 750 calorie burn is what im aiming for. next time i splurge will be on my birthday in june. what a great day!!!!!!!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Thought I was doing well. We were going to Perkins for an early dinner and looked up an old favorite - granny omelet & hashbrowns. 1500 cals. High, but I'd mowed for 90 minutes (reel mower) and had built a nice buffer, enough for dinner and a coffee after. Saved the muffin for tomorrow. Got home, decided to double-check the calories against Perkin's website. 2550!!! calories for the omelet and hashbrowns.
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    I ate a chocolate bunny this evening. Normally I would feel guilty about this - not this time. - I was guilt

    I had an intensive workout at the gym this morning. Spent the afternoon playing with my grandson, gardening feeding the horses and just walking around our farm with him.

    After dinner I still had over 300 calories left so that is why the bunny was guilt free!
  • lucky312
    lucky312 Posts: 22 Member
    Oh honey, I did more than just over indulge. I'm pretty sure I've eaten half of my body weight in desserts alone, hahahah.
  • Yep, ate almost 1000 calories overt my 1200 allowed. With no exercise.
  • Kathycarol
    Kathycarol Posts: 4 Member
    711 cals over today, probably more than that yesterday and Friday. So many homemade desserts, chocolate treats, wine, coffee, hors deurves..................I felt ill Friday and wired from all of the stimulants that I'm not used to anymore, couldn't sleep and then I was edgy and iiritable all day yesterday. I literally fell off the wagon all weekend and had the temptation to just forget about this MFP thing. My sister is doing MFP with me though and when I saw her at Mom's today, she really encouraged me just to login tonight and put all of my indulgences behind me. Reading through everyone"s confessions was very helpful. I want to feel good again and keep pulling things out of my closet that fit again.
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    Moms homemade lasagna and some more lasagna! Wonderful....
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    Oh goodness yes... for two days now... (at least)... :/ BUT today was wonderful, afternoon in the park with good friends I don't see very often, they are Mexican and need I say the food is YUMMO. I am so full right now!! Carne asada, guacamole, little bean tacos made on the grill, bacon wrapped jalapenos, some fresh fruit.... I feel like I have done nothing but eat all day, started out with a church breakfast after worship service... It is beautiful out right now, I think I will take my dog for a walk and hope some of this stuffed feeling goes way!!
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    i had a huge dinner ( around 1,800 calories). however, i budgeted and exercised much more than usual today, so i still came in under my calorie goal.

    tomorrow, i return to normal eating / exercise.
  • kolkol
    kolkol Posts: 300 Member
    This is my first time going over my calories. I ate everything is site. But tomorrow is a new day.

    This! Way over, I quit counting...YES tomorrow is a new day & I will NOT do this again! BAD me!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Nope, I had my bad day on Friday evening and got through about 800g of chocolate. Still lost weight though.
    Today, I have had an ordinary dinner for me and an ice cream bar as a treat. My family doesn't do easter much really, and I don't have many friends so it was just spent alone. I was under my calorie goal, which isn't so good, but sure I will make it up tomorrow.
  • walker001
    walker001 Posts: 116 Member
    I had a few things, but was on the TM before we went to friends for dinner, so with the exercise and watching my calories I was inline. Good for me.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    NOPE!!!!....stayed under my calories!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I didn't do too bad. I didn't eat too bad but I over indulged in empty drink calories. At least I can say I had fun
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Anything and everything.. Including half a bottle of wine.. Yum!
  • C00lCountry
    C00lCountry Posts: 282
    Today was a big thing at my parents. I am right about my maintainence. I not sure if you call that going over or not. I was bad and had cake and ice cream. I be good the rest of the week though.