Too poor for weight watchers:( HELP!



  • jaimary04
    Weight lost is an investment on yourself. After reading some of the post, why not invest on a good phone. Sign up for MFP (it's free) This way you have a Tool you need most with you at all times. Just equipping yourself w/ all that you need will make you successful right from the start. Find out if you are eligible for an upgrade on your current phone.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    We make weight loss WAYYYYYYYY more complicated than it is. You do not have to buy anything special or make special investments to put less food in your mouth and move your butt. You just need some motivation, preferably from yourself.
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    I understand where you are coming from, sort of. You are looking for the point calculator. But, you need to use the nutrition facts from the food label in order to use the point calculator. You can just skip the points calculator part by looking at nutrtion facts label...and just writing down the calories instead of the points. Then, when you do get to a computer, type it all in there if you want. Instead of starting with a daily point balance, start with your daily calories and subtract from there.

    Are you looking for the WW book that tells points while eating out? You can probably buy one on ebay...or use the calorie King's book and use that to look up things quickly when you don't have a computer/smart phone handy.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Get a new phone.......most carriers have free android smartphones...

    Seriously? .... yes the phone is "free", but the plan does cost money. If she can't afford $20 a month for WW - I'm guessing this phone plan is out of her price range too.
  • lh1626
    lh1626 Posts: 241 Member
    I just cancelled my online membership this morning. I started MFP yesterday and love it! I have a friend who has lost almost 100 pounds over this past year doing MFP and she was a former WWer. I am finding that my daily calorie allotment is the same on here as my points on WW. I had success a few years ago with Momentum, but Points Plus has not worked at all for me. I made several attempts at it and actually feel like I have GAINED while on it.

    I am liking this and feel it is much simpler to do. I am also loving the fact that I can see my carb intake. I look at food differently this way. Best of is FREE!!!

    Good luck to whatever you choose!
  • jutymo
    jutymo Posts: 162 Member
    Why does everyone think a phone is required?? I use my smartphone because it's convenient, but it's not REQUIRED to do MFP. I plan my meals a week in advance. I get up, open MFP on my PC at home, pack my lunch and snacks and head out the door. Done until I get home to figure out what to cook for dinner (again on MFP on my PC). If you plan ahead, you don't need the app on the phone. I love being able to scan stuff and do it all the time but again, not required to be successful.

    I was on WW when I start MFP. I tracked both for 2 weeks. Eating using MFP, I was at or slightly below my WW points every day. And MFP database has virtually every food I've ever wanted to track or enter. WW does not. I dropped WW (and the $14 online fee) after 2 weeks and never looked back. I find MFP to be easier than WW, and I HATED converting stuff into points. I usually have a pretty good idea of how many calories I've got left every day and it's easy to fit in a piece of fruit or crackers or whatever. No quite so easy with points.

    So I'm done with WW. It's a great program and obviously works well but I've never lost this much with WW before; always got tired and gave up way before this long.
  • hailie08
    hailie08 Posts: 87 Member
    Get a new phone.......most carriers have free android smartphones...

    Seriously? .... yes the phone is "free", but the plan does cost money. If she can't afford $20 a month for WW - I'm guessing this phone plan is out of her price range too.

    THANK YOU! My thoughts exactly:) A new phone is defenitely out of the question
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    Crazy thought here; use MFP the way it is designed to be used. Guess what, you'll lose weight.

    agreed, I am a former weight watchers online user. MFP is basically the same thing and free!!!
  • SmokeFreeHooker
    I tried weight watchers (a couple times) and have found out a few things about myself.
    yes, ww works. but it works b/c they tell you what to eat, how much to eat, and put points that mean NOTHING in terms of nutrition on every single stitch of anything you can digest. so, yeah, it works, but as soon as you think you can do it by yourself, you begin gaining again until you have to go back. this has happened to me at least 4 times. each time i stopped going, started gaining, and went crawling back, i was heavier and heavier.
    so now, i've decided to take matters into my own hands. start looking at labels. start moving more. realize that i need to eat to LIVE. so, with MFP, even though i'm new to the site, i'm taking my health into my own hands. it doesn't cost anything (and honestly, i don't think you should have to pay anything to make good choices and start to be healthier) and it's easy. and if you don't have access to a computer, and your phone doesn't do apps, pick up a calorie finder at your local bookstore or even walmart. a little note pad that will fit in your purse or back pocket. a pen. there ya have it. you're ready to begin your journey!
    good luck, and happy losing!!!
  • Kaleonar
    Kaleonar Posts: 11 Member
    I have done weight watchers in the past but have had more success with MFP!
  • Alpine005
    Alpine005 Posts: 87 Member
    Cricket had a $55 smartphone plan. What are you paying for your current cell phone?
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    My daughter was doing Weight Watchers also and she cancelled her membership and started doing MFP cause she couldn't afford it either and I use to do WW in the past and MFP has helped me lose weight more than ANY of the other diets I have tried. I wish you all the success.....You can do this!!!!
  • caseyann20032003
    caseyann20032003 Posts: 16 Member
    Whether you have the app on the phone shouldnt matter...plan your meals for the whole day all at one time, and you can do that online easily, without having to go online several times....honestly MFP is the way to cant get any better then free!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Cricket had a $55 smartphone plan. What are you paying for your current cell phone?

    Virgin Mobile has plans with unlimited web and texts or $35/month.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Thanks to those of you that actually posted helpful replies or stories, not just telling me to stick with MFP!!!I know the pros and cons of mfp and am looking to add something else to it. I posted this not to have people judge my choice, but to get educated thoughts and suggestions. Thank you!

    *Be kind to everyone you meet, theyre fighting a battle you know nothing about

    So who judged? I'm getting a little tired of people complaining that they've been "judged" because someone disagrees with them. You said you CAN'T afford Weight Watchers. Most everyone took you at your word. Now you say you want "educated thoughts and suggestions." Well the consensus of the "educated thoughts and suggestions" are that since you can't afford it anyway and it's unlikely to be any more effective than MFP (your "internet on the phone" argument is irrelevant--how are you going to look up points without internet access?) just be happy you have this really great tool you CAN afford!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Thanks to those of you that actually posted helpful replies or stories, not just telling me to stick with MFP!!!I know the pros and cons of mfp and am looking to add something else to it. I posted this not to have people judge my choice, but to get educated thoughts and suggestions. Thank you!

    *Be kind to everyone you meet, theyre fighting a battle you know nothing about

    So who judged? I'm getting a little tired of people complaining that they've been "judged" because someone disagrees with them. You said you CAN'T afford Weight Watchers. Most everyone took you at your word. Now you say you want "educated thoughts and suggestions." Well the consensus of the "educated thoughts and suggestions" are that since you can't afford it anyway and it's unlikely to be any more effective than MFP (your "internet on the phone" argument is irrelevant--how are you going to look up points without internet access?) just be happy you have this really great tool you CAN afford!

    EXACTLY! :drinker:
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I have been using WW online since 12/26/2011. I have had wonderful success with it. I have recently discovered MFP and right now, I am doing the two side by side, as a comparison. I am happy to spend the $19/mo for WW, but if I can get the same results for free, then I am all over it.

    It has been mentioned that there is an app called Value Diary, that has all the WW info for a one-time $3 pricetag.

    Except that for an app she'd need a smartphone...
  • hailie08
    hailie08 Posts: 87 Member
    Cricket had a $55 smartphone plan. What are you paying for your current cell phone?

    I pay $9.99 a month
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    And just to clarify, I took you at your word that you really couldn't afford WW and so suggested an alternative, but I often have people tell me they can't afford something that costs as little as WW does, but if you press them, they have cable TV or have other expensive hobbies. If that's the case, cable TV can more than cover the cost of WW, as can some other hobbies. Maybe, if WW really IS important to you, figure out what you can give up so you can afford it. Are you SURE you really CAN'T afford it?
  • hailie08
    hailie08 Posts: 87 Member
    And just to clarify, I took you at your word that you really couldn't afford WW and so suggested an alternative, but I often have people tell me they can't afford something that costs as little as WW does, but if you press them, they have cable TV or have other expensive hobbies. If that's the case, cable TV can more than cover the cost of WW, as can some other hobbies. Maybe, if WW really IS important to you, figure out what you can give up so you can afford it. Are you SURE you really CAN'T afford it?

    We don't have cable tv, a home phone, or pay for gym memberships. ( i get a free one through work). All that gets paid for outside of rent, car insurance, gas, and utilities is food and my daughters preschool(which is the cheapest I could find that would accept her with her medical issues). I also carpool to work whenever possible to save on gas and we grow as much of our own food as possible.

    The majority of my money goes to medical bills for my daughter that insurance doesn't cover, and I can't cut back on those:(

    If you have any suggestions of things I could cut though please let me know! It'd be great to have even $5 extra:)