No Carbs for how long? How long could one survive?



  • orangecrayon
    orangecrayon Posts: 293 Member
    Um...I didn't even think that was possible. But I'd say not for long. My advice is to just eat a balanced diet and watch your portion sizes. Oh, and eat slowly. When you eat slower your brain has more time to signal when it's full. People have fridges. Put leftovers in them :) But if you are worried about carbs, just watch them. Don't go super-under. It's not realistic. But be aware that to be healthy some are required. (Take into account I've never actually tried and am not a professional)
    If all else fails, you can never go wrong with a nutritionist!
  • Summer5555
    Summer5555 Posts: 104 Member
    Because your calories are so low, maybe you are tiny? I don't know. But did your doctor refer you to a see a nutritionist as well seeing as he suggested you modify your diet?
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    I'm guessing you could survive quite a while, but be healthy...I doubt it.

    From what I heard eskimos ate a mainly carb free diet (Although they did eat vegetation out of animal stomachs)
    and fermented some of their food.

    Your intake would be like 70% fat and 30% protein. I dunno, but that's a pretty gross diet.

    Actually I lack the proper enzymes and amino acids to process carbohydrates so I am one of those few that it is suggested that I maintain less than 20g of carbs per day for the rest of my life. Since I try to keep to that I am healthier than I have ever been.
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 363 Member
    I think you diary looks pretty good. When doing Low carb, your appetite will go down so make sure you are eating enough. Try to hit your calorie count every day. That's the only reason I stopped doing LC. I did it for over a year and a half and loved it but towards the end I just couldn't eat enough. Volume wise, I ate like crazy, calories wise, not enough.
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Because your calories are so low, maybe you are tiny? I don't know. But did your doctor refer you to a see a nutritionist as well seeing as he suggested you modify your diet?

    My calories are normally 1800 and if I am hungry I eat. I haven't been working out this week because I put in 56 hours of physical labor last week and not only am I sore but I am playing catch up with my school work. Not moving my butt means I'm not as hungry. Oh and I only have 1/3 of a stomach, if that. So your judgement was based purely on calories for a couple of days?
  • tgzerozone
    tgzerozone Posts: 160
    I'm guessing you could survive quite a while, but be healthy...I doubt it.

    From what I heard eskimos ate a mainly carb free diet (Although they did eat vegetation out of animal stomachs)
    and fermented some of their food.

    Your intake would be like 70% fat and 30% protein. I dunno, but that's a pretty gross diet.

    Actually I lack the proper enzymes and amino acids to process carbohydrates so I am one of those few that it is suggested that I maintain less than 20g of carbs per day for the rest of my life. Since I try to keep to that I am healthier than I have ever been.

    You won't die, unless a truck hits you. Your body is completely capable to convert other things to glucose. I would imagine you might feel very tired for a few days until your body adjusts. You might want to stock up on some breath mints as well. :)
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    I eat 20g carbs per day max, and am perfectly healthy.
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member

    You won't die, unless a truck hits you. Your body is completely capable to convert other things to glucose. I would imagine you might feel very tired for a few days until your body adjusts. You might want to stock up on some breath mints as well. :)

    I've been doing this long enough I am over the tired, I have enough energy to run a business(part time), a non profit(part time) be a full time student, a full time single mom, active in Church groups and organizations (some event weekly), maintain a house, and work out 2 hours a day. Now the keto breath, gums, mint, cinnamon pills, whatever it takes! It's still not as bad as coffee breath!
  • Tajdancer
    Tajdancer Posts: 82 Member
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Since my brain won't be able to function and they are essential for red blood cells and all, how long do I have to live guys? Place your bets!

    Are you seriously joking around about DYING? :huh:

    If your doctor says you will be ok without them, then unless he is a nut, you will be ok.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Good luck with a true Zero carb diet.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Zero carb and low carb are different.

    Zero carbs is probably impossible, or close to impossible to achieve unless you're going to eat nothing but isolated nutrients. Even meat has residual glycogen (aka carbs).

    But to answer your question in a round about way, people have lived on a diet of just meat for months. You can do it. Whether you should or not is another story. I'm not a fan of ketogenic diets. They work and some people love them. I just don't like the concept.
  • Summer5555
    Summer5555 Posts: 104 Member
    Because your calories are so low, maybe you are tiny? I don't know. But did your doctor refer you to a see a nutritionist as well seeing as he suggested you modify your diet?

    My calories are normally 1800 and if I am hungry I eat. I haven't been working out this week because I put in 56 hours of physical labor last week and not only am I sore but I am playing catch up with my school work. Not moving my butt means I'm not as hungry. Oh and I only have 1/3 of a stomach, if that. So your judgement was based purely on calories for a couple of days?

    I am not judging. You didn't say what your medical condition was until much further down in this topic so I was under the assumption you had recently been told this by your doctor, hence my reasoning for a nutritionist. Too completely omit carbs is unnecessary for most of us but in the case of your health it's understandable. Sorry for the misunderstanding on my part.
  • The paleo diet is all about minimal carbs. With enough protein, you'll be burning off the bad fat, getting rid of a negative form of energy, and doing yourself a favor! Muscle, here you come!
  • tgzerozone
    tgzerozone Posts: 160

    You won't die, unless a truck hits you. Your body is completely capable to convert other things to glucose. I would imagine you might feel very tired for a few days until your body adjusts. You might want to stock up on some breath mints as well. :)

    I've been doing this long enough I am over the tired, I have enough energy to run a business(part time), a non profit(part time) be a full time student, a full time single mom, active in Church groups and organizations (some event weekly), maintain a house, and work out 2 hours a day. Now the keto breath, gums, mint, cinnamon pills, whatever it takes! It's still not as bad as coffee breath!

    Coffee breath is pretty bad yes. lol.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Of course we needed another carb thread.

    And I could live on no Carbs are not essential for human life.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    How many days could one survive without ANY carbs in their diet?

    I'll be the tester since my team of doctors recommends I consume as few carbs as I possibly can. I already have medical clearance for zero carbs so don't fret. I have a team of doctors standing by.

    Since my brain won't be able to function and they are essential for red blood cells and all, how long do I have to live guys? Place your bets!

    And if anyone wants to take bets on whether I can maintain at least a 3.5 GPA with my non functioning brain I'm up for that too!

    People have survived for weeks without food if they had water. But seriously, this is a very restrictive plan and you should be getting your diet from your "team of doctors."
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Since my brain won't be able to function and they are essential for red blood cells and all, how long do I have to live guys? Place your bets!

    Are you seriously joking around about DYING? :huh:

    If your doctor says you will be ok without them, then unless he is a nut, you will be ok.

    Yes I was, I get sick of people spouting off nonsense about how without carbs your brain can't function and how they are essential for your red blood cells, carbs are yummy,some of them provide great nutrients and they add flavor but they are not essential.
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member

    People have survived for weeks without food if they had water. But seriously, this is a very restrictive plan and you should be getting your diet from your "team of doctors."

    way ahead of ya!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member

    You won't die, unless a truck hits you. Your body is completely capable to convert other things to glucose. I would imagine you might feel very tired for a few days until your body adjusts. You might want to stock up on some breath mints as well. :)

    I've been doing this long enough I am over the tired, I have enough energy to run a business(part time), a non profit(part time) be a full time student, a full time single mom, active in Church groups and organizations (some event weekly), maintain a house, and work out 2 hours a day. Now the keto breath, gums, mint, cinnamon pills, whatever it takes! It's still not as bad as coffee breath!

    Hold the horses! You can't have coffee?!

    Well, now.....