Trim for Turkey Day starts today! Join if you want!



  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Hi everyone I hope you all had a great weekend! I am so glad to see so many new faces! The more the merrier! We all want to be smokin hot on Turkey day! I want to say sorry for not getting on this weekend. LIfe is pretty crazy for me. We are usually super busy on the weekends. We live in Germany cause that is were the Army says is home. We travel a lot on the weekends and go sight seeing. This weekend I was bad. I did not eat well at all. Saturday I had lunch at Mcdonalds. First time in like 2 months. Then I went to a pampered chef party and tried the two things we made but did not over indulge and then I got lazy and ordered pizza for dinner. Then yesterday we went somewhere fun but had a huge German lunch which is not super healthy. I had Schnitzel which is fried and Pommes which is french fries. Oh were they yummy but the scale showed it today and I was up almost two pounds. I know weight flutcuates but geeze. Also expecting a visit from aunt flow this week so might be in par to that. SSo today I have been super busy and need to get my butt in gear. My oldest went back to school today. Then I had my first math quiz in over 9 years. Ahh math is my worst subject. Now I am waiting for my little one to wake up so I can run some errands or shall I say walk, lol. Well Hope you all have a happy Monday! We will all weigh in on Thursday and start a new challenge. Any takers on what you want to do next week.
  • @thomspons81702 -- I hope you did GREAT on your math quiz! I am a math tutor, so, I absolutely love the subject. It's my favorite, and I love to see others do well. :)

    I drank normally yesterday -- I didn't try to drink any more water than usual, but I wrote down what I drank, and I was shocked! It seems I generally drink about 90-100oz without even thinking about it? That's pretty crazy! In any case, I definitely made my 80oz! :)
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Good morning-or should I say afternoon?- everybody! I went to the gym today and took a kickboxing class... I burned 637 calories!!! I have a new favorite for breakfast, too... Organic granola cereal, mixed with yogurt and green grapes! Yummy and very filling... I drank almost half of my water already, but have a feeling I'll surpass it easily later on today.
  • I would like to join your challenge...

    My weight today: 226.6
    My goal by T'day: 210

    I'm taking it slow and easy! :embarassed:
  • oh, and as to the water challenge...I am half way there today!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    So, I drank all my water and then some... It was almost TOO easy. Would someone mind helping me check my math? I think I either got wrong, or I'm just naturally more thirsty than most people.

    According to my calculations, I need to drink about 69 oz since I weigh 169. Yesterday I drank about 90 oz water plus 2 cups coffee, 2 glasses of Crystal Light, and 2 glasses of wine. AND I woke up 2x in the night PARCHED! What am I doing wrong here?

    Caffeine and alcohol are both diuretics, so you may need more water to compensate. If you are constantly feeling thirsty even on days where you don't consume caffeine and or alchol, you may want to get a glucose tolerance test to rule out diabetes, as excessive thirst is one of the symptoms of that condition.

    Good luck
  • So, I really am sucking at the whole dinking water. I have such a hard time thinking about it. I think so far since joining I have only hit my goal once. Things were pretty stressful this weekend though, so hopefully it won't be as hard. I wish I had some kind of fanny pack water holder so I took it with me everywhere. LOL Owell!
    I still have time today and tomorrow is a new day!

    Created by - Free Calorie Chart
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    OK, today I drank all of my water plus a glass - but I worked out and had coffee, so I think that's still right. I thought I drank a lot of water, and I do, but not quite enough or as much as a I thought. :drinker:

    I've been pretty good with the diet and exercise - minus a wine tasting party I went to this past weekend. I'm hoping I've at least lost 1 lb for the weigh in on Thursday! Clothes feel a little loser already. We'll see.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I'm heading off to the gym for another class... I managed to make it to my water quota, but I know that I'll be drinking more before my day is over! I made a chicken tamale casserole from Cooking Light in advance, so all I have to do when I get home is be a BUM!:wink:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Is it too late to join??? I really need a group to keep me motivated... I never drink water and this is a great challenge for me..
    My current weight is 168
    Goal weight for Turkey day: 144
    My over all goal weight is 130
  • Count me in as well! I will need to drink 12 glasses of water daily and I will try my best.:drinker:

    Current weight: 147
    Goal Weight for Turkey Day: 137
    Overall Goal Weight: 125
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Thanksgiving is my birthday time. The 22nd. I would :heart: love :heart: to lose 20 pounds by then. It would be a lovely gift. And if it turns out more then horray!

    I just started my new personal program so this is a great time. Thank you. kc

    257.8 8-30
    - 20.
    237. pounds at least
    :happy: :laugh: :happy: :laugh: :happy:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Today was a a great, got a wonderful walk in this morning, made good food choices and am proud of myself. I drank a ton of water, way more than I have to. My calories were over by 80 but I am not worried because I walked another 1/4 mile while waiting to pick up my son from football and didn't log it. I also joined the 100 push-up challenge and can only do girlie ones but did my first day of week 1 and I am so sore. Oh my, I am sore. LOL
  • TheNatKitchen
    TheNatKitchen Posts: 33 Member

    Caffeine and alcohol are both diuretics, so you may need more water to compensate. If you are constantly feeling thirsty even on days where you don't consume caffeine and or alchol, you may want to get a glucose tolerance test to rule out diabetes, as excessive thirst is one of the symptoms of that condition.

    Good luck

    First of all, thanks to everyone for the advice. How silly of me not to realize that I'm drinking diuretics! *slaps forhead* Also, I have had a glucose tolerance test, and I'm actually hypoglycemic. Could that have the same effect?

    Either way, I'm upping my water to approx 100 oz, and seeing how that does me.
  • got in all my water yesterday, and have a good start for today!
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    hey guys! my gym opened today for the start of school, so i can finally get my butt back in gear! i did half an hour on the elliptical this morning and then i am going to do the shred this afternoon. so happy to be back home where i can get back on my routine!

    i am pretty good about water - i have a 20oz bottle which i usually drink 4ish of a day - but have been bad while on vacation, so i am glad to have this challenge the first week back!

    pep - good to see you are back to walking! are the toes totally healed?

    resa - glad to see you again! i love the cardio dvd with the kids idea, that is adorable :)

    hope everyone has had a good start to their week!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Yay! I'm so glad to see you on here, sudzie!!! I started off the day with a yummy breakfast, now off to work out. Hope everyone has a great morning!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    It's half way through the day and im already done with my water intake but going to push to have more... Yay i really didn't think i would have met my goal :drinker:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Way to go, tammie!
    I finished with my workout... And burned over 600 calories! Definitely a "good day" for me! So far I'm WELL within my calorie limits, and am half way there with my water quota!
  • I can sure tell that everyone's keen on this challenge! Great positive comments sure help to motivate the rest of us. I have had 2/3 of my water for the day and will have no problem downing the rest before bed. Enjoy your evening!

    Take care,
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