
I am going way over on sugar everyday. Yes, somedays I haven't made the best choices but even on days that I'm doing pretty well on eating fruits, veggies and protein I'm going over. I've also GAINED 3 pounds since I started trying to lose weight by exercising and watching what I eat. Any advice? Do you think it could be because I'm going over on sugar?


  • Momyontherun
    Momyontherun Posts: 8 Member
    when you figure it out let me know...i am in the same boat. It is CRAAZZYY that EVERYTHING we eat has some amount of sugar.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    Are you counting calories?
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    Are you taking into account what you're drinking? I found out the hard way that a lot of fruit juices etc are EXCEPTIONALLY high in sugar.
  • ButterScuttles
    Are you eating veggies by themselves or with dressings and dips? Those might add to it.

    Many fruits have a lot of sugar in them; that could be causing you to go over. The body processes sugar the same way, whether it comes from fruit or a candy bar.

    You might be gaining weight from gaining muscle while working out... maybe? Have you changed your diet drastically/suddenly recently? Your body could just be going through an adjustment period. Mine did that when I first started going vegetarian and adding a lot more veggies into my diet than I was used to!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I am VERY sugar sensitive. Yes, it is absolutely possible. If I don't track my sugar religiously, I cannot lose weight to save my life! I'm a tax accountant and the last few weeks have been hell on my sugar intake/waistline! LOL I usually shoot for not going over for the week by more than 50gs.

    And YES sugar in fruits counts! Your body cannot tell the difference between sugar in a donut and sugar in a banana. (but your tongue sure can... Mmmmmmmm Chocolate!)
  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    :drinker: i just looked at your diary, if that is correct, on the days you are logging, you are not eating enough. 1000 cals? plus you are exercising? eat more. quit worrying about sugar. figure out how much you burn in cals per day, 2100 cals? 2500 cals? 1800 cals? then eat less than that. but not to the point that you are starving and your body starts holding unto every last morsel because it thinks you are never gonna eat again. body is smart, it's always in "survival mode". you know what is a great example of that? get *kitten* faced drunk and then see what happens... you throw up. you know why? cause your body is rejecting all the alcohol and knows it needs to get rid of it, quick. cheers!
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    According to my personal research, you only need to worry about ADDED sugars, as in processed foods where they mix the sugar in to it. Fruits have alot of natural sugar in them, but they shouldn't count towards your sugars goal.

    So now I don't include the sugars in anything that doesn't come in a package.

    If you are REALLY eating at a defecit, the only thing that can make you "gain" weight is sodium, and that is really just retaining water anyway, not really weight. It doesn't matter WHAT you are eating to lose weight, just how many cals it is. Doesn't matter what those cals are.

    You are probably not seeing any weight loss because you aren't logging everything. The system only works if you are diligent. :huh:

    You HAVE to log every day, every thing, and stay under your goal. One bad meal, much less one bad day, can be more calories that you are supposed to eat in a day.

    It's not the system's fault if you aren't even following it.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    If you are REALLY eating at a defecit, the only thing that can make you "gain" weight is sodium, and that is really just retaining water anyway, not really weight. It doesn't matter WHAT you are eating to lose weight, just how many cals it is. Doesn't matter what those cals are.

    You are probably not seeing any weight loss because you aren't logging everything. The system only works if you are diligent. :huh:

    You HAVE to log every day, every thing, and stay under your goal. One bad meal, much less one bad day, can be more calories that you are supposed to eat in a day.

    It's not the system's fault if you aren't even following it.

    Why are you so logical?! :mad:
  • whiwhite
    whiwhite Posts: 3 Member
    Yes and I understand I haven't logged everyday, but before I started this last week I have done weight watchers for years. I did really well on it for a while and recently started to see weight gain. I was just curious if maybe the sugar was my issue.
  • hatrammell
    According to my personal research, you only need to worry about ADDED sugars, as in processed foods where they mix the sugar in to it. Fruits have alot of natural sugar in them, but they shouldn't count towards your sugars goal.

    So now I don't include the sugars in anything that doesn't come in a package.

    If you are REALLY eating at a defecit, the only thing that can make you "gain" weight is sodium, and that is really just retaining water anyway, not really weight. It doesn't matter WHAT you are eating to lose weight, just how many cals it is. Doesn't matter what those cals are.

    You are probably not seeing any weight loss because you aren't logging everything. The system only works if you are diligent. :huh:

    You HAVE to log every day, every thing, and stay under your goal. One bad meal, much less one bad day, can be more calories that you are supposed to eat in a day.

    It's not the system's fault if you aren't even following it.

    How can she NOT be following the system, if she JUST said, she was going over... how would she know if she was going over if she log it... rude..... and YES, it does matter what you eat... Like avacados, they have fat, but they have the good fat that helps your body STORE fat in the right may have the same amount of calories as something else, but what would you rather eat.... calories aren't everything...and if you can't give good advice, don't get on here and argue.

  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member

    How can she NOT be following the system, if she JUST said, she was going over... how would she know if she was going over if she log it... rude..... and YES, it does matter what you eat... Like avacados, they have fat, but they have the good fat that helps your body STORE fat in the right may have the same amount of calories as something else, but what would you rather eat.... calories aren't everything...and if you can't give good advice, don't get on here and argue.


    She is not logging consistently. Look at her diary. Not logging = not following the system. That is what I was referring to.

    And "avacados storing fat in the right places"....sorry but that sounds very made up.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Yes and I understand I haven't logged everyday, but before I started this last week I have done weight watchers for years. I did really well on it for a while and recently started to see weight gain. I was just curious if maybe the sugar was my issue.

    Calories is the issue m'dear. Pounds are made of calories. This is alot of my beef with WW, they don't track every calorie, they give you "free points" in fruits which tricks you indo overindulging in them (at 100 cals a pop, that adds up QUICKLY)....WW is great for learning to eat healthy, but not the best for a scientific weight loss approach like MFP.

    Sugar isn't the issue. Calories are. And you probably won't see much chang ein the scale for at least two or three weeks, so just be patient and DILIGENT. :flowerforyou:
  • SweetDorothySweat
    SweetDorothySweat Posts: 114 Member
    Yes, it most likely is because you are going over on sugar. While dieting, you should only eat blackberries, blueberries, rasberries, and dewberries. NO other fruits, and only one serving of those a day. Try to stay under 30 grams of sugar a day. No fruit juice, and especially no dried fruit, as it has more sugar than fresh fruit, without the nutritional benefits. I weighed 180 after having my daughter, and I am now counting calories to maintain weight at 115 and possibly even put on weight, as I keep slipping under the healthy range. I can tell you from experience, that sugar will make you fat, and try consume 40%carbs 40%protein and 20%fat per day, customize your profile to that and you will see a change. Good luck!
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    While dieting, you should only eat blackberries, blueberries, rasberries, and dewberries. NO other fruits, and only one serving of those a day. Try to stay under 30 grams of sugar a day. No fruit juice, and especially no dried fruit, as it has more sugar than fresh fruit, without the nutritional benefits. I weighed 180 after having my daughter, and I am now counting calories to maintain weight at 115 and possibly even put on weight, as I keep slipping under the healthy range. I can tell you from experience, that sugar will make you fat, and try consume 40%carbs 40%protein and 20%fat per day, customize your profile to that and you will see a change. Good luck!

    There is absolutely NO scientific evidence to back up your claime that only certain fruits are ok and others are unacceptable.
    Added sugars are the only problem, with processed foods as far as 30gs sugar daily goal.

    I hope you are aware that sugar is a carb as well.
  • whiwhite
    whiwhite Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the advice!
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    That is as ignorant of advice as it gets. Go read a book and you will find out that WHAT you eat is MAINLY what matters. If you consume 1000 calories of carbs and sugar everyday you will be fat, but if you consume 2500 calories of lean meats, veggies, and good carbs like quinox, then you will be fit.

    Proteins are important for muscle health. But that is a seperate conversation from straight weight loss, which was the original topic.

    The whole "good carb vs bad carb" thing is a rather outdated myth. And once again, SUGAR IS A CARB.

    And 2,500 calories, that is A TON of calories!!! I would venture to guess MOST people, espiecally women, would gain weight at that intake unless the exercised it off like a mo' fo', REGARDLESS of what kind of foods they ate.

    Fat is made out of CALORIES, not sugar.
    ANY kind of calorie, be it black, white, yellow, etc. Fat does not discriminate. :happy:
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    Sugar from whole fresh fruit doesn't really count.
  • SweetDorothySweat
    SweetDorothySweat Posts: 114 Member
    I said those berries BECAUSE they are all low in sugar, they are better because you are consuming less sugar. And there is indeed evidence that some carbs are healthier than others. Believe what you like, but a personal trainer taught me what I know about fitness and helped me to lose 65 pounds in the last 7.5 months. I currently eat 2200 healthy calories a day, and do 4 30 minute high intensity workouts a week to maintain my weight and keep building muscle. Good luck and goodbye. Never again will I try to help anyone on a MFP forum again.
  • Deniserboyd
    I am having the same problem with the sugar and as we all know SUGAR is our #1 enemy. Check out they give you good information regarding sugar. Check out their video.
  • SweetDorothySweat
    SweetDorothySweat Posts: 114 Member
    Beyond diet is the site I use also, it is great and very informational. It is all about eating clean.