Tell me your secret weight loss tips!!!



  • KittyHeff
    KittyHeff Posts: 56 Member
    I was going to comment and lost this thread, so thanks to whomever bumped it up to the top.

    OP, I've pretty much been the same weight my entire life, I joined MFP to encourage my family. So I'll give you my tips and you can take it from there. I was 165lbs in high school, I'm 167lbs or so now...44 years old....just ran a marathon. With a little weight training I'll try and get to 170lbs for summer.

    80% - Diet
    Make no mistake, they say abs start in the kitchen. And as Jillian says you can eat through any amount of exercise. So pretty much I've always been a smart eater, substituting healthy choices like chicken and broccoli for McDonalds. I really don't keep sweets or snacks in my house haha. Drink plenty of water. Try not to eat anything out of a bag or box. Don't get me wrong I do like to go out and eat/drink but I try to do it in moderation.

    10% - Exercise
    I've never belonged to a gym and don't own a treadmill. But I've always been a runner, and that's my best kept secret. I ran track in h.s. I've also done 5ks, 10ks, a half and full marathon and you'll burn a huge amount of calories. Start with the couch to 5k program and go from there. Even to this day I run 2-3 times a week.

    10% - Determination
    You have to be determined and ready, in advance, for the ups and downs. Not everything will go smoothly and you'll have a bad day. You may not see results right away -- or none at all for a time. Change your routine. Pick up from where you left and keep going. Be honest about your choices. Are people really "too busy to exercise"? No, they just haven't made it a part of their life. Once it becomes a part of your life you make time for it, like eating and sleeping. It's just something you do.

    Anyway, that's my take. Hope it helps ;)
    I always thought I was a smart eater but have realised that in fact I wasn't. I was only fooling myself!! I started running about a year ago and last year ran as part of a relay team in the City Marathon. But the more I ran, the more I ate. So, my new mantra is going to be "80/10/10" - :happy:
  • KittyHeff
    KittyHeff Posts: 56 Member
  • dotido
    dotido Posts: 49
    Don't ever say to yourself, 'I can't eat this and this and that'. You will drive yourself crazy. If you have a type of food that is high in calories and you want to enjoy it plan to include some of it in your week or even day.

    My weakness is chocolate and I eat it when I want to as long as it doesnt't go over my calorie goal of the day.


    Have fun on your weightloss journey not misery!
  • KittyHeff
    KittyHeff Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks dotido!
  • frankiesats
    frankiesats Posts: 114 Member
    When you want chocolate... get your favourite fruit (works best with strawberries, raspberries or banana!) melt 2/3 squares of chocolate and mix the fruit into this. YUMMMM and cravings = gone!
  • KittyHeff
    KittyHeff Posts: 56 Member
    Great idea frankiesats. Thanks!
  • xabcx
    xabcx Posts: 7
    a poster said, "it does not matter if you eat 2100 or 1200 calories..."

    it does in fact matter if you are eating 2100 or 1200 calories.
    without having a calorie deficit you will not lose weight.

    the fact of the matter is:

    if you want to lose weight, you are better off eating 1200 calories of twinkies rather than 2100 calories of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. of course, if you do eat 1200 calories of twinkes you had better get vitamins and nutrients your body needs in some other way such as vitamins or small portions of foods that contain proper nutrients.

    quantity matters more than quality when it comes to weight loss. calories are calories, no matter the source. they are units of energy and nothing more.
  • KittyHeff
    KittyHeff Posts: 56 Member
    a poster said, "it does not matter if you eat 2100 or 1200 calories..."

    it does in fact matter if you are eating 2100 or 1200 calories.
    without having a calorie deficit you will not lose weight.

    the fact of the matter is:

    if you want to lose weight, you are better off eating 1200 calories of twinkies rather than 2100 calories of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. of course, if you do eat 1200 calories of twinkes you had better get vitamins and nutrients your body needs in some other way such as vitamins or small portions of foods that contain proper nutrients.

    quantity matters more than quality when it comes to weight loss. calories are calories, no matter the source. they are units of energy and nothing more.
    Having spent years doing WW I was kinda caught up in the whole calories don't matter it's really all about the saturated fats. It's a whole new mind set. I'm far healthier now and can still have a little of what I fancy!!!
  • bairborne
    bairborne Posts: 23 Member
    Well Kitty, keep at it! I run 4 days a week at 3:45 am, and force myself to stay in the calorie window. Started a month ago and lost 15 pounds. I really believe if you can stay on the calorie intake, it will work. I wasn't really heavy but went from 178-163 lbs. A little easier I'm in the Army so it helps to have all the rabbit food and soup available for luncn and supper. I am crzy with the scale, trying to get away from weighing myelf all the time. But most loss has been off the waist, stomach and face. You will do great, just set your mind to success :)
  • limesublime
    limesublime Posts: 118 Member
    Do not go in all or nothing because the first time you go over your calories, skip the gym etc. you will give up. Realize that you won't eat 1300 (or whatever your number is) calories every single day, some days you will over sleep your 5am gym alarm and you will want that piece of cheese cake at that book club/baby shower/get together.

    Slow and steady wins the race! Best of luck!

    Yes, yes, yes!! I've had to to re-learn this lesson over and over and over.