

  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    Hello everyone. Things have been very hectic the last couple of weeks. I am not going to try and catch up on the posts but will continue from here. Weight has stayed the same. Hope everyone has a wondeful Friday.

  • sdarst
    sdarst Posts: 3
    I just started a new regime this week and so want to keep going this time. I need support. I am 59 and really out of shape. I have walked 1 mile every night this week. I am actually proud of myself!
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hello Ladies:

    Happy Friday. Hope you all are doing well. I am so glad the weekend is here, this has seemed like such a long week for some reason :noway:

    Laura - Your are doing so well, almost to half way; Yay :drinker:

    katie - I hope you can kick start your plateau. I also take topomax for my migraines; I take 300 mgs a day and have for many years but it is not doing too much for me, hope it is helping you :smile:

    jellyfishjen - When you find your mojo (and you will) - want to send some my way please :flowerforyou:

    Barbiecat - I think you need to change your name to Wise Owl :wink:

    Walker - I hope you enjoy your trip to NYC. I have only been there once and it was on New Year's Eve to Time's Square and that was so exciting :drinker:

    Jean - Yep, I think you should be "Wife of the Year" :flowerforyou:

    Nancy - Hope your foot is coming along otherwise we'll be seeng you as the Planter's Peanut with a cane selling peanuts out of the trunk of your car for a living :wink:

    Madeline - Welcome :smile:

    Pigote - Welcome and if you are looking for motivation, keep coming back, you will find plenty of motivation here :tongue:

    SusanAnn - Welcome :smile:

    I went to see my oldest son and DIL with the 2 kidlets again last night. I was dropping off stuff that they are "inheriting" due to our move. Heck, why not let someone who wants it have it? My DIL was thrilled to get some of the bedding that she inherited, which I am glad about. We will meet up again next week when we will have more "stuff" for them again.

    Anyway, gonna run for now. Take care and talk later.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    :laugh: Hello Ladies
    I'm just checking in as I am also at work. I have good new and that is I am down 2 pounds this morning. :bigsmile:

    Jellyfishjen: you ask about Walnuts , here is what I found, they are rich in fiber , b Vitamins and Magnesium and antioxidents such as Vitamin E. also they have ALA ( omega fatty acids) that lower your cholesteral.

    laura congrats on your 1.4 loss

    Barbie: have fun dancing

    Jane: I am 56 and I have night sweets , back hurts, heavy peroid, mood swings, boobs hurts right befor my peroid starts. I told a friend that I think my body is trying to get even with me for all that I have put it though! :laugh: now some times I wake up 2 or 3 times a night and look at the clock. I think that it is all normal stuff that a lot of women go though. on my profile I put that I need a new body , this one is used! :bigsmile: Now with all that said that is the reason I started MFP, I didn't what to be one of those women that just sit around and get old! We are all in this together. :flowerforyou: and we can work though it together. sleep is important so if you drink caffine you may need to cut back and if you think you are not getting enough sleep then you might ask your dr. about it. hope you are feeling better soon.

    MinawP: sorry to hear of your hubby's Grandmother, will pray for you all.

    well i had better get back to work , I will try to check back later. hope you all have a wonderful day
  • jancraig
    jancraig Posts: 2 Member
    I have been lurking on MFP for a while but would love to join your group.

    I lost about 60 lbs a few years ago and last year regained about 30 lbs after an injury.

    I am determined to lose that 30 plus the final 20 that will get me to my goal weight.

    My goals for April - walk 10,000 steps a day and eat within my alloted calorie count.:drinker:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi

    The meeting on Wednesday wasn't too bad, lunch was provided so instead of my salad I ate a few small sandwices instead :embarassed: I did eat fruit afterwards though. I ate the salad on Thursday lunchtime instead :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Thanks Barbiecat, I tried really hard to let go of the negative thoughts during the meeting and I'm sure it helped. I felt a lot calmer than I had for a few days.

    I'll try and catch up with the posts, but for now I am trying t concentrate on logging my food.

    Bye for now

    Viv x
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Happy Friday from the “big city”.

    I’m still at my parent’s house in the city, DH is coming to get me on Saturday. It’s a five hour drive between our homes, and because the doctor is here I’ll be making the trip a few more times in the next couple of months. I'm looking forward to getting home because I have lots of crafts and things to keep me busy there.

    My mother (who is 83 – did I mention that?) is very cool. :glasses: She gets her hair washed and set every Friday morning. She’s been doing that as long as I can remember. Today she’s going from the salon to her bridge club to somewhere. She left the house at about 9:30 and “I might not be back until 3:30 or 4:00…” were her parting words.

    I am left with a ¾ finished New York Times crossword puzzle. Clue #100 down: “Deutsch marks?” :huh: Letters: U - - - - - S. Ideas?

    Lessons from the crutches. Do not try to multitask. :noway: Not a good idea because falling over hurts! I have to organize myself one-step-at-a-time. It’s a challenge to make myself slow down and take care.

    Jane, it sounds like your recovery from knee surgery is going well. That workout in the pool & gym must have felt really good.

    Barbie, “I’ve had all the alone time I can stand” :flowerforyou: When’s Jake due home?

    When I follow the New Rules of Lifting routine my workout takes 30 – 45 minutes because it includes only five difference exercises in sets of 2 or 3. When I follow the workout I got from the trainer at the gym it takes me about an hour and a half! The bottom line, I figure, is to include two big leg exercises :explode: (lunges & squats, for example), two upper body exercises and one or two core exercises.

    Cathy, I think I’d look kind of cute in the Planter’s Peanut guy outfit! :bigsmile:

    I'm off to see if I can get this wheel chair onto the deck and enjoy some sunshine.

    Hasta pronto,

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hey, did I tell you that when the nurse weighed me in pre-op on Tuesday I was 2 pounds lighter than the last time I weighed myself at home?

    Not sure what that signifies, but I'll take it. :bigsmile:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    So much happens while I sleep, posts that is. Thats what happens when in a different time zone.

    Starting to feel so much better, post pneumonia. Still just walking and trying to do it daily, slow but I'm happy to make a start. Still having trouble keeping calories under control. Hoping I will find my mojo on one of my walks.

    :heart: MadelineHere - welcome. Planning and preparing your meals is a big thing. I know I fail at the moment with it. It takes time but slowly those around you get the hang of it. If I need my husband or daughter to shop I give them a detailed list. I have been healthy eating for nearly 2 years now and yes they have got the hang of it and are also making better choices.

    :flowerforyou: rpphillip - thanks for the info on walnuts. I really want to keep learning on whats best for our bodies and try to put the good fuel in. I'm actually pretty good on most things and fuel up well but I seem to want to decorate the good with the bad.

    I have been in the city (Sydney CBD) for the last couple of days. I always come in thursday to work and I stay overnight with my daughter. She has a small studio unit right in the middle of the CBD. Great location for her to get to her many jobs but bad for me. Its an old building no lift, she is on the top floor, 100 stairs. Yes I know that should be good, but I'm over them. At the bottom of her stairs is a chocolate shop in every direction. Very close. 4 within a stones throw. Then there are the food halls and cafes. I plan on going for a walk today to my favourite bookshop, but the walk is an obstacle course of delicious temptations. There is a book shop extremely close maybe I could go to it today if I am feeling myself being tempted. I am hoping to get the book The Happiness Project.

    Tonight daughter and I are off to the ballet. We haven't been to a ballet in ages and are very excited. She is a dancer (showgirl style) and we love to go. We usually get the cheap seats up the back. But my sisters friend has kindly given us hers as she can no longer go due to a death in the family. She bought the really good seats.

    Well time to shut down this computer and get myself moving for the day. So far a nice sunny saturday in Sydney. Will go down these darn stairs and then back up. A reverse of what goes up must come down. I could stay in here all day away from temptations and watch television. Better for the soul to go out.
  • cindysuew
    cindysuew Posts: 19 Member
    Glad to be back on board after a few years absence. I'm all in this time! Determined to lose this extra weight and be the person I want to be for me!!!
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    hi newbies:happy: and faithful MFP peeps.:drinker:
    I've had a stressful week at work but on the upward swing now. whew!:flowerforyou:
    finally reached the UNDER 200 mark.....happy girl. it was a goal to reach :smile:
    now the next level.....189. I think "pound incriments" helps me to keep focused.

    have a great week everyone. we are going to have our first triple digits this weekend into monday (over 100 for three days in a row). it's too early for that......but it is what it is.:sad:

    looking forward to seeing all the posts, suggestions and tips from you all.

    determined in AZ (Barb)
  • nickelsu
    nickelsu Posts: 1
    Well I have been on a plateau for months now so maybe its time to join you to get me moving in the right direction again. I need to get up early 4 days per week and exercise for 30 minutes with my daughters. I will let you know how it goes. Tommorrow we made a pact to walk/jog at 7AM. Hope the weather is good!
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    I had a great w /o this am...kettleworx resistance and then I did 8 & 10 lb dumbbells for triceps, shoulders and biceps. Many years ago I found this book by Joyce somebody (we call it the scary lady book:laugh: it is very 80's workout gear) but it has great exercises and her method made a lot of sense to me...when I want to tone up my upper body I always go back to her. I am starting to play with my daily calories amounts...trying to find the happy medium (aren't we all) between enough for good food but also some treats and wine!!

    Thanks for all the info on the clean eating...that is what I need to work on next, but I find for myself changes only work if I make small adjustments and make those small adjustments the new normal.

    Have a fun weekend planned...massage tomorrow and Sunday hopefully opening the summer camp aka my mental health fix.
    Gotta run, battery dyinga:heart: Jen
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jake called me at 5 AM to say that he was about to leave the motel and start on the 660 mile drive home…..he planned to drive for no more than eight hours and stay in a motel overnight and drive the rest of the way tomorrow. I substitute taught the beginner line dance class this afternoon (after going to my regular beginner class in the morning). When I came out of the afternoon class, there was a text from Jake saying that he was safe and asking me to call him when I got home. Imagine my surprise when I pulled into the garage and saw his car there……so I called him.

    :bigsmile: He had been home long enough to walk and feed the dogs (yippee) and was hungry and suggested going out to dinner so we went to our favorite Thai restaurant and had swimming rama….I ate half and brought the rest home for Jake to have for lunch tomorrow.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: My current favorite wise words from “The Happiness Project” “Act the way I want to feel”

    :bigsmile: Jellyfishjen, I wasn’t going to reply to anyone individually but I have to tell you how darling your cat is…..what a great picture.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, you’re right, I’m doing too many exercises for the same body parts….SWSY says the routine should take about 40 minutes so if I eliminate a few things, I can get it down to that time….one of my old ideas that I want to get rid of is that more is better. :laugh: the new idea has to be that less is more :bigsmile:

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: I am tired and planning to go to bed as soon as I finish a few computer tasks.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington state where it has been sort of sunny all day.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Barbie: What a nice surprise! Glad your Jake is home safely. Enjoy your weekend together:flowerforyou:

    Everyone else too! Make good healthy choices and enjoy your time doing whatever you are doing this weekend:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Laura - yup, I bought a cake. It's one of the ones with the edible picture on it. Well, sometimes you just gotta splurge. Called them today, I'm going to have them write on the top "newcomers bowlers" and on the bottom "scoring big"

    Did an hour of HIIT on the elliptical today. Tomorrow yoga. I'm going to make a banana spice cake and give 1/2 to the guy who is going to look into hopefully being able to get the thread. It's really not a big deal. I'll give some to the bowling alley and the rest to the Y. I also downloaded a recipe for vanilla frosting which I might try.

    Welcome jane and nickelsu! Keep posting, this is a very good group

    Did HIIT this morning, then a little food shopping (because the store is on my way to mahjongg), played mahjongg, then bowled, then to Sam's and got the shrimp. I was very surprised to find that they sell shrimp but they don't sell cocktail sauce. I'm hoping another store sells it, if not, I guess I'll have to make some. Tomorrow yoga. I've already planned my breakfast.

    This is going to be a very short post. Don't ask me to explain it, but earlier tonight suddenly I got this teriffic cramp in my stomach. Haven't had some in a while, but I'm going to just lay down.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hi Everyone :love: :love:

    My son is in town this weekend from college so not much posting for me :bigsmile:

    But yes Michelle I am definitely eating my 1200 calls and also changing up my workout and doing the interval work outs, talked to a personal trainer today and she gave me some good advice about interval workouts so going to start that tomorrow. Im on a mission!!!

    Cant remember who was asking about night sweats and insomnia ??? But I do suffer from that from time to time, try Estrovin I think its called, I get it at Costco...works pretty good...Im 51 and I will get a period, then not get one for 3-4 months then get 2 in a month then go 3-4 months with out one grrrrrr. the biggest issue I have is menopausal migraines which started when I was 46...aint menopause fun :sad:

    I hope you all have wonderful weekend :glasses: :glasses: We are having unusually warm summer like weather here in La Quinta California (Palm Springs area) 110 today!!! 93 tonight!!!!!

    Healthy eating lovely ladies :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I GOT THE HAPPINESS PROJECT BOOK. SO HAPPY. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Happy weekend to you all.

    Barb, I'm being a little better about living in the moment - it's helping and I'm adjusting to not seeing some of my loved ones and concentrating on the ones that I AM seeing.

    I'm just about to leave for work, so I'd better go and get my wellies on. Considering we are in drought at present, we are getting monumental amounts of rain!

    Trying to eat a little more to stop my weight from dropping, so I'm taking a few extras to work such as almonds and baby cheeses.

    Be well, my friends.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Mazaron - is it umlauts?
