What type of work do you do and what do you have to deal wit



  • emrys1976
    emrys1976 Posts: 213 Member
    I am a clinical social worker and my primary responsibility at this time is doing psychological evaluations on convicted sex offenders. I will spare you what I have to deal with. You're welcome :-)
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Me: "Hello, can I help you get anything?"
    Client : "Yeah I'm having Class A inspection tomorrow at 0900 and I need a full uniform by 1700 today!"
    Me: "Ok I can certainly try, but what size are you?"
    Client: "I dunno you should know, you're the expert!"

    Bleh. You know inspection comes yearly at the same time! But we've gotten it done.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I design/create wedding cakes..BRIDE-ZILLAS!

    Omg how do you handle it? What's the worst bride-zilla you've ever had?
  • SuzyQq02
    SuzyQq02 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm a social worker, but my actual job is interesting. I'm a hybrid therapist (I do individual and group work, specializing in trauma and dual diagnosis) and manager (oversee programs that use one of the therapies I specialize in as well as supervise practicing clinicians). I can't really share any specifics, but I'll say that my clients are often easier to deal with than the staff I have to manage!

    emrys, I've worked in forensic social work in the past, so I get where you're coming from!
  • jonbobfrog
    jonbobfrog Posts: 294
    I work at a psychiatric residential treatment facility for adolescents. It's a lock down facility, level 4, and I work on a male sex offender unit.

    I deal with people doing sexually inappropriate things by themselves and to each other. I deal with guys attacking each other with fists, chairs, homemade shanks, anything they can find. I deal with guys attempting to attack me with all the aforementioned items.

    It's horrible. It's depressing.

    I hate it.
  • I work in occupational medicine and also volunteer at my local FD as a firefighter/medic.

    Needless to say my work is never dull.

    At work I spend a lot of time asking the construction workers "So HOW did you do that?" when they come in to our medical clinic with an injury. They like to fall down (and hit the ground), impale themselves with things, hit their fingers with hammers, fall off of things (manlifts, bucket trucks...thank goodness for harnesses), fall into things (trenches, holes), get hit with flying or falling objects (tools, building materials, pipes, booms), cut themselves (knives, skivers, box cutters), get rashes, stomach aches, vomiting, colds, allergies.....we basically treat anything! :D

    The fire department calls are where we get sick old people, women having babies, people falling down, people crashing their cars, diabetics, psych patients, suicides, accidents, and all the other fun stuff we do like fight fires and get cats out of trees (only once in the last 13 years has someone called for a cat in a tree).

    I am convinced however that most people have a lack of common sense and they only call us when they do something wrong/dumb/accidentally. My most bizarre call(s) of all time took place 3 months apart several years ago. We had an elderly women drive thru a shed at the local library, down the hill and into a house (she was there for a defensive driving class). 3 months later we picked her up after she drove thru the front wall of the bank in town. She remembered me from the first call!!

    Life is never dull!! :)
  • maggiemay365
    maggiemay365 Posts: 181 Member
    I design/create wedding cakes..BRIDE-ZILLAS!

    Omg how do you handle it? What's the worst bride-zilla you've ever had?

    The ones that want to question the price of everything..I really don't like that..they want beautiful hand made sugar flowers..hundreds of hand made flowers..they take hours to do..you want them..you have to pay for them..no discounts..I don't care how big a fit you can throw..I excuse myself and let my director/partner/good cop.. show them the door. Bye Bye :)
  • mstandley3
    mstandley3 Posts: 13 Member
    I am an 911 operator!!!!! Lord you know what type of calls I get.. For instance I took a call were a female adv me that she was at a local phone booth. Ok so I then ask What is your emergency. She advise me that her boyfriend had locked her out of his house to let his wife in. so I said mam That is not an emergency and she said yes it is because I dont have on any cloths and a group of people are watching me PLEASE HURRY!

    I also took a call from a man advisng me to call Bret Favre and tell him how to take care of his broken rest... I said ok now do you really think I can just call up Bret Favre... LOL
  • I work at Sears in the mattress department, previously in the appliance department.

    people mainly come in to complain to me about how i made their fridge/washer/mattress break and its also my fault that we don't have any in the back room. people also like to scoff at our prices even after I offer price matching.

    granted, i also hate my job, but i'm trying to do it the best i can!
  • amalthea23
    amalthea23 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm a freelance writer and photographer, so it's a lot of "can you get this done NOW? I'll pay you in 3 months or so."
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    prison guard..............

    use your imagination...........
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I'm a nanny during the week and work at a church nursery on the weekends.

    I clean up a lot of pee... Somehow the boys manage to get it all over the floor at least once a week. I make lunches and then get yelled at by the kids for putting the "wrong" thing in there. (it's the same lunch every day, not sure how it's okay one day, wrong the next). Drive them all over the place and don't get compensation for gas.
    Then, at my other job, I hold crying babies and change lots of diapers.
  • I'm a human resources manager.

    Store Manager: Help! All my employees have quit and I need to replace them!

    Me: Well, I can post the jobs right now? What hours and skills do you need?

    Store Manager: I want someone willing to work for no benefits, available 24 hours a day at a moment's notice, with a college education, to work retail for minimum wage.

    Me: Good luck with that....
  • Joneses17
    Joneses17 Posts: 135 Member
    I work for a Division I FBS Football team at a University. I deal with student-athlete eligibility, classes, graduation rates, NCAA compliance etc. I LOOOOVEEE my job but sometimes things are out of my control and I have to remember my athletes are still only 18-23.
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    I work in a histology lab in the cardiology department of the University of MN and if you ever watch Big Bang Theory, Sheldons exist and they walk among us...
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    prison guard..............

    use your imagination...........

    I work in a prison too. Yep, use your imagination
  • BCKS
    BCKS Posts: 287 Member
    I was a court reporter for 18 years. Attorneys and Judges = enough said! :explode: :grumble: :devil: :mad: :noway:
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    LOL dude this is so perfect for today...

    I assist students in computer labs and also am an assistant manager so I am the go to person when crap goes out the window.

    You probably think, Oh... you just sit and surf the internet all day and do homework! Which is true... but when **** hits the fan it's not the case at all haha.

    1. Someone calls in sick so I get thrown into a lab I really haven't been brushed up on yet as other obligations have gotten in the way.
    2. All is well until the damn printer server goes down in our lab. Try troubleshooting to no avail. The guy who runs the printer server calls me up and gets down my throat about the issue. All because he's late to a meeting... Thankfully my boss deals with this so we can force him to fix the issue.
    3. Have Mr. "OMG I NEED MY HAND HELD" expecting me to sit down with him and ignore everything else to be walked through Microsoft Word issues. It was fine and dandy at first until I realized he literally wants you to do the homework for him... and omg... repeating yourself... over and over and over and over. He even has the gall to ask if you don't mind hanging around after work for free to tutor him. HELL NO!
    4. A random computer comes off the server... must log this... and deal with everyone letting me know it's down...
    5. A scanner breaks down... have student reset computer.
    6. Must babysit other lab assistance and make sure they are at their designated spot when scheduled.
    7. Help with students who forget their cards... can't print without being told every step...

    Haha it's nutty sometimes. I LOVE my job and love helping people but when I get dumped on with every single possible issue fathomable it is VERY crazy. :P
  • Appleness
    Appleness Posts: 38
    Accounts Administrator - so account receivable, monthly reporting, purchasing and anything else they want to throw at me.

    Me: You're account is overdue by 15 days. You're account has been put on hold and you won't be receiving goods until the account is paid up.
    Account: But its only $100! How can you hold me for that?!
    Me: Because its overdue.
    Why don't they ever understand? I don't care if it's $2 or $5,000. Overdue is overdue!

    Me: It looks like you're account is overdue and you haven't paid an invoice from last November.
    Account: Oh no I paid that invoice
    Me: How do you pay it? as we haven't received any payment
    Account: Well I definitely paid it.
    Me: No, no you didn't. We have no record of receiving a payment for you for this amount.
    Account: Well I did! I work all the accounts here without using a computer you know, I do it all in my head

    So wouldn't logic say, my computer probably works a bit more accurately then you're mind?
    Not being horrible to people who have mental disabilities - but this lady actually has dementia and for some reason her daughter who owns the company left her in charge of reconciling the account.....ugh...really?

    Me: You're account is overdue and we've tried faxing you overdue letters notifying you that you won't be receiving any goods
    Account: That's ridiculous! Well I didn't receive any letter. I want you to release my goods right now!
    Me: Ugh no. You're account is 30 days, so you're account is automatically due the same time every month which is in our trading terms.
    Account: Well I want to speak to your manager!

    Sure, why not, because that's really going to change the amount you haven't paid on your account!

    *let's out a big breath*
    Feels nice to vent a bit lol
  • gmctech
    gmctech Posts: 103 Member
    I'm a construction safety officer for oil/gas energy and mining operations all over North America. I also manage HSE operations on industrial construction sites for compliance with safety standards established by corporate, local and regional agencies to protect workers, equipment and the environment. I also conduct training sessions to educate workers and supervisors on safe workplace procedures and ways to protect themselves and their environment from harm. My job normally requires I regularly visit all types of locations where blasting, mining, equipment relocation etc etc is taking place.

    The training and educational and instructional topics vary according to the nature of the work being performed at the job sites. Common topics include keeping accurate incident records, methods to prevent accidents and how to train employees to implement safe practices into their daily work routines. Other subjects for discussion typically include safe equipment operation, ergonomics, safe lifting procedures and choosing appropriate protective gear and clothing. And thats just the tip of the iceberg.

    In addition to lecturing on safety and inspecting the general appearance of construction/mining sites for potential safety hazards, I normally examines tools, equipment and machinery at the sites. I'm required to document and report to head office and the authorities any infractions I discover and advise the person in charge of the site to correct the hazards. If the violation poses an immediate threat, I have the authority to issue A STOP WORK ORDER on multi-billion dollar projects. Checking safety equipment such as fire extinguishers and alarms for current certifications is also a typical part of my job.... That's just a small glimpse of wht i do daily, this doesn't even touch on fatality investigations, equipment loss investigations, ..... for me to list everything would take way too long... Long story short... I LOVE MY JOB