hCG diet... proof...



  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    500 calories is barely enough to live off of. Probably why you have a headache.

    most likely, looking back I should have used my dad's diabetic sugar testing kit... and monitored. But, hindsight is always 20/20.
    OP I hope your headache has gone x

    The headache has become minor, after a few glasses of Dihydrogen Monoxide (H20) and a really good meal. So, I believe it will be totally gone in a few hours.
  • It's actually 500 calories a day for the drops and 800 a day for the shots. My sister in law did the shots and I did 21 days of the drops. I probably wouldn't do it again, but I did lose 20 lbs in 21 days. It was an amazing feeling to see the lbs shed, that's why people get hooked. I only had a headache for the first two days and the rest of the time was fine. I never drank coffee or tea, I only did water, meat, fruit and veggies and I was fine. It's been almost 3 weeks since my last day. One thing I did learn that I was ignorant to before that diet was how important it is to monitor and weigh what you are eating. I never paid attention to that and then I wondered why I wasn't losing weight. Now to keep myself accountable I joined this site to keep me on track.

    And I don't recommend anything under 1200 calories without a doctor's supervision!! Very dangerous.
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    Now you just need to put some sugar water in a tincture and have Dr. Oz tell the general public your drops are the next big thing.

    Directions: In combination with a 400 calorie diet, empty 1 dropper into a 20oz glass of water, coffee or tea and drink 3-5 times daily or whenever hunger pangs you.

    And at only $175, its a steal compared to hCG! You'll be an overnight millionaire!
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    It's actually 500 calories a day for the drops and 800 a day for the shots. My sister in law did the shots and I did 21 days of the drops. I probably wouldn't do it again, but I did lose 20 lbs in 21 days. It was an amazing feeling to see the lbs shed, that's why people get hooked. I only had a headache for the first two days and the rest of the time was fine. I never drank coffee or tea, I only did water, meat, fruit and veggies and I was fine. It's been almost 3 weeks since my last day. One thing I did learn that I was ignorant to before that diet was how important it is to monitor and weigh what you are eating. I never paid attention to that and then I wondered why I wasn't losing weight. Now to keep myself accountable I joined this site to keep me on track.

    And I don't recommend anything under 1200 calories without a doctor's supervision!! Very dangerous.

    Highly agree ^^

    The whole reason I did it, was cause I knew I have two aunts that are nurses, a paramedic that lives just two houses down. And my dad is a diabetic. I drew every ounce of information I could, to do so safely. Plus, I knew if anything did happen to me, I could bounce back easier than say someone older... nothing against old people, much love to ya. You are wiser, smarter, and know the best stories. :)
  • shan_0517
    shan_0517 Posts: 88 Member
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    Now you just need to put some sugar water in a tincture and have Dr. Oz tell the general public your drops are the next big thing.

    Directions: In combination with a 400 calorie diet, empty 1 dropper into a 20oz glass of water, coffee or tea and drink 3-5 times daily or whenever hunger pangs you.

    And at only $175, its a steal compared to hCG! You'll be an overnight millionaire!


    Though, doing so would endorse that kind of lifestyle.... personally, I wouldn't want my worst enemy to live like that. Sadly, I know people do it anyhow, because they believe themselves are ugly... or they have to look this way to be accepted.

  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    don't know if it is part of the diet, or just me wanting to go for a walk that badly, but I just got back form my normal walk.... 10 minutes faster than normal... and my headache is now gone. :)

    Looks like I lengthen my walking distance.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    500 calories is barely enough to live off of. Probably why you have a headache.

    most likely, looking back I should have used my dad's diabetic sugar testing kit... and monitored. But, hindsight is always 20/20.
    OP I hope your headache has gone x

    The headache has become minor, after a few glasses of Dihydrogen Monoxide (H20) and a really good meal. So, I believe it will be totally gone in a few hours.
    You should be careful. DHMO kills more people per year than shark attacks.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 638 Member
    I can score some pregnant lady pee if anyone needs some.

    HAHAHAHA black market. I like.
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    Now you just need to put some sugar water in a tincture and have Dr. Oz tell the general public your drops are the next big thing.

    Directions: In combination with a 400 calorie diet, empty 1 dropper into a 20oz glass of water, coffee or tea and drink 3-5 times daily or whenever hunger pangs you.

    And at only $175, its a steal compared to hCG! You'll be an overnight millionaire!

    I certainly know reading and comprehension do not go hand and hand, but um, good fail.

    Plenty of others, you people seriously are borderline illiterate or just have no comprehension skills what so ever...

    Just Sayin.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Now you just need to put some sugar water in a tincture and have Dr. Oz tell the general public your drops are the next big thing.

    Directions: In combination with a 400 calorie diet, empty 1 dropper into a 20oz glass of water, coffee or tea and drink 3-5 times daily or whenever hunger pangs you.

    And at only $175, its a steal compared to hCG! You'll be an overnight millionaire!

    I certainly know reading and comprehension do not go hand and hand, but um, good fail.

    Plenty of others, you people seriously are borderline illiterate or just have no comprehension skills what so ever...

    Just Sayin.
    multas gratias tibi ago non lego multum atque non intellego sed modo nulla scientia mihi est. Ain't we all just a bunch of dumb MFers.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    multas gratias tibi ago non lego multum atque non intellego sed modo nulla scientia mihi est.

    *I thank you for many graces I do not read much, and I do not understand but now I have no science.

    for all the peps, out there that don't understand Latin... namely me... It is on the list of 12 languages I wish to learn though.

    Oh, and it isn't that they are illiterate, it is that going thought the tons and tons of information to find just a grain of truth, gets tiresome after a while. I just like to read.

    To many programs on tv try to pull at emotions.... I only have to look at a single picture and my emotions are pulled.
    You should be careful. DHMO kills more people per year than shark attacks.

    I know, I know.... but it also, improves marriages... so a single guy like me, should have no problem getting a date with the stuff right? If I survive it's consumption :P

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Laughter, best drug out there.

    I have to get ready for classes, but I shall leave ya all with a small poem.

    Anyone that tells you, you’re less than beautiful,
    Is a fool and not worth your time.
    All of God’s creations are quite viewtiful
    If you didn’t understand this, I will gladly repeat my Rhyme

    :) Peace all
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I agree. Laughter lowers stress. Lowering stress helps lower cortisol. Lowering cortisol helps you lose that stubborn belly fat. If you get all butthurt after reading something you don't like on a silly internet forum, you're only hurting yourself. I've done plenty of crazy stuff in the interest of curiosity since I started losing weight. Most of them didn't work (fish oil, cla, quitting coffee). I even tried fasting (not by choice, I had a colonoscopy last year). Some of them do work (weightlifting). I've also broken the golden rule of when you're supposed to weigh yourself. So I was curious as to how much I weighed after taking a big dump. The sky didn't fall. I'm currently on day 4 of the creatine challenge. Just curious if that stuff actually doe what people say it does.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Oh yeah, I forgot the bottle of pure lemon juice I chugged too. Wow! That'll wake you up in the morning.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    The HCG diet has done nothing but HARM to people I know that used it

    The only reason people lose weight on that plan is you are only allowed to eat 500 calories a day. HCG has been scientifically proven to do NOTHING to help with weight loss or to make it safe to eat only 500 calories a day. It will not protect muscle, reset your metabolism or do anything else the snake oil salesmen that sell it claim. Dr. Simeons was a quack doctor. His "HCG protocol" has absolutely NO scientific backing and is not worth risking your health on.

    The HCG diet has been studied by many scientific organizations, and they all concluded that HCG, even the "real" injectable version, is no more effective than a placebo, and eating only 500 calories a day for weeks, as recommended by that plan, can cause more health problems than it solves.

    Please read the articles on these websites before you try HCG. I know some people that put their faith in the HCG diet, and became very ill from malnutrition as a result. Then they regained more weight than they lost. Now they wish they never heard of HCG.

    The Government is now in the process of getting all that fraudulent stuff off the market, and it's about time!






  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    I think I like this thread. I'll hang out here for a while and see where it takes me.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    I know some people that put their faith in the HCG diet, and became very ill from malnutrition as a result. Then they regained more weight than they lost. Now they wish they never heard of HCG.

    Same, and that is why I wanted to prove it wrong. And the same reason, I put my self on that level. I am sorry, that you wasted your money on something that doesn't work.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    I think I like this thread. I'll hang out here for a while and see where it takes me.

  • annaluckenbach
    annaluckenbach Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a health-conscious marathon runner that cannot lose weight in any of the 'traditional' ways and I had AMAZING success on HCG a year ago.
    Lost 25 lbs. Kept it all off with no problems. Felt good the entire time on HCG (I used homeopathic drops from HCGDiet.com.)
    Couldn't do HCG during running season, but now that It's over I'm back to do another round. (I lost about 5 additional pounds in the past year. I'm 5'5 and weight 160)

    Every BODY is different and you need to learn what works for you.

    I had been to a pleothra of doctors, dieticians & trainers and had all kinds of tests done to try and figure out why I don't lose weight. Dr. Simeon's Pounds & Inches talks about how the brain will not communicate with the body properly on metabolism. For my body, that's it.

    Good luck to everyone -- whether their body is one of the ones that responds to HCG or a traditional method. Hope you find what works for you :)
  • dinkyjr
    dinkyjr Posts: 9 Member
    For those of you who doubt HCG....

    Actually you can't really talk unless you've read the protocol for HCG and did the actual whole diet. Just because you cut your calories for one week doesn't mean anything. Maybe you guys need to be a bit more educated. Sure, those HCG knock offs that are sold in stores aren't the real thing. You need to have a prescription and read the original scientific study.

    I fully endorse HCG as long as you follow the protocol

    and for those haters (vade43113) go find an anti HCG blog and leave this one for the believers.