My name on



  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Edited because nunya!
  • Mrsfullwood
    Mrsfullwood Posts: 172 Member
    TANYA (this was the first one)

    An amazing woman with striking features and beautiful hair. Shes the kind of girl your buddies like, but also the type of girl you want to show off. She has an amazing appetite, but has a hot body. She is always adventerous in bed, and she is the type of girl that once you meet her, you can't get her off your mind. Sexy! She is a great friend to everyone, and never judges. Intelligence and sarchastic humor are her strong points.
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member

    Usually a very pretty girl. Is smart, caring, and faithful. She is very loving, but sometimes does not know how to show it. She can also be very *****y and gets jealous very easily. It's best not to get on her bad side. If you break her heart, she may not be very forgiving. She is very good in bed, all though she is not a *kitten*, and knows how to suduce someone.

    I approve!
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Mine is pleasant but comically inaccurate:

    William 3452 up, 1084 down
    The perfect boyfriend; Someone who will stay on the phone with you just because, someone who opens doors for you, someone who makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside whenever you're near them*. They generally are funny, and tease you a lot. But you never care.

    * Editor's Note: That's a broken antecedent.

    The second one is much more accurate:
    3946 up, 1438 down
    A charismatic, charming, handsome, respectful, and chivalrous gentleman of high upbringing. A 'Prince Charming' in many aspects.

  • Expialidojess
    Expialidojess Posts: 588 Member
    Ha! I didn't know they had names on there.


    A fun loving sweet girl who isn't afraid to speak her mind. She is often loved by others, but there are thse who don't like her. She is a thrill seeker and loves to test her limits. She sees herself as an average person, but people find her very sexy and attractive. She tries her best to help those around her, even if they don't fall into her circle. BE WARNED, if you piss off a jessica she is more likely to make your life such an utter hell for a VERY LONG TIME than forgive you any time soon. however she does look over a lot of things so it is kind of hard to piss her off. She has this carefree air about her, and may seem like a bubble head, but when you get to know her she is a very smart person, and is very complex with her thoughts and her views on life. She loves tha arts, and animals. She can however be very dominant in a lot of situations and is better left alone when she is having a bad day because if she says she can punch your lights out, then chances are she can. She can brighten anybody's day with a simple hello and a smile, and hates to see others bullied.


    An incredibly amazing girl who has a big heart and is fun loving, not consertive at all and she's free spirited. Jessica's are generally good and nice people but if you get on their bad side they will let you know how much of a stupid f***er they think you are. Jessica's are sexy and aren't prude. Normally Jessica's are down for anything, but ocassionally they think things through and decide if it's a good idea or not. Don't fear it's not too often. Jessica's also digg getting nicknames.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Emma 3879 up, 1198 down
    The most gorgeous woman ever seen. Known to randomly throw out little adorable and hysterical one-liners. Very artistically talented. One who has no true idea of her true beauty, both inside and out. A very very special woman that has the love and admiration of a person willing to do almost anything for her.
    Emma, you're the most gorgeous and wonderful woman I have ever met, I hope to be lucky enough to have you as a permanent part of my life, and I hope to be blessed enough to win your heart and be allowed to make you the happiest woman ever.
    buy emma mugs & shirts
    emma gorgeous beautiful special wonderful talented
    by Sekathra Jul 10, 2008 share this add a video

    2. Emma 763 up, 241 down
    The sweetest most wholly beautifilled lady I have ever had the pleasure to know and love, I would do anything for her. She is a true white Knight filled with nothing but the purest light, a true delight! Words simply do not do justice when attempting to describe quite how fantastic Emma is.
    As beautifull as emma
    a real emma, such an inspiration
    the best girl in the world
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    1. Dominique

    the name of a girl, but no ordinary girl, a Dominique is someone special. a Dominique is someone that will walk into your life and change it for the better. odds are you'll never find another person like Dominique in your life. you should be honored to know her let alone befriend her. . . let alone get to date her. she makes for an exceptionally amazing girlfriend, always doing the right thing. believe me, you will eventually fall for her. and maybe you'll be lucky enough for her to fall for you. for you ever get the chance to date her, hold her tight and Never let go... make her feel like the only person in the world you could ever love... because i assure you, she'll make you feel the same.
    guy 1:dude, Im dating Dominique!
    guy 2: No ways man! that girl is a catch!
    guy 1: yeah a catch im not throwing back

    2. An extremely hot female, with large boobs
    beautiful eyes and smile and a nice butt.

    3. Dominique

    common name for a girl, for example, Dominique Dixon. The name literally means "of God", hence, a blessing, an angel. Though not all girls named Dominique are angels, not all are temptresses or evil either. Very hard to define seeing as they are all diffrent and unique and beautiful in her own way.

    Note: Dominique is a female french name, Dominic is an americanized male name, derived from the female name, Dominique is not a male name, though it is used as one, but hell a tomatoes a fruit, but its used as a vegtable, **** happens
    Her: "Hi, im Dominique"
    Him: "Wow, what a beautiful name"
    Her: "oh thank you, Its french you know..."

    THE FUNNY THING IS I AM FRENCH (MOM'S SIDE) AND WAS BORN AND RAISED IN CANNES, FRANCE. I ALSO HAVE THE BIG BOOBS! Who knew that was a precursur to being named Dominique. lol
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    I knew it... :glasses:

    the most sexy, erotic, flirtatious, hot stuff, bootylicious 4 letter word you'll ever see. If you spell it backwards, you get kram which according to urban dictionary means smoking weed/ganja/herb; how cool is that! I know you're impressed. If you take the mark out of supermarket, all you're left with is superet and that's pretty stupid cause why would you go out to the superet, it makes no sense. Mark means warlike, especially in bed if ya know what i mean. Its definitely the coolest word/name ever cause if you spell it frontwards and backwards, its different!!!
    On your Mark, Get Set, Go!

  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member

    1) When you find a really rare or unique friend; One of a kind person.

    I found a total Heidi recently! It's great!

    2) Heidi is an amazing, energetic, smart, styling, rocking, funny, gorgeous girl. She laughs at everything, and is almost always smiling. She is beautiful both inside & out. This girl definitly has a temper, but she controls it most of the time. She is a dude magnet. Every guy on this planet is lucky to have her. And she even has a hot name!

    "Whoa dude that chick is hot!"

    "Of course she is...that's Heidi"

    3) An absolutely fantastic girl. A gorgeous, funny, lovable, hugable cutie. Double fisting glasses of Stella is not uncommon for Heidi. Saying Heidi is amazing would be an understatement. Heidi is the name only given to those who deserve and respect it. There is no such thing as simply "A Heidi," as anyone with the name of Heidi deserves special recognition. Anyone named Heidi should be addressed as "The Heidi" because no Heidi is ordinary and each and every Heidi is worthy of such a title.

    Heidi is some to be recognized!
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    Carrie 1340 up, 341 down
    hottest girl ever. always hard to get. sassy and classy at the same time. stunning eyes that draws you in. gorgeous and sexy. usually looks for independence and always good at everything.

    a dime piece, the realest *****. never betrays her friends and always keeps her word.
    girl 1: jeremy, david, andy and james tried to get at her. they failed miserably
    girl 2: get at who?
    girl 1: carrieeeee...
    buy carrie mugs & shirtshot sassy good classy carrie
    by whenigrowup Aug 31, 2008 share this add a video
    2. Carrie 466 up, 170 down
    A girl who constantly has a guy on her side in her life. She's definitely attractive, super hot and sexy, but likes to reject guys often. She's very good at keeping people company, and you get lost in her cute and fun personality that you forget time is passing. She is secretly heartless because she likes to reject guys very often, but when she likes someone, she will give them her everything. But don't fall for her unless you know she likes you back - you could become very hurt.
    Dude, who did you say you liked? Carrie? wtf man, i like her too, thot we were boys!

    Sorry man, shes too beautiful cant help it
    buy carrie mugs & shirtsheartbreaker beautiful heartless cute fun sexy flirt
    by saygoodbye111 Jun 29, 2009 share this add a video
    3. Carrie 334 up, 121 down
    The sexiest girl ever. She could get any guy she wants, but always seems to go for douches who screw her over. A lot of guys dream about what she'd be like in bed. BEST KISSER. Other girls try to be like her, but never can be as amazing as she is. Knows how to pleasure a guy & make him so hard. Beautiful eyes and smile that you can't help but fall in love with. Acts like she's confident and doesn't give a **** about what anyone says to her, but inside is the sweetest girl with a huge heart. Acts like a player, but when she really likes a guy falls for him and will do anything for him.

    HAHAHHAHAHA....I wish!!

    OMG! I'm laughing hysterically at the last bit! Not that you aren't talented or what not but that is just too funny!
  • prettygirlhoward
    prettygirlhoward Posts: 338 Member
    1. Desiree
    Usually brunette, very funny. Cool to be around. Awesome friend. Beautiful, sensitive, caring, and a hard worker. Very smart and successful. Desiree comes from the french word "desire." Holla
    I desire her. I want to be Desiree.

    2. Desiree
    Typically a girl's name of French origin. Usually a brunette who has an amazing smile and a contagious laugh. Always a schnazzy dresser and amazingly fun. Extremely likable and this often makes you want to be in her circle. Above all...a straight up gangsta!

    3. Desiree
    A female who is usually brunette. This name means "desired one" in French/Latin. The name usually fits the girl because Desiree's are known to be pretty, even sexy. Can be extremely nice but a ***** if you get her angry. They get what they want and are stubborn people for the most part. They're clever and most times smart. They're warm and welcoming but they can be coldhearted if wronged.
    This girl's name is Desiree, she's of French origin.

    10. Desiree 877 up, 315 down
    1) Not a ****ing stripper name
    2) Not a hoe
    3) What the **** were you thinking
    4) The first def. is way better

    Think I made myself cleaaaar(:

    11. desiree 139 up, 42 down
    the best friend you could ever have!! if she is your friend she will be you friend for ever! even if one of you move!

    12. Desiree 76 up, 21 down
    Desiree is the name for the sexiest freakin girl ALIVE! All the guys want to be with her, all the girls are jealuse of her.She is really funny and cool. Everyone wants to be her. She is an AMAZING person and fun to be around. Did i meantion she is the SEXIEST FREAKIN GIRL ALIVEEE!!!!!!

    13. Desiree 40 up, 9 down
    A girl that is unbelievably gorgeous. However, she honestly has no idea how gorgeous she is and that makes her truly beautiful. She is also sweet and honest which often cause her to struggle with her words because she never wants to hurt anybody but she wouldn't want to lead them on either.
    That girl looks that great without ever looking in a mirror, she must be a Desiree.

    4. Desiree
    A simple girl who loves life. She tries to hard to be good enough for everyone and doesn't spend enough time at looking how good her life actually is. Shes the type of girl that is in love with the idea of falling in love. So when she falls for you , she falls hard.

    5. Desiree
    Desiree is a great girl. She is a great mom and an extremly talented individual. Desirees are extremly generous and very sincere. Desiree's are also known for there great sense of humor and always able to make you smile.
    Desiree = Fabulous

    6. Desiree Desiree is a french name meaning 'Desire'
    'I desire her.. whats her name?'
    'Her name is Desiree.'

    7. desiree
    hot and sexy girl. they look really hot. Youd want to be with them forever and ever!!!!!!
    that girl is desiree.
    this is also a name.
    all girls named desiree are like this:D:D:D

    8. Desiree
    The best ever and everyone wants to be her. Light skin beauty that females love to hate
  • tradaboie
    tradaboie Posts: 132

    1. The ultimate Tracy, There is no E in this Tracy, which makes it the best kind.

    Tracy no E, Edgy, Chill, Pretty damn Amazing, Rockstar!

    2. Tracy is the girl of every guy's dream. She has a rocking body with a fine *kitten* and a wonderful smile. She is the hybrid of a hot rockstar and a nerd. She has perfect skin and her smile lights up the world. Every day I see her, I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. She has everything and IS my everything. There's no one that can compare to her.

    She's the girl i'm in love with.

    Tracy is the one for me. I love her and i always will. She'll always be my thunder through this monsoon.

    3. Pretty awesome name, most commonly found in girls/women, Tracy means to be strong-willed, selfless, and brave.

    Tracy will help out anybody in need.

    4. One who is always straight up with her peeps. Always willing to help a friend in need. Kind-hearted, respectful, drama-free but is not afraid to speak her mind and keep it real

    She pulled a tracy wn i really needed help at work!

    5. beautiful down woman very deep and real

    damn thats some real ****. tracy

    6. The most beautiful girl in Danville, she has no idea how much she is appreciated. Everyone loves her and I wish she knew that. She is the sweetest, prettiest, most perfect girl I know and I wish I could call her my own. I love you Tracy.

    Friend - You know Tracy?
    Me - Yeah she's beautiful
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    There are so many for my name! This is funny and wildly inaccurate. :laugh:

    1. Isabella 724 up, 165 down

    Isabella is an amazing, energetic, smart, styling, rocking, funny, gorgeous girl. She laughs at everything, and is almost always smiling. This girl definitly has a temper, but she controls it most of the time. She is a dude magnet. And every guy on this planet is lucky to have her. And she even has a hott name!
    "Whoa dude that chik is hott!"

    "Of course she is...that's Isabella"

    2. Isabella 420 up, 103 down

    A VERY attractive girl that is always happy and cheery. Her inner beauty is huge if you get to know her. Although, she is very determined when it comes to some things. She's always a good person to talk to because she gives good advice. Never shy away from her because you are loosing a great amount of friendship and knowledge.
    Isabella always gave me good advice when I needed it.

    3. Isabella 212 up, 61 down

    Isabella is one of the sweetest things you will ever encounter as you walk across this earth. She will dazzleyou with her wit and her sweet charm. She will entertain you with her imagination and sense of adventure. When you are with Isabella there is never a dull moment. She has an infectious personality that makes you love her instantaneously. Her beauty is immeasurable. If you are an Isabella you are truly beautiful on the outside but on the inside as well. She is loved by most and those who do not fall under her spell change their minds after knowing her, unless they are of the foolish kind. She is a wonderful, wonderful creature who will make you a better person just for being in her midst. Isabella means "gift from God." If you have the luck to have an Isabella in your life you are truly blessed.
    "Oh my that girl that walked by was sure an Isabella!"

    4. Isabella 312 up, 96 down

    Isabella is usually a pretty girl with a pretty personality.
    Can be very energetic and up for anything.
    Isabella is a hot girl with a hot name! Shes fun to be around with and has a bazaar sense of humor.

    Bella means Beautiful in Italian, which means "Is a Beautiful."

    You need to meet an Isabella!

    5. isabella 938 up, 358 down

    A hot and sexy girl with a really hot name. is very shy and extremly smart girl that has very strict parents. does well in school and has very good grades but can be oblivious to things at times. if you are dating this girl you are extremly lucky to have her and should hold on to her as long as you can.

    6. Isabella 1272 up, 511 down

    A hot girl with a hot name.
    Often smart, but at some times unattentive and ill-mannered.
    Usually a fast learner, and energetic most of the time.
    The Isabella in school almost got kicked out, but she was so smart, she was able to convince the principal she'd stay good.

    7. Isabella 143 up, 78 down

    School-girl by day. Stripper by night.
    -Amazing chick. She is super sensitive, but has a kind heart. She gets hurt often, by both love, and friendship. She goes through hard times, and cries when she needs to. The more she cries, the better she feels. She's beautiful, and hilarious! She is usually really happy.-
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    1. Claudette

    A smart individual, who is caring, friendly, and attractive. Always there when needed and is mostly a lover than a fighter but will fight for what she loves.

    Wow I wanna be like a claudette one day.
    Whoa, did you see that claudette walk by!
    Aww, your such a claudette.

    2. Claudette

    A beautiful, hot, and talented chick, a little French, may be a bit promiscuous. envied often.
    That chick is such a Claudette! I wish I could be her!
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    1. Sarah 1795 up, 402 down

    A cool girl, generally pretty, smart and funny. into expressing herself through music, art, and or acting. fun to be around, and even though she may not know it, shes loved by everyone. people who hate her, either hate her for something she did or hate her out of jealousy. Shes very romantic and a little bookish, but can also be sexy when she wants to. Usually very happy/positive, unless something emotionally or mentally crusing happens.
    guy 1:"did you see that girl, yesterday she looked kinda quiet, but today shes letting her true colours show!"
    guy 2:"she's such a sarah"
    guy 1:"I secretly love that girl! i have to find out who she is!
    buy sarah mugs & shirts
    hot sexy pretty funny smart quiet happy
    by kissesandhugsloveandpeace1 Oct 2, 2008 share this add a video
    2. sarah 791 up, 188 down

    Means "princess" in hebrew. Sarahs are fun to be around and dont care what others think about them. They are loyal and trustworthy and have a good sense of humor. They are bold, brave, and attractive, but certainly not perfect (then again who is?). Overall you'll want to spend your time with them and get to know them better. You learn things about yourself through them and appreciate having them in your life. Still dont be fooled, they can have an attitude if they dont agree with something- mostly its sarcasm so either accept the remarks or just ignore them.
    ohhh sarahh.
    buy sarah mugs & shirts
    sarah bold sara sarcastic attractive perfect fun loyal trustworthy
    by youregonnamissthis Apr 14, 2009 share this add a video
    3. sarah 1075 up, 316 down

    an amzing girl, one that is special and different, someone that means alot to someone
    that girl is so sarah, i'm gonna ask her out
    buy sarah mugs & shirts
    sarah is amazing beatiful stupid-spelling
    by nirvanafan231 Jan 27, 2009 share this add a video
    4. Sarah 445 up, 133 down

    A girl who is nice sweet and very attractive! Shes one of the sweetest girls you will ever meet! She's a sexy piece of *kitten* and you won't be able to keep your hands off her! Don't ever let her go cause once shes gone she'll never be back. Shes very trustworthy and would do anything for her friends or family. People who don't like her are little ugly *kitten* who are jealous loserss!!
    Dude1: Hey did you see that girl over there?
    Dude2: Who Sarah??
    Dude1: She's SOO awesome!
    Dude2: No ****t! Shes the BEST!!!!
    buy sarah mugs & shirts
    attractive trustworthy sexy sweet anything
    by FunInTheSun<3 Apr 16, 2009 share this add a video
    5. sarah 509 up, 152 down

    Shes kind of quiet sometimes, but loud when she has her moments. Shes nice to everyone which is why everyone loves her. All them boys want her because she's so cute and cuddly!
    person1: wooahh that girls waay cute.

    person2: shhee must be a sarah..

    person1: imma go ask her out before anyone else does!
    buy sarah mugs & shirts
    cute nice lovable quiet stylish
    by kingkongsta Mar 17, 2009 share this add a video
    6. Sarah 156 up, 41 down

    Usually a loud, chatty girl who is full of wit. She is never selfish and thinks of others constantly. She is a beautiful and intelligent girl with hidden talents. She's fun to be around, and although she may not know it, everyone loves her personality. She is constantly happy and optimistic unless something emotionally or mentally crushing happens. She's a very romantic and her love means a lot. A very confident person and gives great advice. Sarah is a true friend.
    beautiful loud sarah optimistic
    buy sarah mugs & shirts
    sarah beautiful happy optimistic romantic
    by authenticdude1 Jun 14, 2010 share this add a video
    7. sarah 595 up, 183 down

    totally confident, and with it, always knows the right thing to say, a good person to go to for advice, liked by pretty much everyone.. reasonably hot, smart, but not that great at managing her time really friendly and affable it should be your goal to be a sarah
    "And the sarah award goes to.. random name"

    "She is totally confident, and with it, always knows the right thing to say, a good person to go to for advice, liked by pretty much everyone.. reasonably hot, smart, but not that great at managing her time really friendly and affable it should be everyones goal to be a sarah, and we award random with this sarah award.

  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    Emma -this part seems true so far :smile: since we just met and all this is what I have seen on here so far anyway :drinker:
    Emma 3879 up, 1198 down
    The most gorgeous woman ever seen. Known to randomly throw out little adorable and hysterical one-liners. Very artistically talented. One who has no true idea of her true beauty, both inside and out. A very very special woman that has the love and admiration of a person willing to do almost anything for her.
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    My husband's name is "Tim". I made the mistake of telling him what that meant on Urban Dictionary. He's never forgotten it. Ever.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member


    394 up, 113 down

    The color of your energy

    whoa ohh Amber is the color of our energy...Shades of gold displayed naturally



    An extremely attractive girl whos flirty personality and curvacious figure will keep you coming back for more. She's typically a brunette but occasionally acts blonde. She enjoys long relationships and has many close guy friends. Often mistaken for a "slut" but really isn't. She can also be a super ***** if you get onto her bad side.

    "dude, i want to hang out with that girl, shes such an Amber"



    A beautiful girl who is fun attractive and warmhearted, she is funny, cute, caring and loving you could think of lots of wonderful kind words to describe her.

    Amber doesn't often see herself like that which could be counted as her own downpoint she doesn't know how wonderful she is and this is a urban dictionary entry she can be proud of

    Paul: Why are you so amazing
    Amber: I'm not :(
    Paul: Are too <3333
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    1. Sharon
    Somebody that is amazingly beautiful, funny, kind, and outstanding.
    Ohh man. Her name has GOT to be Sharon! She's gorgeous

    2. Sharon
    she's a loyal friend and will always be there to make you feel better when you're upset. she always puts your feelings before her own and cares a lot about other people.
    Person1; she's so nice!
    Person2; she's obviously a sharon.

    3. Sharon awesome girl to talk and hangout with.
    Wow,that looks like fun,her name must be sharon.

    4. Sharon
    The epitome of cool.
    Person 1 : Yo dude, check out those amazingly sexy sunglasses!
    Person 2: Whoa, they are so sharon!

    5. Sharon
    1.a person's name;
    people with the name Sharon are usually sharing and intelligent

    6. Sharon
    An extremely hot self-centered girl with brown curly hair. She is said to hold her own and become extremely popular with the people around her. When people try to hate on her they just get more jealous.
    Sharon is so hot! Oh my gosh your looking sharon fabulous

    I'd say 3 is the most accurate, 6 is certainly the least.
  • ChevyChick88
    ChevyChick88 Posts: 356 Member

    Shawnna a beauty queen of only 18... :-) The kinda girl you only find in small towns where people have the biggest hearts in the world.. Though her beauty is unquestionable on the outside... What makes this girl so rad is what on the inside.. When she clicks with just the right guy her eyes sparkle like a million fire flies... Gives me butterflies when I think of this girl... Her innocent nature and fun hearted personality makes everyone smile !! Blonde by nature but don't let those goldie loc's fool ya... She is one quick study !!!! The type a girl weather a friend or WHATEVER You'll hold her close too your heart till ya die!!! Lots of love for this angel of mine...

    Shawnna the kinda girl that makes you wanna eat CAKE !!