5 ft 8 Girls whats your Goal Weightt



  • 110.

    My skeleton weighs more than 110, so I'm going for something more like 140.
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 599 Member
    5'8'' started at 262 now at 202.4 got down to 185 at one point and I liked me there but I would like 150-160 (I think).
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    I started at 260 lbs and my goal was 160. When I hit that I still felt heavy so I set my goal weight down to 140 and I found that it's a really nice number for me.
  • jgriffin88
    jgriffin88 Posts: 41 Member
    My goal is set for 140 right now. I really just want to lose 10 inches around my waist. I suppose that would put my goal weight at around 130 - 135. I'll just have to wait and see. I am more interested in losing the inches and not the pounds.
  • It's harder being taller than most women that I see on a daily basis. I have a very skewed body image of what I THINK I should look like and it's just taken me awhile to realize that no matter how much weight I lose, I should not, nor will I ever be a size 0 or a size 2 because that's just not my body structure. The number I see on the scale will never be what I THINK it should be, but being healthy is ultimately what it comes down to, and healthy for me I think would be 145? Somewhere around there.
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    Hi ....
    >> excellent topic <<

    My short term goal is 199lbs (by beginning of September)

    My medium term goal is 140lbs (by beginning of April 2013)

    My long term / maintenance goal is 135-140lbs (My weight fluctuates according to proximity to mealtimes, TOM, time of day, exercise done that week etc)

    I have a medium frame and a pear shape.
  • CrazyCatLadee2
    CrazyCatLadee2 Posts: 65 Member
    I am aiming for between 165 and 180. Highest: 275 Current: 220
  • raedlewis
    raedlewis Posts: 38 Member
    I'm almost 5'9" with a very large frame. Ideally probably, 165, but honestly I'd be happy in the 170's or 180's I think.
  • I would like to hit 165 - but have been hitting the wall of 175 repeatedly for the last year. But I have not been below 200 since the mid 90's so I am happy now.
  • knuckleswife
    knuckleswife Posts: 32 Member
    I want to get down to 175, my top weight was 375 (275lbs now). My ultimate goal is to get under 190 and then have the excess skin removed which will get me to very close to my final weight of 175lbs. I am 5'8 with a large frame and I think that weight will look good on my frame. 4 lbs in four days... on my way!
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    I'm about 5 foot 8.75 (ha!)
    154 which I'm a pound away from (come on, tomorrow's weigh in!).
    This for me is a healthy, sustainable weight , makes me a uk size 12 and reflects the muscle I've also built.
  • lau444
    lau444 Posts: 120 Member
    SW: 336
    CW: 314
    GW: I have a strong, curvy build, so between 150-160 is ideal. But I'm honestly more concerned with my proportions than weight. As long as my waist is below 34", I'll be happy.
  • knay112
    knay112 Posts: 45 Member
    163lb at 5' 9"
    anything lower would be appreciated,
    but is not entirely necessary...
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    My goal weight is 170, but I really just want to be under 200!
    Me too! I can't wait to wave goodbye to the 200s!!! :)

    Me 3! :)

    I won't so much wave goodbye as boot them in the backside as they walk out the door :)
  • bsgkid
    bsgkid Posts: 72 Member
    I'm just under 5'8" and have my first goal set for 180. After that I will have to see how I feel. Good luck to you!!!

    Me too! I can't wrap my mind around anything more until I get close to that goal. I've always been big, so I can't envision myself smaller since I never have been there. I was 180 in elementary school. :embarassed:
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    It's harder being taller than most women that I see on a daily basis. I have a very skewed body image of what I THINK I should look like and it's just taken me awhile to realize that no matter how much weight I lose, I should not, nor will I ever be a size 0 or a size 2 because that's just not my body structure. The number I see on the scale will never be what I THINK it should be, but being healthy is ultimately what it comes down to, and healthy for me I think would be 145? Somewhere around there.

    Awwww...... >> massive hug <<

    At 5"8, I am not considered a giantess but when I went to Hong Kong, I felt like Godzilla among all those tiny petite girls. It was impossible for me to get clothes for women so I ended up buying men's clothes which the market traders thought was hilarious.

    I love being tall, I love long pairs of jeans, I love wearing heels (albeit not for very long) I love having legs that skirts do not look awkward on as they do for a few of my shorter friends. I love going into M&S and getting cords that are 'Long'. Do you know how many girls have said to me that 5"8 would be their ideal height? (even Kate Moss is only 5"7 - the squirt! :laugh: )

    Seriously, yours is a height that loads of women think of as the ideal. Walk tall and love it is my motto.

    So we will never be a size 0. So what? Let's leave those sizes to the small boned squirts, we will be tall and strong and proud (and me 85lbs smaller :)
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 180 Member
    My goal weight is 170, but I really just want to be under 200!
    Me too! I can't wait to wave goodbye to the 200s!!! :)

    Amen, sisters! LOL! At my highest i was 240 (back around November 2011). My goal is to be in healthy BMI range which is approx 160 lbs. I think the range starts at around 125 and i think that would be WAY too low for my 'big boned' frame. Ultimately, at 5'8", i think 150 would be good for me.

    Feel free to friend request me. I am always looks for similar friends on here. :)
  • Tajdancer
    Tajdancer Posts: 82 Member
    5'8", medium frame. Aiming for about 25% bodyfat, so right around 155 would be good.
  • Dawn3218
    Dawn3218 Posts: 80
    I'm 5' 7" and a bit. Currently 172lbs target is 145lbs (this was the weight my body was stable at for years without trying - Im hoping when I get back to it I'll be able to maintain easily).
  • sapphiretyger
    sapphiretyger Posts: 79 Member
    I am 5'9 and as I get older I find that I can't get "too thin" or I look gaunt and unhealthy. I feel I look best in the 170 - 180 range, as long as I am toned and have lean muscle mass.