Women Ages 50+ for the month of AUGUST



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    So sorry to hear about your head injury. I actually just went thru the head injury protocol today because my friend Linda took a spill this morning and hit her head. She was doing so well, and now she has abrasions on her forehead and side of her face, as well as bruises. The doctor told her she has a black eye to look forward to in the next few days. Unfortunately, she also landed on her right shoulder and broke her collarbone, so she is flying on one wing now, and she is right -handed, so this is going to be a great inconvenience until she heals up.

    It probably would have been a good idea for you to be looked at today, but since you didn't, let me pass on some cautionary info. If your pupils become unresponsive to light, or one gets larger than the other, that is a sign of trouble, and requires immediate attention. If you get a sudden severe head pain, ditto, and at least once during the night, you should be awakened to make sure you are responding normally. Also, nausea or vomiting means trouble.

    According to the doctor we saw today, in cases of injury, it can take up to 2 days for brain bleeding to start.

    I hope you are good as new soon, but if there is ANY chance that something is amiss, I hope you will make time to be checked out on Monday. If you do have a head injury needed treatment the least of your worries will be what your ticker says on MFP!! Take care of yourself!!!

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Well weigh in did not go well:ohwell: I am paying for my food indicresions by pounds :grumble: I am back on the program today.:smile: NO MORE sauerkraut, french fries and any of the other things that were on my log in last week that I should have known better than to indulge in.:noway: It is raining cats and dogs so I guess I will be exercising inside today. Everyone have a wonderful Monday, Rosemary
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: drink that water
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good morning all! My Monday weigh in went well, and I have moved my ticker more in the proper direction. I've got to run off to work now - Here's to smart choices, and have a marvelous Monday!
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Wow - where did this weekend go!? It's Monday morning already!

    Hope you all had a great weekend.

    Oh my - Vicki, take care of yourself and I'm in agreement - you should go get yourself checked out. Hope you're doing better.

    I'm off to go do my workout. I'll check back later.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Just popping in. We're at hubby's Aunt's working on her house for a few days. (Her husband died last summer and her house is falling down around her.) Wonder how many calories THAT will burn? Prolly won't be checking back in until I get home. TTYL! :drinker:
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Hi All,
    Barbie, you look so nice and healthy. That dress is really cute. I think I need to go down and buy a dress I plan to get into. Something to strive for. Something really tight so that when December rolls around I can see how much I've lost.

    About the cake and Jakes' party. God is soooo good. I prayed for Him to 'change' me. Give me a desire to move on with my health to a slim me.

    Well, there were three cakes for each b-child. I ended up helping to serve but as I told my friend, my mind was looking at how delicious it all looked, but the desire to eat it was totally blocked. Thank you God. And all the food was pretty much kept in the house and I was out in the back yard with the jumper and drinks. I didn't even find the time or need to eat my veggie soup.

    When I got home I warmed it up and ate peach. And I thought about you all and how I was gonna tell you how good the day went and I got so happy!:smile:

    The proof is in the next day. Usually I blow it to make up for doing without. But when we left the house, I took a container of my soup and another one of those gorgeous peaches. Everyone had enchilada's at tia Rosa's but not me! I was full on my God inspired miracle soup.:laugh:

    Thank you all for responding to me. I believe it was a huge help. kc
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy Monday-

    Barbie- you look fantastic in that dress!

    KC-I admire your will power. Everytime you see cake from now on will be easier for you to resist.

    Vicki- Please be very careful and get checked out today if you have any symptoms at all. If you can afford to get checked out anyway or at least call a nurse help line and go over what happened and go from there.

    My checkin went OK. I didn't loose anything, but I didn't gain anything for August. I am back on track with a well thought out plan for the week.

    I'm at work, so I need to make this short.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Thank you all very much for your concerns about my injury. They are very much appreciated. I feel better today but still have headache. I knew to watch for nausea and other stuff. I stayed awake last night until about midnight. Really was afriad to go to sleep but slept well once I fell asleep and I did wake up this morning. My sister works for a doctor and I am going to call or email her to see what he thinks I should do. Normally I would worry that they think I am crazy but with all of the media lately about these things I do worry. I am going to get checked out and let you all know. I feel much better this morning but still slight headache. I am so glad you passed up that cake. Once you do that you feel so good it is so worth it. You go girl. Barb again you are such a good friend. Your friend is so lucky to have you. Wish you had been around here yesterday. Susan you will be surprised at how much you will burn doing that work. It will be worthwhile. To everyone else have a great day and keep up the good work.
    Vicki M
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :flowerforyou: Vicki,

    Glad to hear you are hanging in there, and also that you are going to get a medical opinion on the aftermath of the "Incredible Attack of the Killer Garden Tools"--now there's a book title for you!!:laugh:

    From what you said about the nature of your injury, you probably look better than Linda. I stopped on my way home from my morning shift today to see her, and she looks like she went 10 rounds with Joe Frazier. Besides the scrapes on the side of her face and on her forehead, she has developed a BEE-YUU-TI- FULL shiner. She is also sore, especially her shoulder, because of the broken clavicle.

    She will be taking it easy for the next few days, which means, I will not be :laugh: :laugh: She is not a demanding person, and very understanding if something can't be dealt with immediately, so that makes it easier.

    Today I am back to the lowest weight I have hit so far, so it is time to get going again. I did manage to get some dog walking in this morning, but don't have time to do a proper exercise walk today before I go back to work. Maybe tomorrow.

    LaurelF-- I feel you pain. Lets jump back in the wagon together.:flowerforyou:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Thank you for all the kind words about my new picture and my new dress. It made up for all the tears I shed as I gave away all my size 16 dresses that I had chosen so carefully over the last many years. I am going to be the speaker at a big meeting in October and the dress will be perfect for that event, as well.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I'm sorry about your head and glad to hear that you survived the night and will get a professional opinion about the state of your noggin.

    :flowerforyou: Mary, congrats on losing another pound.

    :flowerforyou: KC I am so excited about your success at all the "food fests" It will continue to get easier until it is simply your nature to decline all those unhealthy foods. I saw the miracle for myself this weekend at the county fair where I was completely disinterested in all the high calorie, high fat foods that everyone was eating.

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, your hubby's aunt is so fortunate to have you. I think you'll burn a lot of calories working around her place. Besides burning calories, you'll discover muscles you never thought you had.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, having a plan for next week is a great start to renewing your weight loss journey.

    :flowerforyou: Laurel, you did some research and learned a lot, and now it's time to go back to doing what you know is best. You can do it.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, I hope your friend, Linda, has been properly appreciative of all you've been doing for her. You are the greatest friend.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    After being on my feet so much at the fair, we came home last night and took a walk. At 8:30 I fell into bed and thought I'd never move again. Of course, with all the water I drank all day, I got up a lot during the night.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I got up at 6:30 this morning and had to race around because I had someone coming to the house at 8, someone to pick up at 8:30 and dance at 9. After a good night's sleep, I feel like a new woman.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Keep up the good work, we can do this.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good evening ladies, :flowerforyou: I am so sorry to hear about all the bumps and bruises,:cry: please be very careful and do keep the doctors appointment. It is so scary when you think of all the people in the news in recent years who have died :sad: due to "bumps on the head" My prayers are with you.:love: Thank you to all of you for your words of encouragement. :happy: I am back on track. I had one of my chicken packets for dinner tonight 3oz of chicken with green peppers, mushrooms, broccoli, spinach, onions and a tablespoon of Knor vegetable soup mix to give it a really yummy :tongue: flavor, wrap well in foil and put in toaster oven for 30 min. chicken was frozen so no need to add liquid. It was so juicy and tender and only about 250 calories. Drank lots of water (lost count after my 4th 16 ounce bottle.) They had meatloaf with macaroni and cheese for lunch at work today...I had 1/2 cup tuna and 6 Town house crackers and then walked around the river. Some days I wish I could just keep on walking instead of going back to work, it just feels so good. Well 5 am is going to come pretty quick think I'll go do the dishes and go to bed. Love and prayers to all, Rosemary
    Oh yeah and remember to drink:drinker: drink:drinker: drink:drinker: that water
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Well all,

    I spent a very busy day paying bills, and getting last minute school stuff. Walked all day long with kids in tow. I took my 'soup' and a peach and stuck like Chuck to my plan. I am quite happy and thankful because I ashed God to change me and He has. And I feel so much better. Kids start school tomorrow. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeee!:laugh: kc
  • HeatherMMB
    Hi all!

    Well I tried the Leslie Sansone 4 mile walk - it's great!! :bigsmile: I think I am going to do the 3 mile though and fit in some free weights in the time. I was pleased that I could do the 4 mile and it is a calorie burner!:bigsmile: If you haven't tried her workouts you might want to give them a go - very easy to master the steps and the time does fly by! :smile:

    I also bought the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred - my goodness:noway:

    I am going to do the Leslie 3 mile workout for 4 weeks and build up some stamina and muscle and then give Jillian's tape a whirl! it looks .uh..intense.........that's the word .... intense :tongue:

    I hope all is well with everyone! have a blessed day! :flowerforyou:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    I am off to another very busy day. I am teaching a class at work, my son can't find his white soccer socks (today is his first game, so I have to go buy new ones and get them to him before the game starts), my cat has been missing since Sunday morning and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

    This morning I 'bounced' under 160 for the first time in 10 years: 159.8 lbs! That should keep me on track for the day despite the hectic stress.

    Have a good Tuesday all,


    PS: I think I am going to start trying some of these excercise DVDs through Netflix. Thanks to all for your reviews on what you like and what is working for you.
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :flowerforyou: vicki och i hope you feel better. i am at the library and just to see how everyone is and how things are going with you all. i am holding on well i miss this place. my book journalin is going good. my calories are around 1400 and under. welcome all new people good to see you all. ok wil check in again love debbie and family
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good job Jeannie, I know how excited you must be. Keep it up. Thank you so much Debbie. I am feeling much better. Spot on my head is still sore but getting better. I miss you blogging each day. Hope you get back to it soon. Just took a short nap with kids. Now have to get back to work. Yesterday and today I have been so hungry. Not boredom or just wanting to eat but real hunger. Hope it goes away soon. See you ladies later.
    Vicki M.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Wow! I am new to this group and have just spent the last 2 hours reading all of your posting from about the 18th! I work in an office and today there is nothing to do and no one around so WHAT A GRACE to have the time to jump into this group. So much inspiration, so much hurt so much compassion and humor! I have so much in common with so many. I am the oldest of 13 children. I was married then widowed when my children (3 daughters) were under 10. I understand pain. I have been overweight since I was a kid so I choose to call this a "NEW DAY" rather than a new diet!:laugh:
    After being widowed for 8 years I met and married my present husband whom I love dearly and have been married to him for 16 years:happy:

    My father died 3 years ago which was the most devestating thing to me as my mom, dad and I raised the 13 children. I was the oldest of 12 at 8 years old. Confusing?:wink: My mother had 3 sets of twins, 1 set of triplets and 4 singles. She's a saint!!!: She is upbeat and carrying on even though she misses dad so much.

    I have learned many things during my journey and keeping things as simple as I can is one of them. I am deeply spiritual and love the Lord who has been my constant companion since I can remember:love:

    My favorite saying is "God draws straight with crooked lines" as well as "Will this bother me in 100 years from now????" ......... "1 day,( sometimes 1 moment) at a time" ......and "Let Go and Let God"

    Being aware of the moment helps you to create the new ones.....looking back can only help if there's a lesson to be learned. Other than that.... living in the past can negate not only your present but your future as well.
    To those who ask for prayer....you have them. For those who need hope.....it is MY hope that you find it. :smooched:
    Thanks for being here for me:smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, your chicken packet sounds wonderful. I wish I had read about it before I put my chicken in a pan that I'll have to wash:laugh: :laugh: I made chicken with a spoonful of Thai green curry sauce (about 38 calories for the sauce, 150 calories for the chicken) along with salad, and peas with pearl onions. Because of our schedule we eat our big meal at noon.

    :flowerforyou: HeatherMMB, I'm so glad you found some exercise DVD's that you like. My current favorite is Richard Simmons "Sweatin' to the Oldies" although I haven't used it since the weather got warm. When it gets cold and the days get short, I'll be glad to have some indoor workouts.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, that is so great about getting under 160. Did it make you want to keep getting on the scale to be sure it was real?:laugh: Keep doing what you're doing and you'll have more red letter days.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Debbie, I'm so sorry you're without your computer. When we were on vacation in June and could only use the computer at the library I felt so lost without all of you. I miss reading your cheery messages every day. Can't wait unitl you're back on line with us again.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, isn't it frustrating to have that old hunger pop up again.....keep pressing on and it will probably go away.....just don't give in to it.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, welcome to the 50+ Women. This is a great group. what an interesting family you have. Your mother is lucky to have you and to be so upbeat. Thanks for the inspirational thoughts. My spiritual path has provided a lot of the inspiration for my weight loss journey. Thanks for joining our group. I look forward to hearing more from you.

    Jake took the dogs to the dog park while my friend was here visiting. It looks like it might rain so maybe I'll have to drag out my exercise DVDs if I'm going to get any exercise today.

    hugs to all:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Welcome.:flowerforyou: After I posted our location on the other thread you started, I was hoping to see you. You bring a philosophical, and spiritual side to our group that will be greatly appreciated by me, and, I think, everyone else.

    I should be napping right now, but stopped to post this and say "Welcome"

    BTW, saw Linda again today. Now she has TWO shiners. Apparently the impact on her forehead was so intense, her other eye felt the effects. She is very unhappy at not being able to do much. She was just getting used to being up and around again after the pneumonia.

    I did find a way to cheer her up and save myself some caloric temptation. Today was a birthday at work, and we have a team member, whom I have nicknamed "the busy baker." She looks for any reason to bring in goodies, and desserts are a specialty. She asked the birthday girl, who looks like she weighs three pounds(!!):laugh: what she would like for her treat, and this person doesn't care for cake (Now THAT is a problem I DON'T have. I never met a cake that I didn't like and wanted to intimately familiar with, especially carrot or chocolate!:laugh: :laugh: )

    So in walks Desiree this morning with a giant tray of HOMEMADE CINNAMON ROLLS!! :heart: :heart: Of course, she offers me one, and I take it and decide I MUST resist, because the ticker finally moved in the right direction this morning, instead of sitting their like a bump on a log. Suddenly, I had a solution. Linda LOVES cinnamon rolls, so I put this one BEHIND my pc monitor, so it would not sit there all morning and "wave" at me:love::love:

    When I arrived at her house, I presented her with my temptation, minus about two inches of a sincle strip of the outer part of the roll. I am not bucking for sainthood, so I figured a taste would be enough to satisfy my curiousity, and it was.

    Linda was ecstatic, and I was pleased to have dodged a cinnamon-flavored, frosting-covered "bullet!!":noway:

    So long for now, the doggies and a warm bed await me, :yawn: and I have to get up in about an hour to go back to work.:grumble:

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    You talk about killing 2 birds with one stone. You saved yourself from the calories and did a good deed! Now both of you benefited!
    Don't even talk Carrot cake....my all time favorite. I always said that I was fine with any diet until they brought out CARROT CAKE!!!! Not now! I am concentrating on the positive not the negative like you.

    Sunday was my grandaughter's 1st birthday (she's as cute as a button) and I offered to bring the veg tray. Self serving you may think?????ABSOLUTELY:laugh: My daughter didn't have to do the work and I had a healthy choice. I also suggested that my other daughter bring a fruit tray!!! When they brought out the BD Cake I just grabbed a strawberry and smiled. We DO have choices and they can be good ones if we plan in advance.:wink:
    PS But That BD cake sure looked good :laugh:
    Sweet dreams