Couch to 5K anyone?!? We start on monday!



  • ClarkOMan
    ClarkOMan Posts: 54 Member
    Week 1 repeat day 1 done. I ran 4 segments today and walked the rest. I've found out my best cool down is to ride my bicycle. I'd been giving that up for the running but I've found I can do both. I hope to be running all segments by week's end. Thanks for all of the motivation in here.

    Everyone have a wonderful day! :happy:
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Hi everyone. Great to see everyone's status updates. I want to thank everyone again - your posts are really keeping me going.

    W1D4 - Done!! I'm repeating W1, so my W1 will have 6 days total.

    I felt a little of the old twinge in the heel of my right foot today, for the first time. I slowed down my run and concentrated on how I was landing and pushing off. The pain went away. I'm icing it on a frozen bean can right now. I'm determined to beat this Plantar Fasciitis.
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    I am hoping I can join in late. Was on vacation last week and did not see this post.
    I just did w1d1 yesterday and felt really good. (I Have been doing the 30 day shred for about 3 weeks now and I think it helped)
    I have never done a 5k and so looking forward to the accomplishment. There is a local 2 mile run Oct 4th. I am going to sign up today!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Good Morning C25K'rs :flowerforyou:

    Welcome kaylou...this group is FANTASTIC!!

    Well gang, started W2D2 and wasn't doing I'm gonna log this one as W2/W1D2!!! :tongue:

    Hope everyone is hanging in there and getting out and moving.........King Julian "We got to move it, move it"!! (madagascar!)

    Have a happy healthy day

  • caseyamber
    I got up at 5 am today to do W1D2 and I feel amazing! And my dog was much better today then on monday :tongue:
  • caseyamber
    I got up at 5 am today to do W1D2 and I feel amazing! And my dog was much better today then on monday :tongue:
  • sitarami
    sitarami Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in. Just what I need.
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    finished W4D2 last night. It was really warm here!!! Still can't believe how well this program is working. I plan to do week 4 for 2 weeks. The 5 minute runs are a killer, but I"m doing them!!!

    So great to hear everyones success.

    Wow! 5 min runs! The idea of that gives me butterflies, but you're doing it! How fantastic!!!!!!
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member

    Well gang, started W2D2 and wasn't doing I'm gonna log this one as W2/W1D2!!! :tongue:

    Hope everyone is hanging in there and getting out and moving.........King Julian "We got to move it, move it"!! (madagascar!)

    Exactly, just keep moving! That's what I tell myself. As long as I'm moving in the right direction, I'm VERY happy, because I was going the wrong way for so long!

    Besides, although a physicist would poo poo this - I believe the law of inertia applies here. If we get moving in one direction it's EVER so hard not only to stop, but extra hard to start moving in the OTHER direction. But once we do - and we all have begun moving in the RIGHT direction, it's hard to stop us! So let the law of inertia rule!
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    W2D3 completed. I know I'm supposed to rest in between, but the rest of the week is not looking good for this stuff, and I did have time today so I did it.

    CaseyAmber I wish I could take my dogs! They would trip and kill me. hee hee.

    Maybe one day.

    And Welcome Sitarami! This is a GREAT group!
  • sld63
    sld63 Posts: 52 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Happy to say that I did get w1 d2 accomplished yesterday! Yea me...:blushing:

    My legs are tender, but nothing painful. Probably a good soak in the tub is all I need - I've heard that an alkaseltzer bath helps with sore muscles, but I've not tried it yet. Anyone know if it helps?

  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member

    Happy to say that I did get w1 d2 accomplished yesterday! Yea me...:blushing:

    w00t! Gratz to you! Doesn't it feel good? Even the muscle tenderness somehow felt good to me.

    I had never heard of Alka Seltzer baths, but I did find this article that mentions it:

    What worked for me was a rub down with Kwan Loong oil (Just a liniment that I've used for headaches for years - smells like peppermint, I love it)

    And I made sure to stretch after the work out.

    I walked on alternate days, which seems odd, but really helped!
  • sld63
    sld63 Posts: 52 Member

    Thanks for the link! I'll have to try those and see what works...

    I also walk for 20 minutes at lunch time (in bad weather, I walk 3 flights of stairs for 10 minutes) and if time before hubby's bday dinner tonight, I'll get in a good treadmill walk too. I also have a recurring bellydance class on tuesday evenings.

  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Week 3, Day 2 done! Pushed myself a little harder today, and felt it, but am so proud..... feeling STRONG! Just read in someone's posts though that next week involves 5 minute runs! I'd better start mentally preparing!

    Also, this might be inspiring.... i asked a friend of mine who is a runner (I mean, a RUNNER... goes on 8 mile jogs daily, runs in marathons..) if she's ever heard of Cto5K. She said, "Heard of it? I've used it! That's how I started running.... and got back into shape after having my son."

    So... there's hope, folks! :)
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Hello all. :flowerforyou: I was thinking of starting C25K on Monday and saw your thread. I've read a couple pages and am excited!! But... last night on the treadmill I decided to try some running/walking intervals. I walked 60 sec. and jogged 30 sec. for about 8 minutes... sad, lol. But, I weigh 241 pounds... and it kind of physically hurt to run. First of all, for some reason, I was trying to run just on the balls of my feet and my toes. OUCH. :grumble: Bad calf cramps. Then... it hurt because I'm not sure my body is ready for all that bouncing... lol

    But, I've committed to a 5K on Thanksgiving Day and I'd like to at least conquer some of this program. Is there anyone out there around my weight that is doing it?

    Also... is C25K the ONLY thing you're doing for a workout?
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    Hi guys...question...I have been working out since March and since June 5/6 days a week. I am loving this couch to 5k but I did it the last 3 days in a row....I love it...I live in ohio so we only have so many nice days to be outside and I can't make myself just walk now that I am doing this. Do you think its ok
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    Hello all. :flowerforyou: I was thinking of starting C25K on Monday and saw your thread. I've read a couple pages and am excited!! But... last night on the treadmill I decided to try some running/walking intervals. I walked 60 sec. and jogged 30 sec. for about 8 minutes... sad, lol. But, I weigh 241 pounds... and it kind of physically hurt to run. First of all, for some reason, I was trying to run just on the balls of my feet and my toes. OUCH. :grumble: Bad calf cramps. Then... it hurt because I'm not sure my body is ready for all that bouncing... lol

    But, I've committed to a 5K on Thanksgiving Day and I'd like to at least conquer some of this program. Is there anyone out there around my weight that is doing it?

    Also... is C25K the ONLY thing you're doing for a workout?
    Hi I am also shooting for Nov for a 5k. Mine is on the 7th. I have been doing the 30 day shred prior to starting this so I think it did give me a little jump.
  • nancymilo
    I'm with you!! I just started my journey to lose weight and get in shape this week. I have a long way to go, but I think having these short-term goals will really help me not get overwhelmed by how much weight I have to lose. :smile:
  • dwnjjugalette
    Hello all. :flowerforyou: I was thinking of starting C25K on Monday and saw your thread. I've read a couple pages and am excited!! But... last night on the treadmill I decided to try some running/walking intervals. I walked 60 sec. and jogged 30 sec. for about 8 minutes... sad, lol. But, I weigh 241 pounds... and it kind of physically hurt to run. First of all, for some reason, I was trying to run just on the balls of my feet and my toes. OUCH. :grumble: Bad calf cramps. Then... it hurt because I'm not sure my body is ready for all that bouncing... lol

    But, I've committed to a 5K on Thanksgiving Day and I'd like to at least conquer some of this program. Is there anyone out there around my weight that is doing it?

    Also... is C25K the ONLY thing you're doing for a workout?

    Hey doll, first off, I am glad that you are at least up and moving! Very proud, keep it up! secondly, if you take the C25K program as a walk/jog program instead of a walk/run program, you may have more success. I know i did last time i did this, i lost 30 ppounds that way. Thirdly, this time around i have actually entered a total gym competition here at work so i will be doing that 3 days a week (on my off days) i weigh within a few pounds as you do so i know what you are going through. I would recommend getting on the open road. try running on the black asphalt instead of the concrete sidewalk. the asphault gives a little more so it wont hurt as bad and you have a better chance when it comes to shin splints.
    I'm with you!! I just started my journey to lose weight and get in shape this week. I have a long way to go, but I think having these short-term goals will really help me not get overwhelmed by how much weight I have to lose.

    As for you, the toughest decision in life is to get started. once you are moving, the pounds will fly off. My personal goal is to be under 200 by new years. I have about 40 lbs (give or take) to lose in order to make that goal and 4 months to do it in. They say that it is healthy to lose 10 pounds a month if you are trying to loose weight. I really have been having a lot of success so far. You will have it too! Congrats on making the decision to change your life. And remember, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. go get 'em!
  • dwnjjugalette
    OH! I also had a really good night last night and i wanted to share.

    Last night i was sitting at home after a long few days and i got up to use the restroom. While i was in there, i looked at myself in the mirror and realized just how beautiful i really am. I was so happy that i had to just sit there and enjoy for a while, knowing that this was probably just my tired perseption and that i might not feel the same in the morning. I was so happy that i had to try to pich the skin under my chin to see how far i had to go until it was were i wanted it to be, and guess what... I AM THERE!!!! Soon enough the rest of my body will catch up. I couldn't stop smiling because of how beautiful i felt and LOOKED! it has been a looooong damn time since i felt that way about myself and it was a wonderful feeling. Even better, i got up this morning to brush my teeth, and i still looked as beautiful as i did last night. i even put my hair in braids to show off how skinny my face is looking. GO ME!

    Also, an update on my running. I did W1D1 on Tueday night and will be doing W1D2 tonight when i get home. W1D1 was kind of brutal but when i got home, i enjoyed that fact that i had done it. I hope i feel that way again tonight!!! Wish me luck!