How often do you step on the scale/measure?



  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    This is so bad, but I step on my scale every day!

    I weigh myself several times a week. I'd do it every day, except most days I have coffee before showering and I don't always feel like the bother of undressing and then getting dressed again. I have a scale that provides a body fat percentage estimate.

    Many people do well weighing themselves every day. They benefit from the feedback, although they understand that weight fluctuates from day to day.

    I don't measure myself as often as I should. That can be more depressing and I'm never certain I've measured myself in exactly the same place and have held the tape in the same way. I've seen mechanized tapes advertised that supposedly avoid that problem. Maybe I'll look into one some day.
  • angie_sample
    i use to weigh in everyday but i got obsessed. So i know i only weigh in once a week and i do measurements once a month. For me personally this works better my whole day was wrapped around the scale and what kind of results i got, now i only have one day out of the week where i have to be stressed.
  • InTheInbetween
    InTheInbetween Posts: 192 Member
    Twice a day every day . . once in the morning, once at night. I would NOT recommend this as a common practice lol. I just can’t help it. I only record the morning weight though then take the weekly average of those daily morning weights. That weekly average is what I consider my “actual” weight for each week and that’s what I log into MFP. I swear it’s not as obsessive as it sounds! :blushing: The only weight I really focus on is that weekly average but I need to weigh every day in order to get that and I just feel better when I do it each day lol.
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    I know they tell you to weigh yourself as soon as you wake up (after peeing, before eating) but I've tried... then I weigh myself in between lunch and supper that day and ALWAYS weigh less than I did that morning. And no, I didn't mean I weigh more, I always weigh less in the middle of the day.
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    This is so bad, but I step on my scale every day!

    I weigh myself several times a week. I'd do it every day, except most days I have coffee before showering and I don't always feel like the bother of undressing and then getting dressed again. I have a scale that provides a body fat percentage estimate.

    Many people do well weighing themselves every day. They benefit from the feedback, although they understand that weight fluctuates from day to day.

    I don't measure myself as often as I should. That can be more depressing and I'm never certain I've measured myself in exactly the same place and have held the tape in the same way. I've seen mechanized tapes advertised that supposedly avoid that problem. Maybe I'll look into one some day.

    I have the same issues with measuring myself. "Am I pulling the tape tighter than last time?" "Am I in a different spot on my leg than last time?" etc.
  • FromFat2Fab
    FromFat2Fab Posts: 101
    Since This is my First week i started Dieting and working out i got on the scale Every Day
    I am anxious to see if been doing it right
  • missquela
    missquela Posts: 60 Member
    i weigh a couple times a week to check in and motivate, but i only record it on Tuesdays! i kind of feel like i'm cheating if i record every time i hit a new low, because it fluctuates so much throughout the week. i like recording only the same time every week, no matter what the result.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I weigh myself almost every morning, fully clothed but before I eat or drink anything. I "should" probably only weigh myself once a week. But hey, what works for one person may not for another. As long as you realize that fluctuations are normal, I see no harm in it. And definitely only log your weight if it's lower...I started logging gains and losses, and my weight chart looked crazy. Even though I'm up 1.5 pounds today, I'm sure it'll be gone tomorrow. (I did a strength workout yesterday, I almost always gain the day after one of those.) I only log the losses, which is pretty much once a week. (Tuesday, mostly.)

    What I do is I keep track of my weeks (I'm in week 15), then I just divide my total loss by the weeks. I'm still averaging a loss of 2 pounds a week, so I'm on track. Best of luck!
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    I do it all too often. I try to not do it more than once a week, I ahve been told that's what you "should" do because of all the fluctuations but I do it a whole lot more than that and often get upset because I gained in a matter of hours.
  • Mabohlale
    Mabohlale Posts: 148 Member
    Every day for several years. I only count the new lows, however.

    Yup ... ^^^ this! :wink:
  • BStading
    BStading Posts: 2
    Just once a week for me!
  • treehgr
    treehgr Posts: 5 Member
    once a week. . . anymore than that and i become obsessive. :)
  • KissCassie
    i'm obsessed with knowing how much i weigh.
    i weigh myself:
    A) when i first wake up in the morning after i use the bathroom
    B) right before i go to sleep
    and sometimes:
    C) when i'm thirsty i'll weigh right before i drink some water.

    it's so bad, i know.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I'm naughty and I weigh myself pretty much every time I'm in the bathroom.
    However, I don't take the numbers to heart and don't freak out over natural fluctuations.
  • yocaitygee
    I was actually informed today, via a leaflet my weight loss consultant gave me, that I, you, and every other person trying to be healthier and/or lose weight SHOULD, yes I said SHOULD, be weighing ourselves everyday. It says: "Daily weighing has been shown to increase successful weight control". That is an NHS approved, Cancer Research UK leaflet/mini booklet. I weigh myself every morning after I've been to the loo :blushing: :laugh:

    Edit: But I only update my weight on here on a friday morning.

    I like that booklet!!! I would just be worried about it saying "weight control" and not "weight loss!" For weight loss it can be a bit deal especially with all the fluctuating our bodies go through! But for weight control/management/maintenance I could understand that! Maybe... it might freak me out more if I am just maintaining and it says I gained three pounds overnight!

    But thanks to you and everyone else for responding! I love reading what everybody does! But definitely don't start/continue to feel an emotional attachment to the scale! My bathroom that I shower in is so small that I can't just walk by my scale!! So I think I have decided to put it away and start to weigh 1-2 times a week! At least while I am starting out! Then I would like to do it more often to see my bodies reactions, but I think until I see an initial loss I should stop paying so much attention to the scale and just focus on my eating right and exercising! But I will be back to daily weighing, I'm a lifer :smile: ... all 20 years of me!
  • wanda_50
    wanda_50 Posts: 25
    I'm addicted to my scale...sometimes I'll be good and skip a day...sometimes I'm out of control and jump on there a few times a day.

    Bad habit!

    This is me to a tee.....ugh
  • yocaitygee
    I measure onceish per month..
    Haven't weighed myself since I started.
    When I look the way I want, THEN I'll step on the scale to see how much I weigh.

    Pounds aren't too important to me, only the measurements.

    I'm hoping I will get there soon, but right now as I have gained weight over the past year I am focusing a lot on my weight and then once I feel like I have lost some of the excess I will start paying attention to how I look and feel! I believe I will always have a goal weight though!
  • nieceyduh
    I have started to weigh myself every sunday morning. I like to know where i'm at at the beg. of the week. I use to weigh myself every moring and it was making me so anxious all the time! I wonder how often we are supposed to weigh ourselves to keep us mentally sane???
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I weigh myself multiple times a day when I'm at home, and not at all when I'm at boyfriend's (he doesn't have a scale to feed my obsession). The thing is, that no change or a gain doesn't mess with my psyche. And I like knowing what my normal fluctuations are so I know when I'm seeing real changes and when I'm not. There is pretty much nothing anyone could say that would convince me this is not healthy, since it helps me keep in touch with my body.

    I do measurements every 2 weeks. It was more fun when they were changing more rapidly, but I'm always surprised by the changes, so I like it :)
  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    Like some others, I check the scale daily. For some people it tends to discourage them, but for me it keeps me from being discouraged. I like to keep track of those fluctuations.