What do you think is the biggest misconception about where y



    DSCLBD Posts: 40
    Born and raised in Sydney Australia ... yep that's right ... our trains have to stop for kangaroos crossing the track, koalas like to wander into our living room and watch tv with us and you cant swim in the harbour because a croc will eat you or the surf cause a great white shark will attack you ...

    Actually, all these things are kinda possible in Australia (the crocs up north though not in Sydney, sharks are worse in South Australia and Western Australia, kangaroos are road kill all over the place but stay away from big cities, and as far as koalas go, they actually do enter your house if you leave the door open for your dog!)

  • pbajwally
    pbajwally Posts: 210 Member
    I'm originally from Pittsburgh. I don't know of any stereotypes, but many people laugh at the unique terminology that people around there use - often referred to as "Pittsburgh-eese". Some common ones with their actual meaning are...

    Yinz (you all)
    red up (clean)
    dahntahn (downtown)
    warsh (wash)
    hoagie (sub sandwich)

    Let's see... gumbands (rubber bands), spiggot (faucet), chipchop (thinly sliced ham), Arn (Iron City Beer)
    And don't you DARE forget them STILLERS!! :happy:
    ALLLLL my family is born & raised Pittsburgh. That is my :heart:
  • pbajwally
    pbajwally Posts: 210 Member
    I'm in Ohio and I think a lot of people think there's nothing to do there...but WRONG! I live 20 minutes from Lake Erie, where there is boating, fishing, water sports, and the best theme park in the US--Cedar Point! Ohio also has lots of scenic areas like Hocking Hills (hiking, camping, etc), Amish country (avoid this if you don't have room in your calories for super yummy baked goods and cheeses!), not to mention some really cool shopping and things to do in Cleveland, Cincy, and Columbus. All-in-all, I think Ohio is awesome!

    Ohio IS awesome! I lived in Cleveland for 18 years before moving back to NY and all I heard was "mistake on the Lake", "where they set the river on fire", "ooooooh so how about those Browns" (BTW - I'm a DIE HARD Steelers fan)... but I LOVE Ohio and I LOVE Cleveland. Some of the best people on earth. But I've still never gone to the Rock Hall!

    And trivial but need to note: the only difference in terminology that I've noticed since moving out of Ohio - only Ohioans say "suckers" for lollipops and "tennis shoes" for sneakers. ??? At least, that's what I've noticed!
  • CourtneyB610
    I'm originally from Pittsburgh. I don't know of any stereotypes, but many people laugh at the unique terminology that people around there use - often referred to as "Pittsburgh-eese". Some common ones with their actual meaning are...

    Yinz (you all)
    red up (clean)
    dahntahn (downtown)
    warsh (wash)
    hoagie (sub sandwich)

    Let's see... gumbands (rubber bands), spiggot (faucet), chipchop (thinly sliced ham), Arn (Iron City Beer)
    And don't you DARE forget them STILLERS!! :happy:
    ALLLLL my family is born & raised Pittsburgh. That is my :heart:


    Pop (soda)
    Jagoff (Jerk)
    Crick (Creek)
    Babushka (Scarf for head)
    Tin foil (Aluminum foil)
    Yuengling (Pittsburgh beer)
    Hanky (Handkerchief)

    Born & raised Pittsburgh girl here yinz guys! :smile: :heart:
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    Asked if I live in a grass shack, dance hula in a coconut bra, dont have electricity or running water, live on beachfront land, can I see the ocean when looking in all directions...it really goes on and on.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Them: "Where are you from?"
    Me: "Kansas City"
    Them: "Oh, Kansas! Where's Toto, Dorothy??!!"

    #1. I'm from Kansas City, MISSOURI. #2. No, I don't live on a farm, own cattle, or have ever been swooped up by a tornado...

    I live in St. Joseph, Mo, 45 minutes north of KC. Home of Jesse James and the Pony Express and Enimem. Nope, it's not a small country town either.
  • MelsieK
    MelsieK Posts: 72
    Born and raised in Sydney Australia ... yep that's right ... our trains have to stop for kangaroos crossing the track, koalas like to wander into our living room and watch tv with us and you cant swim in the harbour because a croc will eat you or the surf cause a great white shark will attack you ...

    Actually, all these things are kinda possible in Australia (the crocs up north though not in Sydney, sharks are worse in South Australia and Western Australia, kangaroos are road kill all over the place but stay away from big cities, and as far as koalas go, they actually do enter your house if you leave the door open for your dog!)


    Yeap where I we begin about living in Australia lol. Sad thing is, where I am, I do have koalas and kangaroos at times literally in my back yard. Don't live near the beach though :-( do have to watch out for the snakes and red back spiders.

    But it is a great place to live.....................I promise ;-)

  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 160
    Not a whole lot...other than people seem to think Ohio is just cows and farms. NO.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    Slightly off topic... but can someone point out to me what an east coast accent it. I'm living on the west coast now and was told I have an accent... first time ever.

    Side note- by east coast accent i do not mean new york or boston

    I'm from Cleveland, Ohio and people from other states *always* tell me I have an accent! What???
  • tfancey
    tfancey Posts: 96 Member
  • ToEKnee213
    ToEKnee213 Posts: 1,031 Member
    Grand Rapids, Michgan...Furniture capital of the world.

    Although, now it has been named the best place to raise a family :smile:
  • Abrowe313
    Abrowe313 Posts: 189 Member
    that everyone from Detroit is violent! i had to work in Houston for a month last year shuttling people to the Houston rodeo and one of the desk ladies at the marriot i stayed at asked me "where is that accent from? i said i wasnt aware we had a distinct accent but im from Detroit. she said "oh i watch yall on the first 48 all the time, yall can have Detroit!"
  • Abrowe313
    Abrowe313 Posts: 189 Member
    and 9 out of 10 people ask if ive ever met kid rock or eminem, and ironicly i have met both on numerous occasions but only because i was a bouncer at Saint Andrews Hall in the early 90s
  • isweatglitter
    California. No, we don't surf to school.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    I'm originally from Pittsburgh. I don't know of any stereotypes, but many people laugh at the unique terminology that people around there use - often referred to as "Pittsburgh-eese". Some common ones with their actual meaning are...

    Yinz (you all)
    red up (clean)
    dahntahn (downtown)
    warsh (wash)
    hoagie (sub sandwich)

    Let's see... gumbands (rubber bands), spiggot (faucet), chipchop (thinly sliced ham), Arn (Iron City Beer)
    And don't you DARE forget them STILLERS!! :happy:
    ALLLLL my family is born & raised Pittsburgh. That is my :heart:


    Pop (soda)
    Jagoff (Jerk)
    Crick (Creek)
    Babushka (Scarf for head)
    Tin foil (Aluminum foil)
    Yuengling (Pittsburgh beer)
    Hanky (Handkerchief)

    Born & raised Pittsburgh girl here yinz guys! :smile: :heart:

    My wife was not born in PIttsburgh and gets on me all the time about Yinz.

    hanky, jagoff, red up, and tin foil are some of my favorites.

    Go Stillers!!!
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    California. No, we don't surf to school.

    But you do have your boards on top of your hippie van right?
  • Moonladee
    Moonladee Posts: 77 Member
    Northern Cali.. No the weather is NOT always sunny.. That is Southern.. And we don't have earthquakes weekly... lol
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    Northern Cali.. No the weather is NOT always sunny.. That is Southern.. And we don't have earthquakes weekly... lol

    Nope...the weather's NOT always sunny here, either! This was my misconception when I moved to SoCal. Imagine my surprise when I found the weather pretty gloomy from January through June with only occasional sunny days in between!

    I'm a native Texan, south Texas specifically, and NO, you don't have to know how to speak Spanish to get a job there. Geez! :explode: However, the whole gun thing isn't a stretch. :glasses:
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Being a mixed Mexican-Filipino but was born & raised in Manila, Philippines, many people think of Filipinos as only Asian/Malays & then they are surprised to find a half-Mexican mestiza who speaks Spanish & grew up in predominantly Latino ways (were closer to my dad's side of family) claiming herself one. I tell them that Filipino is a nationality just like an American, British, Canadian or Australian & although the vast majority are Asian/Malays but not everyone. Some were questioning me that if I were really a Filipino then why do I hate karaoke & pancit then I told them that while its part of the culture but again not everyone does it. Some thought that Filipinos are good nurses & caregivers and while I do find these jobs very good but I told them not everyone is capable of being one. However the three worst stereotypes that I got were:

    1. that all Filipino women are gold-diggers & while I do agree that there are some who are like that (I had a share of bad experiences with some people who only used me for money) but again not everyone.

    2. the perception that Filipinos are poor. Again they are talking about the majority but I tell them well excuse me but both my parents are certified public accountants & my father works as a executive director for finance dept. in an airline company while my mom is a retired gov't employee, we the children are all professionals now. My father's side relatives are also professionals (doctor, bankers, engineer). Not to mention that we own a two-storey house complete with appliances & furniture, car, one desktop computer, several laptops, notebooks, i-pads, smart phones, etc.

    3. that Filipinos are Spanish/Latino/Hispanic wannabees while denying their Asian roots. I can't speak of anything further because I also met a handful of them especially on online forums who claims they're Hispanic or PI's, their great-great-grandpa is Spanish, they're half-Spanish, their Spanish-Chinese-Filipino & mostly their reasoning is either because of their surnames or one of their relatives has blue eyes or chinesey eyes, LOL. However being a mixed one myself, I have to say that not everyone is lying & at the same time there are those especially from the motherland who are very proud of their Asian roots.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of my mixed heritage but it just happens that my dad's side is stronger than my mom's. Thank God the word "wetback" doesn't exist here because if it were then I would kick their flat @s$es.
  • jaydubbayu
    jaydubbayu Posts: 456
    People generally say too much about Cincinnati. The only people that bad-mouth it are the people that live here. I dunno... If anybody has an Ohio or Cincinnati stereotype, I'm welcome to hear it!