Thin In My Skin! (CLOSED GRP)



  • CrysButcher3
    Name: Shirley61/real name Shirley

    Current Weight: 180.6
    Challenge Goal Weight: 168.0

    04/09: 180.6
    04/16: 178.8

    This my second challenge going forward. I am going to weigh in on Friday's for Monday's weigh in.
    I don't know about you, but the weekends are a killer for me. Not saying that I will throw caution to wind on the
    weekends, but I will watch. Monday's were so defeating for me when I got on the scale.
    We shall see if this works on this challenge.

    Good Luck next week everyone, we can do this. :bigsmile:

    Great loss Shirley! You have a great start to the challenge! Keep it up! :):)
  • CrysButcher3
    I'm going to do my best over the next couple of days, but I won't be surprised if I haven't lost any weight this week. But that's okay. Because from now on, I have...

    A PLAN.

    I know none of you actually know me, so you don't know how significant this is for me, but suffice to say, I am very much a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kinda gal. But that obviously hasn't been working for me. So, starting fresh on Monday, I have a meal plan all set up (if anyone is familiar with it, it's from the POP Pilates 90 Day Challenge), and a workout schedule.

    Every morning before work, I'll be going to the gym before work for an hour. This is the part that is going to require the most discipline because I am SO not a morning person. I'm going to eat a CLIF bar before going (just discovered them today, oh man are they good!), and have a more complete breakfast with me for when I finish my workout and am heading to work (1/2 a cup of oatmeal, a small hard boiled egg, and 1/2 a banana). Luckily, I'm fat enough that when I go the gym for an hour of cardio, I burn around 1000 - 1100 calories.

    When I get home, I'm going to to 40 - 50 minutes of target pilates. Each day targets a different area. I don't know about you guys, but I want a smokin' butt :P

    In total, I'll be taking in about 1600 - 1800 calories a day, and burning 1200 - 1400. I'm excited about that! I'll do that workout schedule 5 - 6 times a week, and of course give myself a day off.

    What do you guys think?
    I think it sounds great! Sounds like you have it all mapped out...and only YOU know what you can and can't do and what your body can and can't this is great that you are so tuned into your body! I have total faith in you...and I will add you to my prayer list...a little help from God never hurt anyone. :flowerforyou:
    I take my HRM to work and add my 12 hour workday into my exercise routine for the following day. (I work 7p-7:30a) So I usually walk about 8 miles at work on average and burn about 550 or more calories while I'm there. I don't exercise on the days I work...only because when I get home I'm totally exhausted!!!! Have you thought about doing the same thing? Taking an HRM to work and add that as part of your exercise? What do you do for a living? If you walk alot I would say go for it...take it and utilize that as a time to get in a good workout.

    Good luck to you...and I can't wait to see how this works for you!!!!
  • CrysButcher3
    Hi All - I don't know if this is the fastest way to find our thread - but I go to the "Community Tab" then the "My Topics" menu & our thread is usually right at the top... if there is a faster way, I'd love to know - but that's what I do...

    Another great day (yay!) I made a santa fe crock pot chicken. I put it all together last night, then threw it in the crockpot before work this AM. She recommends serving over rice - for the kiddos they put it in burrito wraps.

    The weekends have typically been tricky for me (I usually lose M-F, then gain it back Sat & Sun - I am DETERMINED to break this cycle!!!) Hope you all have a great night! Hugs - Amy ;)

    Amy (tealight) - Sorry to hear about the stressful work changes! Hope it gets better soon

    MrsGStone: I'm not sure what I am set to as far as weight loss (probably should check that). For the challenge I tried to set up a bigger initial loss (2.7#'s) then alternating 2#/1# weeks. I am 5'9" 205(ish) pounds... MFP has me set at 1200 calories, which on a non-workout day is not very realistic for me - I usually take in about 1400-1600 calories (when I'm on track).....

    kvonjohn - can't wait for you to hit your 2# goal this week!

    Kristen (KC) - totally agree about the sleep thing! If I'm not getting enough good rest, everthing else seems to fall apart. Mmmm love banana bread. I like to make w/whole wheat flour, homemade applesauce in place of oil & sometimes I add a cup of blueberries in there....

    Kristinkt - so excited that you are closing in on your goal

    crysbutcher3 - working nights sounds tough! are their any days you can get more sleep in? Yikes!

    Emilie - congrats on the loss!!

    Tatyanne - Happy Birthday!!!! Woo hoo - great way to celebrate with weight loss!

    Cheesem - way to hit the 10# loss mark!

    Tina - great work losing 3#'s

    Yatta - great work maintaining thru the holidays!

    Elle - great work on the loss this week! Enjoy the bike trip!

    Christine - wishing a happy day to you too!

    mylissab - I look at the date & find my last post, then read from there...

    carolemack - at least those xtra bathroom trips mean an extra burn!

    ::Waving:: Hi Amy!
    Working nights has been a way of life for me for many many years and I really wish I could sleep more...I guess my body is just used to getting up after 4 or 5 hours now. I work full time 12 hour shifts at a local hospital and I run my butt off from the time I get there til the time I go home...I rarely...and I do mean RARELY take my half hour lunch breaks...I just don't have time! I pick up a TON of overtime usually to buy my kids stuff they want...I'm the only income so I push myself sometimes too much but want to make sure we have things we need here at home.

    On my nights off I will tell you that I DO play catch up and sleep a LOT. How much sleep do you get on average? Have you ever worked nights? Oh...and I will tell ya...I DO feel like a vampire sometimes....the sun hurts my head and I get headaches really easy on bright sunny days when I'm trying to sleep. I have black out curtains but I can still see the sun through the cracks lol. I'm an odd ball....
  • CrysButcher3
    Hey Alex...great weight loss!!!! :drinker:
  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
    Wow--everyone is off to a good start--CONGRATS. Been doing pretty well with my exercise and water, so I am happy about that (actually hitting the Y this morning with the family), however, I haven't been watching as much as I should. While under calories MOST of the time, they've been empty calories (which may just show up on the scale--ugh).

    We will see what Monday brings--good or bad, I am in this and will get to my goal! Also toying with the idea of Friday weigh-ins. . . I seem to do so much better during the week because of being at work and eating more on a schedule than I do on the weekends . . .

    Have a GREAT week and let's hope to see "less" of all of you! :tongue:
  • silversong24
    silversong24 Posts: 409 Member
    Challenge Info
    Cups of water- 7/7 days
    Calories Burned- 2077/1200

    Name/ real name: Silversong24/Brenda
    Current Weight: 141.6
    Challenge Goal Weight: 135.0

    04/07: 141.6
    04/14: 139.6!
    05/05: <<<139.0>>>
    06/02: <<<137.0>>>
    06/30: <<<135.0>>>

    I plan to edit calories a little later on, after my work out for today. Should have been done with my run already, but woke up to 3 inches of snow and still going :noway: Kinda holding off to see if maybe I can get out a little later, because I REALLY want to :sad:

    I am super excited though, as I finally busted outta this plateau I have been stuck in AND made my original goal weight!! <happy dance> :laugh:
  • Brinasacat
    Brinasacat Posts: 505 Member
    Brinasacat/ Nancy:

    Current (Starting) Weight:  197
    Challenge Goal Weight:  177

    04/09:  197
    04/16:  195
    05/07: <<<mini goal weight 190>>>  
    06/04: <<<mini goal weight 183>>>  
    07/02: <<<challenge goal weight 177>>> 

    I burned 2807 claories so far this week through Jazzercise and walking. I added walking several times this week to up my exercise. My neighborhood loop is 1.54 miles, 15 floors, and 3636 steps ( thank you fitibt.)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Looks like most people are having a great start to this challenge.

    I hope next week goes well for everyone.

    Dedication is the key. :flowerforyou:
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    I have burned 2790 for the week, may be a bit more if I do Zumba this afternoon. Had a great workout with the trainer this morning and we talked about a new plan for when I'm off in the summer....I'm excited. Hope everyone is having a good week. My weight loss will probably be larger than normal because I gained bloat/water/salt weight while on vacation and that was reflected in my Monday weigh in. I have dropped most of that, thank goodness. Let's see what Monday morning brings.......
  • StartingAnewDay
    StartingAnewDay Posts: 319 Member
    SW 291
    GW 277

    Thanks!! Super excited!!

    I was so excited i forgot the rest of the information!!

    Name/ real name: Losing4life69/Trina

    Current Weight: 291
    Challenge Goal Weight:

    04/09: 291
    04/16: 285.4
    05/07: <<<mini goal weight>>> 285
    06/04: <<<mini goal weight>>> 280
    07/02: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 277

    I've been doing an increase in calories and for last 2 Weeks (was eating nearly 800 cals. Too little) been having mini gains since. I was floored at the loss this week!!! Not sure if I should adjust my goals or not, I have one more calorie increase this week of 200 calories. Thinking......
  • mandamommy3
    mandamommy3 Posts: 297 Member
    Been good with my water intake all week and burnt 2391 cals this week exercising!
  • tealighttrees
    I take my HRM to work and add my 12 hour workday into my exercise routine for the following day. (I work 7p-7:30a) So I usually walk about 8 miles at work on average and burn about 550 or more calories while I'm there. I don't exercise on the days I work...only because when I get home I'm totally exhausted!!!! Have you thought about doing the same thing? Taking an HRM to work and add that as part of your exercise? What do you do for a living? If you walk alot I would say go for it...take it and utilize that as a time to get in a good workout.

    Good luck to you...and I can't wait to see how this works for you!!!!

    First of all, thank you for the support!

    Unfortunately, I have a sit-down office-y type of job, so I do very, very little walking at work. So yeah, I need that gym membership, haha :P But thanks for the suggestion! I've been thinking of maybe leaving this job for one that is more physically active.
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hi All. As others have mentioned - having a plan in place this week has been very helpful. I've been planning our meals & shopping from a list (helpful to the budget too!!). Now I need to add workouts to the plan. I did get in Jillian's Extreme Shed & Shred today (felt good!). I am being very cautious of anything high impact as I was sidelined with a very stubborn case of tendonitis last challenge (to the point I had to wear a Hideous walking cast). It was a very frustrating time b/c I actually had a long streak of consistent exercise going on... and I had to do a full stop. UGH! Not doing that again!

    shadowkitty - great idea to bookmark the thread

    Amy (tealight) - Love your plan!! I am not a morning person either - but when I get in the habit, working out is a great way to start the day

    purplecookie - fantastic burn!

    Alex - congrats! Great loss this week!

    crysbutcher - love that you have an active job! I've never worked nights (other than taking pizza orders back in college 'til 4AM - but quite different when you are only responsible for yourself & not kids or family!)... I used to work as a physical therapist & I miss the constant activity! I have a desk job now at our family business (better flexibility for raising kids) - but there is a definite difference in my resting metabolic rate.

    gr8grl68 - love that you went to the Y with the fam :) Hoping you have a good weigh in!

    Brenda - excellent work on the H20, calories & your hard work paid off on the scale!!

    Nancy - great way to step it up! Your efforts certainly show!

    thurberj - how exciting that you are already putting a plan in place for summer

    Trina - looks like your body is responding well to a healthier calorie intake. I'd continue the 200 more & see how your next week goes.

    Mandamommy3 -= water & calories look good!!!

    Have a great night all!

  • jgunn81
    jgunn81 Posts: 243 Member
    bumpin so i can find on monday....

    also, challeges so far:

    cups of water - 6/6
    calories burned - 939/1200
  • sailingsal
    sailingsal Posts: 285 Member
    Managed water monday to friday but was under yesterday. But was out at my graduation all day so food, water and exercise went to pot. But had a great day with family and at the ceremony at Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. Now have a Bcs. Hons. in Psychology.
    Exercise was
    Monday 555
    Tuesday 519
    Wednesday 848
    Thursday 487
    Friday 703
    Saturday 162

    Yesterday only exercise was a bit of walking and had 2 meals out! Before and after ceremony. Tried to make sensible choices!
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Name/ real name:  Roni / Roni_M

    Current Weight:  240.1
    Challenge Goal Weight:  216.1

    04/09:   240.1
    04/16:   238.9
    05/07:    <<< mini goal weight - 232.1 >>>
    06/04:   <<< mini goal weight - 224.1 >>> 
    07/02:   <<< challenge goal weight - 216.1 >>> 

    I did the water challenge, but not the 1200 calorie burn. I only burned about 700 from exercise (unless you want to count cleaning!). Hubby's plumbing company launched "debit at the door" this week so between training the guys how they work, updating all our pricing in the system, then creating pricing books for each of the guys... I was pulling 16 hour days this week. I really wanted to squeeze it in but was just to tired! The hard work should pay off though...less invoicing for me at the end of the week. I only lost 1.2lbs... But that's due to the crazy week. Will keep that challenge for next week! Good luck with weigh ins everyone!! :flowerforyou:
  • raindropwishes
    I think I may have been updating the wrong thread!!
    So sorry you guys I've had some memory loss (legitimately, I had a fit a few days ago) and for some reason this thread wasn't on my list that I keep to remind myself I need to do something.


    CW: 196 (It was 194 yesterday, but just weighed and it was 196 so we'll go with that. I'll update my goals when I feel a bit better, but I'd like to lose a total of 14lbs by the end of the challenge.

    Thank you for reminding me, Kirsten :)

    Hi Everyone. Ok here is my weigh in.

    04/09: 196lb
    04/16: 192lb [down 4lbs]
    07/02: <<<challenge goal weight: 175lb >>>
  • Sibby123
    Sibby123 Posts: 99
    Name/ real name: Siobhan/Sib

    Challenge Goal Weight: 214lb

    04/09: 232
    04/16: 231.7 :huh:
    07/02: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 214lb
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    Name/ real name: myjourney2/Lynn

    Current Weight: 260.4
    Challenge Goal Weight: 245

    04/09: 260.4
    04/16: 258.8
    05/07: <<<mini goal weight>>> 255.
    06/04: <<<mini goal weight>>> 250
    07/02: <<<challenge goal weight>>>245

    Hope it is ok to put my weight in this morning. Will be babysitting at tomorrow morning and wont be home to weigh in.

    Had a hard time getting in all my water but no problem getting in all my workouts! Having breakfast and then heading out to the gym this morning
  • StartingAnewDay
    StartingAnewDay Posts: 319 Member
    Name/ real name: Losing4life69/Trina

    Current Weight: 291
    Challenge Goal Weight: 277

    04/09: 291
    04/16: 285.4
    05/07: <<<mini goal weight>>> 285
    06/04: <<<mini goal weight>>> 280
    07/02: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 277

    3216 cals burned this week via my HRM.. Im really proud! Since I've been concentrating on increasing my intake to get into a healthy range, I use a spreadsheet I found online and I just added a page where I input my calories burned/food eaten with an avg per day at the end of the week. Really done wonders for me in making sure I get enough food in. I like to see actual numbers, while MFP has those cute "bars", they don't really tell me much LOL

    I also did really well on water!

    If anyone would like the link to the spreadsheet I will post it. Very nice tracker.. Even gives you a target date for your loss goal which updates each time you weigh in, your BMI, your loss gain, total lost and percentages..