Jillian Michaels Body Revolution (Starting 2/27/12)



  • linajon
    linajon Posts: 16 Member
    Kickstart week is done!! Weighed myself this morning and had a total loss of 7lbs!!! :bigsmile:

    Now on to week 2!

    Wow great job!!!
  • Aem2381
    Aem2381 Posts: 89 Member
    bump......really looking into getting this....I have done some of her other workouts...doing 30DS for the second time now. Keep up the good work! Love reading how everyone is doing!
  • rsalaz
    rsalaz Posts: 1
    i ordered mine last night!!! cant wait til it gets here and post all my results with you guys!!!! should be fun :drinker:
  • gardenimp
    gardenimp Posts: 185 Member
    I can't believe I'm on week 4 already! So excited to finish up phase 1 this week and see what phase 2 has in store.

    Keep up the great work everyone!

    I'm there with you....last week of Phase 1.
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    I can't believe I'm on week 4 already! So excited to finish up phase 1 this week and see what phase 2 has in store.

    Keep up the great work everyone!

    HOw do you feel after 4 weeks? Notice any changes? :wink:

    Honestly, I have never felt better. I have a lot of energy and my clothes are fitting so great. I even feel like I stand up straighter. I don't think I have lost much in the amount of lbs (scale is all over the place, I ordered a new one that I should get on Thurs.) but I can feel the inches are coming off and muscle tone is showing up all the time. I'll post a 30 day update soon to give you some more info. So far for me, BR has been worth its weight in gold.
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    I can't believe I'm on week 4 already! So excited to finish up phase 1 this week and see what phase 2 has in store.

    Keep up the great work everyone!

    I'm there with you....last week of Phase 1.

    We'll see what torture she has in store for us in phase 2 soon! I can't believe how fast it has gone. :o)
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    The next three days are my last of days of phase 1! Stayed tuned for measurements and possibly some pictures!
  • lisaeliz1
    lisaeliz1 Posts: 8 Member
    I've been lurking but I wanted to chime in about quitting Diet Coke. Until last summer, I would drink 6-8 Diet Cokes a day. For DECADES!!! Then I read this article, some new study came out about diabetes and I think the upshot was that it may not have any calories, but if you are insulin resistant (and I am), the aspartame tricks your brain into thinking that you are ingesting sugar...and your cells store even more of your food as fat than it would otherwise do. I was so angry about this that I finally quit drinking Diet Cokes. I don't recommend this, but what I did as temporary measure was switch to regular Cokes... but I stopped drinking those, too, a couple of months ago. The headaches don't last long, and I certainly do feel better. The hard part is having to drink other things that you perceive as having no flavor in comparison. I am still not a water fan, but I can tolerate it better and better as time goes on. It's a work in progress!

    Now that several months have passed, I will have a Diet Coke at a restaurant every once in a while; now that I have joined MFP I don't go out often anymore, and I don't drink regular Coke at all. I refuse to buy even Diet Coke at the store or at work - too convenient. I really do feel much better now that I'm drinking water instead of all those nasty chemicals. Have you noticed that ethylene glycol is in the ingredient list - OMG! Isn't that antifreeze?!:noway: I never thought I would see the day when a die-hard Diet Coke fan like myself would be able to quit it. But I finally did. And you can too! Need more convincing? Just take out your calulator and figure out how much money you spend per year on cokes and that should clinch it.
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Resizing Pictures
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Resizing Pictures

    Sorry everyone, I'm trying to add pictures but they are too big. I'm running out of time to fix them now. I'll post later.
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Resizing Pictures

    Sorry everyone, I'm trying to add pictures but they are too big. I'm running out of time to fix them now. I'll post later.

    Here are my phase 1 results! I lost 3.5 lbs and close to 10 inches


  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    awesome job! your pics look just like my body right now so I am hoping to get good results like you :))

    anywhoo, i just ordered mine 3days ago, impatiently waiting noww....
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Resizing Pictures

    can I also ask how much weight have you lost? I have the same goal weight and same current weight as you, I am 5'5 in height if that makes a difference. :))
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Resizing Pictures

    can I also ask how much weight have you lost? I have the same goal weight and same current weight as you, I am 5'5 in height if that makes a difference. :))

    I started at 128 and then went up to 128.5 the first week (I did the kick start). I upped my calories after the kick start and then started losing. I was down about 3.5-4lbs and my target was set to only lose 0.5 lbs a week. I also got a new scale but I think the 3.5-4 lb loss is accurate (if anything I lost more than that because my old scale was all over the place). My height is 5'4.75" so we are definitely very similar. It's funny because the pictures don't even do justice to how I feel. My stomach really flattened out and my butt is about half the size it was (it doesn't look like it in the pictures as much). Haha

    I felt like the first phase was not very difficult as I was in pretty good shape to begin with. I think I should really start to see some differences throughout the next two phases, as the workouts have definitely increased in difficulty. Good luck with the program! I know you'll love it! Friend me if you would like some support. :o)
  • I love these workouts! I can do them...but theyre not "easy"...feels good to finish them tho and not feel like theyre too hard, making you get discourged. week 1 workout 2 down. now i just need to do cardio after work tonight. keep it up ladies.
  • So, I'm trying to decide between the JM Body Revolution and Insanity. My goal is to lose about 15 to 20 pounds and/or a couple sizes over the next 2 months. I've always worked out but got busy working 2 jobs over the last year. Any input is appreciated!!
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    So, I'm trying to decide between the JM Body Revolution and Insanity. My goal is to lose about 15 to 20 pounds and/or a couple sizes over the next 2 months. I've always worked out but got busy working 2 jobs over the last year. Any input is appreciated!!

    I have never done Insanity so I can't say much about the program although I have heard very good things.

    I personally love Body Rev. and I plan on doing a second round of it after I finish the first. I will be starting week ten on Monday. The workouts are always changing and that keeps me interested and not bored. The second time through I plan to add more jump training moves and more weights to make things more difficult. The only thing I haven't enjoyed is the cardio. The difficulty hasn't been a problem but I find that it is the only video that I get bored doing. I might do different cardio than the Body Rev. cardio during my second round because I don't look forward to it like her regular workouts. My favorite part about the program is that it is only a half hour time commitment every day for six days a week. I feel like that is something I can sustain for the rest of my life and I have definitely seeing changes in that time-frame.

    Hope this helped a little!