40+ Club - Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Sweet potatoes!!! I usually spray aluminum foil with olive oil spray, add a bit of dry rosemary/ garlic seasoning (I buy it at Sam's), wrap it up and bake. As Cardi, I make extra for leftovers! MK- it's good to hear from you!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    String... 301 push ups!!! way to go! How many can you do at once?:happy:

    Sing... I would have never thought to put rosemary and garlic on a sweet potato. But then again I've only had them on Thanksgiving when my mother makes them with brown sugar and marshmellows on top. I don't think those kind are very healthy.:laugh:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Tron, when I bake the sweet potatoes, I bake them whole, not sliced. The olive oil spray & seasoning flavors the outside of the potato. The potato is nice and flavorful so you don't need butter, salt, or anything else, so you will save a lot of cals. We usually eat it with some chicken or fish and some steamed veg. Makes a wonderful dinner!

    Stiring & Alf, my fav X workout is chest/ back (pushup & pullup). Yes, I can easily get in 300+ pushups and 50+ pullups in during the workout. Then it is hard to lift my arms!!!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Sing, I bake sweet potatoes too, but smaller ones. It's been so hot lately that throwing them on the grill seemed a better option, so I slice them to get them to cook faster! I'll have to try the seasonings you mentioned. Sounds good!

    Another way I like to cook them is to slice them into wedges, toss with a bit of olive oil, and roast them in the oven. I do this a lot in the winter when I make baked chicken. YUM!!!

    I agree though, sweet potatoes are so flavorfull that they don't need butter or salt or anything on them!
  • TexasMom
    Happy Tuesday Everyone,

    Getting back into a daily workout schedule so I'm starting slow. I ran/walked 2.25 miles yesterday and today did 28 mins TurboJam and 23 mins stationary bike. I feel good and am looking forward to beginning a push next week. Want to get my daily calorie burn back up to 600+ over the next two weeks so I can start to make some progress again.

    Alf - thanks for looking out for me. Looks like you've been doing great and it's good to hear you're moving away from the daily food log to see how you do. I was happily surprised to see how well I did the last few months without logging my intake. I must have learned enough about portion size the few months I was logging to know what looked too big. :laugh:

    Sing - I'm sorry to hear about your injury but glad you're in recovery. I know you must miss your bike. I sure did over the summer, although I must admit the 67 days of over 100 degrees would have done me in anyhow. I would love to have the cool weather you guys are getting. Alf and I have seen a cool down the last couple of days thanks to the hurricane off west coast of Mexico. We're only in the mid 90's. What a cold front. :laugh: :laugh: And yes, post a pic of your grandson, I'd love to see the handsome guy. :wink:

    Stiring - I read the updates today about the fires. Your in my prayers as are all those families that have lost everything. Will the El Nino effect your weather in a good way or bad this fall? For us it's supposed to get us out of this horrid drought which will mean a lot of flash flooding I'm sure. It would nice if it brought rain your way as well to get those forest areas wet again.

    All the talk about push ups and pull ups make me feel weak. I better get a move on and see if I can't bring on some competition in about 6 months. And btw.... planning your workouts over the next 6 or 9 months sounds good to me. I know some would call it obsessive but when you feel so good about your health I believe you enjoy your vacations even more.

    Sweet potatoes..... I love them!!! They have so much flavor on their own and are so good for us. I just wish the rest of my family concurred. I bake, broil, boil, grill and microwave them. Whatever that day brings.

    Well I'm off to pickup the daughter from school. It's her senior year and she has way too much going on. Her dad is getting her a car soon but I'm not sure that will help me. She's a genious that gets lost in deep analytical thought and I'm concerned about that happening when she's driving. :noway: At least she's smart enough to know texting and talking while driving are a no no. She had a friend nearly killed this summer because the friend was texting while driving and lost control straight into a tree. The girl was lucky, the doctors said she'll recover but she has pins, screws and plates in both legs, her hip and one arm. She had a full scholarship to play college softball and now the coaches are only guaranteeing her freshman year to see how she heals. Sad day!!!

    Blessings to all of you!!!!
  • Texssippian
    Texas Mom: Beautiful baby. I think now in Texas it is against the law to text and drive? I could not believe it when I said something to my very responsible daughter after five girls got killed when the driver who was texting swerved into a semi heading the other way, that my very responsible daughter said she did not text "that much" while driving. I told her I would take away the phone or break all her fingers if she ever texted while driving again! I remember when the debate was young drivers listening to rock music while driving... Old me!

    I love sweet potatoes too! My mother hates them and never served them when I was growing up (also hated liver which is fine with me. Husband and my father used to get together to eat liver before my husband had his quadruple bypass...)

    Yea everyone! I want to get a real bike too! Daughter has one in Austin and rides to campus every day. Austin is very bike friendly, very fitness minded.

    We had the trainer push us (more my husband than me) hard last night on cardio, at my request. My husband still equates hard work on the treadmill with a stress test at the cardiologist's office. Trainer is trying to help him work through that. Husband is a psychologist, he should be able to get it!

    Whenever I got out to eat, I make it a point to drink lots of water (fills you up). I only eat half of whatever is served. I don't do it, but I have read to ask for the "to go" box as soon as the food comes out and put half of it there right away. My semi-"green" self says I should bring my own plastic container and put half of the food in that before starting to eat. Other trick at a buffet is to only use a small plate. I also do that at home.

    Brother-in-law is getting out of the ICU into the transplant step-down unit today! Liver transplant was last Wednesday night. I offered to go to New Orleans this weekend so my sister and and his mother could both be home in Mississippi. His mom said she wanted to "save" me until he is discharged to help get them set up in a temporary apartment in New Orleans close to the hospital. Prayers to all the families who have opted to donate organs and all the people who sign up for organ donation. Never thought my family would be able to get such an incredible gift.

    Son is getting settled in San Francisco. Got his desk top packed and shipped out today. Still have a load of clothes to send out.

    Thank you all for your support, prayers and encouragement. It helping a great deal with the healthy lifestyle quest but also all the other stuff stuff. TxMs
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    Hey all. Another busy day for me here but finally get a chance to check-in!

    mkwood, congrats on the weight! You are doing great! I'm sorry it has turned chilly there. My family is in Denver, and they've been going through the same thing (pretty much all summer as a matter of fact). Seems a bit early to be experiencing those cooler temps to me.

    I'll have to try grilled sweet potato sometime. I'm not a sweet potato fan (at all!), but my tastes are changing as I get older, and I'm finding it good to go back and revisit some foods I've never enjoyed to see if I now enjoy them...especially if they are prepared differently. I know my husband loves sweet potato, so he would be happy to grill some up for me. :smile:

    tron, I'm not sure how many pushups I can do at once right now....more than 35 is all I know (because that's how many I do at one time in P90X, and I stop because the time runs out). But it wouldn't be much more than 35. :tongue:

    singfree, we really are long lost siblings, aren't we? I thought it would sound so weird to mention I was planning my workouts for next year already! I'm so happy to hear I'm not alone!! And I don't like to think of it as crazy or anal. I would call it.....um.....having goals. Yeah, that sounds good, right? :bigsmile: Anyhow, thanks for the info on Insanity. The way things look, I'm going to have to cut short my recovery weeks during P90X by a couple of days, then I'll do the full rotation of Insanity and go right into STS. I'm not so worried about that transition since Insanity is more cardio than resistance training, and if my body needs recovery from the impact during that first week of STS, I will be able to give it a rest while still doing the first week of resistance training. Well, at least that's what I'm hoping right now. We'll see how this plays out over the next few months.

    TexasMom, thanks for your kind thoughts about the fires. We remain unaffected. They are saying that El Nino is supposed to bring cooler temps and more rain this fall for these parts. People are really hoping that is the case, especially now. LA has been in a drought for a decade, and this year has been very bad in terms of rain. Given the fires over the past week, I am one who is hoping for a cooler, rainy autumn.

    I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's friend. I don't understand the whole driving while texting thing, but, then again, I think cell phones shouldn't be used while driving at all. Of course, they banned talking on cell phones while driving here in California, but when they wrote the bill, they didn't include texting. So for a good number of months, you couldn't talk on a cell phone, but you could text. :noway: They since changed the law, but it has had absolutely no impact on what drivers do. There are simply too many cars on the road to properly police such a law. Very unfortunate.

    Texssippian, I've heard the same thing about asking for a take-home container in a restaurant before you even start eating. But here's my problem with that. Eating out is a rare thing for me, and something I only want to do for special events. So I don't actually want the food for a second day! I know that sounds strange (I've been sounding that way alot lately, haven't I?), but I don't actually want two meals from my restaurant meal....I just want one. So I've heard you can ask for half portions as well, which seems like a better option for me. But I haven't been brave enough to do that yet! :blushing: I just find eating out in restaurants more frustrating that what it's worth anymore, to be honest. That being said, I'm eating out Friday because my husband and I are going to a Chargers game (pre-season, of course). But I already have the restaurant picked out and my meal planned. Yeah, I'm a little strange, aren't I? :ohwell:

    Anyhow, I did P90X Shoulders/Arms today. I really tried to push it, though my arms felt like they weighed 100 pounds each when I started the workout (probably from Sunday's workout). I did manage to up my weight in a couple of categories and felt like I had a really good workout. I topped it with ARX and then a 60 minute cardio session. The heat has been complimented by humidity today (I don't know if that has anything to do with hurricane in Baja or not....I just know it is humid here), so I feel a bit wiped out tonight. I'm drinking as much water as I can, and I'll enjoy a good healthy Greek Salad with chicken for dinner so, hopefully, tomorrow I'll feel fully energized. Tomorrow is yoga day....not my favorite, but it might be a good thing after today's tougher workout.

    Hope this finds everybody doing well! Enjoy your evening. :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I am very thankful that the auditor is finished with us at work. We had a nice gentleman from England auditing our quality systems at work the past two days. The problem was, we had pastries in the morning and went to an Italian restaurant for lunch. BAD FOOD CHOICE ALERT!!!! Needless to say, looking at the food, I had as little resistance to it as I would if Catherine Zeta Jones walked by....

    My Insanity workout suffered a bit. I was feeling sluggish and not into it at all. After that I took a short bike ride. Today I start fresh. My body is rebelling against junk food, so I will try to give it what it needs and deserves!

    I hope everyone has a great day and I will check in later!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello gang!!! All that talk about sweet potatoes is making me crave them. I LOVE sweet potatoes and grilled, even better! Another MFPer puts cottage cheese and cinammon on them. I have not tried the cottage cheese yet but they are delicious with cinammon. Mmmmm!!!

    Day 2 of not counting calories, so far so good but too early to tell if it will work out for me. I did yoga today. I improved in a lot of the poses. I cannot do crane yet. :noway: Can you Stiring? It is a tough one. I have not taken the time to count how many pushups I do on chest and back but I do not do all of them on my toes, that is for sure. I cannot do one diamond one on my toes. I have a weak upper body, well, not so much anymore, but pushups have only been challenging for me. I love the fact that I have to do them so much now, so there is hope.

    Gotta go to work. Nice to hear from all of you and all the wonderful news!!!!! HUGS!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hello, all!!! I'm back!

    Thanks so much for thinking of me while I was away!:flowerforyou: It took me quite a while to catch up on everything- 2 weeks is a long time to be away!

    S0.... FANTASTIC TRIP!!!!!!! I really appreciated all of the advice. I printed out all of the recs to take with me!:laugh: Although Vienna is a great city, and Salzburg and the Wachau are beautiful, I really loved Germany and Switzerland.

    Our highlights-- boat ride and cycling along the Danube- boat from Krems to Spitz and cycle back. Was perfect for the younger one.

    --Konigsee- took boat trip to St. Bart's church; wish we had been prepared to swim- it was very hot and the lake stunning!

    --really, really loved Garmisch-Part.:love: Took cable car to top of Zugspitze. Unbelievably gorgeous!! Kids had a great time playing on the glacier-- snow in August!!! Had a beer (or 2:blushing: ) at the summit.

    --the castles- Hopsberg and Belvedere palaces in Vienna; Herrenchiemsee; Neuschwanstein-- WOW

    --hiking up to the fortresses in Durnstein and Salzburg

    --paddle boat rides on lakes Luzern and Zurich

    I could write pages!!!!

    As for fitness and diet--- can you translate those words?? My motto was beer and chocolate daily. No problem!!!!:drinker: The chocolate was mainly limited to bites of the kids' treats, but the beer....oh well! Because we tried to stay in more budget hotels, the sleeping wasn't really that great-- too hot or too loud or too bright. Oh well.:grumble: The rooms were clean, if spartan. Stayed in a wonderful hotel in Zurich- my only splurge-- the Ambassador Hotel, across the street from the opera. Since we hiked, walked, cycled most days, I did not bring myself to get up early to run. C'est la vie. Sorry, can't speak German, don't know the correct phrase!

    So, now that I'm back to my life, started Insanity yesterday. I think I did pretty well on the fit test. Matched most of the initial reps from the 2 in the DVD. Plyo cardio circuit today- pretty hard but mainly feeling the lack of exercise in the past 2 weeks! My legs were killing me! The worked out with trainer- more weight and core focus as my legs were still shaking!!:laugh: :noway:

    Must give a shout-out to texxassipian-- many good thoughts for your BIL's speedy recovery from transplant! So glad to hear he got a liver in time!

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Welcome back, April!!! We sure missed you around here. Actually, there were more than a few envious people wishing they were there too!!

    I'm so glad everything worked out for your German vacation. And I'm sure that you ONLY drank the beer to keep cool!!! :drinker: Please, more travelogue!!! Did you see Melk Stift (Abbey) & Munich? I'm really getting excited for my vacation to Germany & Austria next year.

    Glad you're back safely !!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    Welcome back, april! Your trip sounds amazing. As singfree said, please share more! So glad you enjoyed the beer and chocolate as well. No trip to Europe would be complete without enjoying the local cuisine, right? :happy:

    Best of luck on Insanity as well. Keep us posted on how you are doing with that.

    I figured out how to get through at least half of YogaX without wanting to jump out a window this morning....and that was by totally and completely exhausting myself with 80 minutes of intense cardio intervals before I started it. :laugh: I was too tired to think about how bored I was with the yoga until that first section was almost over! Anyhow, I managed to get through all 90 minutes.

    And, alf, I don't even try The Crane. That would put way more pressure on my shoulder joint than I can handle, so the minute Tony says 'You can do Childs Pose'....I do childs pose. At least my shoulder is my excuse and I'm sticking with it. :bigsmile: The program is getting easier for me, though I still struggle on some of the poses. I love the balance section (minus The Crane) and always look forward to that part of the program. I just continue to wish the 'Warrior' phase (as I call the first 45 minutes) was about half as long.

    alf, keep us posted on how the whole not counting calories thing goes. I have no doubt you'll do fine because you have the right frame of mind going into this.

    I started previewing the DVDs for the recovery week and the next phase of P90X yesterday. I'm cutting my recovery short (I'll start Phase 2 next Wednesday), so I'll probably only be able to do Core Synergistics once (that's the DVD I previewed yesterday). That looks like a good, solid workout, though, and I'm looking forward to doing it.

    Still eating clean and all that boring stuff. :wink: Hope everybody is having a good day!
  • mkwood10
    April....your trip sounds WONDERFUL!! I'm so glad you had an awesome time!!!

    Thanks to everybody for all the sweet potato comments - this weekend was the first time I'd eaten them except at family holiday gatherings when they're smothered in butter and marshmallows (yuk!!):noway: I'm definitely adding them to my grocery list! My neighbor microwaves them for a few minutes, then slices them in half, brushes olive oil on them and then just grills them for a few minutes to get the "grill marks" , grill flavor and crispier outside to them...........yummmm!!!:love::love:

    I'm still going to Curves every week; I try for 3 times, but don't freak out if I only make it twice. I'll probably never break the 500 calories burned mark, but it's a good workout that works everything in a short period of time. I'm hoping to also start walking again on alternate evenings, IF I can drag the hubby out with me! He needs it:laugh: :laugh: . Don't get me wrong - I love Curves and probably will never give it up, but I know I need to incorporate more exercise into my days if I'm EVER going to lose these last 7 pounds!!:grumble: :grumble: I did find ONE good thing about the cooler weather we've been having - I am happy to report that I've discovered a couple pairs of work pants that are looser in the waist than they were when I stopped wearing them when it got hot! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: So, even though the scale doesn't say much for weight loss, the inches are shifting - YEAH!!!!! :happy:

    Headed to Curves tonight after a visit to the chiropractor. Feeling a little stiff and sore and he's closed from tonight until Tuesday, so don't want to spend the long weekend in pain!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    April, willkommen :drinker: :drinker: Did you think about us when you were in Garmisch P?? My favorite place in Germany!!! I am so glad you had a wonderful time with your family.

    MK, 500 cals is not bad at all!! :drinker: :drinker: And losing inches!! GREAT!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Stiring, how come you are not doing the entire recovery week?...I will miss not being on the same schedule as you. :cry: But that is ok... I still want to follow it as recommended and see what results I get.

    My sweet potato craving was so intense I ended up making oven fried sweet potatoes. Sooooooooo delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yummy!!!! I saved some for tomorrow's lunch. I am going on a run later this evening. It is still hot out there but oh well...(93 degrees when I get out at 7:30pm Yikes :noway: )

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    My husband took me out on a date last night, the first in a VERY long time. First we went to the movies to see District 9. Of course we had popcorn and soda, both I probably have once a year. Then to dinner where I had a pasta/chicken Alfredo thing with garlic bread. I only had two or three bites and my stomach hurt so I brought the rest home. The waitress told me to sautee it when I reheat or the sauce will separate. Never even thought of how the sauce was made until today. I went to reheat it and it was nothing but oil. The sauce separated and it was about 5 or 6 tbs. oil and cheese.... YUCK!!!!! I am so glad I didn't eat that stuff. I will never ever order that again.
  • Texssippian
    Tron: My son and husband went to District 9, Too weird for me. I like to go to chick flicks (about once every two years...) Miss our neighborhood video store that had great old movies. We always watched them on the installment plan: part one night, par tthe next night. Good for you to leave the oil laden food behind...

    April: Welcome back! So glad it was great trip. Thank you for the kind words on my BIL. He is on the transplant step down unit. They did a sonogram today and decided that his arteries to the transplanted liver look great and they took him off of heprin. Brought him a big box of pills to start learning how to manage his meds on his own. His golf course where he is the superintendent had a benefit golf tournament for him today. www.carlspackler.org

    Stiring: OK, I admit, I don't eat the leftovers from a restaurant meal. My husband takes them for lunch or son inhaled them when he was home. I went out to lunch today and ate 1 of 2 spinach enchiladas. Husband is eating the other for supper tonight.

    Wore a suit today that I could not fit into when I bought it two years ago. Now it is getting too big. Yea!
    Need to be more diligent with the exercise. Still seeking the replacement for river aerobics. Take care all!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    MK, I think that you are doing well with your exercising! Keep it up...it may seem that the weight is coming off painfully slow, but it will happen !!

    Tron, Alfredo sauce is the Devil!!! It tastes sooo good, but it is a heart attack in every bite. When I read how much fat & cals are in a plate of it, I swore off the stuff right then and there. Actually, eating really rich foods now makes me sick. My system is geared up for real, wholesome foods and when I eat junk, I feel lousy!!

    Tex, it's good to hear the encouraging news about your BIL. Now you can make your tailor rich with all of those alterations of the "too big" clothing!!! Money well spent!!

    Alf, I love baked sweet potato fries too. I hope it cools down pretty soon for you in TX. The weather is lovely here. Days 75-80, Nights 50-55 degrees. I just hate the thoughts of really cold weather in a few months. Maybe I'll move to San Antonio for the winter!! Maybe GW and Laura canput me up at the ranch!!

    Stiring, you are right on about Yoga X. I still have not gotten thru a whole session of that. BORING!!! Sure, I would like to be more flexible, but long sessions of stretching and posing drives me crazy. I need to keep moving. You will really like Core Syn. It works the core hard and you can feel the effects of the workout even the next day. Banana rolls are my fav.

    I am now at work, leaving at 4 pm, and will be back here again for 11 pm to fill in for a supervisor. At least I will be finished at 7 am tomorrow morning and have a nice long holiday weekend!!! Send me good thoughts tonight!!

    Have a great day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    BUENOS DIAS!!!!! :drinker: Legs/back and abs today for me!!! Done!!! :drinker: Going to work soon. :grumble: My grandbaby is coming in tonight until Sat evening. :drinker: Cant wait to see her. I saw her last in July. :grumble: We are planning to go to Sea World on Sat to splash in the pool. Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Good Golly Miss Molly! :noway: :noway:
    This is why you don't let yourself get behind on MFP!! Hello Everyone!! Sitting here feeling double guilt...
    1. So behind on MFP
    2. Not doing what I should to catch upo around the house!

    Remedy.. Catch up on MFP. I need the inspiratiopn and hopefully that will up my energy for all the other things that need doing! :bigsmile:

    HUGE Thankgiving Texsip - for your BIL's transplant may God continue the healing :flowerforyou: and my prayers are with all of you as you support each other in his trasistion to better health and life!

    Cardgirl Way to go - love you on the beach. I began with a before photo on the beach to inspire change. Maybe I will join you and Alf with an after (5 pounds from now?)

    Congrads TexMom!! A Grandbaby- He's a doll!! :heart: :heart: What a Blessing!

    Cute pic of the kids Anna - I like getting out to the Gym - just haven't been lately :cry: :cry: To many chores and not enough discipline! - Right now this time on MFP has been my best health work-out!

    Sing - You are so out of my league - excercise wise. Love to see your passion about doing what is so good for you - Alf, and String I have you on that same exercise pedestal. My life seems to take over and exercise (and Bible devotions) seem to be the first things to go! I will not give up - Lots of great inspiration right here, THANKS!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Zebra, I'm glad you enjoyed your trip to Niagra! Saw the falls myself for the first time this July, WOW!! Don't worry about little bits of side tracking, We are all learning balance! You have made so much progress, keep it up.

    Tron, I am a sweetened coffee drinker too. Love that flavored creamer! Only thing, I actually took up coffee just lately having a cup several times a week. I think it's Starbucks fault! :grumble: Or the need for a bit of a pick-mre-up!:grumble:

    Okay - my two bits on Baked Sweet Potatoe Fries. Love them with wasabi mustard. Not sure how healthy that is but - delicious!!

    Life lately? Doing a lot of things not very well - Wedding planning, laundry, tons of company, lots of travel(leave for Cali tomorrow), laundry,20 year old son moved out (and then there were 6!),laundry, GEMS Girl Club training event for 160 women -actually that went very well! Generally need to get my life back in order! Guess I better get going on - you guessed it? LAUNDRY!!! You have to understand how much dirty clothing is produced by farm families! That and good milk and produce!

    Feel so much better already about getting back in here. The eating has actually been pretty under control. Now to get back to excercise 3-4 times a week. I have been enjoying 10 miles on the bike with a friend once a week. The weather has been great!

    Hello to all, hope to keep up with you a bit better - that will make these posts just a bit shorter!:tongue::tongue:

    Love to you all Hoosiermomma!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hoosier, you are doing great and your pix look great too! It is tough to balance all the things life throws at you. Kids, weddings, Church activities, and all the everyday stresses adds up fast! I've been thinking about getting some inspirational audio books that I can listen to while I am out walking or riding my bike. You will find a way to get your fitness goals accomplished without sacrificing the important things in life. Over the years I've become quite good at squeezing a lot into a very little time. Sometimes what I sacrifice is sleep...:grumble:

    Keep the faith and you will accomplish your goals!!