Is it worth it?



  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    It depends what you are going through to think if it is worth it or not. I am going through a lot right now but I don't hate my life cause I know I am loved :heart:
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member

    It's only worth it if you're enjoying it, though.
  • Pokermom10
    Pokermom10 Posts: 78 Member
    Worth it, worth it, worth it! And I've been through some nastiness. :)
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i guess life is worth something, or there wouldn't be life at all.
    i work with people who are at **** bottom of their lives strung out on heroin and other crazy **** every damn day.
    and that just makes life even more worth living for myself. i don't ever want to be there.
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    I had a stroke, am paralyzed on one side at 44 and can't drive anymore but I think 'i have alot to be gratefiul for. Yes it is worth it!

    You are a beautiful person. :smile:

    Life is what you make of it. You can either choose to simply tolerate life and find relief when it's over, or you can choose to be happy and truly enjoy life and have something wonderful to look back on at the end of it. Know that you are truly blessed. Things may not be the best right now, but they won't be like that forever. In my opinion, you've only got one life to live, why waste it? Live with no regrets.
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    I love life- I make mistakes, make good decisions, get laid, have dry spells, fight, love, laugh, and every once in a great while I might even punch a b!tch. But I love being me, and I love that I get to do this until I die :))

    Oh MY god, I love you!! thats ****in right !!

    I've been thru some **** but I love all of it.... I love smashing on my bike, running through mountains and rivers.. Mistakes? their the Best! pain...reminds me how great pleasure is. There's a lot of people that will never be happy and I feel really really sorry for them. I'm molecular biology major and neuropscyh literature is kind of hobby for me and to put is simply these folks are not wired for happiness and maybe only meds will cushion their sadness... Me? I'm blessed to be wired to Fcck shht Up
  • WhitneyT586
    WhitneyT586 Posts: 279 Member
    When I was 14, I lost one of my very best friends. As a newborn she had suffered a severe stroke that caused her to be partially paralyzed on one side of her body. She had a shunt in her brain to drain fluid into her stomach. She was the happiest and most upbeat person I have ever known in my life. I don't think I ever saw her cry, she always smiled. The weekend before she died we spent the afternoon together at her grandparents' and everyone in the house was so full of life and joy. None of us realized how our world would crash because by the next weekend we would be burying a 14 year old girl with her whole life ahead of her. During the night, at a church camp, her shunt malfunctioned and she stopped breathing. She never had a chance.

    I say this to make you understand that, no life isn't always easy, fair, or happy, but it is life. It is an experience that you only get once. Live it to its very fullest, to your highest potential. And try your best to smile through the tears because there is always someone who has it worse, always someone who didn't wake up to see the day ahead, someone who does not know if or how they will make it to tomorrow.

    *I know this may be a bit depressing, but this kind of topic makes me sad, so this is what ya get.*
  • sktllmdrhmz
    sktllmdrhmz Posts: 2,073 Member
    I would rather go to hear SofaKingRad and GasMasterFlash as motivational speakers, than Tony Robbins and Wayne Dyer. These guys are masters......and tell it like it is.

    This. I was just about to suggest we ask the f'n old people (no offense, guys) what they think, 'cause be-damned if I can form an opinion on it right now. I've struggled since the day I was born with the mistakes of others, the environment, and my own ill-thought actions. Some days I don't learn a damned thing, but others I get wiser as well as older, and after enough of those days I might be able to offer an opinion that will be drastically different than the one I have now. 'Cause the one thing that I can, no matter what the day, always say about myself is that I didn't know **** about life last year.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I think that enjoying your life is all you can do so you better do it earlier rather than late. Time is going to go by either way. You're much better off finding some peace and happiness along the way than just "going through the motions."
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    It's worth it. There's meaning. Even if only living in full consciousness of the absurdity of life... read Camus.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Life is what you make it. Some people think life sucks and everybody and everything is a reason to be miserable. Some people think life is fantastic and rewarding. They're both right.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I support suicide, personally.

    I think if someone is that miserable or bored or apathetic, then who am I to judge them for wanting to end it? I say do what feels right for YOU.

    Hopefully one would do something like that without kiddos or people who love them in the picture. And yes, there are ways to engineer your life so that is the case. But that's a whole 'nother conversation.

    I can say I've been way up and way down (just throughout life, not in a bipolar, moment-to-moment sense) and the experience of the ups has shown me there is hope and happiness.

    But some people don't have the capacity to feel that level of passion for life. It's really just up to the individual. If you want to be happy, then be happy. Make significant changes in your life toward your most true self and one day you will wake up and feel real. That feeling might go away now and then but when it's good, let it be good. It's so easy to feel blissful. It really is.

    Sorry. Tangent. ;p
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I've been going through a lot, and I was speaking to an older friend about life. I told him that I was going to really work on improving my self-esteem and sanity, in order to live a happier life because this life is worth living.

    He said that life isn't worth it. He isn't a suicidal guy or anything, and he's fairly successful. He told me life is hard and that we should stay alive because that's the only choice we have, and we can TRY to make it tolerable, but really, in the end it's not all that great.

    So, do you guys think life is "worth it?" I don't plan on killing myself, but I want to know that I'm not going to have to go through life simply struggling and trying to get by. Ideally I would like to hear that life isn't something we tolerate, but instead something we can enjoy (without doing any damage to our bodies and minds).

    Do you guys enjoy life?

    Yes. That's not to say there aren't times I don't question why things are the way they are, but overall I enjoy life.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    even if life isn't worth it, who has the b@lls to top themselves? really?

    honestly, you have to try and be satisfied with life. as you get older, your body deteriorates, your mind usually deteriorates, your health deteriorates, people think your old, slow, senile, crazy, and every now and then, someone might actually give up a seat on a bus for you... but for some reason, we keep on spinning, we keep on pushing out babies and trying to get the latest new i-phone (or whatever)...

    it is what it is, make the most of it, and make the effort to be happy. Make the effort to appreciate the little things, because i-phones and fancy brands certainly won't give you happiness.
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    My husband and I are separated, but "seeing each other". I always see the glass as half empty. He sees it as half full. He's a much happier person than I. In my opinion, my life is by far better than his (i.e. I don't live in a motel, I'm not broke 15 minutes after getting paid, etc.), but he's happier. He doesn't have a care in the world. I would love to have that carefree attitude, I just don't. I worry about everything. I definitely think it's worth living, but I am always waiting for the good, not so much enjoying life for what it is.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    Wow there's some morbid people in this world. To the pretty lady in the orange dress, tell your "older" friend to crawl into his grave already and stop raining on everyone's parade.

    Life is what you make of it. You can literally chose to be and do whatever you want to. Yes in the end we all die and largely what we do in life will be forgotten, but it doesn't mean you don't live for today and lead a life that makes you happy. Sitting around being mad at the world all day like your friend and others here sounds about the worst way possible to get by.
  • jenkinsdeb
    of course it is. My Mother, Father and son all died.I have good days and very ****ty days too but its up to ME to stay positave and be happy. Other people don't wana be around someone thats depressed all the time. Youve just gota laugh, love and keep learning!! ;-) Debs J
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member



  • reneegee23
    reneegee23 Posts: 233 Member
    A coworker of mine from El Salvador told me a story about his grandfather that I will never forget. His grandfather was an indigenous Salvadorian who's own father and grandfather had both died around the age of 65. He assumed that it would go the same for him, and as he hit his mid-sixties had pretty much resigned himself to die. He sold his farm and property, etc. Basically just waited for the end. But he didn't die, he lived until he was 105. He outlived his first wife, married again, etc etc.

    I don't ever want to check out before my time, and I mean mentally as well as physically. There are too many good things that can happen to you. Bad things will happen as well, but them's the breaks.
  • mischa_12
    mischa_12 Posts: 137 Member
    Of course it is and life is only what you make it. I LOVE my life and it can be the smallest things that bring happiness like my dog or a warm summers day.