worst comment ever made about your weight



  • Laceybaby1967
    Laceybaby1967 Posts: 82 Member
    So many of these horrible comments come from family - it's no wonder so many of us did not develop healthy relationships with food!!

  • mgraue82
    mgraue82 Posts: 168 Member
    Wow.. where to begin.... The in laws are the best at it > When everyone else is eating pizza or steak etc, my MIL will ask me "Did you want a salad?" or when my husband and I arrived to a family camping trip separate from everyone and his mom asked what took so long, he said we stopped to eat (at Subway mind you) and his grandma says "See I told you she couldn't wait to eat!" Or my favorite --- at a baby shower for my husbands side we were all getting in line to eat and his grandma was in line next to me watching what I was putting on my plate and said "You know what happens when you do that?" (I WAS PREGNANT TOO) I wanted to say "YEAH I GET FULL!" but I didn't say anything and put my plate down and went into the bathroom and cried. So fun!!!!
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    I was walking to the our local high school's track to run, and there were some beefed up guys playing flag football on the field. They stop playing, and they all watch me walk over to the gate. When I get to the gate, I realize they had it locked with a chain and lock, then one yells out at me " can't get in fatty! " ( I had lost about 15 pounds at that time ). I laughed, turned around, and took off running down the road. I let the criticism motivate me and ended up having one of my best runs.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I can think of a couple.

    I was eating lunch at a buffet restaurant. I had made some fairly healthy, portion controlled choices for my meal (Grilled chicken breast, green beans, collard greens, carrots, and a side salad with lots of veggies). I decided that I'd like to have a little banana pudding (about 1/2 cup). I was walking by a table where an elderly gentleman was sitting by himself. As I was passing by he said, "Yum! That banana pudding looks good! I'm gonna have to get me some." To which I replied, "Yeah, I probably shouldn't be eating it, but it looked too good, so I decided to have a few bites." He said, "You know you should try to get that weight off while you're young. The older you get the harder it is to lose weight." Even though this was a little hurtful coming from a complete stranger, I held my tongue because I knew he was right. However, he didn't stop with that. He went on to say, "I'll tell ya, if I was a young man, I wouldn't wanna marry no big girl." That crossed the line for me! I said, "Sir, I'm sure you mean well, but, out of respect for my elders, I'm gonna cut this conversation short and go back to my table before you end up enjoying a banana pudding facial."

    On another occasion, I was working as a cashier in the service department at a local BMW Dealership. My shift started at 1pm, and for one reason or another, when I clocked in, I still hadn't eaten anything that day and I didn't eat dinner the night before either. So you can imagine how hungry I was. Well, one of the few places that delivered to that location was a Chinese resaurant a couple of miles up the road. When I sat down at the desk, the service department was completely dead. There was one service advisor on duty and there were no clients in the building. So I decided to call and place a lunch order to be delivered. I had placed my order and was waiting for the cashier to come back on the phone so I could give her my debit card number. While I was waiting for her, a client came in the door and walked up to the window. About 2 seconds later the cashier came back on the line and reapeated my order to me. Something wasn't right, so I pointed out the error. As I was talking, the client at the window (who could hear my convo), suddenly burst out, "YOU MEAN TO TELL ME YOU"RE ON THE PHONE ORDERING F***IN' FOOD, WHEN I'M STANDING HERE WAITING TO PICK UP MY CAR?!" I said, "Sir, I'm sorry. I was already on the phone when you came up to the window. I haven't eaten anything in more than 24hrs., and I won't have another chance to eat for another seven hours." He said, "I DON'T GIVE A FLYIN' F***! MY TIME IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR NEED FOR FOOD! YOU OBVIOUSLY DON'T NEED IT ANYWAY!" I'm almost positive steam was coming out of my ears. I looked at the service advisor who was on duty and said, "Dennis, can you please come handle this one before Mr. _______ finds himself being thrown through that plate glass window, and I find myself in jail for assault." Then I walked away from the cashier's desk, went upstairs to my supervisor's office, closed the door, and had an emotional meltdown."
  • ThePunkHippie
    Wife to me: "Could you stand over here?.... the sun is in my eyes."

    I say that all the time to my fiance, because he's almost a foot taller than me.
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    Boyfriends grandmother said I think koreans and Japenese are really pretty and skinny. I mean beautiful! after 3 minutes of her emphasizing how pretty and skinny they were) She says but your pretty. She probabley didnt mean anything but i guess being being fat im not korean. And im not a beautiful korean, i see....i cried in the car with my boyfriend there afterwards. when i told him. I felt so ugle and still do, that was yeasturday by the way

    Grandmothers can say the most hurtful things most of the time and it sucks because many can't say anything back. My ex boyfriend's grandmother told me once after I had JUST picked up some weight after my freshman year of college that I "must be loving the food in college because it shows" as she lightly tapped my thigh." Not the worst comment, but I was completely embarrassed and at that point I was still getting over an eating disorder. :cry:
  • braign
    braign Posts: 89
    I don't recall any outright nasty comments made about my weight, but with my family it was more psychological I think, with my dad making jokey comments and I had to laugh along or I was being too sensitive. My older sister was the worst, 'fat *****' was always her go-to insult when we were teens, but we'd fight like cat and dog and scream at each other, but then be friends the next day. Once she got me in trouble at school for supposedly 'bullying her' (the 'reason' she gave for her truancy) and the teachers just believed it because I was bigger than her. All this basically drilled it into my head that I was just fat, helplessly fat, not necessarily my fault (sister: "I can eat whatever I want and stay slim but all you have to do is LOOK at an apple and you gain weight") and just something that's inevitable.

    My sister's fiance (though they've been engaged for 6+ years and have 3 kids, and no one's kidding themselves that he'll actually marry her any more) has been the most vocal about my weight, making 'jokey' comments with actual malice behind them, none of which I remember now, except for the time my younger sis and I were visiting them and he said to my older sister 'at least you aren't fat like your sisters'. Firstly, my younger sister was never FAT fat, she had just had a BABY for crying out loud, and secondly, the part that actually bothered me was that my older sister took this as a compliment. And it made me realise that my older sister's MO has always been to bring other people down to make herself seem better, and her fiance was no different.

    So it's been a long time coming, but I realised I don't HAVE to be this big, it's not a part of who I am, I can control it. I'll never be the skinniest sister, but I can be the healthiest!
  • jennifermcornett
    jennifermcornett Posts: 159 Member
    Oh, another recent one!! My boyfriend and I just went on vacation to Florida, and we spent a lot of time with his younger cousins. As we were all sitting on the beach, his 20-year-old male cousin was looking at three girls walking by, and he told my boyfriend, "Nah, they're not my type. They're more YOUR type--they're husky!" WTF?!?! I was offended, but everyone defended him and said that he said it because he's a beanpole and my boyfriend is very muscular with a beer gut. My boyfriend was the husky one, apparently. Then I looked at the girls and said, "Hmm, those girls MY size or smaller are husky? Nice." Again, everyone thought I was overreacting... I dropped it, but come ON.
  • SkinnieFinnie
    SkinnieFinnie Posts: 145 Member
    My Grandma is a seamstress.. When I got married (in 2007), she made all 3 of my bridesmaid's dresses. She also had to alter my wedding dress because I went from 160lbs to 147lbs. I lost quite a few inches in 4 months. While my bridesmaids were being measured & I was trying on my wedding dress (we were all in our bras & panties).. she asked us to turn around. When we did, she poked at our back fat & said "Does everyone your age have this nowadays? When I was your age we were slim & trim."
    I replied to her with "Grandma, do you know how hard it is to get rid of BACKFAT???!!!!"

    Thanks Grandma. What a way to build my confidence after losing weight & I'm about to get married.
  • bmkx0
    bmkx0 Posts: 308
    I was at the amusement park when I was in my teens, settling into my seat for the ride, and the carney says to me "suck it in, fatty" as he closed the harness (which, might I add, was not having difficulty closing.)

  • ttaylor68913
    ttaylor68913 Posts: 324 Member
    In high school I would model for some of the local bridal shops to help promote prom and what not. I was a size 3 at the time. I had gained some weight and moved up to a 5-6. The lady told me I was to fat to model. Plus I can kiss my modeling career goodbye because nobody like fat girls. Now I wish I would be a 5-6

    This happened to my friend's niece... she wanted to be a "plus size model" and was told at a size 10 she was too big to do that!!! WTF!
  • nasja1984
    nasja1984 Posts: 98 Member
    My boyfriend said to me that my *kitten* was getting wider. He said this while I was getting dressed. Even though I've lost all the weight I needed to, I'm still uncomfortable with him seeing me naked.

    I agree.........time for a new boyfriend!!
  • nasja1984
    nasja1984 Posts: 98 Member
    Wife to me: "Could you stand over here?.... the sun is in my eyes."

    lol,,,too funny
  • TonyaLBC
    TonyaLBC Posts: 7 Member
    Talk about a slap in the face: At my last job, I told my boss, at the time, that I couldn't do my job, because one of the people I needed input from (a Director) would not return my phone calls, and closed the door in my face, when I went to her office.

    My boss replied, "Perhaps she's intimidated by you."

    Me: "Why would she be intimidated by me??? She's a Director."

    Boss: "Well, maybe because you're - you know - BIG."

    Me: "What?! Do you mean fat?"

    Boss: "Well, yes. Some people are intimidated by 'larger' people."

    She later told me that "some people" are of the opinion that if you're overweight, you don't respect yourself, so why should anyone else have respect for you. Most of the upper management at the company felt the same way - which is why they let me go.
  • leykisgirl
    It was sublte and I'm sure it was a passing comment.
    but I made a joke saying, "Alchohol goes through me, I'm small" (I'm 5'2" 140lbs)
    and the other person said " no you're not"
    that right there made me feel like Jabba the hutt.
  • leykisgirl
    Talk about a slap in the face: At my last job, I told my boss, at the time, that I couldn't do my job, because one of the people I needed input from (a Director) would not return my phone calls, and closed the door in my face, when I went to her office.

    My boss replied, "Perhaps she's intimidated by you."

    Me: "Why would she be intimidated by me??? She's a Director."

    Boss: "Well, maybe because you're - you know - BIG."

    Me: "What?! Do you mean fat?"

    Boss: "Well, yes. Some people are intimidated by 'larger' people."

    She later told me that "some people" are of the opinion that if you're overweight, you don't respect yourself, so why should anyone else have respect for you. Most of the upper management at the company felt the same way - which is why they let me go.

    wow, that is just so harsh for no reason, very friggin' malicious.
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    I've can't remember all the ones from when I was much younger (and I wasn't even that big then! UK size 12) at school but there's a few stick in my mind from more recently.

    A few years ago when I was in the 1st year of my Uni degree there was a guy in some of my classes and then in 1 of my groups in a certain class who I didn't get on with at all and who felt the need to bully me constantly (I'm assuming because I actually wanted to do my work and he wanted to mess around). After months of constant digs, throwing things at me in lectures and snipey comments we were doing an activity where we had to discuss what we'd do if we were trapped on a desert island and plan how we would survive and escape. We'd just about managed a sensible answer but when it was time to share with the rest of the class he suddenly piped up with "Well, first of all we'd just get a knife and kill ***, I mean look, she's got enough fat on her we wouldn't go hungry for months." I wanted to just die, and the worst part was everyone laughing at me - including the teacher and people I'd thought were friends. No wonder I have 0 self-confidence and freak out when people look at me or I'm in a group situation.

    Recently my Grandparents have gotten in on the act too. They know I'm trying to lose weight and their idea of 'helping' really isn't. Nana used to be the worst with comments of "you've put weight on" the second I stepped through her door (even if I hadn't) and "you don't need to eat that, you're fat enough already" when I try and eat an apple or similar but now Grandpop has taken over. He seems to have made it his mission to keep track of my weight loss for me and I get an interrogation every week. Now I'm not losing weight every week and sometimes lose 3lb or sometimes none or put a bit on if it's that TOM. Naturally, this means I'm not "trying hard enough" and I'll just "stay a fatty forever". He's also taken over the "you look like you're fatter" as soon as I get in comments too.

    Who needs an enemy when you have family?
  • leykisgirl
    mine wasnt a comment as such however made me feel so bad, was out with my friends who are all skinner than me, dancing away made an effort as i dont go out much so thought i looked good, where i was dancing was a window to outside and a group of men walked past so one decided to measure my bum with his hands making sure it was nice and big(now i find it hard to think maybe that is really how big my bum is) then laugh with his friends:embarassed:

    Maybe he liked your bum! xD
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    I had an ex-boyfriend who constantly asked what my weight was (I put on the 30lbs additional while with him), when I didn't tell him he actually physically lifted me and put me on a scale as I struggled. 'Love' eh.. thank god that's done..
    My mom has said a couple condescending things - 'but you're still beatiful', as we drive past the kids portion of a ski hill 'oh, that's your area', and 'you probably want to get married one day..'.
    I've had a couple friends also say the 'but you're still pretty/beautiful', I just find that a backhanded compliment. *sighs* Thanks for the push to do better :)
  • Tallblondechick
    "Your too old to wear clothes like that and anyway only skinny girls can wear jeans like that" I am 5"10 and weighed 158 pounds. I was 41. I cried all the while we danced the night away. I cried over his shoulder, in the ladies room, all the way home. He was wearing a sign 44 pants. Today he is still emailing me, even though he has been my X for 8 years. He is probably wearing a size 52 now. He is all alone, bitter, and mean. I finally found someone who loves me no matter my size.