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has a close friend of yours died?



  • Heyman09
    Heyman09 Posts: 184
    In my case my very best friend died in Feb. My dad!! I was a daddy's girl my whole life and he was my hero. Every since his passing I've had a hard time getting through my day.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    yes, including one on 9/11
  • Scatterdragon
    Scatterdragon Posts: 225 Member
    My husband died in a helicopter crash 6.5 years ago... I still struggle with it. I have also lost some friends. It never gets easier to deal with.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    After both parents pass, it's a very lonely feeling. Mine both passed by the time I was 40.
  • TopazCarey
    TopazCarey Posts: 263
    It's so weird, but I was just talking about this with my little sister. Fortunately, I haven't lost any friends but one of my sister's friends got hit by a car and died just last night. She was all of 13 years old. It's really sad. It just makes me think how short this life really is and how any moment could be our last.
  • LenaMena87
    LenaMena87 Posts: 469 Member
    Yes my three close friends two of them my exes. I still hurt in pain but I manage to go on with life. There is a brighter tomorrow and you just keep holding on.
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    I'm guessing pets don't count <.< lol
  • Actually, i am extremely fortunate to not have lost any immediate family members for most of my life, only person i remember passing is my grandma on my moms side. However, i have had several close friends pass, which isn't any easier.

    I'm afraid for how i will handle my grandparent's death on my dads side. Cause i know my G-PA hasn't much longer to live. And i want to make sure he can see me succeed with my goal to become a United States Marine before he passes.
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    I'm only 22, but unfortunately I've experienced the loss of several friends. One of them would have been 24 today, actually.

    Unfortunately, two of them took their own lives..it's just something you never expect to happen to someone you know. I kind of always blew off the notion of suicide--thinking "that's what a person wanted, etc.", but when you go through it, it's absolutely unreal--I don't think I'll ever understand why something that terrible happened, but I just cherish what I have and remember my friends fondly.
  • BuffERRN
    BuffERRN Posts: 109 Member
    I have had three close friends die since high school- two from cancer and one from asthma. I work in the ER and the buddy that died of an asthma attack was my patient... I will forever carry the images of him forever in my memory of him on the morgue cart after with a tube inserted through his neck because they could not intubate him... All three were not even 25 years old.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    So many sad stories - makes you appreciate life. The reason I joined MFP is because of my close friend who died of cancer - three years ago this month. She was obese and that contributed to the spread of the cancer and to her death. I don't want my weight to be a factor in my life or my death. I still am in touch with her family and we have a good cry every year about this time.
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    I do think the older you get the more people you know that have passed on. I lost a friend for the first time when I was 8, it was a tragic accident. :frown:
  • tfancey
    tfancey Posts: 96 Member
    Just before Easter weekend three years ago a beautiful little girl I knew was kidnapped, raped and brutally murdered. My father had died 10 weeks earlier and when I went to the Alzheimer's walk the day after he died I started to cry and didn't think I could manage. This little girl saw me, came running over and started chatting away and walking with me so I had to pull it together so she wouldn't ask why I was crying. Three days after the girl was kidnapped my mother died very unexpectedly. I was grief-stricken but hoped that the girl would turn up okay. Several weeks later two people were arrested and charged with her murder. I felt as if the three deaths were so intertwined, the triple loss was so close together. And now at the three year anniversary the trial of one of the murderer's is going on and I have to hear all of the awful things that happened. Sometimes I just want to go to bed and cry nonstop.

    So sorry for all your losses and so sorry that you have to constantly relive the loss of the little girl - from reading your post I recognize how high profile the story has become. :(
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    A friend of mine who was a big brother to me was shot the day after christmas.. he lives 6 hours away and it was so quick that we didn't know he was shot until he was gone. Even harder was when we got there we helped plan his funeral, give the final ok that he looked like him before everyone saw him at the wake, my fiance was even the one who picked his clothes to be buried in. can't believe how hard it was and how much it still doesn't sink in.
  • hannp
    hannp Posts: 34
    5 years ago when I was 14 my daddy was my best friend. He passed away from cancer that year. So hard to think he nevers going to walk me down the isle, see my kids and all that future stuff.
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    Yes- I lost a kindred spirit about 16 years ago. She was only 19 with a 1 year old baby- working the 3rd shift so she could be with her son during the day. Burning the candle at both ends until she fell asleep at the wheel and crashed when she was almost home. I still miss her. :(

    I also lost an ex to a heart attack when he was only 32. It's still hard to wrap my head around that. :/
  • mama2shi
    mama2shi Posts: 300 Member
    I have had many friends pass, and I am 39. The worst was being widowed at 34, although I am happily married again :). Some people I know have never experienced a close death, I think it has made me appreciate life much more having been through it.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,670 Member
    I lost a good friend last fall. We'd only met one year (almost exactly one year) before. He was an actor in a local film I was doing make-up for. I spent about 4 hours giving him some fake tattoos and we were quick friends. He had just moved to my home town so called me a lot looking for ideas of things to do. We talked online a lot, did a couple short films together.

    He was only one year older than me, 29, had two kids, just like me, and died peacefully in his sleep. No warning. It REALLY made me re-evaluate my life and what I'm doing with my creativity.

    Up to a certain age, a lot of people don't really think about death. There's a feeling of having all the time in the world. Losing someone really puts some reality in you.
  • amalthea23
    amalthea23 Posts: 44 Member
    A very close friend of mine died at 29 and it was awful. It wasn't a easy death and for years the anniversary rocked me badly.
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    Had a bad couple of years myself. My little brother died, a few years later I lost one of my best friends. Two weeks later, my mom died and my gramp a month later. And then next year, my stepdad died. I'm only 34, but I think about losing my dad now, even though he is totally healthy and just turned 50. But everyone else died and they were healthy and young too. It really brings your mortality up front and center when things like that happen.