How Often Do You Step on the Scale?



  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    I can answer that in one word - daily. I just don't post it if it hasn't moved. LOL
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    At least once a day
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    Once a month. Once a week is fine, but really no reason to weigh more often than that.
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    I'm horrible and weigh myself daily. It's just a habit i can't break. But i don't record it until Friday.
  • 2wiceOver
    2wiceOver Posts: 38
    Daily after my morning workout (yes I work out every day if possible). This way I can see my progress and how good/bad eating has affected me over short periods of time.
  • Irnwkr392
    Once a week for he official MFP weigh in but I catch my self doing it every other to record it on here Every sunday morning before any food because if you eat first you will weigh more !
  • careyayn22
    Every day in the morning after my "daily."

    I need the daily routine. It has helped me to understand how my weight works, how my cycle affects it, how certain choices affect it. SOmetimes it gets me down, but I think it would be worse if I did it weekly only and then happened upon one of my wild shift days---in either direction.
  • jaharrison763
    jaharrison763 Posts: 99 Member
    Once a month because I lose soooo slow! If I check more than that, it feels like I'm spinning my wheels. :)
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I thought I was being crazy weighing every morning....glad to know there are more like me out there :)

    Nope. There are plenty of us.

    But you have to be able to accept the fact that your weight WILL vary every day. Sometimes you'll go up, sometimes down by more than you know is possible. Many people really take the number very seriously, and aren't really emotionally equipped to handle a daily weigh-in. That's OK - there's nothing wrong with what works for each person.

    I (as another poster already said) use the information, understanding it's not terribly reliable due to the foibles of the average cheap bathroom scale I have, to assess what I've eaten the previous day. I always know that going out will lead to a sodium-induced weight gain the next day, for example, so I can ignore that spike because I know where it came from.
  • lindaamarie
    lindaamarie Posts: 114
    I weight myself everyday just because I'm curious as to what my weight is but I only record the weight once a week. The same day at the same time wearing the same clothes, that way its consistent.
  • gamehen2
    gamehen2 Posts: 45 Member
    First thing every morning right after I pee. It keeps me mindful of what my goals are.
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    Every morning...naked...after potty and before shower.:smile:

    BUT...I also step on the scale throughout the day when I'm home and right before bed. Don't ask...I don't know why! Fluctuations don't bother me in the least, so I'm good.:wink:
  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    Only when I go to the doctors. I judge my progress by how I look and measurements. For the longest time I wasn't losing any weight and it was very depressing, now I avoid weighing.
  • wattswarming
    wattswarming Posts: 9 Member
    Well I told myself I would only weigh in on Mondays but if I had a good week then I might weigh in more! If I had a bad week then I behave really well and might get on once more to make sure I'm going in the right direction.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    I weigh daily in the morning. I only record on Sundays though. One week I had a dramatic loss on Sunday and didn't trust it, so I waited until Monday and looked again and it was back in line with what I would have expected. Not sure what caused the weird fluctuation, but I weigh daily now primarily so I actually have faith in what it says come Sunday.
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    Part of me thinks I should weigh myself every day and the other says to only do it on my weigh-in days. What is the reasoning behind your weigh-ins?

    Once a day, first thing in the morning @ Basic Empty Weight. :D I weigh daily because I want to see the trend and even the ups and downs. This gives me some idea of how my body responds to the food I eat, calories, etc. Yes it can get frustrating, but I tend to not worry too much. I focus on the trend line.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Sunday morning.
    It helps me watch what I eat on Friday and Saturday to know "the reckoning" is Sunday morning.
    I only weigh once a week because the scale makes me crazy. If I gain weight i want to comfort myself with food, but if I lose weight I want to reward myself with food. Sunday is the day I'm most likely to eat out or go over a bit or work in a treat, (such as a scone for breakfast).
  • AndreaRose140
    I spoke with a personal trainer about this b/c I was seeing different numbers on the scale when I weighed my self in the AM verses at work for the biggest loser competition. She said during the day our weight will flexuate 3-4 lbs and that we are at our heaviest at 7pm.
  • downhomechik
    Weighing in was a downer for me. Because if I did not see the scale moving or saw my weight go up a pound or two it was demotivating. Why am I working so hard and nothing is happening. That is not always the case. So now every Sunday morning I measure my waist above and below the belly button, measure my hips, measure my thighs etc... I write it down in a little notebook I am keeping. Talk about motivating!!! My scale was not moving that much but I was on average losing a half inch a week. Sunday's suddenly became fun and I found myself working out even harder on Friday and Saturday's because I knew measure day was coming. To me much better than weighing. Now that I am down 3 1/2 inches I allowed myself to weigh and found I had dropped 9 pounds. But I also know I have gained muscle. So my weight did not mean much. Measuring is much better. Just my opinion coming from someone that does not like looking at the scale. :)

    I've decided to go this route as well!!!
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    I only record my weight once a week for the most part but I probably step on the scale atleast 5 times per day. I'm a lunatic.