40+ Club - Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    Hey, Swissmiss, good to see you!

    The wildfires burning near us are out, so that's a good thing. Unfortunately, the rest of the city is suffering tremendously. As we drove up to base yesterday (which is closer to the center of the city than where we live), the smoke and ash from the fires were very bad. They keep saying the weather is going to cool down, but it doesn't feel like that's going to happen today. We are fortunate in where we live that we aren't getting too much smoke right now (unlike last fall, which was horrible), but I can smell it in the air everytime I open a window. We don't have AC, so I need to open windows when it is this hot!! I have a feeling we are going to go through this for a few months this year because everything is so dry.

    Moving on.....alf, you asked how I tell the difference between hunger and appetite. I suppose I would say it is what I am responding to when I choose to eat. For instance, if my stomach growls, I would say to myself 'I'm hungry....what do I feel like eating'. To me, that's responding to hunger. But if I'm sitting there and think to myself 'I really feel like eating some grapes', then I have to assess whether that is just a craving or whether I show any signs of hunger (like it's been a few hours since I ate, my stomach is growling, I feel weak, etc). More often than not, the latter is just a craving and has nothing to do with being hungry, so I don't respond to it.

    The reason I track and eat the core foods, though, is I do have days where I'm not as hungry as others, and I don't want to NOT eat on those days because I understand that things like the type of cardio I do can impact the feeling of hunger. So I eat on a schedule those days to make sure I get my calories in and if I don't feel any additional hunger on top of that....I don't eat any more. But like last week, I was starving all week long, so I ate more when I felt the hunger.

    I hope that makes sense. :flowerforyou:

    Regarding tracking calories, I'm working at trying to ease my way out of it right now. I think I'll be okay as long as I can stick with the healthy eating and my workouts. My bigger concern right now is that I'll give up on the healthier aspects of eating. I'm going through a tough stage right now, which usually happens every week when I go grocery shopping. :tongue: It's tough to look around a store and think 'I shouldn't eat 95% of what is in here'. While I get why that is logically (knowing what is in the products and why they were developed....which has nothing to do with health or nutrition), I would be lying if I didn't admit to questioning whether I can do this the rest of my life. I know it can be done because I know people who are doing it. I just question whether I can do it. But, for me, that really isn't about calories or food tracking because I can get some low calorie processed crap food. :wink:

    So I'm looking for the motivator for staying 'clean' in my eating. Right now, I'm going with the way I feel (which is much better) AND the way food tastes right now because, in so many ways, the food I'm eating just tastes so much better than some of the crap out there. The major distractors, for me, are convenience and ease. I'm spending so much time on food right now I have little time for anything else.

    Enough of my whining! Thanks for listening all. Today is chest/back day and ARX. I drank a little too much wine last night :drinker: so I'll be curious to see whether I have it in me to 'bring it'. I hope so.

    Hope everybody enjoys the rest of their weekend.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    I'm baaaaa aaaack!!! *waves to crew* Had a wonderful week off, taking my daughter back to college and moving her back into the dorm (Great workout, I think, lots of heavy lifting, stair climbing, etc) and then relaxing on the Cape. I did really well with my weight and maintained in spite of not having my usual workouts and consuming fried clams a few times. Yay. That was what I was hoping for.

    I did have my friend take a cheesy picture of me at the beach, heh, but not too close up, to post on here. I feel like it shows off the "guns" a wee bit. :laugh:

    One of our days at the beach, we saw a man kite surfing. Now that looks like a workout! I'm thinking of trying to take some lessons for that. We'll see.

    Texas, I'm so happy to read about your brother-in-law's good news! Will continue to pray for him and you and your family.

    Annaliza, thanks for posting the pic of the puppy. Good for you on the gym membership. For me, having a place to go to workout really helps. Not sure why. I think it's too easy for me to get distracted at home if I try to workout there.

    Stiring and Alf, you guys continue to amaze me with all the workouts that you do. I feel good when I manage to burn an extra 500 calories! 1100 is amazing! The only time I burned that many was when I walked 20 miles for Project Bread. And no, I couldn't eat that many to replace them!

    Sing glad you had a good time in Boston!

    Swiss! 135 is my ideal weight number too! But I don't think I'll get to it. I'm hoping to get to 145 by the end of the year. You look great in your pic, btw!

    And that's about it! Next week, back to the workouts with the trainer and the logging in of the foods!:drinker:
  • Texssippian
    Hi all!

    After a bump in the road on Friday (a liver artery was blocked and they had to go back in and unblock it), brother-in-law Richie is doing better. New liver is functioning. He is still in ICU but is getting out of bed and is able to have some food by mouth. My youngest brother and his wife drove to New Orleans today to bring my mother back to Jackson MS. I will go to NO when Richie is ready for discharge to a local aprtment for 6 to 8 weeks to help them get settled and get into a routine of taking all his meds and going to the hospital every day for check-ups.

    Our son left for graduate school in San Francisco yesterday. We are now offically cat owners.

    Cardi: great picture! I don't think it is cheesey. Annaliza: wonderful puppy picture. Stiring, so sorry to hear about the fires. Stay safe. Can't imagine not having ac here in Texas (although it has been cool below 90 last two days). Alf and Sing: guys are are machines! Swiss: don't beat your self up. Just take each day as it comes.

    I found a balance disc at JT Maxx and a fitness ball there too. Trainer has given us stuff to do at home. Need to get ready for church but will exercise when I get back. They changed this Mass from 5:00 to 4:00 at the beginning of the summer and I am just now getting used to the time change. Take care all! Texssippian.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi I am from the Dallas area, Mesquite, Texas. My husband and I are both retired. Been with mfp a year this coming Dec. Met tons of new friends and love it here. Haven't lost much weight but I am trying.
    I belong to the Senior Golden Sneakers Club here . http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/61898-senior-golden-sneakers-club-for-august Drop in and say hello. Marie
  • Texssippian
    Hi Caliecat! We are neighbors (sort of). I am north and west of you in Denton TX. My husband and I both work in Dallas.

    Looks like you have lost some weight. My weight loss has been slow but I am hoping that means it will stay off! Silver sneakers is a great program. Our trainer teaches classes and my mother in Mississippi loves water walking and chair aerobics.

    Forgot to say thanks to everyone for all the prayers and support. Embrace the blessings in life. Texssippian
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: stiring, so glad that the fires are gone. Thanks for the definition of hunger and cravings. I have found that after a hard workout I don't feel very hungry.

    Tex, glad that your brother-in-law is doing better.

    Cardi, thanks for the compliment. I had a hard time learning how to get a picture here.:blushing:

    I rode my daughter's bike today. Went a total of 4.5 miles and burned 285 calories. I can't wait until I get my own bike.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: stiring, so glad that the fires are gone. Thanks for the definition of hunger and cravings. I have found that after a hard workout I don't feel very hungry.

    Tex, glad that your brother-in-law is doing better.

    Cardi, thanks for the compliment. I had a hard time learning how to get a picture here.:blushing:

    I rode my daughter's bike today. Went a total of 4.5 miles and burned 285 calories. I can't wait until I get my own bike.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: stiring, so glad that the fires are gone. Thanks for the definition of hunger and cravings. I have found that after a hard workout I don't feel very hungry.

    Tex, glad that your brother-in-law is doing better.

    Cardi, thanks for the compliment. I had a hard time learning how to get a picture here.:blushing:

    I rode my daughter's bike today. Went a total of 4.5 miles and burned 285 calories. I can't wait until I get my own bike.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Silly computer is acting up...sorry about the double post.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Swissmiss, great to hear from you! Don't get discouraged over small setbacks. We are ALL tempted by the same things. It's never easy. But it's worth it in the long run.

    Tron, nice hearing from you, too! I missed you!

    Caliecat, welcome! Please stay with us and post from time to time!

    Tex, I know the healing power of prayer is helping your brother in law. I know great things are in store for him with this second chance at life!

    Stiring, that's a GREAT observation about the difference between hunger and appetite. I'll have to remember that one.

    Well, I didn't do much exercising over the weekend, and NO Insanity. I've decided to give it a few days off to let my calf heal a bit. I did do the P90X shoulders & arms on Sat. My arms are a bit sore today after not lifting for over a month. Today I will actuallly start month 2 of Insanity (again). My eating was not great the past few days, so I must address that too!! Always a struggle, isn't it?

    You know, eating clean is slowly becoming a way of life for me. Every time I fall off the wagon, I feel lousy afterward. The sodium from things like pizza, Chinese and processed foods are killing me. I'm getting to the point that it is difficult to eat at a restaurant and make really good choices. This is partly my fault too...I'm easily tempted to indulge. Now if I can only conjure up the willpower to eat well ALL the time. Wish me luck!

    April, have you arrived home from Europe yet? We miss you (and are envious too)!!!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Hello All:

    Back from Niagara Falls. We really enjoyed our short time there.

    I managed to eat my way up to Canada and back. Nothing like a road trip to get me to eat badly. I am quite amazed at my capacity to tuck it away despite the fact that I most days I eat so well and such smaller portions. I did wake up Friday night with a bad stomach and huge regrets over what I had eaten, so hopefully I can remember that the next time I go away, and stop myself before its too late.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • TexasMom
    TexasMom Posts: 70
    Happy Monday Everyone,

    I've missed chatting with all and definitely missed your encouragement and support. It's been one crazy summer and I only have time to post because kids are back in school.

    Most exciting news.... We now have our first grandchild, Carson James Allen, born July 22 at just 5 lbs 12 oz. His mom and dad are tiny too so now worries. He's perfect, healthy and as sweet as can be. I told my step-daughter, these are the most quiet days so she should enjoy them. He's already sleeping 6-7 hours at night so she's a lucky one.

    I mostly maintained my weight over the summer with no time to stick with a routing workout. I just watched my intake and found it fairly easy to do thank to all the great advise you guys have shared.

    I'm looking forward to moving forward and dropping the rest of this weight. I'm also looking forward to catching up with all of you.

    Have a wonderful Monday!!!!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Cardigirl... I love the pic. You look terrific :smile:

    Swiss... Great job on the bike. I should jump on my sons while he's in school. I dont know how far I will get because we live in the hills but I can at least try.:happy:

    String... I was just watching the news about the fire down there. How close are you to the fire?:ohwell:

    Sing... I really do miss this sight when I am not able to come on as much. I know I'm no where near the dedication that you, alf, and string but every time I come on here and read everyone's posts it really does help that day to make better choices.
    I hope your calf is feeling better. Did you pull it while doing insanity or did it just gradually come on? Take care of yourself.:happy:

    TexasMom... What a beautiful baby:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I really miss the days when my kids were young.

    Zebras.... Road trips are amazing! I know what you mean about eating though. Altho I don't have the problem of eating a lot its more the food choices itself. I mean if you get to have steak and eggs for breakfast what the heck. Then I come back to this sight and find out how many calories there were and I feel horrible. But we dont eat like that everyday so dont worry too much about the trip and just get back on track now that your home.:happy:

    I've been dealing with a migraine for the last couple of days. It hasn't been one of the bad ones just a nagging one so that's good. But I have noticed that I seem to get one every time I try to cut out my coffee in the morning. I only drink one mug of coffee but I do have cream and sugar in it so thats why I try to cut it out sometimes. Not worth giving up if I get a headache though.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Tex, congrats on the baby!! Wonderful blessed news!!

    Tron, don't worry about not being able to check in with us often...We understand how hectic life can be! Thanks for asking about my calf. Yes, I injured it (actually both calves) doing various plyometric jumps and high intensity drills. Insanity is very high impact, just what the old body needs! NOT!!

    Swiss, I hope you are enjoying biking as much as I do. I hope to do 1500 miles before winter...we'll see!

    Have a great evening!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!!! Lots of catching up to do!!! So little time...:grumble: It's been a busy day!!! Yesterday I started on my 3rd wk of P90X. I ran this morning with my husband and soon I will do plyometrics. I could skip it but I really enjoy it. Sing, I understand you 100% when you say that it is very hard to eat right, it definitely a challenge for me. I can do extremely well for days at a time and then I have those days that I just fall off the wagon. I have declared September eat clean, no sweets month. I am also going to attempt to listen to my body more using Stiring's strategies and I am not going to log in my foods. I dont know if this is going to work but I am willing to give it a try. Last time I attempted this, Oct 08, it backfired and instead of one month it lasted 3 mos and ended up gaining 9 lbs. :grumble: I feel different this time and I have faith I can do it. I have been having some frustration lately about the whole nutrition issue and I feel I am obsessing a bit so I need to make some changes.

    Glad to hear from so many of you!!! TexasMom, so happy to hear from you!!! I have been asking about you!!! Congrats on your grandson!! What a precious gift. My grandbaby is a year old already!

    Cardigirl, you look great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad you enjoyed your time at the beach.

    Zebras, Tron, welcome back from your trips!!! I would love to visit the Niagara Falls.

    Swiss, you look great! Keep up the good work. How are you feeling these days? :flowerforyou:

    Stiring, keep us posted about the wildfires. Hope everything is ok. How is the 3rd wk of the X going for you. I really challenged myself yesterday and did much better than the last 2 wks. I even feel a little sore...I am also looking forward to next wk, especially to try the new workouts.

    Ok, gotta go change to do some MORE SWEATING!!!!! :noway: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    Good evening all! It's taken me forever to get a chance to check in to MFP today. :grumble: But I'm finally here! :drinker:

    cardigirl, welcome back! I love your photo!! You look great. I'm glad you had a good time away, and I'm happy you are back with us. :flowerforyou:

    TexasMom...so happy to see you back! I've missed you. Congrats on the new grandbaby. And also congrats on maintaining your weight through what sounds like a busy and hectic summer.

    tron, I'm sorry to hear about the migraine. It definitely could be giving up the caffeine...at least in part. Since you only have one cup of coffee a day, I wouldn't worry about the cream and sugar at all. I gave up cream/sugar only because I like my coffee to taste more like coffee ice cream or coffee candy than coffee. :laugh: And I liked my tea (and I have a few cups of that a day as well) about the same (and drank cream in my tea as well since living in England). But for one cup? Not worth it if it causes you pain.

    zebras, glad you had a good trip. Regarding the eating habits, I listened to a GREAT podcast today. It was about the 7 habits of nutritionally fit people. I won't go into it all, but one of the things she specifically mentioned is to enjoy yourself when you want to enjoy yourself because it really is just fine to do so as long as you know how to get back on your program. You have proven that you know how to get back on your program, so don't fret about the weekend.

    TexMs, I'm happy to hear your brother-in-law is continuing to improve. You are going through so much right now with your family and your son moving away....and you seem to be handling it so well. I am in awe. :flowerforyou:

    alf, week three of P90X is going well! I, too, really pushed the workout yesterday...and I managed to do 301 pushups!! All on my toes!!! I am amazed. I know I say that every week, but to go from not being able to do one pushup on my toes in February to this still just boggles my mind. The workout felt absolutely great. Today I did plyo....and, again, I felt like I had a great workout. I'm happy that each week seems to be getting better. Instead of getting bored (as I feared), I'm actually just now beginning to feel like I'm getting into the rhythm of the program. I'm still adding cardio on some days, but on days like yesterday, I didn't actually feel like I needed to do anything else. That's a good thing!

    I'm curious how you get on without counting calories. Going back to this podcast I listened to earlier (it really was a good and timely podcast for me to listen to), I realize that I still struggle in a couple of areas--portion size being perhaps the main problem. I have a tendency to slowly increase my portions quite naturally. Until I manage to get that under control, I think I'm going to be in a situation where I need to manage my calories. But now that I recognize that as an issue, I think I'm going to be more conscious of it. And if I get to the point where I feel like I know what a portion is without figuring out the calories or measuring everything, then I will probably try to stop tracking what I eat. With right-sized portions of mostly clean foods, I shouldn't have to worry about calories....or so I've heard.

    Thanks, all, for asking about the fires. We are unaffected by them in our part of the city. I can smell the smoke, and see some in the air, but the fires right now are probably about 70 miles from us....so as of now (with the wind blowing in the other direction), we aren't impacted. That being said, my heart goes out to the people in that part of the city and those who are fighting the fires. It is still very hot here, and I can't imagine what those people are experiencing right now.

    singfree, I'm glad you took some time off to heal yourself. I have a question for you about Insanity. How long is the rotation? I've heard 60 days, but what I want to know is if it is a four weeks workout/one week rest and then four more weeks/one week rest. That would make it 70 days. I'm curious because I've got alot going on this autumn/winter that is going to impact my workout schedule, and I'm thinking I'm going to have to consolidate my P90X rotation (by cutting off a couple of days during the recovery weeks) to get an Insanity rotation in before I start STS again.....because I want to get my first cycle of STS completed again before my husband and I go to Hawaii for our anniversary in March!! I know....what am I doing planning my workouts for March? :laugh: But with these long rotations/programs, I'm thinking it's better to figure out whether I can fit them all in right now or whether I need to change my game plan, especially since I haven't actually invested in Insanity yet. Any input you have in Insanity is appreciated right now.

    Okay...enough from me! Hope everybody has a good evening. It's so great to see so many people back. I've missed you all. :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: alf, thanks for asking...I feel great. I can jump and dance without any problems. Feels so good. Now that I can do Zumba, I am losing more weight.

    sing...I think that I could just give up my car for biking. I love it. Don't do it often enough. I have picked out the bike I want. I can then stop riding my daughter's which is really too small for me. The one I want is a 2010 Schwinn Voyager. It is steel blue. Beautiful.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    It's a chilly morning here in PA, a low of 48 degrees. Today sunny and 75 degrees. Sorry Tex & Alf!

    Alf, I think that this year you are better equipped to handle the no log-in strategy. I know that you are very aware and more nutrition saavy this time around, so don't fear this. I'm glad that you are pushing yourself harder in P90X. You will find that you will need to do this as you become srtronger and the workouts with the current weights are not cutting it. It is nice to see the weights becoming heavier and those nice strong muscles exposed! Please remember us little people when you get your modeling contract!!

    Stiring, the Insanity rotation works like this: 4 weeks (month 1), 1 week recovery, 4 weeks (month 2) for a total of 63 days. 6 days per week exercising and one rest day. Again, my dear sister, we are thinking alike. I've planned my rotations of Insanity & P90X to coincide with our Germany vacation, leaving on May 27th!!! I will finish Insanity at the end of this month and then start P90X, which will take me to Christmas/ New Year's. Then another Insanity and P90X to take me through May. Anal or just plain crazy??? I'd prefer to call it fit-scal planning. :drinker:

    Swiss, I'm really glad that you are enjoying the biking! I have a steel blue/ silver Cannondale Synapse road bike. I use every one of the 27 speeds with all the hilly terrain we have around here.

    Tex, I should post my Grandson's pix. I think you'd rather look at a "younger", more handsome man!

    Have a great day!
  • mkwood10
    Happy Tuesday morning to all!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I'm sorry to report that summer seems to have left Kansas.......thermometer this morning was 57° :grumble: :grumble: :noway: with a forecast high of 77° :grumble: :grumble: I'm not ready for fall yet!!!!!!!:noway: :noway:

    Feeling pretty good today. Scale last night at Curves was 127.5 - YEAH!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Burned over 450 calories - YES!!!

    Was very good this weekend; couldn't snack all day Saturday- hard to snack on the back of a motorcycle at 50+mph!!:laugh: :laugh: Too cold for the lake, so rode almost 300 miles with a friend. Very strange to have chaps and leather jacket on in August........

    Sunday was too busy cleaning/laundry to snack, and behaved at supper on the neighbor's deck- no snacks and 1 burger without cheese, ear of sweetcorn, tiny bit of grilled sweet potato (awesome- everyone needs to try it) and spinach salad with homemade dressing. My neighbor's a vegetarian, and I've yet to find something she makes that I don't like!! I always feel guilty because I don't cook as healthy as she does, so I usually end up providing most of the meat for meals- her husband appreciates that, as he's still a meat eater with us!! :tongue: :ohwell: :happy:
    Have a great day all!!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    MmmMmmMmm grilled sweet potatoes! I love them. Sweet potato is one of the most nutritious foods you can eat, so don't be afraid to have them. They do awesome things for your hair and skin, and they taste so good! I usually slice a large one up, wrap in foil and throw on the grill for about 25 min. That way I have some for a few meals. YUMMY!!!!! :drinker:

    Thanks everyone for the nice comments about my new picture. :blush: Next time, I'll have one taken closer up.