Is coffee really bad for you??



  • leojsivad
    leojsivad Posts: 124 Member
    I drink two cups of black coffee per day. It has antioxidants, and wakes me up in the mornings. Plus it's 0 calories. Coffee is good, its the stuff we put in it that's bad.
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    Q: What is your take on caffeine — is it good or bad? Should I skip it altogether, or maybe just stick to a daily limit?
    Caffeine in moderation is a good thing. It improves cognitive function, inhibits insulin resistance, and speeds up your metabolism. The trick is not to overdo it! Too much caffeine can actually make us gain weight by burning out our adrenal glands and releasing stress hormones. For this reason, 400 milligrams (mg) a day should be the limit. (That’s the equivalent of one to two large cups of coffee, depending on how strongly it’s brewed.)

    Some sources of caffeine are better than others. Organic, filtered coffee (not doctored up with sugar, artificial sweeteners, or cream) is okay. Green tea is a better a choice because it promotes fat oxidation and is believed to improve insulin sensitivity. Limit your intake of caffeinated beverages to one or two a day — and because caffeine is a diuretic, you should drink one glass of water for every caffeinated drink. Also, you should have your last caffeinated drink before noon so that it doesn’t interfere with your sleep.

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  • finchest
    finchest Posts: 245 Member
    wow. it took until the second page for a party pooper to arrive.

  • RillSoji
    RillSoji Posts: 376 Member
    Found this interesting:

    If you're 'at risk' for some of the cons that are mentioned I'd avoid it. Otherwise? /shrug It's up to you. Personally I've never liked the smell of it so I've never even tried it. Plus, I'm like sensitive to caffeine or something. It only takes one 12oz caffeinated soda to wire me up for a good 12 hours. I don't drink much soda anymore... lol

  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Coffee is bad for you if you drink it to excess (like > 600mg of caffeine per day)
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    i don't think anyone who has replied here is a doctor! it's a stimulant, so if your goal is to eat purer, healthier foods, giving up your coffee is worth a shot - or at least changing it to an occasional treat rather than a daily habit.
    in my (also nonmedical) opinion, it's not good to feel dependent on any substance to get through the day.
    --former habitual coffee drinker!

    I agree with you 1000% and thank you for taking the time and care for posting, what an inspirational and intelligent ROCK!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    i don't think anyone who has replied here is a doctor! it's a stimulant, so if your goal is to eat purer, healthier foods, giving up your coffee is worth a shot - or at least changing it to an occasional treat rather than a daily habit.
    in my (also nonmedical) opinion, it's not good to feel dependent on any substance to get through the day.
    --former habitual coffee drinker!

    What's not pure or healthy about coffee? The purported health benefits are well known. As for purity, my organic coffee is picked then roasted. It then makes it's way to me where I add some hot water and consume. Seems fairly pure to me.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I will give up anything, but god help anyone that stands in the way of me and my coffee:drinker:
    my thoughts exactly!
  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    Coffe has a lot of antioxidants in it that are really good for your body but that's drinking it black and only like 1-2 cups a day.

    This is exactly what I was going to say. In a study I once read, coffee is an Americans main source of antioxidants. So *shrug* drink coffee and enjoy!!
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    I used to drink a pot of coffee a day, seriously, then I stopped for a long while but I missed the I drink one decaf coffee every morning, with a bit of cream and sugar. (yes, I know that decaf is bad for you due to the process of decaffienating, but I can't drink caffeine now without feeling like I'm going to die).

    I think a morning coffee is fine, don't deprive yourself of everything, just make sure your also drinking water.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    I drink 4+ cups of black coffee everyday. Without it, I would die, so it has to be good for you. It saves lives.

  • It's obvious from these posts that you don't want to ask an addict for advice about their addiction. Coffee IS BAD for you. It has properties that are good, but overall, it is a negative. It raises blood pressure, but even worse, it raises the acid level in your body. Your stomach has to produce more acid to properly digest it. The excess acid leads to bloating and worse. One of the greatest dangers to a person's health is a high stomach acid level. Excess acid can lead to ulcers, burn your esophagus, damage your intestine, your colon. I know it sucks to hear this. I drank a cup of coffee a day for years, but since I have quit, I feel much better, my stomach has shrunk and the occasional aching in my stomach has gone away.
  • coffee isnt really BAD for you, but think about the unnatural sweeteners you might put in it, with the sugar! and if youre hypoglacimic like i am, all that caffeine can make you jittery and have reactions. Not fun! I would stick to water and milk!:smile:
  • evakay1
    evakay1 Posts: 23 Member
    I really adore my coffee, and I refuse to change how I take it! I have one in the morning with no fat milk and sugar, and if i find myself going out, I have a soy cappucino with one sugar. It keeps me sane, and damn, if you can't have at least one thing per day that you enjoy whole heartedly, then the chance of you falling off the wagon is much bigger! Just make an allowance for it, and keep up your water intake :)
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    It's obvious from these posts that you don't want to ask an addict for advice about their addiction. Coffee IS BAD for you. It has properties that are good, but overall, it is a negative. It raises blood pressure, but even worse, it raises the acid level in your body. Your stomach has to produce more acid to properly digest it. The excess acid leads to bloating and worse. One of the greatest dangers to a person's health is a high stomach acid level. Excess acid can lead to ulcers, burn your esophagus, damage your intestine, your colon. I know it sucks to hear this. I drank a cup of coffee a day for years, but since I have quit, I feel much better, my stomach has shrunk and the occasional aching in my stomach has gone away.
    It's not bad for you in moderation. You're confusing your anecdotal and unconfirmed experience with actual science.

    You can always find someone who will say "I stopped eating/drinking <substance x> and I feel so much better" for every substance known to man. It's called correlation, not causation and it's not scientific.
  • The "science" I used is based on Dr. McDougall's book "Digestive Tuneup" you pointy-headed gusano.
    It's obvious from these posts that you don't want to ask an addict for advice about their addiction. Coffee IS BAD for you. It has properties that are good, but overall, it is a negative. It raises blood pressure, but even worse, it raises the acid level in your body. Your stomach has to produce more acid to properly digest it. The excess acid leads to bloating and worse. One of the greatest dangers to a person's health is a high stomach acid level. Excess acid can lead to ulcers, burn your esophagus, damage your intestine, your colon. I know it sucks to hear this. I drank a cup of coffee a day for years, but since I have quit, I feel much better, my stomach has shrunk and the occasional aching in my stomach has gone away.
    It's not bad for you in moderation. You're confusing your anecdotal and unconfirmed experience with actual science.

    You can always find someone who will say "I stopped eating/drinking <substance x> and I feel so much better" for every substance known to man. It's called correlation, not causation and it's not scientific.
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    The "science" I used is based on Dr. McDougall's book "Digestive Tuneup" you pointy-headed gusano.
    It's obvious from these posts that you don't want to ask an addict for advice about their addiction. Coffee IS BAD for you. It has properties that are good, but overall, it is a negative. It raises blood pressure, but even worse, it raises the acid level in your body. Your stomach has to produce more acid to properly digest it. The excess acid leads to bloating and worse. One of the greatest dangers to a person's health is a high stomach acid level. Excess acid can lead to ulcers, burn your esophagus, damage your intestine, your colon. I know it sucks to hear this. I drank a cup of coffee a day for years, but since I have quit, I feel much better, my stomach has shrunk and the occasional aching in my stomach has gone away.
    It's not bad for you in moderation. You're confusing your anecdotal and unconfirmed experience with actual science.

    You can always find someone who will say "I stopped eating/drinking <substance x> and I feel so much better" for every substance known to man. It's called correlation, not causation and it's not scientific.

    Some people definitely have a sensitivity to coffee and shouldn't drink it, such as yourself. Not all foods are for everyone. Coffee does not raise the acid level in the body. That's non-science "alkaline diet" dogma.
  • acs4162
    acs4162 Posts: 99 Member
    I can't eat eggs in the morning without drinking coffee with them.(they taste like a fart smells, otherwise.)

    I read an article that discussed a study that certain amounts of coffee each day can help ward off the scary female cancers. It makes me feel better each morning as I sip my coffee (and eat my egg whites.)
  • ametlla
    ametlla Posts: 1
    no coffee isn't bad- just watch out for the cream and sugar! in fact, some say a cup of black coffee can have some advantages (antioxidants, sharper/more focused) but keep it under 3 cups a day (8oz cups)... you shouldn't exceed 300mg of caffeine daily or it could start affecting you negatively.