Views on America



  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I'm always hearing that other countries hate America. If they do, I'm not going to argue, because America does need to mind their own business sometimes. But, I live here, I love it, wouldn't live anywhere else.

    Here's a rare opportunity for me to listen to other people's (from other countries) views on America.
    So, what do you think?

    No wrong answers here, ready to listen!
    Americans can chime in too!!

    Well first of all which of the countries in the Americas are you talking about? The US?

    First thing I hate is the fact that the US thinks they own the whole America continent & that they are the only one who have the right to be called "Americans". There is North America, Central America, The Carribean & South America. Canadians, Mexicans, Central Americans, Carribean people & South Americans are also technically considered AMERICANS too? Well we call you guys Gringos, Estadosunidenses & not Americanos. The label Mexican-American, Cuban-American, Brazilian-American, Hispanic/Latino Americans etc. are all stupid nonsense, its like calling Chinese people from Asia as Chinese-Asian, a Spaniard as Spanish-European or a Nigerian as Nigerian-African.

    Second its a racist nation. Tell me which other countries has a policy in fill-out application forms indicating their ethnicity or race. Only in the US. Not to mention that they love to give out stupid useless labels to minorities such as "Hispanic/Latino", "Asian". FYI Hispanic belongs to the Spaniards & not all Latin Americans have direct Spanish lineage. Yes we speak Spanish but that doesn't makes us Spaniards anymore than a French fluent in Japanese language be called Japanese. Countries such as Argentina have Italian & German population, Peru & Bolivia have Amerindian majority so calling them Hispanics is inappropriate. Asia is a CONTINENT & not a race. Saying one is of "Asian race" is such stupid. The funny thing is that the term "Asian" doesn't include Middle East, Central Asia or sometimes even India as part of "Asian" category whereas they are technically part of Asia.

    EDIT: I live far far away from US but I have many Mexican friends & relatives who live there.
  • katielauren2001
    katielauren2001 Posts: 171 Member
    I have a lot of friends in America. I love them to bits. As individuals they're amazing women.

    But, err... (damn it, I hope I don't offend anyone right now) monitoring your political situation scares me so bad. Religion has no place in politics and I'm fortunate to live in a country which has separated Church and State.

    I just can't get over that you don't have Universal Healthcare.
    I can't get over the abortion bill in Virginia.
    I can't get over the fact that the bill to allow employers to pick and choose what healthcare to cover only marginally got kicked out (we're talking like 4 votes between them).
    I can't get over the fact that someone like Rick Sanitorium could run for president and spread his hateful views on gays, coloured people and women, and name it all as a religious virtue.
    And although I love Barack Obama, I can't get over the fact that your President acts more like a celebrity than he does as a ruler of a country.

    But your people. I love your people. For the most part. Everywhere has bad eggs. Just your politics I cannot abide.

    Coloured people though? Really?
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    I Love America ... but then I'm American ... and its HUMP DAY so who cares we all live and share this lovely planet so no matter your views there's one thing we can all agree on....

    GAS PRICES ARE WAY TO HIGH !!!!!! :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    I might be the only American that thinks they're too low. We paid close to $8 a gallon for four years when we lived overseas. You know what we did. Biked, walked and didn't drive much.

    America is the only country with a way off balance of carbon emissions compared to our population. I would love to see gas prices triple. I think we could finally more towards more public transportation, which would help the poor out as well as the planet.

    I think you might be the first American I have ever heard to say it's too low. I have seen many posts mainly on facebook complaining but the U.S. has really cheap gas for such a high demand product, if it was to come in line with other countries then there would be some complaints so count yourself lucky and if you aren't happy to pay use public transport or walk.

    Yeah, except for my husband, I've only heard *****ing when it comes to gas prices here in the states. I don't count myself lucky though, because Americans are sucking the oil wells dry at the expense of our health, the health of the planet and the health of our future. I do use public transportation, mainly bike routes and walking, thanks. We do have a car, and we do use it to travel distances like when we go 1000 miles to see family once a year. However, we drive so little, that our insurance on a full coverage mini van that's only 2 years old is 30 a month. Most of the time, it just stays parked in our garage.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I have a lot of friends in America. I love them to bits. As individuals they're amazing women.

    But, err... (damn it, I hope I don't offend anyone right now) monitoring your political situation scares me so bad. Religion has no place in politics and I'm fortunate to live in a country which has separated Church and State.

    I just can't get over that you don't have Universal Healthcare.
    I can't get over the abortion bill in Virginia.
    I can't get over the fact that the bill to allow employers to pick and choose what healthcare to cover only marginally got kicked out (we're talking like 4 votes between them).
    I can't get over the fact that someone like Rick Sanitorium could run for president and spread his hateful views on gays, coloured people and women, and name it all as a religious virtue.
    And although I love Barack Obama, I can't get over the fact that your President acts more like a celebrity than he does as a ruler of a country.

    But your people. I love your people. For the most part. Everywhere has bad eggs. Just your politics I cannot abide.

    Coloured people though? Really?

    I have to say, I thought the same thing when I quoted it, LOL....
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    One thing I've always wondered is that when there was talk of a Universal healthcare all the reports and news I saw was to suggest that most people were against it yet out of the Americans I have met they always seemed to be for it, mainly the people that had been in accidents and were still paying for it. Is this just the way the media portrays it or is there a lot of backlash against Universal healthcare which I believe to be one of the cornerstones of society???

    I think it depends on who you ask. There have been a few polls done. Some say a 3-1 in favor of an NHS, some as 2-1, but I think those against it are just loud, and that's why it seems so prevalent.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I don't think the general public should have access to guns, just cops and the military. Guns scare the crap out of me as well.

    Because every cop and military personnel is a morally sound individual? The public has guns to protect itself from corruption and tyranny. Cops are people. Soldiers are people.

    Societies biggest mistake is thinking the government is there to protect them. The most horrific tragedies in history rose out of people turning into sheeple and surrendering their natural rights out of fear, thinking that they would be "protected".

    It makes me so sad that people think like this.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I am 56 and have lived in America all my life. I love this country and everything it stands for but, I am very worried and discouraged.
    Politicians seem to be only interested in making a name for themselves. I am tired of the egos and the pis#ing contest. None of them put the country first. We can not be strong if we don't stand together. Everyone hates our choices but rely on us when anything goes wrong in the world. I think we need to consentrate on getting ourselves back on our feet. We are not what we use to be and the world is watching and waiting. I fear for my Grandchildren.

    I agree with you. Problem is that so many people do not do their research about anything, especially politics. They just believe whatever the media tells them, or their professors, or friends, etc.

    this is same for england to,,,,, its all gone pear shaped, sort of just Britain now the Great isnt there any more.

    I have to say that I agree with the original comments here...I am 25 and I fear for my future and my children's future. I wish I would have paid more attention in school when we learned how politics work. For me, its hard to get into it and get passionate about one side or the other because as you said...Politicians don't seem to care about anything but making a name for themselves and it doesn't seem that politics is a fair game -- or that the people are really the ones voting for our leaders. Anyway...I try to bow out of political arguments and it drives my husband crazy. I think its about time I get passionate.
    I just wish they would put the country first and not their own agenda. I am soooo worried for the younger generation. They were born into a different world and I see by my own children, are having a hard time adjusting to the new one.
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    I am Australian (wee seem to be the majority on this thread..), but I've lived in the US for the past 6 years or so.
    On the other hand, there are things I will never comprehend. The gun thing is just madness to the eyes of aussies - we have something like 100 random gun-related homicides per year. In the whole country. The blind adherence to the 'right to bear arms' with no critical consideration that more guns is not actually a good way to prevent shootings.

    Some of us believe that we should have the right to bear arms so that we can overthrow the government when it becomes too radical or reactionary, and peaceful means to fix it have been exhausted. I believe that is the purpose of having the "well-regulated militia" referred to in the 2nd amendment. It is, afterall, how the authors of that amendment used their militia - to overthrow their government and create a new one. Obviously, small arms would not win a war against the actual army, but they may be enough to help gain some of the larger weapons required. (of course, I'm not saying that time has come, and I'm not advocating a revolution against the government of today, but I do want that option if it became necessary)

    Wait. What? This is what scares the ever loving *kitten* out of me with this country. :noway:

    I don't think the general public should have access to guns, just cops and the military. Guns scare the crap out of me as well.

    Yeah, it's not even the guns that scare me, my husband is a soldier, so guns are normal to me, though we don't actually own any. What scares me is that people own them thinking one day they will have to overthrow the goverment. Like....BWAH?? makes me wonder what will happen to the rest of us.i can't see it ending well.
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 833 Member
    I don't think the general public should have access to guns, just cops and the military. Guns scare the crap out of me as well.

    Ahh, the very people we'll need to protect ourselves against when the government turns fascist. Excellent....
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I'm Canadian, not far from the border but haven't been to the USA since passports are required to go over there. I used to go on roadtrips through the States, love North Carolina, it is so pretty there.
    I see the USA as a huge waste of potential. There are so many people left out in the cold due to economics. It is too hard for poor people to get educated, for poor people to get adequate health care. The US is a superpower now but imagine if they actually took care of all of their people? Could be scary, could take over the world!
    I was in Washington DC shortly after the US invaded Iraq in a march protesting the invasion and met some very nice people. A lot of curious citizens asked about our picket signs and almost all of them had no clue about anything, I found it pretty sad. I find the news in the USA to be very biased and brainwashing, and the people easily led without thinking for themselves.
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    I am Australian (wee seem to be the majority on this thread..), but I've lived in the US for the past 6 years or so.
    On the other hand, there are things I will never comprehend. The gun thing is just madness to the eyes of aussies - we have something like 100 random gun-related homicides per year. In the whole country. The blind adherence to the 'right to bear arms' with no critical consideration that more guns is not actually a good way to prevent shootings.

    Some of us believe that we should have the right to bear arms so that we can overthrow the government when it becomes too radical or reactionary, and peaceful means to fix it have been exhausted. I believe that is the purpose of having the "well-regulated militia" referred to in the 2nd amendment. It is, afterall, how the authors of that amendment used their militia - to overthrow their government and create a new one. Obviously, small arms would not win a war against the actual army, but they may be enough to help gain some of the larger weapons required. (of course, I'm not saying that time has come, and I'm not advocating a revolution against the government of today, but I do want that option if it became necessary)

    Wait. What? This is what scares the ever loving *kitten* out of me with this country. :noway:

    I don't think the general public should have access to guns, just cops and the military. Guns scare the crap out of me as well.

    If the public can't have guns, I don't think the cops and military should be the only people holding them... so many cops are crooked and the military... for the love of god, I got into the military. :laugh: Really, though, I can foresee that causing a power problem.
  • laeliaperogie
    Ron paul for president
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I am Australian (wee seem to be the majority on this thread..), but I've lived in the US for the past 6 years or so.
    On the other hand, there are things I will never comprehend. The gun thing is just madness to the eyes of aussies - we have something like 100 random gun-related homicides per year. In the whole country. The blind adherence to the 'right to bear arms' with no critical consideration that more guns is not actually a good way to prevent shootings.

    Some of us believe that we should have the right to bear arms so that we can overthrow the government when it becomes too radical or reactionary, and peaceful means to fix it have been exhausted. I believe that is the purpose of having the "well-regulated militia" referred to in the 2nd amendment. It is, afterall, how the authors of that amendment used their militia - to overthrow their government and create a new one. Obviously, small arms would not win a war against the actual army, but they may be enough to help gain some of the larger weapons required. (of course, I'm not saying that time has come, and I'm not advocating a revolution against the government of today, but I do want that option if it became necessary)

    Wait. What? This is what scares the ever loving *kitten* out of me with this country. :noway:

    I don't think the general public should have access to guns, just cops and the military. Guns scare the crap out of me as well.

    Yeah, it's not even the guns that scare me, my husband is a soldier, so guns are normal to me, though we don't actually own any. What scares me is that people own them thinking one day they will have to overthrow the goverment. Like....BWAH?? makes me wonder what will happen to the rest of us.i can't see it ending well.

  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I want to say, that I truly love our country. I have traveled to other countries and enjoyed all of them, but I am very happy that I live here.

    That being said, I do think our political system needs to be changed. I am a conservative...but, I think we need an Overhaul. Not just an R in the White House. I think that our Senators and Representatives should only serve 2 terms (like our President) and then get out. After they have served their 2 elected terms, then they should go back to work like the rest of us.

    I think if we got the career politicians out and we had normal people to serve, our country would be so much better. Ya, we do not all agree on everything, but I know that I could sit down with a liberal and we could find a happy medium on most issues, and do so without compromising ourselves or our values.

    And as far as education....we need our parents to expect more out of their children. A teacher can only do so much, the rest has to be done at home. My sons are shocked at how most of their classmates do not know what is going on in the world.

    I am all for helping the poor, but when do the poor have to help themselves? When we have generations of people on government assistance, some of us getting tired of it. My husband busts his butt to support his family and it is upsetting to see our high teenage pregnancy rate, when you know that these girls grew up on government assistance and now they are receiving it with their children. I am not making this up, I see it in our community. I even spoke to our Superintendent about how can we emphasize that education is best for these young girls and not their boyfriend. Again, the school can only do so much, those values can only come from home.

    Our military is wonderful and I love the sacrifices that our soldiers make. I do think we can get to eager to "help" the world. If the world does not want our help, I say bring our troops home. We have plenty of work to do in our own country. I also think we should no longer fund or cut back our funding to the UN.

    But, I do love the US and I think that most people in the US are very generous!!
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    This thread makes me very sad.

    I am a proud American. I am also a Texan! I have guns. Lots of them. Its my right as an American to bear arms. I have a right to defend my family and my home. I appreciate the choice to own them if I so wish. There is a sign outside of my home that says "nothing in this house is worth dying for" and WE MEAN IT.

    I appreciate our military and the sacrifice that they give to defend our freedoms and to pretect this great nation.

    Unfortunately not all Americans feel this way. Like my friend said earlier thats the great thing about living here, if you dont like it you have the choice to leave.

    I wish we could come together as a nation cause were falling apart.

    P.S. we do not refer to african americans as "coloureds" as a few of you did earlier and neither did Rick Santorum.
    P.S.S. our leadership sucks right now. however, fortunately we get to vote soon. oh yea another right i have as an American.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    I want to say, that I truly love our country. I have traveled to other countries and enjoyed all of them, but I am very happy that I live here.

    That being said, I do think our political system needs to be changed. I am a conservative...but, I think we need an Overhaul. Not just an R in the White House. I think that our Senators and Representatives should only serve 2 terms (like our President) and then get out. After they have served their 2 elected terms, then they should go back to work like the rest of us.

    I think if we got the career politicians out and we had normal people to serve, our country would be so much better. Ya, we do not all agree on everything, but I know that I could sit down with a liberal and we could find a happy medium on most issues, and do so without compromising ourselves or our values.

    And as far as education....we need our parents to expect more out of their children. A teacher can only do so much, the rest has to be done at home. My sons are shocked at how most of their classmates do not know what is going on in the world.

    I am all for helping the poor, but when do the poor have to help themselves? When we have generations of people on government assistance, some of us getting tired of it. My husband busts his butt to support his family and it is upsetting to see our high teenage pregnancy rate, when you know that these girls grew up on government assistance and now they are receiving it with their children. I am not making this up, I see it in our community. I even spoke to our Superintendent about how can we emphasize that education is best for these young girls and not their boyfriend. Again, the school can only do so much, those values can only come from home.

    Our military is wonderful and I love the sacrifices that our soldiers make. I do think we can get to eager to "help" the world. If the world does not want our help, I say bring our troops home. We have plenty of work to do in our own country. I also think we should no longer fund or cut back our funding to the UN.

    But, I do love the US and I think that most people in the US are very generous!!

    Fellow conservative here! I agree with every statement you just made!
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Tell me which other countries has a policy in fill-out application forms indicating their ethnicity or race. Only in the US. Not to mention that they love to give out stupid useless labels to minorities such as "Hispanic/Latino", "Asian". FYI Hispanic belongs to the Spaniards & not all Latin Americans have direct Spanish lineage. Asia is a CONTINENT & saying one is of "Asian race" is such stupid. The funny thing is that the term "Asian" doesn't include Middle East, Central Asia or sometimes even India as part of "Asian" category whereas they are technically part of Asia.

    Every country I've lived in. It's not because the government is racist, it's for social profiling and can be used for good instead of evil. FOR EXAMPLE: understanding that a particular ethnicity is more prone to / exempt from certain cancers or diseases leads to research which can potentially provide vaccines / cures etc. You have to learn to look at the glass half-full aspect of this!
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 833 Member
    Yeah, it's not even the guns that scare me, my husband is a soldier, so guns are normal to me, though we don't actually own any. What scares me is that people own them thinking one day they will have to overthrow the goverment. Like....BWAH?? makes me wonder what will happen to the rest of us.i can't see it ending well.

    Please, don't take my original quote as saying that I think I will have to do that someday. I don't think that - and I dang sure hope I never have to do that. However, I realize that I MIGHT have to do that someday as a true American. Our founding fathers did that. They fought for our rights to represent ourselves, and say what we need to say. Others around the world have fought for those rights. If the government becomes fascist (it is always possible), and we no longer have those rights, it may become necessary to fight for them again for all Americans. I believe that is Patriotic and reasonable. Having the right to enable ourselves to protect our rights if necessary is what freedom is about, per our revolutionary founding fathers. If you don't like that idea, I'm sorry, go back to being sheeple, and don't call me when the jackbooted thugs come knocking down your door.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I want to say, that I truly love our country. I have traveled to other countries and enjoyed all of them, but I am very happy that I live here.

    That being said, I do think our political system needs to be changed. I am a conservative...but, I think we need an Overhaul. Not just an R in the White House. I think that our Senators and Representatives should only serve 2 terms (like our President) and then get out. After they have served their 2 elected terms, then they should go back to work like the rest of us.

    I think if we got the career politicians out and we had normal people to serve, our country would be so much better. Ya, we do not all agree on everything, but I know that I could sit down with a liberal and we could find a happy medium on most issues, and do so without compromising ourselves or our values.

    And as far as education....we need our parents to expect more out of their children. A teacher can only do so much, the rest has to be done at home. My sons are shocked at how most of their classmates do not know what is going on in the world.

    I am all for helping the poor, but when do the poor have to help themselves? When we have generations of people on government assistance, some of us getting tired of it. My husband busts his butt to support his family and it is upsetting to see our high teenage pregnancy rate, when you know that these girls grew up on government assistance and now they are receiving it with their children. I am not making this up, I see it in our community. I even spoke to our Superintendent about how can we emphasize that education is best for these young girls and not their boyfriend. Again, the school can only do so much, those values can only come from home.

    Our military is wonderful and I love the sacrifices that our soldiers make. I do think we can get to eager to "help" the world. If the world does not want our help, I say bring our troops home. We have plenty of work to do in our own country. I also think we should no longer fund or cut back our funding to the UN.

    But, I do love the US and I think that most people in the US are very generous!!

    Fellow conservative here! I agree with every statement you just made!

    Conservative leaning Libertarian here and I agree with just about all of that. But you can add legalization of pot and gay marriage to my agenda!
  • Colofit
    Colofit Posts: 177 Member
    I'm an American who lives in England and it amazes me how many time people don't mind telling how much they don't like Americans and when I kindly ask "where in America they had been to have such a strong opinion" they always say "oh I've never been!" EVERY country has it's faults and EVERY country has beautiful people. We all share the desire to work hard and love and support our families. It's the stupid politicians who give countries a bad name (no matter WHAT party they are from!!!!!) Now, because this forum is about health and weight loss I will add that it does embarrass me how obese Americans are!! We defiantly are winning the fat race and MUST get a grip!!!!