has a close friend of yours died?



  • Stephb4
    Stephb4 Posts: 27 Member
    I lost one of the best friends I ever had a couple of years ago. Buried him on the 4th of July..... it will never be the same. I've lost a lot of people in my life, but losing a friend is so different from any other grief I've ever felt. I think about him everyday, EVERYDAY!. It's the worst thing in the world to lose a friend. He was in his early 30's (only 5 days older than me). I am thankful for the time we had together, even though it has been almost impossible to let him go.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    My cousin was murdered 16 years ago. We write letters every two years to keep that motherfcker in prison when he comes up for parole so it always seems fresher than it is.

    A friend committed suicide about 7 or 8 years ago. That was rough.

    There have been a few others but those stand out the clearest.
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    I lost an ex-boy friend... he died in a car crash with his new girl. It was very hard. I still cared about him and his parents really liked me. He was my best's boyfriends best. It was hard. I still think about him when I hear his favorite band on the radio.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    When I was in my early 20's one of my ex boyfriends died. He and I were close as teenagers when we dated. I had a difficult time after his death because I was such a bit*h to him before he passed.

    I just lost my close friend (I called him my uncle because he was an inlaw) in February. Nothing has f'd me up quite the way watching him die a slow death after a stroke did. Nothing. I will never be ok.

    He was in his late 50s so it was pretty early for a stroke, but I suppose as we age it becomes more likely we'll lose a close friend.
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    When I was 11 my best friend died of cancer.. He was 12..it was really hard so I understand what your going through:sad: :flowerforyou:
  • keg619
    keg619 Posts: 356 Member
    Less than a month after my twin sister and I turned 14, we got a call letting us know that our friend was found dead, on her bathroom floor, as a result of a pain killer overdose. I was the first of her friends to know, and called our other friend to break the news. Not something I want to have to do again. We don't know if it was suicide or if there was foul play. Each year the anniversary seems to arrive earlier and earlier. This July will make 8 years without her, and it's even more sad when I realize my memories of her are fading as well. I have been to more funerals, memorials and wakes than I would like to admit, but each one reminds me that life can end at any moment.
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    Overdoses, car accidents and suicides made up the last few month of my 16th year.
  • TheReese1206
    My Oldests Father. It's been 4 years and still hurts both of us. He was 25 at the time. It really makes you look at things differently. It was/is heartbreaking.
  • CaoimheAine
    CaoimheAine Posts: 195
    Yes, Life is just too unfair sometimes. :cry:
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    My sister was killed when she was 22 - I was 19. It's been 15 years now... It gets easier, but it never goes away. I miss her everyday.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    One of my good friends from high school died last semester. We hung out all the time and he was even my date for the homecoming dance my junior year. Since coming to college, we kind of grew apart but still talked. His death came as an absolute shock and sometimes I think it still hasn't hit me. Like, I'll at times I'll randomly realize, oh my god, he's gone, and almost burst into tears. Other times I feel like I'm at terms with it.

    I'll always remember and love him. Death is a strange and scary thing.
  • groovyfirechick
    The 2 year anniversary of a close friend's suicide is coming up in two weeks (on my birthday which makes it suck even more). I think about him all the time and still question if I missed any signs that he was going to kill himself in the weeks leading up to his death....RIP PM....I won't ever forget you.
  • JessicaMarie9382
    A very close friend of mine died on her 29th birthday, which was on Jan 25. She had 4 daughters. youngest was 3 months oldest just 9. I miss her more then words can say. She battled metastatic melanoma for over 3 years. She was the best mother I knew. She lived for her girl. I think about her everyday and miss her terribly. Sometimes I still break down when I think of how I can't hug her, or talk to her. Then I feel her with me. She visits my dreams a lot.
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    Yes. A good friend of mine died last year. He was supposed to come to my birthday party, and I was a little hurt, cuz it was my 40th. But he was a busy guy, and was always involved in so many things, and although it was strange that he didn't show up, I chalked it up to spreading himself too thin.

    Turned out he had a stroke on the Friday, my birthday was on Saturday, and he wasn't found 'til Sunday, when someone dropped by his house to take him out for breakfast. He was a lovely man, taken too soon, and the whole community felt the loss. I often think I see him in places I expect him to be. And I miss him very much.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    I lost a good friend in highschool at the end of my Jr. year. He killed himeself.

    In the past few years I have lost many more to the war. Nothing like watching the news and seeing a picture someone you grew up with killed in the war. It doesn't really hit you until you hear the 21 guns. Many have come back totally messed up. It is like you've lost them all, because they arent the same when they come home.

    I'm sorry for you loss. Unfortunately, it is something that we all have to endure. I pray the God comforts you.
  • midnightwhispers
    Yes. My best friend/on and off again bf died 5 years ago in a motorcycle accident - drunk driver hit him. We had a very complicated relationship/friendship for many reasons and I told him 2 months before he was killed that I couldn't see/speak to him anymore. All because it made my then bf jealous. I hate myself every day for that decision and there isn't a day that goes by that I still don't miss him
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    A very good friend of mine died in December. Suddenly. She had a pulmonary embolism. She had a 16 year old daughter...same age as my oldest son. In fact we first met when our kids were toddlers. Miss her terribly. I just ran into her sister and as soon as she saw me she burst into tears.
  • glenner
    glenner Posts: 160 Member
    Just before Easter weekend three years ago a beautiful little girl I knew was kidnapped, raped and brutally murdered. My father had died 10 weeks earlier and when I went to the Alzheimer's walk the day after he died I started to cry and didn't think I could manage. This little girl saw me, came running over and started chatting away and walking with me so I had to pull it together so she wouldn't ask why I was crying. Three days after the girl was kidnapped my mother died very unexpectedly. I was grief-stricken but hoped that the girl would turn up okay. Several weeks later two people were arrested and charged with her murder. I felt as if the three deaths were so intertwined, the triple loss was so close together. And now at the three year anniversary the trial of one of the murderer's is going on and I have to hear all of the awful things that happened. Sometimes I just want to go to bed and cry nonstop.
  • KBreezy76
    KBreezy76 Posts: 13
    One of my best friends passed away on April 4, 2010 of a heart attack at 33 years old!! That was mega hard and still is! Then later another long time friend died in a car crash and then not even 4 days after THAT, my childhood friend's mother passed away from a heart attack. She was dear to me because she helped me through a rough time when I was a teenager. She opened up her home to me even! Not to mention losing my mother at 9 and my step grandfather in 2004, and a cousin last year. And a few more distant relatives and friends along the way. Death is something we are never prepared for, although we expect it! Stay encouraged honey!
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    I lost two friends in high school in separate car accidents. We weren't extremely close but ran in the same group.

    What bothers me a lot more is the fact that my husband is the same age my mother was when she died (I was 13). I don't even want to think about that :frown: