Paleo Diet?



  • TeutonicKnight
    TeutonicKnight Posts: 367 Member
    I did it for Lent last year and lost 27lbs. I felt amazing and am planning on doing it again. Not to lose weight, but for the energy increase. Also, I did not eat fruit during it and it still was beneficial. It also lowered my cholesterol from 191 to 176 in 40 days.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Anyway, my personal beliefs are that there aren't 'good' or 'bad' foods. There are only correct or incorrect usage and dosage. The paleo designers claim certain 'bad' foods cannot be eaten without weight gain despite the calorie amount.

    LOL I agree. My personal belief is that processed food should be ingested in 0 doses and natural unprocessed food taken in whatever doses that provides the right amount of calories and nutrients.

    So you don't use oils, butters, bacon or anything like that?
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    I often feel that people hear processed foods and thing things like Pop Tarts or other severly processed foods. With paleo diet its more strict than that. Flour, whole wheats, milk, and basic things that benefit the body are also considered processed. Some people have success cutting this out, some people do not. Women really need to tread lightly as our bodies needs calcium and they are used to getting it from dairy products. Basically anything that was not readily edible by cavemen is not on this diet. NOT all fruits and veggies are allowed as some need to be cooked in ways that were not available back in this pre-historic times and thus were considered inedible. My friend lives by this diet and I do love how much bacon she can eat....she feels healthier, but she surely has not lost any weight!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Does anyone have research on matched diets keeping calories and macros identical but one diet has all paleo approved foods and one includes a mixture of both, that shows the Paleo diet leads to significantly better outcomes?
  • _kimberly
    _kimberly Posts: 57 Member
    I like a blend of Nutritarian and Paleo, but I don't follow anything 100% strict, no diet dogma here! I've noticed that there are ever so slight variances in the definition of Paleo from different websites and books I've quickly glanced over.

    I recently read, "The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet" by Robb Wolf, it's a quick enjoyable read. I've incorporated some of the principles from this book, but not 100%. Same with Dr. Joel Fuhrman's book, Eat To Live, I've incorporated some of his concepts as well.

    I say read up on it, and incorporate what works best for you. Good luck!
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    My question is what kind of dry food do Paleo people feed their dogs?
  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    This is going to turn into an ideology battle where people are just repeating what they believe or think they know and not really learning anything new, so...

    Do your research somewhere other than MFP... try it for a month or so (to allow your gut to heal if needed)... see how YOU feel... decide if you want to continue.

    As stated above it's more of a lifestyle and not meant to be a quick weight loss tool, but for some the weight losss just naturally happens, especially if their diet was shoddy before.
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    Does anyone have research on matched diets keeping calories and macros identical but one diet has all paleo approved foods and one includes a mixture of both, that shows the Paleo diet leads to significantly better outcomes?

    I doubt it. However, there are tons of success stories on all fronts. Maybe if you analyze their diets, exercise, physiology, and results over time, you could report back for us?
  • ashleygonzalez1
    We slowly removed processed foods from our diet, including butter. We kept EVOO for its healthy fats and I use an organic vegetable protein powder for my morning shake. I personally cut gluten (sensitive), yeast (allergic), soy, eggs (sensitive), corn (allergic), dairy (sensitive) and peanuts from my diet. The first thing I noticed was my skin immediately cleared up. Then my blood sugar was finally below 99 in the mornings. My husband had a rash the dermatologist had been treating him for that cleared up. His face cleared up. Neither of us have issues with gas/bloating any more. A typical meal will consist of 6-8 oz of lean protein, 2 servings of a non-starchy vegetable, 1 serving of a cruciferous vegetable, 1 serving of a high fiber carb, 1 serving of a healthy fat. This has become our natural way of eating. We don't even think about it as a diet anymore. The health benefits have out-weighed the weight loss. I'm down 27 pounds and he's down nearly 20. Our 11 year old daughter is focusing better so it's making a marked improvement in her ADHD diagnosis and has GAINED weight, which we struggle with for her.

    We get calcium from the vegetables we eat in addition to almond or coconut milk. And listen, a healthy food can quickly become very unhealthy when you overeat, so everything is done in moderation. That's life.

    Yesterday's meal: BF - protein shake with strawberries, greens powder (I choose to use greens powder for the convenience) and 8 oz of coconut milk, and almond butter. Lunch - brown rice wrap with chicken and mixed baby greens, olive oil & vinegar; brussel sprouts, cucumbers and a few grapes. Snack - almonds (after the gym). Dinner - lean pork chop, baked kale, sugar snap beans and black beans.
  • fieldsy4life


    99% of the overweight population will benefit just counting calories and going to the gym. Most people hear about a new diet, like Paleo, that becomes a fad, and think it's an easy way out.

    I don't eat "primal" for weight loss - I do it because I truly feel better. If you wanna eat Olive Garden and drink Natty Ice then be my guest haha.

    Sorry for ranting but this thread comes up once a day and the same people respond to it. Getting old fast. If you wanna look sexy then don't eat **** and work hard. If you think eating almonds and grass fed beef all day is the secret to a 6-pack then go for it haha.

    I encourage anyone to message me if they want to take this offline.

    Yes, that is my real back in my avatar.
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    So you don't use oils, butters, bacon or anything like that?

    So... do you peel your bananas, pineapples, or butcher your meats? Seriously, that is a straw-man argument.
  • AJDistel
    AJDistel Posts: 93
    I often feel that people hear processed foods and thing things like Pop Tarts or other severly processed foods. With paleo diet its more strict than that. Flour, whole wheats, milk, and basic things that benefit the body are also considered processed. Some people have success cutting this out, some people do not. Women really need to tread lightly as our bodies needs calcium and they are used to getting it from dairy products. Basically anything that was not readily edible by cavemen is not on this diet. NOT all fruits and veggies are allowed as some need to be cooked in ways that were not available back in this pre-historic times and thus were considered inedible. My friend lives by this diet and I do love how much bacon she can eat....she feels healthier, but she surely has not lost any weight!

    There are other ways of getting calcium other than dairy products. Almond milk just as much if not more than dairy milk. It's about researching and being creative with your eating. Finding the nutrient content in the foods you may eat will help a person find ways of getting the nutrients they lack. You can also supplement. There are very few veggies and fruit off limits. Some are to be used sparingly if you want to lose weight.

    Some people may lose weight on this program and others may not. Everyone is different. Not everything works for everyone. I have been on it and consistently losing weight. Typically 1-2 lbs a week and I feel great.

    If you want to know good information check out this site.
  • lg3703
    lg3703 Posts: 190
    Oh my... well I think you should find a lifestyle, not diet, rhat works for YOU. I "eat for my type" aka the blood type diet and I feel wonderful! It works for ME. Good luck!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    So you don't use oils, butters, bacon or anything like that?

    So... do you peel your bananas, pineapples, or butcher your meats? Seriously, that is a straw-man argument.

    How is it a strawman argument, oils aren't processed? Butter is just found laying around in nature?
  • weathergirl320
    Does anyone have research on matched diets keeping calories and macros identical but one diet has all paleo approved foods and one includes a mixture of both, that shows the Paleo diet leads to significantly better outcomes?

    I know its not what you are asking for but I did this myself. Did everything by the book and didn't lose a pound. Switched to "paleo" weight fell off. HOWEVER I also have hormonal imbalances. That is what could have been preventing my weight loss while on a traditional calorie counting diet. So althouh its not a study and it is purely anecdotal, I have seen first hand the benefits in my life. And I also believe more people have hormonal issues like the ones I had than we think. And many are undiagnosed. So when I see someone struggling to lose weight while counting calories, I offer them info on the paleo diet because it can make a differeence depending on that persons hormones.
  • ebonaba
    ebonaba Posts: 1 Member
    I eat a paleo style diet. I pick and choose from it what I want. No one said you had to do it 100%. I cut out wheat and grains and milk and when I do, the fat seems to melt off my body quickly compared to when I try and eat wheat and grains and cut back on calories.

    I used to be a big calorie counter but since I cut out grains, I don't need to count calories because eating no wheat or grains means you are eating lower calorie meals as a side effect. My meals consist of about 400-600 calories and I don't feel hungry because I focus on eating more healthy fats and proteins whereas before, I would try and eat low fat products but get in my grains. Staying away from fat for me lead me to eat more. Now that I am not afraid of fat, and eat the proper ones, I seem to be losing more weight than ever before.

    I eat about 60-80 carbs a day from vegetables, sometimes fruit and dairy. Because I eat so many vegetables now I get most of my nutrients like calcium from eating. I do track what I am eating for the nutrient content and carb total and adjust my food so that I get the most bang for my buck.

    I feel great, have more energy (especially after a meal) and I am not bloated, like I was when I was eating grains. I lose about 1.5 lbs a week as well and I only work out 2 times a week (bootcamp) and walk my dog everyday at a good pace.

    Do what works for you. No one has the ultimate answer. It's your body, just listen to it and see how it responds to things you try.
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    I like a blend of Nutritarian and Paleo, but I don't follow anything 100% strict, no diet dogma here! I've noticed that there are ever so slight variances in the definition of Paleo from different websites and books I've quickly glanced over.

    I recently read, "The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet" by Robb Wolf, it's a quick enjoyable read. I've incorporated some of the principles from this book, but not 100%. Same with Dr. Joel Fuhrman's book, Eat To Live, I've incorporated some of his concepts as well.

    I say read up on it, and incorporate what works best for you. Good luck!

    This is a money response, love it.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Does anyone have research on matched diets keeping calories and macros identical but one diet has all paleo approved foods and one includes a mixture of both, that shows the Paleo diet leads to significantly better outcomes?

    I know its not what you are asking for but I did this myself. Did everything by the book and didn't lose a pound. Switched to "paleo" weight fell off. HOWEVER I also have hormonal imbalances. That is what could have been preventing my weight loss while on a traditional calorie counting diet. So althouh its not a study and it is purely anecdotal, I have seen first hand the benefits in my life. And I also believe more people have hormonal issues like the ones I had than we think. And many are undiagnosed. So when I see someone struggling to lose weight while counting calories, I offer them info on the paleo diet because it can make a differeence depending on that persons hormones.

    No doubt if you have specific intolerances to things, it's obviously a good idea to cut them out. But for people that don't, are their significant benefits to doing so?
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    It focuses on whole foods, minimally processed. It eliminates gluten because some people are intolerant. You don't really realize you're intolerant until you get rid of it for a while (about a month) and then try to reintroduce it into your diet only to realize how bloated it makes you feel. It eliminates dairy for some of the same reasons. I am slightly gluten intolerant, a severe bread, pasta, and cheese binger so eliminating those foods has really eliminated my source of overeating. You're generally eating more nutrient dense foods as opposed to calorie dense foods so it reduces the likelihood that you will over consume calories. Most people lose weight when they switch to this style of eating because they are consuming a larger volume of food while still eating at a deficit.

    I've followed the basics of it off and on for the past three years. I don't agree with the good carb/bad carb ideology that some of the main supporters of paleo/primal have, Sisson, Cordain, etc. Most people will agree with the benefits of a minimally processed, whole foods diet... they just don't like the extremism of completely eliminating foods based on sketchy scientific studies. I honestly can't blame them.

    I've switched over to more of a "if it fits in my macros" approach. I've learned how crappy gluten makes me feel as well as eating highly processed foods (fast food, junk food, etc.). I went a little crazy during the first couple weeks but now I think I'm starting to learn this moderation thing pretty well. I still eat mostly a minimally processed diet, limited gluten, limited dairy, but if I want a beer, I drink one... or two, or three :D, if I want a slice of cheese, I eat it, if I want some ice cream, I eat it. In moderation.