Phentermine, Dont Judge Me!



  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Where do lost ponds go?
    I think they discussed this in Fried Green Tomatoes.

    I love that! The movie and the food.
    Me too. I have a hard time making them though. I can't get the coating to stick. (To the food, that is. I haven't tried breading and frying the movie.)

    I may try breading and frying the movie just to see what happens. Could be a fun night. :-)

    I never made them myself. I always get them out. There's a chain seafood place we have here called Harry's that makes some really good ones, but the first time I tried them was in a mom and pop joint in south Florida. I haven't had them in a while. I think I need to do something about that.
    I live in Massachusetts. I don't think there's any option of buying them here. My father-in-law grows tomatoes so I always get some green ones. I just end up scraping the coating off the pan and arranging it on top of the tomatoes.
  • MarcoRod
    MarcoRod Posts: 150 Member
    Over eating two days a week wont make me gain all the weight back.

  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I started out eating about 1200-1800 calorie and did not exercise. I now exercise about 4 hours a week (2 hour Zumba) (2 30mins at the gym) and eat the same. Somedays I mess up and eat 2000-2500 calories. I loses weight all threw the week and then I gain it back when I go to work. I work 16 hour shifts two in a row, and I can not control my appetite when im there. So I gain back the couple pounds I lost in the week.

    If eating too much while at work is your biggest issue, I would suggest preparing for that....
    You know you have a 16 hour shift - prepare proper calorie controlled meals beforehand, pack a cooler with you food and snacks and drinks for the day and take it with you....
    Do you have access to a microwave to heat it up and a fridge to leave the cold stuff? Then you have NO excuse not to do it...

    Not sure what your job is, but there are very few places that a packed lunch (with ice packs or heat packs) can't go - you do get a lunch and coffee break somewhere inbetween don't you?
    good luck - and especially good health, because you are putting your health in danger with that stuff.....

    I tried all that. The problem is free food and I'm a binge eater. If it's there I will eat it. I can control the food around me at home. I would bring my healthy meals, eat them and what ever else was there. Im a CNA by the way.

    You recognized your problem of binge eating, so why not try to work on solving that first before resorting to take drugs? You CAN control what you put into your mouth, you're the one doing it, not a good excuse. I have been a binge eater for years, but since taking steps to work on what drives me to binge it, I've lost nearly 20lbs in the past 3 months. And those 20Lbs WILL stay off in the long run.

    It might be difficult but if you really want to get healthier, it is beyond me why you would want to put stress on your health and body by taking artificial drugs to do it :huh:


    And if you are a binge eater now, what's to stop you from being one once you are back off the pills. Binge eating is an emotional issue that needs to addressed. Just having your appetite suppressed for 3 months isn't going to change the behavior.
  • prettygirlhoward
    prettygirlhoward Posts: 338 Member
    Find the path that works for you! This is your personal journey...just always have better health as your ultimate goal :flowerforyou:

    Good advice!! :-)
  • Jedi_Jewel
    Jedi_Jewel Posts: 83 Member

    The first thing I noticed were the jitters. Not bad jitters but an inside rattling. It definitely served its purpose in taking away my appetite...I went a full day without eating...then felt sick. So I ate McDonalds. Nice eh? Anyway...I lost some weight quickly - but it was really all water weight. The low calorie diet I ended up being on since I wasn't hungry couldn't have been any good for my lean body mass. :/ But what was even worse was the RAGE it brought out in me. I became a ticking time bomb ready to explode at anyone who crossed my path the wrong way. My husband would come home from work - see the very clean house - and hear my snide remark and know that I had taken phen that day. It got ugly.

    Anyway - I got off of it. Just wasn't for me. I found that by taking in a moderate calorie diet (1500-1700 cal without exercise or 1700-1900 with exercise) I lost weight consistently and happily! :D No rage moments because I wasn't eating. :) You'll find your groove and you CAN do this without meds!

    ^^^THIS!!! :explode: Same thing with me, I got away from that stuff. It's much better (and safer) to do this on my own. You can do it, you don't need the pills :smile:
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    My doctor prescribed this to me a couple years ago and it just catapulted my borderline depression. I had suicide thoughts the first time in my life. I quickly stopped taking them when my mom put two and two together that it was the pills causing the escalation in unhappy thoughts.

    I also heard people have lots of uncontrollable anger issues on it.
  • chicagodiva2540
    I have a friend who took the pills and her hair started falling out after a few months. FYI, it's speed. Whether you take Phen, Ritalin or any amphends, watch out for blood pressure and heart kicks. By the way, my friend was 325 and lost a whopping 150 pounds. When she stopped taking it, she went through DT's (again it's speed) and gained the weight back. I've thought about from time to time, but really it's not worth it. My doctor wanted me to take a stress test first..did you have one? One sure thing: take it early so you can sleep at night. Good luck. Drink tons of water and check your hairline to make sure it's not getting thin. That's really the reason she gave up the pills. Nothing but my best to you!
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    I took it a long time ago, but not for that long. I lost a lot of weight in a short period of time mainly because it killed my appetite so I ate very little. No other negative side effects but I have heard it can make you sick and be very addictive if taken for a long time.
  • nic_sim
    nic_sim Posts: 1
    I have been on Phentermine (Adipex) for 7 weeks now. I have lost 25 pounds and it does control my appetite. The dry mouth is hard to deal with, but it does make you drink a lot of water. Other than that it has not affected me in any other way. I'm very happy with my results!! My doctor is monitoring my progress and said I could only be on it for 6 months. I wish you the best of luck!!
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    Hi all, So after losing 24 ponds on my own and hitting a major plateau my doctor suggested phentermine. This is my first time taking it, today. I want to note I am being closely monitored by my doctor. Please no hate messages. I was wanting to know if anyone has taking the drug and what there experience was like. Did you lose weight? How many calories did you try to eat? I Would love your input.
    First off CONGRATULATIONS on the 24 pound loss. I am 100lbs overweight and my doc put me on Phentermine along with a trainer at a gym. Although it did help with my eating and weight loss, heres what I found. I was eating 1200 calories a day and working out 3-5 times a week. I lost weight fast which was great BUT your body will get used to WHATEVER you do, be it drugs, calories, excersize. I gained all the weight back when I stopped and actually gained becasue without the pills, 1200 wasnt enough food. I have found that using MFP, eating smaller portions more often, increasing calories & water intake and excersize, I have had better results and even if I have an "off" week...I dont gain it all back. This is just MY experience and what works for me. Hope this helps. Best of luck
  • KristaPetraitis
    KristaPetraitis Posts: 38 Member
    Tried it several years ago. Lost weight but gained back after stopped using it. Also experienced severe dry mouth.

    ^^^ this. I lost 10 pounds in a month, but gained it all back over the course of 5 months or so after I stopped taking it. Plus it made me irritable. But it definitely suppressed my appetite. I ate hardly anything in a day. It worked, but definitely not the healthy way to go.
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    Honestly, my sister was on it for a few weeks, but didn't lose and she started having heart issues. I know you are doctor supervised, but please be careful. I looked at this drug too and the side effects didn't seem to be worth the benefits of it for me. Good luck with it, but please report any heart palpitations or issues to your doctor immediately if you have any side effects.

    Thank you for your concern, will do.

    I actually took it for a few months... not supervised by a doctor. I was also suffering from an eating disorder and liked the fact it suppressed my appetite even more. I dropped about 10 lbs on it within two months and will say it gave me CRAZY mood swings and made my hands shake.

    I hated the way it made me feel though. Constantly had my heart racing.

    But - to each their own - it may be a good way to kick start weight loss - just make sure you don't abuse it and hopefully not on it for to long. My mom took them for years and when she came off of them she gained back about 40% of her weight that she'd lost.
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    So what might the good ol' Doc suggest when your heart gives out because of these pills?
  • bethjennings29
    bethjennings29 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been off and on them for the last few years - they are still somewhat effective for me - I think they work great - watch out for some added anxiety, irritability and insomnia - if you can get past all that, they are a great diet aid - even it you just use them to get past your plateau or to jumpstart a diet program - they really work well - keep in mind though that at some point they will be fairly ineffecitve and you really do have to change your whole lifestyle and learn what to eat whether or not you are on the pills - this has been my biggest problem - i can definitely tell a difference in my desire food when I am not on them versus not on them - using the my fitness pal app has been a big help in losing weight even though the pills are pretty much not working for me anymore - hope my info and experience with them helps you - as far as their safety, like I said, I've been on and off them for several years now and besides the fact that they are not very effective for me anymore, I have not suffered any health problems - also, I have always taken the phentermine or name brand adipex - not the phen fen
  • Bdde
    Bdde Posts: 133 Member
    I totally agree everyone has tried a fad diet or pill once in their lives! I have found natural appetite suppressants like ground flax that i put a scoop of into my water bottle. I usually have it before my lunch so i feel full after I've eaten what i have to eat. You can friend me and maybe help each other out. :flowerforyou:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    In all seriousness, I don't understand why, if you're having success with eating less and exercising:

    1. Why you would want to take something like this and
    2. Why any doctor would think you need it.

    If you want to take it (and clearly you've made up your mind), then go for it. But I really just don't understand why.
  • future_runner
    future_runner Posts: 136 Member
    Ok I have to echo what others have been saying. You are ignoring your problem. You are a binge eater. If you constantly felt hungry, MAYBE this pill would help but I am not even sure about that. Binge eating isn't about hunger, it is an emotional thing. You may reduce your calorie intake while on it, but you will not solve your problem. Are you hungry when you binge eat at work? Probably not. The problem will be there pill or no pill, appetite or appetite. Until you address the problem and solve it, it will be there. You say you can keep it off, but maintenance is the hardest part of this. If you can keep it off, you can sure as hell get it off. I understand why this is so tempting, but its not your solution.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Locked! Sorry folks, its becoming a little judgmental in here ...And I think every angle has pretty much been covered.

    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
This discussion has been closed.