
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    jb:flowerforyou: thanks for the tip on the walnuts in the fridge I was already doing that but its good to here I was doing something right ha ha

    cathy01 :happy: fun times with the grandkids we have a couple like your little one too I keep telling their parents to rent space in the principles office they are gonna be there alot hee hee they are sooo cute though

    We just heard our newest grandaughter Gracie Mae will be here no later than this Saturday if Mom doesnt go into labor before then she will be induced on sat Hubby and I are so excited so we will be headed to Pasco Washington this weekend for sure if not sooner cant wait to see her beautiful little face

    Barbie :wink: thanks for sharing your insight its amazing how we get comfortable and start trying to justify the gain when we know what it is easy to fool our selves isnt it any way thanks for sharing your growth and the book recommendations love it
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member

    :laugh: anitasongs - I like pausing rather then menopausing, I think you have coined a new phrase, we can all just be pausing for a moment.

    :ohwell: djhobs - me too, I am forever writing what I think are masterpieces of inspiration and motivation and then I lose the post it just disappears. I blame it on my fat fingers. Or maybe the universe didnt see it as the masterpiece i did and saved MFPers from it.

    :smile: scompton54 - Good luck with the nano and rice. I have heard others have success with this so I hope you do too.

    :happy: barbie - The Happiness Project another book for me to look for. I am a bit of a book addict/hoarder. Bookcases are over loaded and have books piled in front of them. I have also become a little bit addicted to health magazines at the moment. If only I lived all the tips I read I would be the healthiest, fittest 52yo with the body of a supermodel. Ahem.. I'm not. Its a bit like all the cleaning products in my cupboard if i put them to use my house would sparkle. It doesn't. I'm too busy reading all the books.

    :flowerforyou: JipsyJudy - thanks for the info about the Surfshelf Treadmill Desk, I tried to order one but they don't ship to Australia. At least I know they are avvailable so i can try and hunt one down.

    :blushing: well since I got such a good report from the doctor i was so happy i came home and ate way too much for lunch. I am an emotional eater. Any emotion and i eat. But my worse offense is eating when I am tired. I was tired at 11.30am and should have taken a nap, but it seemed wrong to nap at that hour. next time I will take a nap to save me from myself.

    :drinker: Cheers to you all have a fabulous Tuesday.

    Tip sharing : Indulge in hand cream instead of late night snacking.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    no time to post.....watching DWTS :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: see you tomorrow
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Speaking of menopause. For those who have gone through it.....just how do you lose any weight? Everything slows down so much. I hear advertisments for medications that help but I don't want to go that route. I went through menopause 10 years ago. Any advice???
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi ladies

    Struggling at the moment as I would really just like to hide under the blankets and not get up. Since the argument with my son-in-law, I have been cut out from any contact with my grandtwins. Apparently they have been put into a nursery. I'm devestated - the babies have been everything to me since the day they were born. Add to that, my younger daughter has moved to Germany and I feel as though my world has fallen apart. My poor DH has had to put up with a lot of tears.

    I know that I just have to learn to adjust, but, wow - it's hard!

    Sorry to moan again. One day soon I will be more positive and will be able to contribute to the forum again.

    In the meantime, my love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Amanda I wish I knew how to make it all better. Might be worth talking to a counsellor or mediator. Perhaps your doctor could suggest someone you can talk too. We are here for you and it's good to share lows as well as highs. If I won lotto I would fly over there hug you and sit with you and hold your hand tight. Have faith it will work out.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Amanda: I am so sorry for you! I cannot imagine how you must feel. Hang in there and try to know that there is a way for this to work out...it just may take some time. I am sending good thoughts your way and hoping that there is a way for things to get better soon! :brokenheart: Take care!

    jellyfishjen: SO glad that you got the all clear!

    swissmiss: MENOpause: Yes, I certainly gained weight once I went through it and am still trying to shake off the remaining pounds. I think it is a time of adjustment and we all have to figure out what works best for us. Many here have lost LOTS of weight after menopause, so it CAN be done...just not the way we did when we were younger. RATS!!!:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    I think we have to build up some more muscle to increase our slowing metabolisms, so lots of ladies here are now lifting weights and finding it very effective! It also helps shift some of the places the weight likes to go as we age, which is a good thing!
    I have also found that I have to get my heart rate up pretty high a few times a week and have slowly started to jog a bit...something that I never thought I would WANT to do...let alone be able to do! This helps me to burn a lot of calories in less time but also boosts my calorie burn for the rest of that day.

    Bottom line: It CAN be done and there are lots of people who can share what works for them here.

    NSV: This weekend, I wore a new dress to the bridal shower for my future DIL that was very simple but very fitted...something I normally do not wear. I got so many compliments on the dress and how nice I looked...my DIL and future DIL and an old friend told me how thin I looked. No one has said THIN to me in quite some time. That felt awesome! :blushing:

    Off to get a quick run in with my 28 year old son before he takes me to airport for flight home! Hope I can keep up....or that he will slow down enough for his poor old Mom!!!:tongue::tongue: :tongue:

    Take care, Dear Ladies:heart: Kackie
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Amanda- Hugs to you. I have had my share of unfair heatbreaks in the past and we just have to find a way thru. I know you can do it and we are all here to listen to your vents and I know that nothing anyone says makes the hurt go away. Only you can work thru the hurt. I truly feel for you.

    Kackie - you are so right about muscles increase. We lose so much muscle as we age that we have to work to get it back. more muscle equals increased calorie burning power so we can help keep the weight from coming back. I have started a 3 daya week kettle bell workout and I already feel so much better.

    I wish I had more time for all the posts. Take care dear ladies.

    Robin, Bodi boy and Ritter bit in the PNW.
  • dbutorac
    dbutorac Posts: 120
    I turned 57 last month. I started this journey in January & have just about met my goal. I find sitting at my desk at work, I want food. I work 4 10 hours a day & the afternoon get so long. Good Luck.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Hi ladies

    Struggling at the moment as I would really just like to hide under the blankets and not get up. Since the argument with my son-in-law, I have been cut out from any contact with my grandtwins. Apparently they have been put into a nursery. I'm devestated - the babies have been everything to me since the day they were born. Add to that, my younger daughter has moved to Germany and I feel as though my world has fallen apart. My poor DH has had to put up with a lot of tears.

    I know that I just have to learn to adjust, but, wow - it's hard!

    Sorry to moan again. One day soon I will be more positive and will be able to contribute to the forum again.

    In the meantime, my love to you all.

    Amanda x

    I've never had grandchildren, but I think I can relate. When we moved here both my parents had just died, our son was stationed in Oregon and we left our daughter 700 miles away in Arkansas. My sanity was my great-nephew who was only 10 minutes away and about 9 months old at the time. I kept him every Thursday through the Summer into Fall while his mother, my niece, had a day out with her mother or just to run errands. I was grieving for all the losses in my life and my whole week began to revolve around him and what we would do together. It was quite a shock to my system when his grandmother, my SiL told his mom I was not a good influence and that I shouldn't be keeping him. I cried buckets of tears as it became apparent I wasn't to be trusted with him. Hubby was working lots, my own kids lived hundreds of miles way and I thought my life had ended. Depression enveloped me.

    I'm not saying it was easy, but it was about then that I discovered mfp and began my journey toward health. I used that lonely season to focus on me. I began to exercise, make healthy food choices and get regular massages. I took the dogs on long walks, wrote in my journal and prayed alot. I had to learn to refocus and trust God with the outcome. It still hurt, but I learned to forgive, cope and trust. Things did eventually work out.

    :flowerforyou: Its okay to cry and vent for a season. Just don't get stuck there! For now just focus on THIS hour and keep doing what you know is right. You know the truth about what really happened. Don't waste your energy rehearsing the problem. Do your best to find something to smile about, as hard as that may be.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    I got another room clean yesterday. Today is errand day. Thank goodness my doctor appointment is day after tomorrow!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi All, Happy Tuesday,

    Amanda- I'm glad you have us to vent to, we are all feeling for you and sending {{{hugs}}} your way. Hoping that time and your daughter will help work out the problems with your SIL.

    Heather- hoping that tomorrows Dr. Appt goes well and that he's able to find what's keeping your energy down.:flowerforyou:

    jen- so glad you are on the mend, take it slow and you will be back in full strength in no time.:drinker:

    Kackie- you are so right about the weights and building muscle....it's hard work but I'm sure it will be worth it:happy:

    Robin - 3 days a week on the Kettle bells...that's my goal too:drinker: I'm thinking I'll take some pictures so I can see if there is any difference...hoping there is:wink:

    Michele- I don't know what all those places would do if you didn't bring your excess baking to them...do any of them know that you are giving it to them to keep yourself away from it:laugh: ....I'm sure your muffin top will be gone in no time with all the exercise you do...you will be burning it off before you know it:drinker:

    Hubby had finished out taxes on Friday and since he didn't work for most of last year we are getting just about everything back, it sure will come in handy as we continue to shuffle along on his unemployment and what little my job brings in. One of these days the realtor is going to call and say she has an offer on my parents home and that will be one very happy day:bigsmile:

    I must get going everyone have a good day, eating & logging the healthy choices we make, drinking plenty of water:drinker: and moving our bodies.

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Amanda....I'm sending you a big hug. Hold on. You have amazing strength and you will get through this. I hope the situation resolves quickly with a positive outcome.

    The sun is shining...its a beautiful day here in RI. I have a pile of nice clothes I will bring to the Donate Shop on my way to meet some friends for lunch. We don't have yoga classes this week so it is a different schedule for me. I plan to get a nice walk in with my two "god-dogs" (my godchild's dog that I baby sit for!!) this afternoon and then I have my Weight Loss Challenge tonight.

    Enjoy the day!
  • MimawP
    MimawP Posts: 9
    Hi all; I'm back at it ... joined MFP a few years ago and loved the support. The usual life happenings took control and now I've been struggling lately and it only took me weeks to figure out what's missing ... MFP!!! Anyway, I'd love to join in with this group. I turned 50 last month and became a grandmother for the 1st time just this past January. She is AMAZING if I do say so myself :love: I need to get back on track so I can keep up with her. Here I go again ... I'm kind of excited to be back. I'm at work right now but will be reading through the posts tonight when I get home. I'm hoping to friend request some people or you can friend request me if you would like. Thanks and take care of you :happy:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Amanda,sending you hugs,during this difficult time.
    The weather is sunny today in the 50`s.
    Pt is going well.Tolerating more with less pain.Goal is do get to walk more without flareups.Got to walk 10 min in the deep end of pool and walked 1 lap .Sounds like not much,but to be able to do that is a lot from doing barely anything.
    See the ortho dr in 2 weeks and should be released from him.Pt should end soon.
    Hope everyone is enjoying their day.
    Welcome to the new ones and any one struggling,one day at a time.You can do it!!!
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    Lol menopausing I meant!
    LOL!! we pretty much are pausing. Me pausing to catch my breath, Me pausing to take a look at that wrinkle that wasn't there yesterday, me pausing to see how far I can suck my gut in to look like I did at one time. I could go on and on but I won't.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Everyone:

    Hope your Tuesday is going well. I am trying to see if I can sneak my time in at work because when I get home, I get so busy packing these days and organizing that I am forgetting to sign on and I don't want to lose my time - again :angry:

    Anitasongs - I loved your "me pause" - that is what is actually is, in fact, when we go into menopause, it is a "pause" phase, isn't it? Our lives, our relationships, our weight, it seems everything seems to go into a pause and we need to kick start just about everything around us :laugh:

    Michele - I have no idea how you can stay so much on track when you do all this wonderful baking that you do, you are amazing; I know you give a good deal of it away, but still :drinker:

    fitz1191 - Yes, I think my little grandson, Jayse is going to be giving the schools a run for their money :happy: I hope your new little grandbaby arrives soon and safely :flowerforyou:

    jellyfishjen - So glad to hear you are getting better :smile:

    Amanda - Again, overseas (((Hugs))) being sent to you. I have a feeling that this will work out, as most dark periods in our lives do, but the thing is, you ARE in that dark period and need help now to get out of it. Is there anyone there that you can rely on or talk to? I feel badly when families are in turmoil; my own was in terrible turmoil and remains so to this day - I have 2 sisters I have not spoken to in years and 1 brother who is now dead that I did not talk to for years before he died. So, turmoil in a family is terrible and causes horrible stress in your life, you need to address it, so I hope there is someone that you can talk to :flowerforyou:

    Kackie - Congrats on getting so many compliments; you have earned it :drinker:

    Sally - Good luck with your weight loss challenge :wink:

    Minawp - Welcome Back :smile:

    Jane - You are doing so well:wink:

    dafoots0911 - Thanks for my laugh out loud moment; I loved your post :laugh:

    I hope you all are okay and those that have been feeling badly are getting better. I hope none of you are affected by any of this severe weather seen on the tv.

    I put on a bit but am slowly losing again (what else is new??). Come hell or high water, one day I will make it to my goa :laugh:

    The house is beginning to look rather like a bomb went off with so many boxes everywhere; we almost have to make pathways through the boxes to get around, but such os the life, I guess until we move now :noway:

    Well, better go and not push my luck since I am at work :laugh:

    Talk to you later,

    Love, Cathy xx
  • reba62
    reba62 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello everyone. Not quite 50 yet but will be in December. I would love to be at my goal weight by then, but that might be pushing it. I am pretty down lately, joined here to hopefully find some like minded, positive influences. I look forward to "meeting" you all.
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Happy Tuesday to all of you to ! sorry I have not log on much. It seems . when I am at home there is so much to do. I haven't read all of the post yet , but just wanted you all know that I am still here , and working on my goals. it rained off and on all weekend and so the Grandkids and I had to settle with using the Wii. did some spring cleaning and that is about it. this is a new week and so go we go. hope you all are having a wonderful day !:smile:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone

    Just a quick post to let you know I'm still lurking. Still exercising at least 4 days a week (if only for 10 mins before going to work)

    :flowerforyou: Barb glad to hear from you again.

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet glad to hear from you too, hope things get better for you soon

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, sorry you are having family problems

    :flowerforyou: Barbiecat I think it was you who mentioned letting go of negative thoughts. I need to do that - with myself - I am so fed up at the moment I can't seem to do anything right at work and have made a few appointment mistakes. I have been beating myself up over these, with negative thoughts and lack of confidence in myself. I think hormones have a lot to do with my reaction to these criticisms, but tomorrow I am going to lose the negative thoughts about how useless I am and change them into positive thoughts. (Well I am going to try)

    :yawn: :yawn: so much for my early night!! Took a long time to catch up with all the posts, I really need to check in every day to keep up.

    Viv xx
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Welcoming in a very wet Wednesday. Torrential rain. Nice if you dont have to go out in it. I had to fast overnight for my diabeties test. I'm expecting good results even though I have had pneumonia. My last test was good and I was able to come off all medications. I always look forward to my breakfast so was happy to get home and be able to eat. Favourite brekkie at the moment, is porridge. I add extras like, flaxmeal, psyllium husk, lsa, wheatgerm, fruit, etc. and i have it with Soy milk. Yum.

    I enjoyed a slow 30 min walk on the treadmill last night. Hoping to do that again tonight. Although I am on standby to take my daughter her spare key, she locked herself out of her unit. She is trying to get on to her neighbour who also has a spare key. They both work multiple jobs to be able to afford to live in the city, so sometimes hard to meet up with each other. (1 hr travel for me)

    I have lunch today with 2 girlfriends we try to meet every 6 weeks. We take turns choosing restaurants. Todays choice is not going to be easy for me. I will enjoy the food and the company and there is always tomorrow.

    :heart: I remember reading in one of the posts here something about the health benefits of Walnuts. I can't find the post now. Can someone remind me what it was about. Maybe its for memory, I need that.:laugh:

    Cheers Jenni