how often do you weigh yourself?



  • CMorin2105
    CMorin2105 Posts: 21 Member
    I weigh in everyday just to keep myself on track. I don't get discouraged about the scale, it just helps to motivate me. Then every 4 weeks I break out the measureing tape. That helps so much!
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I weight myself every time I see my scale, which is every time I'm in the loo...
    You'd be surprised how much going to the loo Doesn't change your weight.
    I officially weigh myself every two weeks. Too much daily fluctuation to worry about it.
  • TisMee76
    TisMee76 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm a tad obsessed. I weigh myself between 10 & 15 times a day. I know it's pointless, but just can't break the habit. It's the first thing I do in the morning and the last thing I do in the evening.
  • twocsmom
    twocsmom Posts: 120 Member
    Daily-it keeps me focused and has helped me gain a better understanding of how my "off" days affect my body.
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    i do it numerous times daily but i also don't stress if it goes up because i know weight fluctuates during the run of the day and how hydrated you are, if you just ate,exercised etc.... the main ones i look at are first thing in the am. that tells me if i'm on the right track or if i have to pick up the pace a little with my daily exercise and good eating. i only weigh in once wednesday morning for my take-it-or-leave-it weight . which is the one i post on here.

    main jist of my ramblings-- it keeps me on track
  • Broken420
    Broken420 Posts: 56 Member
    I weigh everyday, but log my weight once a week (Fridays). I pull out the measuring tape once every 3-4 weeks (esp when the scale doesn't budge and I'd like positive reinforcement).

    This is me too, but I weigh on Thursdays!
  • Feathil
    Feathil Posts: 162 Member
    I weigh every morning and mostly every night. I just find it interesting to see how the food of the day changes me by a pound or two and what it reduces down to the next day, I'm not bothered by the small changes.

    But I only record official weigh ins about once a fortnight.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    If you are weighing yourself every day, try and remember that what you ate the day before is not going to reflect on the scales. Weight fluctuations (especially big ones) are usually water.
  • I weigh every Friday morning, first thing. I used to step on the scale every morning, but found that it set the tone for my day. I didn't like the scale having that kind of power over my life! So, once a week is much better for me :happy:
  • Every morning !
  • jchocchip
    jchocchip Posts: 72 Member
    edit?picture=3131974 almost every day on the wii. Goes up for a few days at totm. Not worried about the fluctuations, the trend is down and I like looking at the wii graph. Try to only log weight on here on Saturdays though or I'd be losing the same lbs more than once.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I used to weigh in daily until the battery went in my digital scale last Nov-Dec lol and I`ve just not gotten around to replace it yet. Its actualy been nice to not focus on the number and I`m finding I`m doing better now without looking everyday its one less stresser starting my morning kwim. I am now weighing in about once a month at the Gym and its going great that way for me :)
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    weekly, every monday
  • I weigh myself every day but log my weight weekly. I also use the tape measure because that has given me encouragement when the scale seems to be stuck!
  • christina_theresa
    christina_theresa Posts: 290 Member
    I usually weigh myself 2-3 times a week just to make sure that I am staying on track. I try to record my weight on Mondays or Tuesdays.
  • drmattski
    drmattski Posts: 124 Member
    Once a week - the daily fluctuations are too depressing! :bigsmile:
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 487 Member
    I weigh myself at least every week or so.
  • I weigh every morning before I get in the shower. I know you're not supposed to, but sometimes hoping to see a lower number on the scale is the only thing that can get me out of bed!
  • Thank you for your post.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Once per month, only!

    There is no logical reason to have to weigh each and every day. Every day you are weighing urine, fecal matter, swelling/bloating when it occurs, food you recently ate, fluids you recently drank, etc. Daily weighing does not give nor offer any reasonable weight-related data because weight changes every day.

    The scale is used once per month but I measure weekly and use clothing as a great way to determine true loss. Im wearing a pair of pants right now that are so baggy, they once used to be snug.