Simple Treats (Share Your Favorites) Keep Them Simple



  • Tkflowers
    Any certain brand of yogurt work best?
  • j3nnal3igh13
    Great stuff! My weakness is a plain rice cake with nutella. Fixes any chocolate craving. :love:
  • nanawhitt
    2 tbs bean dip with 9 tortilla chips. Satisfying since protein keeps you feeling fuller longer.
  • nanawhitt
    Have done these pumpkin muffins and they are great! You can substitue any flavor cake mix for variety.
  • free2live72003
  • AUNIkki
    AUNIkki Posts: 19 Member
  • mem1086
    mem1086 Posts: 136 Member
    Bump! These seem like all great On-The-Go ideas!
  • glennleo
    glennleo Posts: 14
    I agree with Rachemn--Peanut butter on a spoon or knife or stick or fingers...... But, I cannot just have a couple so I try to stay away. So sad.
  • soccer_mommy
    soccer_mommy Posts: 2 Member
    I keep hard boiled eggs in the fridge, just take the yolk out and replace with hummus.
    I also like carrots and hummus, actually anything and hummus....
  • ImNotThatBob
    ImNotThatBob Posts: 371 Member
    So many delicious, and creative ideas here! Lot's of new things to try. *mouth watering*

    I can't believe I forgot to mention guacamole dip:

    peel softly ripened avocados and mash in a small bowl,
    add sprinkle of garlic and/or lemon pepper,
    dash of red chili,
    squirt of fresh lemon or lime,
    salsa, or diced tomatoes, onions, jalapeños to taste,
    mix coarsely or blend smoothly to preference.

    Chill, then dip with favorite veggies.

    Optionally: Cut with low-fat yogurt

    Enjoy sparingly, because there IS such a thing as TOO MUCH of a GOOD THING.

    You all are terrific! Keep the Simple Treats Coming!
  • chasingbabes
    French onion spinach dip

    Plain Yoghurt
    a cube of frozen spinach
    Powdered french onion soup to taste

    It's so delicious but doesn't have the nasty fat's or creams, so I can eat a whole lot of it with carrots or celery or crackers and not feel bad about it

  • DeborahStanley
    DeborahStanley Posts: 90 Member
    Fat free cottage cheese & frozen mixed berries use a stick blender and you have 'ice cream' :)
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
    Popcorn + hot kakinotane (spicy rice cracker) = HEAVEN!!!
  • reden324
    reden324 Posts: 33
    Low calorie baked apple-
    Rome apple with diet coke on it and cinnamon. Put it in the oven at 350 degrees and enjoy!
  • mseraf713
    mseraf713 Posts: 29 Member
    cucumbers and salsa- 1/4 cup of salsa and half of a long english cucumber is less than 50 calories!
  • jschway
    jschway Posts: 40 Member
    Banana "ice cream". Freeze up a banana or two, slice, and put it through your blender or food processor. You can eat it as is for a soft serve kind of consistency or freeze it a little longer if you like it more firm, and you can flavor it however you want! I love blending in some peanut butter 'cause I'm an absolute fiend for it, whereas my boyfriend finds that too overwhelming and opts for honey for a subtler sweetness.
  • humblebumblebee
    hummus. pear juice. walnuts.
  • Maryjaneshoes
    Maryjaneshoes Posts: 169 Member
    Apple slices with a wedge of garlic and herb laughing cow cheese, sweet and savory at the same time. :-)
  • ErnieM88
    ErnieM88 Posts: 146 Member
    nutella, straight from the spoon! but that's only once in a blue moon these days!
  • ErnieM88
    ErnieM88 Posts: 146 Member
    Banana "ice cream". Freeze up a banana or two, slice, and put it through your blender or food processor. You can eat it as is for a soft serve kind of consistency or freeze it a little longer if you like it more firm, and you can flavor it however you want! I love blending in some peanut butter 'cause I'm an absolute fiend for it, whereas my boyfriend finds that too overwhelming and opts for honey for a subtler sweetness.

    I am going to have to try this!