30 day shred starts today!



  • katy8481
    katy8481 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm on Level 2 Day 4 and so far I've just taken 1 day off after I finished level 1. I was pretty sore by day 5 on level 1 but worked through the sore quad muscles. Sometimes I did have to modify the exercises. I've heard this dvd was meant to be done in 30 days straight and I've also heard its ok to take a day or two off every week.
  • MelMena
    MelMena Posts: 152 Member
    My husband and I did Day 1 Level 1 today!! I had to scream at him to GET MOVING!!! Because he would stay on the floor and "try" to rest when it was time to be back on our feet. LOL! So he was a little pissed at me (all in the name of love and health!!) We did stretch a little longer after the finish. And then ate a nice big dinner because I thought I would pass out!
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    I've been slacking on this and need to get started again.
  • Liv829
    Liv829 Posts: 160
    One more day of level one tomorrow! Then it's off to level 2! Kinda glad/nervous to be going! : )
  • Dawnnan
    Dawnnan Posts: 32 Member
    Today was my 1st day. Hope I can walk tomorrow!!
  • Liv829
    Liv829 Posts: 160
    Today was my 1st day. Hope I can walk tomorrow!!

    I hope you can, but I had extreme difficulty after those first few days. It was hard to sit down without flopping down and hard to get up. I felt like I did when I was pregnant trying to get up and down! lol
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
  • _Ren
    _Ren Posts: 89 Member
    I had been doing level 1 for over a month, then I took 10 days off (stress). Now, I am back in it. When I first started... I could barely do jumping jacks. Now I can! I started with 2lb dumbbells, now I am using 8lb!
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    on day 9 and day 2 of level 2 - it really is a huge leap on from level 1. Also running most mornings, did my first 5k at the weekend and managed 28.11 so am totally chuffed with myself.
  • sazrina
    sazrina Posts: 99 Member
    Started this today, I've been trying to combine some of my Davina DVD's with walking but my summer holiday is less than 3 weeks away so I wanted to step it up a gear. I found the jumping jacks hard but managed to just about keep up with everything else the lady in green was doing, just couldn't believe how hot and bothered it made me, you can tell how much it's working. I wanted to have a rest a few times because I'm lazy but she really pushes you not to.

    Going to have to take my measurements later so I can see if I get the great results that everyone else seems to be.
  • Elibasia
    Elibasia Posts: 211 Member
    I started on April 1st and haven't taken a days rest. The first 3 days I had to take Motrin 800mg. because I thought I was going to break. Finished level 1 this morning and I am still sore, but I'm not going to quit. I know tomorrow (starting level 2) is going to be hell and I'll hate Jillian even more, but I have to finish the 30 days and prove to myself that I can do this. Took pictures and measurements the 1st day. Planning on doing it every 10 days to see if there's a difference. Hope to find the courage to post pic's.
  • Numptcakes
    Numptcakes Posts: 145 Member
    Level 1 Day 9 finished. The cardio and leg work aren't issues (shin splints aside) but I feel like my upper body strength is regressing! I still have to break a couple of times for the girly press-ups and I've only upped my free weights for the chest Ys and dumbell rows. Really want to move onto Level 2 on Friday, but should I be doing it if I'm still using baby weights?
  • x__abbi__x
    x__abbi__x Posts: 97 Member
    Ah jeez after being a bit rubbish with this lately and being too sore to actually move I am doing day 7today. STILL need to buy a sports bra though, but I refuse to pay £30 for one and all the cheap ones are to small :( so just gonna have to stick to wearing two bras lol!!
    Hows everyone doing?
  • Liv829
    Liv829 Posts: 160
    Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well. I plan to move to level 2 tomorrow. I, too, at times feel like I regress a little on certain parts. Some days the cardio seems really easy, and other days the weight moves do. I recently moved up to 5 pound weights and am struggling with those, but now that I have done it a few times I don't want to go back. I know it is all about pushing yourself! I am having to get up really early to get this done before my 2 year old is up and we are all getting ready to leave the house in a rush. Stumbling out of bed and straight to workout is a little harder than I thought it would be, but I can feel results already. So I will keep it up!
  • Liv829
    Liv829 Posts: 160
    Level 1 Day 9 finished. The cardio and leg work aren't issues (shin splints aside) but I feel like my upper body strength is regressing! I still have to break a couple of times for the girly press-ups and I've only upped my free weights for the chest Ys and dumbell rows. Really want to move onto Level 2 on Friday, but should I be doing it if I'm still using baby weights?

    I think so about moving up. I am struggling with my heavier weights and not able to keep up all the reps (especially on the side lunges, I drop one weight and just do the lunges for a rep or two) but I still plan to move up. It is all depending on how you want to do it. I may not use weights the first day on level 2, and try and master the form and moves first. I am not the most coordinated person so this helps me.
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member

    I'm at D06L02 and loving it.
    Already lost 16cm (~6.3 in).

    I can see differences in the shape of my body. I'm loving my new butt :bigsmile:
  • Liv829
    Liv829 Posts: 160

    I'm at D06L02 and loving it.
    Already lost 16cm (~6.3 in).

    I can see differences in the shape of my body. I'm loving my new butt :bigsmile:

    Awesome! I notice small differences in my stomach and legs. I can't wait to see thigh/butt differences!
  • xx_donna_xx
    xx_donna_xx Posts: 144
    Hi everyone hope you don't mind me joining in?

    I'm on level 1 just completed my second day there & phew I feel wrecked. Was really sore from yesterday but thought i'd push through it& am glad I did.

    Hope your all doing well& please tell me it gets easier??

    My profile pic is my before pic, lets hope there's some diff in the after :-)

    Anyone who wishes to and uses MFP everyday feel free to add me& we can help each other through this ahem 'experience' lol
  • soagirl777
    soagirl777 Posts: 52 Member
    I just started yesterday, 4/10/12. I really liked it however the worst part for me were the lunges! I hate lunges, but they work! Lol my quads aren't really sore but they feel like jelly, like my legs want to give out...must be working!:wink:
  • Liv829
    Liv829 Posts: 160
    It does get easier! My legs were so sore the first few days, now not at all. I kind of miss the leg burn because my legs need so much work!