Anyone else with a partner who eats whatever the hell they w



  • juliexiuu
    juliexiuu Posts: 118
    Yep, I'm beginning to think it's an addiction. he gave up smoking three times in the past 7 yrs & all 3 times he started snacking more. We were going thru photos recently & he realized he's probably gained about 100lbs in the past 7 years...... Now he is eating more & wondering why he can't fit into the pants he got around Christmas. ):

    I quit smoking once and succeeded but ended up gaining about 20 pounds. I just replaced cigs with food! So I can see how the snacking for him has been his replacement of smoking. ;(
  • juliexiuu
    juliexiuu Posts: 118
    Thank god I'm single.

    This is why any future partner of mine has to be a healthy eater.

    Haha :p It sure is a good thing I don't live with mine yet.

    Don't think I have enough will power yet to be surrounded by chips and all that crap.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    Yes... we logged my BF's ffod for the last month and he averages 6000 cals a day.... thats a light day. If he's really being a pig its more like 10,000. He is 6'4" and weighs 220....skinny as a rail. Kinda makes you want to hurt him!

    Holy crap! Mines like that too, except he's about 5'9 or 6'0 and 160 something -____-;;

    Yep. Mine is 5'9" and only 135!!! He's a manager at a fast food restaurant, meaning he eats there for free. :noway: Seriously?

    That's what I do for a living... I could NEVER eat that all day and not gain weight. I have to bring a multitude of snacks to keep me from eating there.
  • bhelmreich
    bhelmreich Posts: 254 Member
    mines 6'6 with an uber fast metabolism. I think he's only about 210. Doesn't help that he can do 15 situps and is suddenly ripped -___- but he does give me some good workout pointers that I am very thankful for :D and lets me touch his abs whenever I want.
  • LiftBigtoGetFit
    LiftBigtoGetFit Posts: 3,399 Member
    mine, and it is very hard to bring up eating healthier and exercising.. don't want her to think i do not love her the way she is, but she does need to be healthier.... any tips from the ladies (or men who have done it) on how to get a wife on board?
  • I made rainbow cupcakes the other day. My husband ate FIVE of them for breakfast and still weighs almost 20 lbs. less than I do.
  • rwong53
    rwong53 Posts: 43 Member
    Yep...i can't stand it when he does that (constantly!). I was good and didn't have a single bite of any of his twinkies!
  • juliexiuu
    juliexiuu Posts: 118
    mine, and it is very hard to bring up eating healthier and exercising.. don't want her to think i do not love her the way she is, but she does need to be healthier.... any tips from the ladies (or men who have done it) on how to get a wife on board?

    I'm no expert but maybe try telling her that it would help YOU in your weightloss journey if she was to eat healthier?
    Or simply ask if she wants to go exericise with you one day because you think it would be fun, maybe a bike ride?
    Don't forget to add in the iloveyous
  • ditzyFlip
    ditzyFlip Posts: 104 Member
    That's not very nice ;( I hope she's not being serious!!
    She's definitely serious. She has high standards and believes that I can't attain her standards because I don't want to, ergo it's my fault I'm not good enough for her.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    mine, and it is very hard to bring up eating healthier and exercising.. don't want her to think i do not love her the way she is, but she does need to be healthier.... any tips from the ladies (or men who have done it) on how to get a wife on board?

    Who does the grocery shopping and cooking in your home? I do the grocery shopping and cooking in my home, and that makes it easier to control what the other people in the household eat. They don't even really notice, except that my kids still complain that I quit buying Pop-Tarts. They are just not happy with their breakfast choices since the Pop-Tarts left the building. They are so upset about the Pop-Tarts, in fact, that they seem not to have noticed that the sugary cereals are also no longer around...

    Srsly, though; if you aren't the one doing the shopping/cooking, how much flak would you get if you started doing some of it? 'Coz if my husband wanted to start making supper a couple of nights a week, I would, gosh, I dunno, die of shock I guess but boy would I love that!

    And then you could control the menu, too.
  • juliexiuu
    juliexiuu Posts: 118
    That's not very nice ;( I hope she's not being serious!!
    She's definitely serious. She has high standards and believes that I can't attain her standards because I don't want to, ergo it's my fault I'm not good enough for her.
    Wow. I don't know you or your gf but, in all honesty, you should be with someone who loves you for you. And it seems to me like she's just putting you down and is trying to change you or something :s
    And as you are on this site to lose weight, get fit or whatever, it should be for you! No one else.
  • How about friends that bring over homemade carrot cake with cream cheese frosting... for the kids!?!?! Really? WTH.

    And, yes I did have a small slice and it was delicious but that just sucks!

    I have a really tasty, light-ER version of carrot cupcakes if you're interested in telling your friend how to do things a little simpler and healthier. OR, you could always try them. If anybody is doing weight watchers this might be your cup o' tea, if not and you're just feeling like a piece of cake but dont want all the calories maybe you'd want to try this out. Kids, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, friends, wont ever be able to tell the difference. Still tastes exactly like the real deal... well, it is the real deal minus the eggs and oil.
    Just make the cake mix how you would normally (or if you're like me, buy a box of carrot cake mix, spice cake mix, or any type of dark chocolate cake mix. all of these have turned out really yummy.) add in 1 can of pumpkin (Libby's 100% works nicely) and 1/4 cup of water. Mix it all together and scoop out little cupcakes and bake for like 12-15 or so.
  • ditzyFlip
    ditzyFlip Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for that. ; u;
  • Teapotdomescam
    Teapotdomescam Posts: 156 Member
    YES! My boyfriend eats anything. Sweets, chocolate, fast food etc and after one month of going to the gym he's already getting better results than me!
    Hahah mannnn and then he doesn't get it when I decline a tempting offer either!
    But I guess I'm happy for him because it makes him happy too after all. ;)
  • LiftBigtoGetFit
    LiftBigtoGetFit Posts: 3,399 Member
    mine, and it is very hard to bring up eating healthier and exercising.. don't want her to think i do not love her the way she is, but she does need to be healthier.... any tips from the ladies (or men who have done it) on how to get a wife on board?

    Who does the grocery shopping and cooking in your home? I do the grocery shopping and cooking in my home, and that makes it easier to control what the other people in the household eat. They don't even really notice, except that my kids still complain that I quit buying Pop-Tarts. They are just not happy with their breakfast choices since the Pop-Tarts left the building. They are so upset about the Pop-Tarts, in fact, that they seem not to have noticed that the sugary cereals are also no longer around...

    Srsly, though; if you aren't the one doing the shopping/cooking, how much flak would you get if you started doing some of it? 'Coz if my husband wanted to start making supper a couple of nights a week, I would, gosh, I dunno, die of shock I guess but boy would I love that!

    And then you could control the menu, too.

    I do cook, at least a couple nights a week. but during the day and when I am on night shift she would live off of chips and candy bars. she will eat what I cook when I can but she does the grocery shopping and gets what she wants when I am not around. she talks about wanting to eat better and exercise more, but it is always "tomorrow" or " i will start on Monday" type of thing and there is always and excuse when that day comes around. oh well, I am continuing to live a healthier example the best I can, i just hope/pray she comes around at some point.
  • juliexiuu
    juliexiuu Posts: 118
    YES! My boyfriend eats anything. Sweets, chocolate, fast food etc and after one month of going to the gym he's already getting better results than me!
    Hahah mannnn and then he doesn't get it when I decline a tempting offer either!
    But I guess I'm happy for him because it makes him happy too after all. ;)

    Ahahaha oh man I want to start working out with mine but he too would probably get better results, and in turn eat more.

    Loool :p
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 740 Member
    I've watched my husband eat a whole box of Hostess cupcakes without flinching...and no matter what he wolfs down, he stays fit and trim. High metabolism I guess...

    It's not so bad to watch him enjoy the copious amounts of junk food, it just sucks that he's always trying to get me to partake. "Come on, it's just a bite!" he'll say...

    Glad I have the will-power of a monk!! :laugh:
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    my man just consumed 3 cheeseburgers today! and almost a whole box of fruit roll ups crazy. he is 5'11 n 225lbs..i wish i could eat that and still not gain a lb.
  • juliexiuu
    juliexiuu Posts: 118
    I've watched my husband eat a whole box of Hostess cupcakes without flinching...and no matter what he wolfs down, he stays fit and trim. High metabolism I guess...

    It's not so bad to watch him enjoy the copious amounts of junk food, it just sucks that he's always trying to get me to partake. "Come on, it's just a bite!" he'll say...

    Glad I have the will-power of a monk!! :laugh:

    Ahh you are a monk! Most times I can't resist if my bfs eating something I love right in front of me.

    Thank god we don't live together yet o_o
  • Yep.. my husband stops at the gas station every morning & gets drinks & junk food.. then for lunch he always eats fast food.. like this week already he has had McDonalds, Hardee's, Subway (even though it's healthier he still piles too much on it). & when I cook healthy meals for us all to eat, he will always go back for 2nds & 3rd.. & I'm like.. yeh, it's healthier food, but you still shouldn't be going back for more. He seriously over eats, no matter what it is. My biggest weakness is WHATABURGER Honey Bbq Chicken Strip Sandwich and he brags "guess what I had for lunch? you're gonna hate me!" and I'm like, why did you even tell me!? lol It's so not fair!!