30g protein breakfast, saw on dr.oz?



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Lol mentions of Oz and Kruse in one thread

  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Dr Oz is a complete and total waste of space.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    Dr Oz is a complete and total waste of space.

  • Dr. Kruse is a respected neurosurgeon who has spent (I believe) 20 years studying the biochemistry of the body. How hormones interact with our brain and our cells. More and more doctors and researchers are agreeing that the "calories in/calories out" theory does not work. The joy of the information people like Dr. Kruse impart is that once you fix what is broken (ie. the Leptin Reset) then losing weight is much easier. It has to do with being a sugar burner vs a fat burner. The bottom line is if your hormones are not working right (and if you're overweight they most likely are not) then nothing you do calorie restriction/exercise will help you long term. It's all very scientific and you'd have to want to do the reading to get it. The weight issue is much more complicated than people like to think. About 6 weeks ago I cut out sugar and about 2 weeks ago I cut out all grains. I can't believe the changes in myself already. It's nice to never feel hungry and I have no cravings for things I shouldn't eat - first time in my life. A chronic post nasal drip of mine is also disappearing (I've had it for several years). Anyway ... I think there really is something to the information from Dr. Kruse and others like him.
  • adietron
    adietron Posts: 155
    Although I would normally balk at anything that comes out of Oz's mouth, there is a grain of truth in his statement.

    Protein is more filling/satisfying than carbohydrates or fat (there is a TON of scientific data to support this).

    So, if a person has a high protein breakfast, they could theoretically feel full throughout the morning, reduce their cravings, snack less, and ultimately end up with a greater caloric deficit.

    Here's a recent study to support this strategy:


    I have a hard time tolerating a huge hunk of meat in the morning, so I go with a lo-carb protein shake (or add the powder to my milk in cereal).
  • cba4994
    cba4994 Posts: 147 Member
  • sedosher
    sedosher Posts: 142 Member
  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
    Dr. Jack Kruse has a leptin reset protocol that works miracles! Look up Jack Kruse Leptin reset. 50g-75g protein within 30 minutes of waking. Do not eat again for 4-5 hours - no snacking. Trust me, you won't be hungry after 50 grams of protein.
    Note: If you are not hungry for lunch OR dinner, then your breakfast was likely too big. Do not eat after 7pm. Try to allow 4-5 hours after dinner before bed. If you incorporate a workout, do it after 5 pm.
    You can eat... all meats (lean toward wild and grassfed varieties), Coconut oil, Butter, Heavy Whipping Crean, Non-starchy veggys that are lower in omega 6s.
    Keep your carbs approx 50 grams per day if you have less than 30 lbs to lose,
    Keep your carbs approx 25 grams per day if you have greater than 30 lbs to lose.
    Do not eat grains, legumes, and very starchy veggys, high omega 6 veggys, most vegatable oils
    For the period of leptin reset stay away from fruits and nuts. Also eliminate eggs if you have an autoimmune condition.

    He himself lost over 100 pounds doing this and now he helps other people. It can take 6-8 weeks for your leptin levels to be restored.

    I have a good friend that has issues with her thyroid and leptin levels. She has had great success doing this and also working on raising her cold tolerence. She has lost 25 lbs and has a lot more energy now.
  • calabrdm
    calabrdm Posts: 303 Member
    These pancakes look awedsome!
  • lorigall48
    lorigall48 Posts: 2 Member
    Have you ever heard of almesed protien drink? I tried it today it is high in protien as well.
  • LilGiselle21
    LilGiselle21 Posts: 110 Member
    I've seen it and my bf and I both do it he's better about it then me (3kids) he has yogurt with nuts, and hard boiled egg and some sort of juice. I do oatmeal, hard boiled egg, and 1/2 a bologna sandwich with water. Since he does it regularly he says it has helped him be alert at work. I am a sahm and have noticed Ive been less likely to lay down to watch tv.
  • jarrettfam
    jarrettfam Posts: 186 Member
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Dr. Oz is weird.

    That being said I usually get around that much protein for breakfast, simply because I need it if I want to hit my protein mark for the day.

    I usually eat eggs, turkey bacon, greek yogurt etc.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Yep - Charles Poliquin has a similar "Meat and Nut" breakfast approach that I follow - my protein at breakfast is around 40 to 50grams most days.

  • Saving for later!
  • Hungryeyz
    Hungryeyz Posts: 7 Member
    Do any of you people cook for others? I have a husband to feed. He's not going to eat this stuff for breakfast and I'm not making separate meals. I've lost 70 lbs just from changing the food I ate and walking every day.

    We eat REGULAR FOOD...oatmeal for breakfast with 1/2 grapefruit and hot tea.

    Lunch is soup & sandwich. Dinner is a small portion of meat or fish, a baked sweet potato, maybe a salad. We eat two small snacks per day. But it's REAL food. Not a shake or 20 egg whites, etc.

    Remember, not everyone who reads these boards are young. Some of us are nearing retirement, plus were raised to cook MEALS. I made the kids eat dinner at the kitchen table every day till they moved out of the house. Something that most young familes don't do today, and that's sad.
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 784 Member
    saving for later
  • LilGiselle21
    LilGiselle21 Posts: 110 Member
    I do my bf and I have a set breakfast, the kids breakfast is normally cereal (sometimes oatmeal)with banana and hard boiled egg. Besides that lunch dinner is healthy and everyone eats it we made that change together as a family. We don't do shakes or egg white I just watch what I cook and portion sizes. We all snack on the same things no soda or store bought chips.
  • mexy04
    mexy04 Posts: 96
    Dr. Jack Kruse has a leptin reset protocol that works miracles! Look up Jack Kruse Leptin reset. 50g-75g protein within 30 minutes of waking. Do not eat again for 4-5 hours - no snacking. Trust me, you won't be hungry after 50 grams of protein.
    Note: If you are not hungry for lunch OR dinner, then your breakfast was likely too big. Do not eat after 7pm. Try to allow 4-5 hours after dinner before bed. If you incorporate a workout, do it after 5 pm.
    You can eat... all meats (lean toward wild and grassfed varieties), Coconut oil, Butter, Heavy Whipping Crean, Non-starchy veggys that are lower in omega 6s.
    Keep your carbs approx 50 grams per day if you have less than 30 lbs to lose,
    Keep your carbs approx 25 grams per day if you have greater than 30 lbs to lose.
    Do not eat grains, legumes, and very starchy veggys, high omega 6 veggys, most vegatable oils
    For the period of leptin reset stay away from fruits and nuts. Also eliminate eggs if you have an autoimmune condition.

    He himself lost over 100 pounds doing this and now he helps other people. It can take 6-8 weeks for your leptin levels to be restored.
    this sounds way too complicated and torturous. Not to mention unsustainable. It is 11 pm and I am about to eat a big bowl of Parmesan peppercorn ranch popcorn.

  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    My regular proats I have for breakfast has about 45g protein. Eat it at about 1pm every day. I never thought I'd agree with anything Dr Oz says but there you go, works for me. N=1.