Exercises you HATE



  • ryn013
    ryn013 Posts: 116
    I have a love hate relationship with running. Even though I do track... :ohwell:
    I'm a thrower though haha so I mostly lift weights.
    But omg I CAN'T STAND burpees!!
    I guess that means I've gotta work on it until it's my strong suit.
  • SUSIE091
    SUSIE091 Posts: 42 Member
    Lunges !! my Balance is rubbish lol !!
  • rjo921
    rjo921 Posts: 130
    jumping jacks for 30day shred...screw jillian - she may know some 400 pound people who do them but my knees just wont ...

    I was thinking the same thing!

    Yep....I agree! Jumping jacks and jump rope....CURSE JILLIAN AND BOB FOR MAKING US DO THEM!!!!!
  • ChickPea89
    ChickPea89 Posts: 31 Member
    Flutter kicks, walk it out push ups and squats :(
  • IslandDer
    IslandDer Posts: 27
    Lunges...with a passion! :explode:

    This. 100%. Don't like squats much either. btw - love your profile pic!
  • stellaskies
    stellaskies Posts: 161 Member
    Yoga. What a borefest. I've never been flexible and it's all about bending into these dumb positions and my body is like "nothnx".
  • Skeels
    Skeels Posts: 929 Member
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,641 Member
    I hate to do burpees, I do them but hate them.
  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    I freaking HATE jumping jacks. hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE them!

    I wish the treadmill would nice. Its soo much harder to run on the treadmill than outside!
  • rcates2424
    rcates2424 Posts: 208
    Squats and lawn mowers
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Pushups!! Even if I COULD get my kegger off of the floor, I'd still hate them! D:<
  • Running!!! I'll never get the hang of it. Always feels like my lungs are going to explode!
  • Absolutely DREAD plyometrics...it's sheer torture
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    jumping jacks for 30day shred...screw jillian - she may know some 400 pound people who do them but my knees just wont ...

    Maybe you could substitute what I call the "Zumba jack". In some of the Zumba DVDs they do this thing where your arms go up and down as in a jumping jack, but instead of jumping you squat just a little when your arms go down and raise when they go up, all the while shaking your booty. It's really pretty fun and gets your hear a-pumping for sure!
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    planks and crunches :grumble:
  • twinings_
    twinings_ Posts: 8 Member
    Cross training & ski machine!

    I can barely do 2 mins on each before collapsing!!

    I enjoy running & rowing though so stick to those :)
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    Lunges...with a passion! :explode:

    This. 100%. Don't like squats much either. btw - love your profile pic!

    A lot of people hate lunges and I love them. Maybe I'm doing them wrong? Why are they so hated?
  • x__abbi__x
    x__abbi__x Posts: 97 Member
    jumping jacks for 30day shred...screw jillian - she may know some 400 pound people who do them but my knees just wont ...

    I love this!
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    I hate all exercise. I do it only beause I have to in order to get the body I want.

    same. not a person who "loves" to workout at all. if i didn't need to workout to be healthy and maintain/lose weight then i wouldn't do it!
  • joankpoirier
    joankpoirier Posts: 281 Member
    Plyometrics.. It's just HARD!!! but love the results...