Couch to 5K anyone?!? We start on monday!



  • @ dwnjjugalette - aw - that's a great story! Congrats on the weight loss. It is good to post your good days on here - I haven't had that many lately, so I'm living vicariously through yours. Trying to keep a positive mindset is probably my biggest hurdle in pretty much everything I do.

    Thanks for your support, and trust me, there have been quite a few really really bad days mixed in there. Keep your chin up, the best days come along when you least expect them to.
  • JNC87
    JNC87 Posts: 16
    I did the first day today and i made it without a problem!! im so happy with myself. I jogged at 4.8 and walked at 3.0 which im hopping is good. WAHOOOOOOOOOO
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Anyone else have pain on the sides of their legs, below the knee, when running? :ohwell:
  • laurajoyk
    laurajoyk Posts: 305
    Hey everyone! I hope its ok if I join this group. I have been wanting to do the couch to 5k, and am finally going to do it this evening. It would be nice to have the support!!
  • Good luck Laurajoyw! Let us know how it goes!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • laurajoyk
    laurajoyk Posts: 305
    Ok I know I just posted, but I just got in from doing my first workout for week one and holy cow!! I can't believe I did it without giving up!! :smile: I am so glad I made myself finish, I almost quit until I realized that I was on my last set! I'm feeling very proud of myself right now! I am not a runner at all, but after today I can't wait to be one! LOL
  • amylynne26
    amylynne26 Posts: 195 Member
    Ok I know I just posted, but I just got in from doing my first workout for week one and holy cow!! I can't believe I did it without giving up!! :smile: I am so glad I made myself finish, I almost quit until I realized that I was on my last set! I'm feeling very proud of myself right now! I am not a runner at all, but after today I can't wait to be one! LOL
    Congratulations!!!! :flowerforyou: it is the best kind of addiction! :laugh:
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Ok I know I just posted, but I just got in from doing my first workout for week one and holy cow!! I can't believe I did it without giving up!! :smile: I am so glad I made myself finish, I almost quit until I realized that I was on my last set! I'm feeling very proud of myself right now! I am not a runner at all, but after today I can't wait to be one! LOL

    Way to go!!! It is amazing what we can do when we just let ourselves do it. Keep on going. You will do great!
  • i dnot think so that this webste works at all.
  • i dnot think so that this webste works at all.
  • i dnot think so that this webste works at all.
  • I want to join too. I used to run track years and years and years ago but can't imagine running to my mail box now. (50 yds) I am hoping this works for me. The Support will be great!
  • laurajoyk
    laurajoyk Posts: 305 i dnot think so that this webste works at all.

    there is no s in it.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Week 3 ,Day 3 done.... Starting week 4, Day 1 on Tuesday.

    How's the transition from week 3 to for been for others?
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Anyone else have pain on the sides of their legs, below the knee, when running? :ohwell:

    I'm sore in this area AFTER running, but don't have pain here during. I ice my knees and the area to the sides with a bag of frozen veg after running. It seems to be calming down after W2. Don't run on hills if you have pain in the lower leg or feet. Try looking up running injuries on and Pretty much, the advice for most running soreness or injury seems to be reduce miles, speed, and/or hills; apply ice; stretch and massage. Actually, there are tons of sites on running injuries, so a google search should give you lots to read . Good luck!
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Week 3 ,Day 3 done.... Starting week 4, Day 1 on Tuesday.

    How's the transition from week 3 to for been for others?

    Great on finishing week 3.

    For me week 3 to 4 was a scary transition. But it worked out great! The first day of it I didn't quite complete each of the 5 minute runs, came really close, probably about 4 1/2 minutes. By the second day out I was able to complete all. And by the 3rd day i felt like I could go even farther. I'm moving on to week 5 tonight (i'll let you know how that goes).
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Ok I know I just posted, but I just got in from doing my first workout for week one and holy cow!! I can't believe I did it without giving up!! :smile: I am so glad I made myself finish, I almost quit until I realized that I was on my last set! I'm feeling very proud of myself right now! I am not a runner at all, but after today I can't wait to be one! LOL

    Doesn't that feel amazing!!! It lets you know from the very start that this IS possible!!!!! Congratulations! I'm cheering for you!
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Week 3 ,Day 3 done.... Starting week 4, Day 1 on Tuesday.

    How's the transition from week 3 to for been for others?


    I slept in this morning until 5:45 I could not make myself get up at 5am - so I'm going this afternoon to do W3D1, so I'll let you know!!! It's been a lot cooler here the last few days so going this afternoon/early evening should not be a problem. And I won't have to fear that the Rotweiller up the street will be out and off his chain, as he sometimes is in the morning. :laugh:

    That does honestly kind of keep me from wanting to run early in the morning, which I really like to do.
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Anyone else have pain on the sides of their legs, below the knee, when running? :ohwell:

    I don't but I found that icing right after running - if you've got pain - is the way to go. I felt silly doing it because - well I'm not an athlete and that's what athletes do. But do it. It helps. There are other articles on that tell about specific injuries that might be expected, so perhaps you can see if the type of injury you are experiencing is listed there. Here is the link:

    Six Common Injuries to Avoid:

    More articles about injuries and treatment are here:
  • Looks like most of my girls from the other thread are here....

    Well, I started Week 2 last night and it was fantastic. I was nervous beforehand and it was great! I even upped my speed for the last run. I "danced" through my cool down walk. I can't wait to do it again. Anyone else on week 2?

    Keep it up ladies! Nothing can stop us now. :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
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